Gambar halaman

Bible, square and compass, carried by a master of a lodge, supported by two stewards, as in No. 2, when not supported by stewards, the grand chaplain walks with the master of the lodge, who supports the bible, &c.

Grand Marshal.

Past Grand Wardens,

Past Deputy Grand Masters,
Past Grand Masters,

Chief Magistrate of the place,

Two large lights, borne by two Masters of Lodges,
Grand Wardens,

One great light, borne by a Master of a Lodge,
Deputy Grand Masters,

Master of the oldest Lodge, bearing the book of Constitutions, (as in No. 2)

Grand Deacons, with black rods, (placed as in No. 2) Grand Master,

Grand Sword Bearer, (as in No. 2)

Two Stewards, with white rods,

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Note. When two or more lodges walk in procession, they form as above, either in one body, or in separate lodges; if separately, the youngest lodge precedes the elder. The cushion, on which the Holy Writings are carried, is covered with crimson satin or velvet.

Marshals are to walk on the left of the procession.

All officers of lodges, in processions, should wear the badges of their office.

None but master masons are to wear decorated aprons. Those of the lower degrees may have an edging of silk, or a square and compass made of silk-the aprons of those of higher degrees, according to their order. Attention must be paid to colours. None but officers (who are always to be master masons) are to wear sashes; and this decoration is only for particular officers.

If a past or present grand master should join the procession of a private lodge, or deputy grand master, or the grand wardens, attention is to be paid to them. They take place after the master of the lodge. Two deacons with black rods, one on the right, and another on the left, attend a grand warden; and when a grand master is present, or deputy grand master, the bock of constitutions is borne

before him; a sword bearer follows him, and the deacons, with black rods, are placed on his right and left, at an angular distance of five feet, as in No. 2.

Musicians, if they are of the fraternity, walk in the procession, after the tyler; if not, they precede the tyler, walk on the right and left of the procession. When there is but one band, and the grand lodge attends, they follow the grand tyler.

The order of procession No. 1, is suitably formed for funerals. The cushion, on which is carried the Holy Writings, is covered with black silk or cloth: a black silk knot is placed at the end of each steward's rod-the same on the musical instruments. The procession immediately precedes the corpse.

The brethren all walk two and two, excepting such of ficers as from their station are to walk otherways.

When a new lodge is to be consecrated, &c. that lodge is always to form separately;-its place in the procession is immediately preceding the grand lodge.

On entering public buildings, &c. the Bible, square and compass, book of Constitutions, &c. are placed before the grand master. The grand marshal and grand deacons keep near him.

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Masons in Maryland.

RW.G.M. of Masons in ·

Engraved agreeably to a resolution of Cassia Lodge, N45, as a tribute of personal

regard, & of respect, for the many virtues, that adorn his Character.

fnd presented to the compiler to embellish

the present work.

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