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Adopted by the Board of State Charities, August 1, 1906; Approved
by the State Conference, October 5, 1906


The Ohio State Conference of Charities and Correction exists to discuss the problems of charities and correction, to disseminate information and promote reforms. It does not formulate platforms.


1. All persons who are interested in charities and correction may become members by registering their names and paying the annual fee.

2. The annual membership fee shall be $1.00. This fee shall entitle the members to the proceedings of the annual Conference and other publications of the Board of State Charities.

3. Any board, institution or association may enroll as such by paying an annual fee of $2.50. All persons officially connected with such boards, institutions or associations who may attend any annual conference shall be registered as members of such conference and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges thereof.

4. Membership fees shall be used for expense of securing special speakers and for compensation of reporter making stenographic report of proceedings of Conference.


The officers of the Conference shall be a President, a first Vice-President, a second Vice-President and a Secretary. The President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected annually by the Conference, and the Secretary of the Board of State Charities shall act as Secretary of the Conference.


1. The standing committees shall be an Executive Committee and such other committees as the Conference or the Executive Committee may from time to time appoint.

2. The Executive Commiteee shall consist of the President, the Secretary and six members, three of whom shall be members of the Board of State Charities to be elected annually by the Conference. The chairman of each organized section shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

3. The President, soon after the opening of the Conference, shall appoint three committees: On organization of next Conference, on time and place for next Conference, and on resolutions. Each committee shall consist of at least five members, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of State Charities.


1. The President shall be chairman ex-officio of the Executive CommitHe shall have authority to accept resignations and to fill vacancies in the list of officers and committees.


2. In case of inability of President, the Vice-Presidents in their order shall assume the duties of President until such inability is removed.

3. The Secretary shall be ex-officio Secretary of the Executive Committee and shall conduct all necessary correspondence of the Conference as directed by the Executive Committee. He shall receive all membership fees and account for the same to the Executive Committee.


1. The Executive Committee shall have charge of all affairs relating to the Conference. Four members shall constitute a quorum. A meeting may be called at any time by the President and Secretary. The Executive Committee shall appoint all necessary sub-committees, including a Local Committee at place of meeting of next Conference.

2. The Committee on Organization shall nominate all elective officers, as well as members of Executive and other standing committees. The nominations of this committee shall be subject to the action of the Conference.

3. The Committee on Resolutions shall consider all matters referred to it. Resolutions introduced in the Conference shall be referred to this committee without debate. The report of the committee shall be subject to the approval of the Conference.

4. The Committee on Time and Place shall receive all invitations for next Conference and shall report to the Conference for approval the decision in regard thereto. The Executive Committee shall have the right to change the time and place, if necessary local arrangements cannot be made.

5. The Local Committee shall provide suitable rooms for holding sessions of the Conference and make all other necessary arrangements as may be directed by the Executive Committee.

6. Sub-committees shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.


The Section Meetings are designed for familiar discussion. At the annual meeting each section shall select a chairman, vice-chairman and secretary for the following year, who in addition to the usual duties pertaining to such positions shall act as a committee on program for the section. Such committees shall co-operate with the Executive Committee in all matters pertaining to the Conference.


In the debates of the Conference, speakers shall be limited to five minutes each, except by unanimous consent, and shall not be allowed to speak twice on any one subject until all others have had an opportunity to be heard.


Unless otherwise instructed or arranged, no person shall be allowed more than fifteen minutes for reading a paper or delivering an address.


These rules shall remain in force from year to year, unless amended, and all additions or amendments shall be submitted to the Executive Committee before being acted on by the Conference.




The name of this organization shall be the Ohio Welfare Conference.


The purpose of this conference shall be to facilitate discussions of the problems and methods of practical human improvement, to increase the efficiency of agencies and institutions devoted to this cause; to disseminate information and to consider such other subjects of general social importance as may be determined upon by the conference itself.


SECTION 1. The conference shall consist of Personal and Institutional


SECTION 2. Personal members of the conference shall be all persons within the state of Ohio who subscribe to these rules and regulations by registering their names and paying the annual fee.

SECTION 3. Institutional members of the conference shall be accredited delegates from any social service institution or agency, public or private, in the state of Ohio. Each such institution or agency upon subscribing to these rules and regulations and by registering and paying the annual institutional membership fee is entitled to four delegates in the conference. Such delegates as may attend any annual or special conference shall be registered as members of such conference and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges thereof. SECTION 4. Membership shall be in the general conference and any member may enroll in as many divisions as he desires.

SECTION 5. The annual personal membership fee shall be one dollar and fifty cents, and the annual institutional membership fee shall be five dollars. Payment of dues shall entitle the personal or institution member to a copy of the proceedings of the annual conference.

SECTION 6. Membership fees shall be used for the general expenses connected with the conference.


SECTION 1. The officers of the conference shall be a president, a first vice-president, a second vice-president, a treasurer, and an executive secretary.

SECTION 2. The president, vice-presidents, and treasurer shall be elected for terms of one year each at the annual meeting of personal and institutional members. No person shall be eligible for election after the 1920 election as president, vice-president, or treasurer who has not been a member, or who does not represent an institution which has been a member of the conference during the preceding year.

The executive secretary shall be appointed annually by the executive committee.

SECTION 1. The standing committee shall be an executive committee and such other committees as the conference or the executive committee may from time to time create.

SECTION 2. The executive committee of the conference shall consist of duly elected officers of the conference, the chairman of each permanent division of the conference, and two members of the Board of State Charities selected annually by the Board of State Charities.

SECTION 3. Three committees shall be appointed as soon as practicable after the opening of the annual conference; (1) committee on nominations; (2) committee on time and place for next conference; and (3) committee on resolutions. Three members of each of these committees, one of whom shall be designated as chairman, shall be selected by the president, and one member of these committees shall be selected by the chairman of each of the permanent divisions of the conference.


SECTION 1. All officers of the conference shall perform the usual duties incident to such office.

SECTION 2. The president shall be ex-officio chairman of the executive committee. He shall have authority to accept resignations and to fill vacancies in the list of officers and committees.

SECTION 3. In case of disability of the president, the vice-presidents in their order shall assume the duties of president until such disability is removed. SECTION 4. The treasurer shall receive all funds from the executive secretary and shall make an annual financial report at a business meeting of the conference. Expenditures of funds by the treasurer shall be made only on joint order of the president and executive secretary.

SECTION 5. The executive secretary shall act as secretary of the conference and shall be ex-officio secretary of the executive committee and shall conduct all necessary correspondence of the conference as directed by the executive committee. He shall receive all membership fees and shall account for the same to the treasurer.


SECTION 1. The Executive Committee shall have charge of all affairs relating to the conference. The Executive Committee shall serve as the legislative committee of the conference. Five members shall constitute a quorum. A meeting may be called at any time by the president and shall be called at any time upon the written request of three members of the executive committee. The executive committee shall appoint all necessary sub-committees, including a local committee at place of meeting of next conference. The executive committee shall make a full and complete annual report of its activities to the conference. The executive committee shall hold conferences with state departments having control or supervision over matters in which the conference has concern.

SECTION 2. The committee on nominations shall submit to a business meeting of the conference nominations for all officers to be elected by the conference.

SECTION 3. The committee on time and place for next conference shall receive all invitations for the next conference, and shall report to the conference for approval the recommendations of the committee thereto. If necessary local arrangements cannot be made, the executive committee shall have the power to change the time and place of the next conference.

SECTION 4. The committee on resolutions shall consider all matters referred to it. Resolutions introduced in the conference shall be referred to this committee without debate. All resolutions passed at meetings of permanent divisions upon which action of the conference is desired shall be presented to the committee on resolutions. The committee on resolutions must report to the conference either with or without recommendations all resolutions so referred. The recommendations of the committee on resolutions shall be subject to the approval of the conference.

SECTION 5. Local committee shall provide suitable rooms for holding sessions of the conference and make all necessary arrangements as directed by the executive committee.

SECTION 6. Sub-committees shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the executive committee.


SECTION 1. The permanent divisions of the conference shall be (1) health, (2) adult dependents, (3) delinquents, (4) community organization, (5) industrial and economic problems, and (6) children.

SECTION 2. Each of the permanent divisions of the conference shall have full charge of the organization of its division.


SECTION 1. The conference shall hold a regular meeting annually, at which there shall be at least three general sessions and at least two regular business sessions. Special conferences may be called, as provided by statute, at any time or place for the consideration of problems relating to any particular group of institutions and agencies.

SECTION 2. The permanent divisions of the conference shall hold regular meetings annually in connection with the annual meeting of the conference.


This constitution may be amended at any regular annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular business session of the conference, provided that the proposed amendments shall have been sent officially by the executive secretary, to each personal and institutional member registered at last annual meeting, at least four months prior to the date of the beginning of the annual conference.

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