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Commonalty of the City of New York be and Shall be forever hereafter persons capable and able in Law to purchase take hold receive enjoy and have any Messuages houses buildings Lands Tenements rents possessions and other Hereditaments and Real Estate within or without our Said province in ffee and forever or for term of Life or Lives or years or in any other maner and also goods Chattles and all other things of what kind or quality Soever And also that they and their Successors by the Same Name of the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York Shall and may give grant Demise Assign and Sell or otherwise dispose of all or any the Messuages Houses Buildings Lands Tenements Rents possessions and other Hereditaments and real Estate and all their goods Chattles and other things aforesaid as to them Shall Seem meet at their own will and pleasure And also that the Said Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York for the time being and their Successors Shall and may forever here after have and use a Common Seal for Sealing all and Singular Deeds grants Conveyances Contracts Bonds Articles of Agreements Assignments powers Authoritys and all and Singular their affairs and things touching or concerning the Said Corporation And by virtue of these our Letters it Shall and may be lawfull to and for the Said Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York and their Successors as they Shall See cause to break change and new make the Same or any other Common Seal when and as often as to them it Shall Seem Convenient And We do further of our Especial grace certain knowledge and meer motion for us our Heirs and Successors give grant Order and appoint that the Said City of New York and the Compass precincts Circuit Bounds Liberties and Jurisdictions of the Same do reach extend and Stretch forth and Shall and may reach extend and Stretch forth as well in length as in breadth and Circuit in and through the Limitts and Boundarys ffollowing to wit To Begin at the River Creek or Run of water called Spyt Den Duyvel over which Kings Bridge is built where the Said River or Creek Empties it Self into the North River on Westchester Side thereof at Low water mark and So to run along the Said River Creek or Run on Westchester Side at low water mark unto the East River or Sound and from thence to cross over to Nassaw Island to low water mark there Including great Barn Island little Barn Island and Mannings Island and from thence all along Nassaw Island Shore at low water mark unto the South Side of the red Hook and from thence to run a Line across the North River So as to Include Nutten Island Bedlows Island Bucking Island And the Oyster Island to low water mark on the west Side of the North river or so far as the Limitts of our Said province extend there and so to run up along the west Side of the Said River at low water mark or along the Limitts of our Said province until it comes directly opposite to first mentioned river or Creek and thence to the place where the Said Boundarys first began And Also that the Said City Within the Limits and Jurisdictions thereof as aforesaid be and forever hereafter Shall be and

remain divided into Seven Wards to Witt the West Ward the South Ward the Dock ward the East ward the North ward Montgomerie ward and the Out ward each and every of Which Wards Shall contain and Comprehend and Reach and Extend through the Several Limitts and Bounds following (to wit) The West Ward to begin at the Middle of the East End of the Street that goes from the parade to the North River between the Lott of ground now in ffence belonging to Charles Sleigh and the house and ground late of Thomas Elde and from thence to run a direct Line over to the Middle of the west End of Beaver Street and So along the Middle of Beaver Street till it comes directly opposite to the middle of the South End of New Street and then to run along the Middle of New Street to the North End thereof and from thence to run to the Rear of the Dwelling house now in the possession of Domine Dubois and from thence to run all along the rear of the Houses that front the Broadway up to the North part of the rear of Spring garden house and from thence to run up a Line as the Broadway runs to the end thereof Including the Said Broad Way and John Harris his house and to Include all other Houses hereafter to be built fronting the said Broad way and from the North End of the Broadway to continue and run a Line as the Said Street runs untill it Comes directly opposite to Bestavers Killitie or Rivulet and from thence to run to the Said Bestavers Killitie and so to Continue the Said Line ffour Hundred ffoot beyond low water mark into the North River and so down the Said North River always keeping ffour hundred ffoot beyond low water mark untill it comes directly opposite to the middle of the West End of the ffirst mentioned Street and So to run to and through the middle of the Said Street to the place where the said West Ward ffirst began The South Ward to Begin at the middle of Wall Street Where the Line of the West Ward runs across the Same and from thence down the middle of Wall Street untill it comes directly opposite to the middle of the North end of broad Street and from thence down the middle of broad Street to the Long bridge and from thence to the Eastward of and to Include the Said Long bridge and the market House at the South End of the Said Street and from thence to Continue and run a South East Line across the East River at low Water Mark on Nassaw Island Shore and from thence to run along the Said Shore at low water mark to the South Side of Red Hook and from thence to run a Line across the North River So as to Include Nutten Island Bedlows Island Bucking Island and the Oyster Island to low water mark on the West Side of the North River and So to run up along the West Side of the Said River at low water marke untill it comes directly Opposite to Bestavers Killitie or Rivulet and from thence to run to the North Westerly Corner of the West ward at ffour hundred ffoot beyond low water mark and from thence along the Bounds of the Said West ward till it comes to the South westerly end thereof and from thence Still along the bounds of the West ward through the Street by the parade and through

Beaver Street and New Street to the place where the South ward began The Dock Ward to begin at the middle of Wall Street directly opposite to the middle of the North End of broad Street and from thence down through the middle of wall Street untill it comes to the middle of Smith Street thence down through the middle of Smith Street to a place called Marten Clocks Corner Including the Small Street between the House late of the Said Marten Clock and the Slip and So to continue and run a Line as the Said Small Street runs into the East River ffour hundred ffoot below low water mark thence running Westerly keeping ffour hundred ffoot below low water mark till it comes to the Bounds of the South Ward and ffrom thence along the Bounds of the South Ward up the middle of broad Street to the place where the Said Dock ward began the East Ward to begin at the North Easterly Corner of the Dockward in the middle of Smith Street and So to run from thence up through the Middle of the Said Street till it comes directly opposite to the middle of the North Easterly end of golden Hill Street and from thence to run down through the middle of the Said Street to the middle of the South Easterly end thereof and from thence to run through the middle of Rodmans Slip to the East River and from thence to continue and run a Line as the Said Slip runs into the East River ffour hundred ffoot below low water mark thence runing westerly keeping four Hundred foot below low water mark till it comes to the South Easterly end of the Dockward and So along the Bounds of the Dockward up through the middle of Smith Street to the place where the East ward began The North Ward to begin where the East ward begins in the middle of Smith Street and So to run from thence through the middle of the Said Street So far as it runs and So to continue a line from the End of the Said Street as the Street runs to the South Side of the Creek that runs from ffresh water into the East River and from thence running a North Course till it comes to the bounds of the West ward and from thence running along the bounds of the Said west ward towards Spring garden and all along the rear of the Houses fronting the Broadway and so Still along the Bounds of the Said West ward to the middle of Wall Street where the West ward runs across the same and from thence down the middle of Wall Street along the Bounds of the South ward and the Dockward to the place where the said North Ward began Including in the Same ward the powder House the City Hall and the presbyterian Meeting house Montgomerie Ward to begin at the South Easterly Corner of the East ward opposite to Rodmans Slip four hundred foot below low water mark in the East River and from thence to run along the Bounds of the East ward to and through the middle of Rodmans Slip and all through the middle of golden Hill Street till it meets with the Boundarys of the North ward and the middle of Smith Street and So along the Bounds of the North ward through the middle of Smith Street to the Rivulet that runs from ffresh water into the East River from thence along the said Rivulet so far as it goes till it Empties itself in

the Said East River and from thence to run a South East Line four hundred foot beyond low water mark into the Said East River and from thence running westerly keeping ffour hundred ffoot beyond low water mark to the place where the said Montgomerie ward began The Out Ward to begin at the North westerly Corner of the South ward at low water mark on the west Side of the North River over against Bestavers Killitie or Rivulet and from thence to run up along the west Side of the Said River at low water mark untill it comes directly opposite to the River Creek or run of water called Spyt den Duyvel over which Kings bridge is built and from thence to run to the Said Creek or River to the Westchester Side thereof at low water mark and So to run along the Said River Creek or run on Westchester Side at low water mark into the East River or Sound and from thence to cross over to Nassaw Island to low water mark there Includeing great Barn Island little Barn Island and Mannings Island and from thence along Nassaw Island Shore at low water mark to the bounds of the South ward and from thence along the bounds of the South ward the Dock ward the East ward and Montgomerie Ward to the place where the Said Montgomerie ward and the North ward meet at the Rivulet that runs from ffresh water and so to run a North Course as the Said North ward runs till it comes to the bounds of the West ward and from thence along the bounds of the west ward to the North westerly Corner thereof at ffour hundred foot beyond low water mark near Bestavers Killitie or Rivulet and from thence along the bounds of the South ward to the place where the said Outward began And We do further of our Especial grace certain knowledge and meer motion for us our Heirs and Successors will Ordain give and grant that there be and forever hereafter Shall and may be One Mayor One Recorder Seven Aldermen Seven Assistants One Sherif One Coroner One Comon Clerk One Chamberlain One high Constable Sixteen Assessors Seven Collectors Sixteen Constables and One Marshall appointed Nominated Elected chosen and Sworn in and for the said City of New York and the precincts and Limits thereof out of the ffreeholders or ffreemen Inhabitants of the said City in manner and form as herein after is particularly mentioned And for the better Execution of our will gift and grant in this Behalf We have Assigned Named Constituted and made and by these presents ffor us our Heirs and Successors Do Assign name Constitute and make our well Beloved Robert Zurting Esqr to be the present Mayor of the Same City to do and Execute all things which unto the Office of Mayor of the Said City Doth or May Belong or in any wise Appertain And we do moreover for us our Heirs and Successors give grant Ratify and confirm unto the Said Mayor of our Said City of New York and to his Successors and to the Mayor of the said City for the time being and to each of them forever full power and Authority to depute and appoint one of the Aldermen of the Said City for the time being to be approved of by the Governor or Commander in Chief of the said province for the time being in the place of the Mayor of the Said City for the time being and as his Deputy

in all matters and respects to act and do all things which to the Office of the Mayor of the Said City within the Limitts Libertys and precincts thereof do or ought to belong during the Sickness or in the absence of the Said Mayor for the time being And we do hereby will and grant that every Such Deputy or person So to be appointed and approved of after having taken Such Oath as hereinafter is directed for every Such Deputy to take Shall have as full power and Authority to act and do in the Sickness or absence of the Mayor of the Said City for the time being all and Singular those things which to the Office of Mayor of the said City belongs or Shall belong or appertaine to all Intents and purposes as the Mayor of the Said City for the time being by virtue of these presents or otherwise hath shall or ought to have And we do farther for us our Heirs and Successors will Ordain and grant that in case it Should happen that the present Mayor of the Said City or any of his Successors or any of the Mayors of the Said City for the time being Should happen to dye before any other fit person Shall be appointed and Sworn Mayor of the Said City in their respective Rooms and places then and in every Such case upon the Death of Such Mayor Such Alderman for the time being (who shall have been So appointed and appointed and approved of as aforesaid to act in the place of or as Deputy to Such Mayor) Shall be and he is hereby appointed and Declared Mayor of the said City and to continue and be continued in and to Execute the Same Office of Mayor of the Said City from the death of Such Mayor so dyeing untill another fit person Shall be appointed and Sworn Mayor of the Said City in Such manner as in and by these presents is hereafter directed for the respective Mayors of the Said City to be appointed and Sworn and So as often as Such case Shall happen And ffurther we have Assigned Ordained named and constituted and by these presents Do for us our Heirs and Successors Assign ordain name and constitute our trusty and well beloved ffrancis Harison Esq' (One of our Councill of our Said province of New York) to be the present Recorder of our Said City to do and Execute all things which unto the Office of Recorder of the Said City doth or may belong or in any manner appertain and to continue and be continued in and to Execute the Said Office untill an other fit person Shall be appointed and sworn in the Said Office And Wee do hereby appoint that the Governour or Commander in chief for the Said province for the time being at any time or times when and as often as they or each of them think fit may displace and remove the present Recorder or any other Recorder hereafter to be appointed And we do for us our Heirs and Successors Assign name Constitute and appoint John Cruger Harmanus Van Gelder ffredrick Phillipse Gerardus Stuyvesant Anthony Rutgers John Roosevelt and Johannes Hardenbroeck Esqrs Citizens and Inhabitants of the Said City of New York to be the present Aldermen of the Said City and Egbert Van Borsom Samuel Kip John Chambers John Moore Isaac Depeyster Petrus Rutgers and Gerardus Beekman gent to be the present Assistants of the

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