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Capt Giles Brought an Accot of his attendance and Expences on ye Indians am to 9,, 11,, 2 on which is allowed three pounds which is more than ye Proportion of this Prov:

The House Adjourned to 3 a Clock and Mett accordingly.

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The Peticion of Green Land and Bloody Poynt Read and Considered, and

Voted That Mr Speaker Gerrish & Geo: Jaffrey be a Committe to
Joyne with Capt Sam1 Weeks and Lt Jn° Downing to ascertain y
Limitts of ye Parishes of Green Land & Bloody Poynt &c-
Coll Waldron & Capt Hunkins be added as a Comitte at this board
to Joyn wth the above Comittee Cha: Story Secretary.

* 1-81

* Voted that Each parrish have power within them Selves to tax and Asses there Several Inhabitants to there parrish Charges and that they annually Choose three persons to tax ym and y' Warrants to be signed by a Justice of ps as UsuallMay 12 1714 past ye House.

Considering ye Great and Extra Charge that may arise upon sending a Gentleman of this Prov: to negotiate ye affair of Redeeming our Prisoners that are at Quebeck.

Voted That his Excellency ye Govern' be Desired to Improve yo Gentlemen sent from ye Massathusetts to transact that Buisiness for us and Wee will Pay our Quota of ye Charge in proportion to the Number of our Prison's that may be Returned. And if none to be Obtained Wee Will Gratifye ye Gentlemen for the Trouble and Charge they may be at in Inquireing after them May 12th 1714 - Past ye House

The House adjourned to 3 a Clock and Mett accordingly. —

The Last years Tax being Pay'd into the Treasury in Massathusetts Road Island & Connecticut Bills, and the Burning of them Do's

not answer ye ffund of this Province and to avoy'd Charges that may arise in Changing them into Bills of this Province.

Voted That the Last Province Tax Being fifteen hundred pounds be Let to such Severall Persons as Will Give Good and sufficiant Security of Land Estate within the Province Oblidgeing themselves to Repay the same within one Year in New Hampsh' Bills, and that a Committe be appoynted therefor Voted Mr Speaker Mrs Atkinson & Jeffry be a Comitte to Joyne with some of the Gentlemen of the Councell to lett out the Above Money and that It be let for two years At two an half per cent Coll Waldron Mr Penhallow & m Plaisteed Comitte of ye Councell


May 12th 1714 The House Adjourned 14th Inst 10 a Clock in ye Morning

May 14th The House Mett sent

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Voted That be An Act of Impost for One Year on these Severall Commodity's Imported into the Province vizt

Rum Eight shill hhd & Pro Rato for bars

ffayall Wine five shill Pipe

Madera Wine Seven shill

Mellasses two shill hhd

suger two shill

Tobacco three shill


hhd & Pro Rato for bars


with a Draw Back of three Quarters if Exported within six months after Importation

And that there be one shill m Payd by ye Exporter for all boards Exported

Pine plank two shill

Oak D° three shill



Red Oak hhd staves sixpence m

white oak Do


nine pencem

Ditto one shill m

The House Is adjourned to 3 of ye Clock mett accordingly

[ocr errors]

* 1-83 May 14th Voted That there be an Act to Prohibit the Importation of Indian Slaves into ye Province upon ye Penalty of forfeiting ten pounds for each Indian so Imported to be Pay'd into the Treasury for the use of ye Province.

Voted That Twelve hundred pounds in Bills of Credit on this Province be forthwith Impressed and signed by the Committe and applyed to the Payment of the Province Debts that are allowed by the Committe for Auditing ye Province Accots and approved of by the Generall Assembly. And that an Act be Drawn up accordingly and that the same be Repay'd in ye year 1719

Voted That all New Hampsh Bills that for the future shall be Pay'd into the Treasury shall be accepted with ye advance of five Cent.

The House Adjourned to 8 a Clock ye 15th Inst.

May 15th The House mett


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The house Is adjourned for one houre & Mett Accordingly-all Present as above


May 15th 1714 Voted That the Laws now Passed now & * 1-84 all other former Laws wch shall be thought needfull by ye

Govern & Councill be Collected into a Book and Printed & that the Committee appointed to Revise ye Laws of this Prov: see them Effected - Mr Daniel Tilton A Member of this House being Infirm & Antient Desires a Dismission therefrom

Voted That the sd Tilton be Dismised And That the Town of Hampton be Notifyed to send A Member In his Room the next siting of this house

The House by the Gov: Prorouged To Wensday the 11th Aug:


*July 22d 1714 p' Order of his Excellency ye Govern' The * 1-85 House mett


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I am here upon an Interview & Speech with ye Indian Sachems of ye Severall Eastern tribes to Settle ye Trade and Commerce between her Majesties Good Subjects of these Provinces and ye Said Indians. and have Directed this Extraordinary Session of the Assembly that I might have your Assistance and Advice in any thing that may

Occur of Benefitt to the Province you shall be present at the Indians Attendance to Discourse and have Oppertunity to offer any thing thereupon afterwards. And I am to Acquaint you that the Prorogation to the 11th of August next is yet Continued without Interruption J Dudley The Petetion of Sam" Penhallow Esq' being Read for the Appearance of the two setts of Select men in the Town of Portsm° on Satorday Morning Next at 10 of Clock

Voted A Concurrence


July 22d 1714 The House Adjourned to the 23d 9 a Clock

The House mett & present

* 1-86

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The following was sent Down from ye Govern" & Councill

In Council 24th July 1714

Information being given to this Board that there is Offence taken by ye Assembly of her Majesties Province of ye Massathusetts at the Act of Impost and Duty's of Exportation Lately made in this Prov


Ordered that Sam' Penhallow and Marke Hunking Esq's be a Committe from this Board to Joyne with a Committe of ye House of Representatives to meet and Confer with such Gentlemen as the Goverment of the Massathusetts shall Direct for that Purpose to take away any Just offence at ye said act for that We would avoy'd any Misunderstanding between the two Goverm's of Her Maj - ties Provinces so happily United for the Common safety and Preservation of Each other.


Past in the Councill nemine Contradicente

To which it is answered vizt

Cha: Storey

1-87 *Wee are Humbly of Opinion That It is Inconsistant with ye Hon' of ye Govermt of this Province to Appoynt any Committe to be Chosen to Confer wth Such of the Massachusetts, about any Law of this Prov:

If they are Agreived by any Act upon their Intimation thereof and Desire to Treat with us thereon We will then Appoynt a Committe to Confer with theirs

But in ye mein time We Pray his Excellency ye Govern' to Give them all Imaginable assurance that We had no Intention to affront or

Injure there Goverm1 by Passing any Act and hope they'l have no ill Resentment thereof

The House adjourned to ye 24th 9 a Clock ·

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To His Excellency Joseph Dudley Esq' Govern' &c. And to ye Honourable ye Councill & Assembly &c.

The Peticion of Sam' Penhallow Esq' Treasurer and Receiver Generall of Her Majesties Province of - Most Humbly Sheweth


That the Selectmen of ye Town wth ye Assessors are by 1-88 Law Impowered by Law to Lay ye Taxes throughout this Province and the Treasurer is by Law Impowered to Direct his Warrant Accordingly. Yet so it is that By Reason of ye Unhappy Difference in ye Parish of Portsmouth There are two Setts of Selectmen Assessors & Constables Chose for ye Present Year. And it Being Beyond my Power to Determine to Whom I should Direct my Warrant for the Leveying of the Tax Granted unto her Majesty for ye support of ye Goverment Defence of the Province and Payment of ye Publick Debts which will be to ye Detriment hurt & Dishonour of Her Majesties Province Doe humbly Pray that yor Excellency and ye Honourable Assembly will give such Direction herein as you in Wisdom shall see meet which shall Readily be observed by

Yor Excellency's & Hon's Most Hum1 Serv

Sam' Penhallow

Ordered that the two setts of Selectmen be notifyed to Appear on Satturday morning ten a Clock

To Which Piticion Wee Answer on hearing the Qualifications of the two setts of Selectmen in Portsmouth Wee Are Humbly of Opinion That the Selectmen Chosen at the New Meeting House on ye 7th June last are the Persons that the Treasurer Ought to send his Warrant to for the Collecting such Money as hath bin *1-89 Granted to her Majesty this Present Year. Past ye House of Representatives 24th July 1714

The House Adjourned to ye 26th Inst 9 a Clock

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