Gambar halaman

octob❜ 14th The house mett according to Prorogation and Sent

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The house is adjorned to thursday ye 15 Inst

octob' 15th The house mett according to adjournment Sent

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The house is adjourned to thursday ye 22th Inst.


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p' order of his Excellency the House is Prorouged to Wedensday ye 28th Instant.

* I-70 * Octob' 28 The House mett according to Prorogation and

[blocks in formation]

Theod' Atkinson Esq Nath" Hill

The House is Adjourn'd to Tuesday ye 4 Novb

Sam" Keis
James Randel


nob 4d The house mett according to adjourment
ye Speaker
Mr Geo: Jaffrey

Theod' Atkinson Esqr Capt Nath" Hill

M' Sam1 Keis

The House is Adjourn'd to Wensday ye 11th Instt —

Nob 11th The house mett according to Adjourment prSent

ye Speaker

Mr Sam" Keis

Mr Geo Jaffrey
Capt Hill

The house is adjourned to wensday ye 18th Inst

Nob 18th The house mett according to Adjourment Sent

ye Speaker

Sam" Keis

The house is adjourned to wensday ye 25th Inst

Nob 25th the house mett According to Adjourment Sent ye Speaker Theod Atkinson Esq

Sam" Keis

The house is Adjourned to wensday ye 2d Desb❜

*Dsb 2d The house mett According to Adjourment * 1-71 Sent

[blocks in formation]

The house is adjourned to Wensday ye 16th Ins” —

Dsb 16th The house Mett according to Adjourment Sent

ye Speaker

Theod' Atkinson Esq

Mr Geo: Jaffrey
Sam Keis -

The house is Adjourned to Wensday ye 23d Instt.

Dsb 23d The house mett according to adjourment Sent

ye Speaker

Geo: Jaffrey

Sam" Keis

The house is adjourned to Wensday ye 30th Inst

[blocks in formation]

The house Is Adjourned to Wensday ye 6th Jan1 next Memorandum yt Major Joseph Smith Mr Effrime: Mastins and Mr Daniell: Tillton: had Ther Debenters: for all ther servis One ye Asembly from octo ye fiftenth 1712: To: Desemer ye 25: 1713: Smith 27 Tilton -17 Mastins : 44

Jan 6th The House mett according to Adjournm Sent

ye Speaker
Geo: Jaffrey

Mr Keis
Epha Mastin

The House is Adjourned to Wensday ye 13th Inst

Jan 13th The house mett according to adjournmt Sent ye Speaker

Ephr Mastyn

Sam" Keis

The house is adjourned to wensday ye 20th Inst

* Jan 20th The House mett according to Adjournment * 1-73 'sent

ye Speaker

Theo' Atkinson Esq

Geo Jaffrey
Sam" Keis

Pr order of His Excellency the House is Prorouged to Wedensday the 3 Day of Feb' next

Feb 3 The House mett according to Adjournment Prsent

ye Speaker
Geo: Jaffrey

Sam" Keies
Capt Hill

Pr order of His Excellency the House is Prorougd Wedensday ye 3 Day of March next

March 3d The House mett sant

ye Speaker

Maj' Smith

Ephra Mastin

Geo: Jaffrey

Sam Keis

p' Ord' of ye Govern' the House is Prorougd to Wensday ye fifth of May March ye 3d 1713/14 Memorandum yt Capt Richard gearish Mr george Jefryes and Sam" Keais Had Thayr Debentors for all Thaier servis one ye: Asembly from ye 19th of March 1712: To March ye 3d 1713/14 gerish 65 days Jeffrys 57: Keais

- 64 —

* 1-74 * 1714, May 5th The House Mett According to Prorouga

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Voted That Kings Town be Impowerd and Notifyed to send a Representative to Sett In the Gen11 Assembly by order of the house Copie 5 May 1714

The House Adjourned to 3 a Clock post merd

The House mett Accordingly

Copie of the Govern's Speach

Sam Keais Cler

Council Chamber at Portsm° 5 May 1714 Gentlemen./ there are Eighten monts past Sence the Comittees of the Council and Representatives have Set to draw up the fform and State of the Local Laws and orders in force in the Province, I desire they may be directed to mack ye return of there proceedings that further provision may be made where any defect is to put forward Her Majesties Service and the good Goverment of there province: /


The Gentlemen of the Representatives are Senteble that ye Last gain tax, and what is allso provided for the fore years net 1-75 comeing is what is necessary to draw in ye Bills Credit and thereby to discharge the province Debt and noeing soe that

there is noe provision made for the Anual tharge of ye Goverment; the ffort and other contingent Charge sence the abatement of the Impost which I recommend againe to your Consideration that it be forthwith laid, and the Excise ffarmed or otherwise disposed, Soe as it may be a Service to the province and assist in Ease of the Land tax as it is allways intended I have lately Intelligence from the Gentlement Sent to Canada for the releife and return of ye prisoners there and am now determined to Send a Ship to Quebeck to receive them of this province wherein the prisoners will demend your proportion of Charge and I think it best that a Gentleman of yo' province be there to assist ye negotian which otherwise may be Entangled and ineffectual - You will alsoe consider and Represent to me what there of the Trade with ye Indians you Judge proper to hold for there Soply and prevention of there dependance upon the ffrench wile thay live upon English ground You will Lastly determine wherther there be any provision by way of repetition to be made to ye Treasary for ye Currant tharge in which as in Every thing relatening to ye benfit of the province nothing Shall be wanting for Her Mjestes Service on my part/ An Act for prevention of Pedlers &c : Passed And sent up to the Govern' & Councell

The House Adjourned to ye 6th Inst 8 a Clock ante Merid"

6 May The House Mett present

[blocks in formation]

I An Act About partitian of lands & legacies

2 An Act for Releife of Idiates &c

3 To prevent mens Sons & Servants Absenting &c.

4 To prevent Default in Jurors &c

5 To prevent Incestuous Mariages

6 To Make lands Lyable to pay Dts —

7: To Prevent Murdering Bastard Children

8: To Prevent Incroachment on High Ways 9: Against Receiving Stolen Goods

10: Provideing in Case of Sickness

II: Regulateing Prisons in Case of Escapes
12: Provideing for Post Humus Children

The House Adjourned to 3 a Clock Post Merid"
The House Mett Accordingly.·

13: Directing the Proceedings against forceable Entry and De


14: for the Conveniant and speedy Assignment of Dower

15 Relateing to Attorneys

16: to Prevent Disorders in the Night

17: About Executrs & Administrs .

18: About Cord Wood

The House Adjourned by ye speaker to ye 7th Inst 9 a Clock Ante Meridin

* 1-78* No 19 an Act Against High Treason.

20 an Act against Shiping of Horses

22 an Act for supply of ye Ministry

23 an Act concearning Births & Burialls 24 An Act About Prudential affairs

25 An Act for Appoynting ye sherife to keep the Comon Goal 26 an Act about Fees

27 an Act against Hawkers & Pedlers

[blocks in formation]

The House adjourned to 3 a Clock and Mett accordingly –

The Peticion of Coll° Parker Mr Wibird &c in behalf of them Selves and Sundry Inhabitants of ye Parish of Portsm° Read And Ordered thereon that Capt Pickrin & Mr Wm Cotton be notifyed to attend ye House at 4 a Clock to Answer thereto.

The House adjourned to ye 8th Inst 9 a Clock –

May 8th The House Mettr Sent

[blocks in formation]

The House adjourned p ye Speaker to Monday ten a Clock being ye 10th Inst

10 May The House mett Except Mes's Hill Randell and TiltonMay 10th 1714 Sam' Esman Qualifyed to Serve in This House Representative for the Town of Kingston

* 1-80 * The House Adjourned to ye 11th Inst 9 a Clock in the fore


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