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A Discourse in Commemoration of the Life and Character of the Hon. Nicholas Brown, delivered in the Chapel of Brown University, November 3d, 1841. By Francis Wayland, D. D., President of Brown University. Boston: Gould, Kendall, & Lincoln. 8vo. pp. 30. Address delivered to the Graduates of the Union Literary Society, of Miami University, August 10th, 1841. By Henry Snow. Oxford, Ohio. 8vo. pp. 16. Address to the Alumni Society of the University of Nashville, on the Study of Theology as a Part of Science, Literature, and Religion. Delivered at Nashville, Tennessee, October 5th, 1841, by the Reverend La Roy, A. M., of Halsey; with an Appendix, containing a Catalogue of the Alumni, and Certain Proceedings of the Society. Nashville : Cameron & Hale. 8vo. pp. 48. An Address delivered on the 23d June, 1841, at Washington College, before the Graham Philanthropic and Washington Literary Societies. By John Blair Dabney, Esq. Lexington, Va.: A. Waddill. 8vo. pp. 90. 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To which are added Observations on the Scenery, Manners, and Customs, and Missionary Stations, of the Sandwich and Society Islands, accompanied by numerous Lithographic Prints. By Francis Allyn Olmsted. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 360. Visit to Northern Europe; or Sketches Descriptive, Historical, Political and Moral, of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, and the Free Cities of Hamburg and Lubeck, containing Notices of the Manners and Customs, Commerce and Manufactures, Arts and Sciences, Education, Literature, and Religion, of those Countries and Cities. By Robert Baird. With Maps and Numerous Engravings. New York: John S. Taylor & Co. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 347 and 350. The Glory and the Shame of England. By C. Edwards Lester. New York: Harper & Brothers. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 253 and 293, ERRATUM.- Page 90, line 8, for Jay read Say. |