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HE Deputies of the fix Nations having, at their laft Vifit, agreed to release their Claim to all the Land on both Sides of the River Safquebanah, as far South as this Province extends, and to the Northward to those called the Endless Mountains, or Kittochtinny Hills; in Confideration whereof, they then received a large Quantity of valuable Indian Goods for the Lands fituate on the Eastern Side of the faid River, but declined at that Time to receive any for those on the Weftern Side of the faid River, chufing to defer the fame till another Vifit; a large Number arrived from these Nations at Philadelphia, on Wednesday the 30th of June, with Deputies duly impowered to receive the faid Goods; and acquainted the Governor, that being weary from the Fatigue of their long Journey, they fhould crave three or four Days to relt themselves before they proceeded to their Business: In the mean time they would wait on the Governor to discourse, according to their ufual Method, about News and other Occurrences; which the Governor readily agreed to, and afk'd them when they would chufe to pay their first Vifit; which they defiring might be on Friday the 2a of July, in the Afternoon, the Council was accordingly fummon'd, and met at Mr. Logan's Houfe, where were.



The Honourable GEORGE THOMAS, Efq; Lieutenant-Governor.

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The Chiefs of the Six Nations, with the Chiefs of the Shawanefe.

CANASSATEEGO, the Onondago Chief, Speaker. CONRAD WEISER, Interpreter.

The Governor opened the Conference as follows.

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The Proprietor having purchafed certain Lands from your Nations about fix Years ago, a Moiety of what was agreed to be given in Confideration of that Purchafe was at that Time delivered to them, and the other being at their Defire left in the Proprietor's Hands, he preffed you by Shikalamy to fend laft Year for it, and would have been glad to have feen you, and taken you by the • Hand before his Departure. But as the Defign of this Meeting is to hear your News, and con verfe together in a free and friendly Manner, I fhall fay no more about the Goods than that they lie ready at the Proprietor's House, and will be delivered when you fhall have fufficiently refted from the Fatigue of your Journey.'

The Chief of the Onondagoes spoke.


• We propose to rest four Days, and then come to the main Bufinefs. At prefent we are at a private Conference about News, and have fomething

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of this fort to mention to our Brother Onas.' And on the Governor's fignifying they would be glad to know what it was, the Chief proceeded.


It is our Way when we come to our Brethren, or any other Perfons, whom we live in ftrict Friendship with, to remove all Obstructions to a good Understanding; with this View we are to ⚫ inform you of a Piece of difagreeable News that happen'd in our Journey.. -Some White Peo.

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'ple living at a Place called Conegocheegoe, whofe • Names we cannot tell, nor whether they belong 'to this or the neighbouring Government, but one ' of them, as we heard, had his House burnt over his Head fome Years ago, and he was brought ' down a Prifoner and committed to the Goal of this City: Thefe People lighting of our young Warriors, as they were hunting, made fome Proposals about the Purchafing of Land from them, ⚫ and our young Men being indifcreet, and unacquainted with publick Business, were foolish enough to hearken to them, and to receive five 'Duffil Strowds for two Plantations on the River • Cobongoronto. A Coneftogoe Indian, and a French Indian, and fome others that were in Company, had three Duffil Strowds, and went away with ' them; and our young Men carried off the other two. As foon as this came to our Knowledge, we fent for our Warriors, and after examining ' and rebuking them feverely, we took away their two Strowds, and publickly cenfured them for 'expofing us to our Brethren of Penfylvania, in doing a Thing fo inconfiftent with our Engage'ments to them; "You are, faid we aloud, that "all our People might hear and take Notice, to "know and remember, that the Six Nations have obliged themfelves to fell none of the Land that "falls within the Province of Penfylvania, to any "other

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"other but our Brother Onas, and that to fell "Lands to any other is an high Breach of the League of Friendship." Brethren, this rafh Proceeding of our young Men makes us afhamed. We always mean well, and fhall perform faithfully what we have promifed: And we affure you, this Affair was tranfacted in the Manner we have related, without our Privity or Confent. And that you may be fully convinced of this, and of the Sincerity of our Intentions, we have brought you thefe two Strowds [here he prefented two red Strowds to the Governor] they are the very Strowds our foolish young Men received; we took them from them, and we give them to you to return to those white People who made the Bargain, and defire when the Strowds are returned to them, they may be told what we now fay, and that we 'fhall not confirm fuch Bargains, nor any other that may interfere with our Engagements to our • Brother Onas.'

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The Governor then spoke:


• I thank you for this Piece of News; you have ⚫ taken this Matter perfectly right. All Bargaining for Land within this Province, is, to be fure, a • manifest Breach of your Contract with the Proprietors, and what we know you will not coun⚫tenance. We have hitherto found the Six Nations faithful to their Engagements, and this is a • fresh Instance of their Punctuality. You could not help thefe Miftakes of your young Men; they were not done in your Prefence: But as fe• veral Inconveniencies may arise from these kind of clandeftine Sales, or from any fuch loose Sales of Land by your People, we defire you will, on your Return home, give publick Notice to all your Warriors not to bargain for any Land; or

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