U.S. Statutes of General Interest to Security Officers in the Atomic Energy ProgramU.S. Government Printing Office, 1957 - 97 halaman |
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84th Congress agency thereof agreement for cooperation aircraft amended Atomic Energy Act atomic weapons Commission is authorized Commission pursuant common defense Communist conduct of research conspiracy contract contractor conviction thereof Cross-References death or imprisonment deem necessary defense and security Defense Information Department of Defense department or agency determination fined foreign government Government agency health and safety information relating intent to injure interest Internal Security Act issue licenses issued pursuant jurisdiction Law SEC license issued licensed and distributed national defense offense officer or employee operation organization person possession President production facilities provisions of section Public Law 1006 punished purposes pursuant to section pursuant to subsection regulation research and development Restricted Data section 103 section 31 source material special nuclear material specific Statutes subcontractor subsection 63 term Text of Law Theft tion Title 18 USC U. S. Code United States Code utilization facilities utilization or production Whoever willfully