Gambar halaman

"When an article shall have reached the propose to offer to Rule 33, which I

"A Journal of the proceedings in commit

order of third reading, it shall be referred to think will sufficiently cover the same tee of the whole shall be kept as in Con

the Committee on Arrangement and Phraseology, for arrangement, correction and engrossment, before it shall be placed upon its final passage."

ground, and which may perhaps in some respects be more practicable in its operations. I propose to move to Mr. LONGYEAR. I withdraw my amend Rule 33 by adding thereto the

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This covers the ground, so far as the
yeas and nays are concerned; and I
think that beyond this the proposition
of the gentleman from Kent will be
found somewhat impracticable.


substitute, that the gentleman from
Allegan may offer his proposition. “And when so demanded on any question,
Mr. WILLIAMS. I move then to every member present within the bar, shall
amend the amendment of the gentle-vote for or against the same, unless the Con-
man from Jackson, (Mr. PRINGLE,) by vention shall excuse him.”
substituting what has just been read.
I will state the object of this propo-
sition. It is that, after the committee
of the whole have agreed upon an
article under consideration, it shall
then pass to the order of third read-
I withdraw my
ing. On reaching that, it is out of the amendment that the gentleman from
order of special or ordinary amend- Van Buren, (Mr. BLACKMAN,) may offer
ment. It will then go to this commit-
tee, who will correct its phraseology, Mr. BLACKMAN. I move, then, to
arrange it in proper form, and see that amend Rule 33 by adding thereto the
it is properly engrossed by the engross-language I have just read, so that the
ing clerk.
It will then be reported rule will read as follows:
back for third reading. When it comes
before the Convention for third read-
ing, it comes before us as a perfect
article, complete in all its parts; or if
it should be considered as needing
further correction, it will, as I under-
stand, be re-referred to the committee substance of this amendment was omit-
with instructions, or it will be amended
by unanimous consent-not otherwise.
I will add that I propose to offer as
rule 38, a proposition the same in sub-
stance as rule 37, as contained in the

"The ayes and nays may be called for by ten members; and when so demanded on any question, every member present within the bar, shall vote for or against the same, unless the Convention shall excuse him."

Mr. WILLIAMS. I desire to state

on behalf of the committee that the

ted by the committee through inad

vertence. The amendment should be


I will briefly state my reasons for making this motion. I suppose that the design of the committee in reporting this rule was that the journal might indicate the understanding of the Convention as to the subject-matter under consideration. When there is any ambiguity or doubt in regard to the meaning of any law, and especially any constitutional provision, it is quite customary to refer to the debates or proceedings of the Legislature or the Convention, to ascertain the meaning which that body designed to put upon the provision in question. Now, sir, we have appointed reporters to report the discussions and proceedings of this Convention upon all matters coming before us. It has been considered important to preserve such a record with this very view--that our printed debates may serve to explain the purport and purpose of our action. I apprehend, judging from our experience thus far, that no proposition without eliciting some discussion; and will be submitted and acted upon the debate as reported will be a better indication of the purpose of our action than the mere naked record of the proposition itself, as it would appear upon the journal of the commit

tee of the whole.

Mr. HOLT. I would suggest to the gentleman from Van Buren (Mr. If all the motions and proceedings BLACKMAN) that he substitute for the Mr. LONGYEAR. I desire to in-word "present," the words "within in committee of the whole are to be quire whether the substitute of the the bar of the Convention." There entered upon our journal, it will, I gentleman from Allegan, is designed as a substitute for rule 37 and the might be some misunderstanding in think, prove to be an unnecessary examendments heretofore offered, or regard to the meaning of the word pense, and will encumber our journal very much. Besides, it will not, I "present." whether it is intended merely as a substitute for the amendment of the tion to the change suggested. I modify instance, the proceedings that have. Mr. BLACKMAN. I see no objec- conceive, look very well. Take, for gentleman from Jackson, (Mr. PRINmy amendment accordingly. GLE.)

The amendment as modified was adopted.

Mr. WILLIAMS. It is intended as a substitute for the rule and the amendments. The substitute offered by Mr. WIL-order of business “ LIAMS, was adopted; and the amendment as thus amended was agreed to.

Mr. WILLIAMS. I move to amend

by adding the following, to stand as

rule 38:

[blocks in formation]

been had in the committee of the whole in regard to these rules. Let any gentleman consider for a moment Mr. LOVELL. I move that Rule 3 how many motions have been made, be amended so as to make the fourth some of them probably out of order, communications many of them of no sort of consefrom State officers," and that the quence, some of them not acted upon. orders now standing as fourth, fifth, To enter all these upon the journal is sixth, seventh and eighth, shall be a waste of time, a waste of labor, and numbered as fifth, sixth, seventh, involves an unnecessary expense in the eighth and ninth, respectively. printing.

I suppose that the committee has in- I do hope that the rule will be advertently omitted an order of this stricken out, and that we shall not resort. We are continually calling upon quire a journal to be kept by the SecState officers for communications, and retary in the committee of the whole. I presume it would be proper to have According to the practice, the chairan order under which these communi-man of the committee would be recations may be received. quired to keep such a record as will Mr. P. D. WARNER. I had pre-enable him to make an intelligible repared an amendment of the same char-port to the Convention when the comacter as this. I hope that the amend-mittee shall rise. That, in my judgment, is all that is necessary. ment will be adopted.

"Every member present, when a question shall be last stated from the chair, shall vote thereon, unless excused by the Convention." The amendment was adopted. Mr. BLACKMAN. I suggest to the Mr. MUSSEY. I move to amend gentleman from Kent, (Mr. FERRIS,) by striking out Rule 24, which prothat I have an amendment which I vides that

Mr. WILLIAMS. I apprehend, Mr. Chairman, that in a Convention of this kind a different rule ought to prevail from that followed in an ordinary leg

"Which motion did not prevail.

"Mr. Alvord moved to strike out after year,' ' in the fourth line of Mr. Fralick's

islative body. By our committee, the sions. I cannot conceive of any other rule which it is now proposed to strike mode in which the people can hereafout was regarded as a very proper ter arrive at a correct understanding amendment, to and,' in the sixth line."" rnle. Undoubtedly one of the objects of our action here. This certainly can- It will be found that after the first of having the debates and proceedings not be obtained from the journal, un- two weeks of the session of the Conof this Convention reported and print- less that is to be encumbered by the vention of 1850, nearly all the proceeded was to aid others in arriving at the insertion of the entire articles under ings of the Convention, as they appear intention by which the Convention was consideration for amendment, as well on the journal, were in committee of governed in coming to any particular as the various amendments proposed; the whole; and, sir, I apprehend, that conclusion. But, sir, the principal and this would swell the journal to an unless our reporters are called upon part of the proceedings of this Con- unusual bulk for no purpose whatever. to do a great deal more than reporters vention will probably be had in comMr. BILLS. It seems to me, Mr. are usually called upon to do, their remittee of the whole. The principal Chairman, that there is great force in ports will in many cases be almost inamendments will be proposed, and the remarks of the gentleman from comprehensible unless a journal of the perhaps finally adopted, in the com- Monroe, (Mr. MORTON.) In the re-proceedings in committee of the whole mittee of the whole. Hence, the action ports of our proceedings, I presume, is kept.

ficient assistance to do it.

vention of 1850. That Convention did

of that committee should, I apprehend, the article under consideration will Mr. MUSSEY. Mr. Chairman, I be as definitely and distinctly recorded appear, and thus the motions and wish to say a few words in reply to the on our journal as any other portion of speeches made in regard to it will be gentleman from Wayne, (Mr. MCCLELour proceedings. The argument of intelligible to the reader. Not so with LAND.) Precedents are valuable when the gentleman from Macomb, (Mr. the journal; for in that the article un- they are good precedents, and are MUSSEY,) would be equally strong der consideration would not appear; properly applicable. We have the against keeping any journal whatever and without this the motions and proceedings of former Conventions for of the action of the Convention. All amendments would not be sufficiently our guidance, and I trust we may our proceedings are to be fully reported intelligible to be useful to any reader profit by them. But, sir, it will be and published, yet gentlemen admit seeking to understand the purport and borne in mind that the motion, which the necessity of having a journal. object of our action. It appears to me I submit does not propose to dispense The journal of our action in the that to keep a journal of all the mo- in any degree with the reports of our committee of the whole may be cum-tions, amendments, etc., offered in com- reporters. It is expected that they will bersome; but I do not apprehend that mittee of the whole, is altogether un-report fully all the proceedings, as well it will be. Our proceedings of yester- necessary, and must make our journals as the debates of this Convention. day in reference to the rules, as record- inconveniently cumbersome. I hope They have said to us that they will reed by the clerk in the committee of the that the amendment of the gentleman port verbatim the doings and sayings whole, the several amendments propos- from Macomb, (Mr. MUSSEY,) will be of this body. Not so with the Coned and acted upon, would, I think, aid adopted. Mr. McCLELLAND. any one in determining the motives of Mr. Chair- publish what was called a report of this Convention in adopting the rules man, I should be very sorry if the the debates, but it has never been as they now stand. There is nothing motion of the gentleman from Macomb claimed, I believe, that that report was particularly cumbersome about such a should prevail. It will be found, as full or complete. Indeed, it is hardly record, and, although the making of it we progress with our business, that a history of the doings of that Conmay take up more of the time of the the most important proceedings of the vention-it is simply a statement of Secretary, yet I understand he has suf- Convention will be in committee of the the arguments pro and con upon the whole; and it will be morally impossi- various questions coming before that If it is important to keep a journal ble for any one hereafter to construe as body. The case is different with us. at all, I cannot see why it is not equally it should be construed the Constitu- I believe it is the understanding of this important, in the deliberations of such tion which we may frame, without re- Convention that our reporters are to a body as this, to keep a journal of curring to the record of our proceed- make a full and complete report of all the action in the committee of the ings in committee. I think it will be the doings and sayings of this body, whole. Indeed, it appears to me that found that, in the various Constitu- so that their record may afford to those the latter is more important; for in tional Conventions which have been who are not members of this Conventhat committee the principal amend-held in different States, the almost inva- tion a guide to the proper understandments will come up for consideration. riable practice has been to journalize ing of our action on the various quesMr. MORTON. Mr. Chairman, I fully the proceedings in committee of tions that may come before us. I subam in favor of the motion of the gen- the whole. This course, I believe, was mit that this full, official report, not tleman from Macomb, (Mr. MUSSEY.) I pursued in our Constitutional Conven- our journal, is what will be consulted cannot see how all our action in the tion of 1835; it certainly was in the Con- by any one who may hereafter be in committee of the whole can be intel-vention of 1850. There is no inconve- doubt as to the meaning of any part ligibly put upon record, so as to be nience in keeping such a journal. It of the Constitution which we may understood by those who may read it does not make a bulky volume, and hereafter. In fact, such a journal there is no incoherence in the proceed- Mr. PARSONS. It appears to me, will be a confused mass of matter, un-ings as thus recorded. On page 273 Mr. Chairman, that when we shall have less each amendment be accompanied of the Journal of the Convention of made some little progress with the by the article to which it refers, which 1850, the proceedings in committee of business of the Convention, and when I suppose no one intends or expects the whole will be found thus reported; the committees shall have reported will be the case under the rule as it "The question recurring upon Mr. Fra- their work, nearly all our proceedings lick's amendment to section 3, proposed on stands. All the information necessary the 26th of June last, which amendment is as to an intelligent understanding of our follows:-" action in the committee of the whole, Then the amendment is inserted. would, it seems to me, be better ob"Mr. Van Valkenburgh moved to strike tained from the reports of our discus-out 'three months,' and insert 'six months;'


will be in committee of the whole. It is there that the great labor of the Convention is to be done. It is the proceedings of the committee of the whole in which the people of the State will

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feel the greatest interest. As the gentleman from Wayne (Mr. MCCLELLAND) has remarked, it will be found, by referring to the journal of the Convention of 1850, that by far the greater portion of the proceedings of that body took place in the committee of the whole.

rule as it stands, if there should be
only 60 or 70 members here, 51 votes
would still be required for the adop-
tion of any article. I think that the
majority of those present should be
permitted to adopt any measure that
may come before us.

should still have had as full a guarantee of a good Constitution as we have with the present number-one hundred. Hence, I apprehend none of the evil consequences which some gentlemen fear from allowing a majority of the members present to perfect an Mr. LUCE. Mr. Chairman, what-article. I believe there is no insecurity I hope that the motion of the gen-ever amendment may be made to this in adopting such a rule. tleman from Macomb will not prevail, rule, I trust that this amendment will but that the rule as it now stands will be retained.

The question being taken on the amendment of Mr. MUSSEY, it was not agreed to.

Mr. LEACH. I move to amend Rule 35, by striking out all after the word "direct," in the fourth liue. The words which I propose to strike out are the following:

“And no article shall be declared adopted without the votes of a majority of all the

I am aware that the popular idea not be adopted. I believe that the that a majority of all the members elect clause which the gentlemen from Grand must pass on a proposition in order Traverse (Mr. LEACH) proposes to that it may be perfected, has plausistrike out is one of the most important bility and will doubtless affect more or provisions contained in this rule. less the minds of many members of Those who have served in the Legisla- this Convention; yet to my judgment ture will, I think, readily appreciate that idea has not much weight. I am the propriety-I might say the neces- inclined to favor this amendment, so sity-of retaining this provision. I that the Convention may not, at any apprehend that no measure which stage of its proceedings, be embarcannot obtain the votes of a majority rassed by the absence of 20 or 30 of all the members elected to this Con- members, and that we may go on and vention should be adopted. In the perfect with the greatest possible I do not make this motion with any Legislature there is no trouble in ob-facility the various articles that may great degree of confidence, nor with a taining the votes of a majority of all come before us. I believe that, though full conviction in my own mind that it the members in favor of the passage of even one-half of the members of this ought to be adopted. Yet it seems to any bill that ought to pass. The diffi- Convention should be absent, there is me that the rule as it now stands, culties and dangers that may attend sufficient ability and sound sense on is not entirely right. The Convention the departure from this rule by the the part of the older members here to consisting of 100 members, 51 votes Convention seem to me manifold. Cer-insure the attainment of a correct conwill, under this rule, be required for tainly, if articles of our Constitution clusion, and that no danger need be the adoption of any measure that may are to be adopted by the votes of less apprehended from the adoption of come before us. Now, sir, in the pro- than a majority of all the members this amendment.

members elect."

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gress of events, the number in attend-elect, we ought to define what number Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Chairman, ance here may, by the absence of mem- shall be necessary. I believe it would the clause of this rule which it is now bers on account of business or sick- be unwise and unsafe to permit a mere proposed to strike out, was adopted in ness, be reduced by-and-by to 70 or majority of a quorum to adopt finally the committee, because it was deemed 80. Hence, I desire to suggest the articles to be incorporated in our Con- important that a majority vote of all question whether it is best that 51 stitution. I trust that the amendment | the members of the Convention should votes should be required in all cases, proposed by the gentleman from Grand be required for the adoption of any artifor the adoption of any article. It Traverse will not prevail. cle. I believe this provision to be at least strikes me that after awhile, it may be Mr. BILLS. I am aware, Mr. Chair- highly proper. Although I may agree very difficult, where the vote is tolera- man, that the proposition to require a very frankly and fully with the gentlebly close, to get such a majority; and majority vote of all the members elect man who has just taken his seat, (Mr. if we insist upon retaining this rule, for the adoption of any article has a BILLS,) that twenty-five delegates from it may become almost impossible for degree of plausibility which is likely to the State at large, might perhaps us to act upon any important matter. have considerable weight with this make a better Constitution than any We know that if we should be detained Convention. Yet, with the gentleman one hundred men could; yet still, it here till July or August, many mem- who has presented this amendment, does not follow, that when the people bers will be absent on account of sick- I can see that it is more than probable themselves, have seen fit to elect one ness, which prevails every season more the time may come when an adherence hundred men as members of this Conor less; and if any unusual sickness to this rule may greatly embarrass our vention, twenty-five of those should be should prevail, it would, I apprehend, proceedings and interpose serious ob- permitted to make the Constitution. be impossible, under the rule as it now stacles to the perfection of any meas- As the people have provided that one stands, to transact the business of the ure by the Convention. hundred members should be here for Convention. I have submitted this I do not participate in the alarm ex- the purpose of consulting and agreemotion and made these few remarks perienced by some members with re- ing upon a Constitution, it would seem in order to call the attention of men- gard to the consequences of allowing to be highly proper to provide some bers to the subject. a majority of the members present to guarantee that these one hundred, or at pass upon any article. I believe it least a majority of them, shall act for will be conceded by perhaps every the people in framing a Constitution to gentleman here, that if the number of be submitted to them. members composing the Convention But, after all, this rule, if adopted, had been limited to 50, we should is not imperative; it is not an absolute, have had as full a guarantee of a good invariable rule. It can be modified. Constitution as with a Convention con- It can be suspended by a vote of twosisting of 100 or 150 members. Even thirds of the members present, not if the number were reduced to that of two-thirds of the members elect. If Mr. LEACH. The gentleman will the members comprising our State at any time, in consequence of sickness allow me to suggest that under the Senate-a little more than 30-we or any other cause, a large number of

Mr. M. C. WATKINS. I think, Mr. Chairman, that if the number of members in attendance here should be so reduced by reason of sickness or any other cause, as to render it difficult to obtain a majority vote on important propositions, we should probably adjourn. I am inclined to think that the rule as it now stands, is correct.

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members should be absent, two-thirds of the members present, if they should think it desirable to act upon any article under consideration, could suspend this rule and adopt the article in question, by a vote of less than a majority of all the members elect. Our practice on this point is to be regulated by a rule, and not by a constitutional provision, such as governs the action of the Legislature; and this rule would be at all times under the control of two-thirds of the members.

nearly or quite that many absent to- agree upon the old one by the requisite day; for leave of absence has been majority of fifty-one votes. Suppose granted to some members, I believe, that there should be but eighty memevery day thus far, and I think but bers present, and fifty should vote to few of the members who have left have retain a certain article of the present returned. Suppose the attendance Constitution which we had not thought here should be reduced simply to that proper to amend, while thirty should extent; and in a body of this size, it is oppose its retention. In such a case very seldom the case that less than 10 the article would be omitted from the or 15 members are absent. Suppose Constitution entirely. If we submit a that, under these circumstance, an Constitution, we must, if I understand article of the Constitution should come the matter rightly, submit it without up for adoption, and 51 votes could that article. But, sir, it appears to me that it not be obtained for it. The business Mr. M. C.WATKINS. I understand would not be wise for us at this stage of the Convention may thus be embar- that by the law under which we are of our proceedings to adopt a different rassed and trammeled. We may thus now acting, there are to be a hundred rule in this respect, from that on be unable to pass some important members of this Convention. It is which the committee have agreed. If article relating, if you please, to the probable that a less number might we should do so, the formation of our Legislative Department, or some other have done the work equally well, posConstitution may be placed in the subject of similar moment-some nec- sibly better. But the concentrated hands of a small minority of this Con-essary, vital part of the Constitution. wisdom of our State, as embodied in vention. I apprehend, sir, that if at In that case we must either adjourn, our Legislature, after a long struggle any time during the sitting of this or we must have a call of the Conven- over the question, and I believe much Convention a large number of mem- tion, and send the Sergeant-at-Arms contest between the two houses, agreed bers should be stricken down by sick- after the absentees. These may be that the number of members in this ness, the Convention will not deem it prevented from attending by sickness body should be one hundred. And to be its duty to continue in session, or death. Thus it may be impossible our constituents have elected that but will doubtless adjourn over, in to obtain a full attendance here, and number of us, and sent us here to reorder that the questions to be deter-impossible to proceed with the busi-vise the Constitution of this State. mined may be decided by a full Con-ness of the Convention. Now is it proper that we should predivention. These questions are of too As regards this question, there is an cate our action upon a less number serious importance to be decided by a important distinction between this than a majority? There must always mere fraction of those whom the peo- Convention and the Legislature. The be a majority of some number to deple have elected to act upon them. latter is a continuing body, sitting from termine any action, and do members Let us keep in view the object of the session to session. This Convention, propose to have a majority less than people in calling us together, and let when it adjourns sine die, is at an end of the whole number of members us adopt such rules as will carry out forever. It seems to me that this rule, elected? If so, what shall that matheir purpose. In doing so, it seems even if beneficial in a legislative body, jority be? to me, we should provide that a ma- is not the proper rule for a body of jority of all the members elect shall this kind. I hope that the amendment be necessary for the adoption of any will be adopted. article.

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Mr. LONGYEAR. Of a quorum. Mr. M. C. WATKINS. The difficulty which some members have suggested Mr. BLACKMAN. Mr. Chairman, does not present itself to my mind. I Mr. LONGYEAR. Mr. Chairman, I am in favor of this amendment. do not apprehend that our number is I rise to support the amendment. It While it may be very proper in a going to be very much reduced by strikes me that this provision of the legislative body to require that the sickness. It is possible that we may rule is founded upon a false theory. votes of a majority of all the members be, but I think it is a contingency we A majority of all the members elect elect shall be necessary for the final need not provide for at present. I think constitute a quorum of this body to passage of a bill, I think the rule is we should go on with our business, do business. By the rule as it stands, not equally applicable to this Conven- on the supposition that this body will the same number is required for the tion. If in the Legislature a bill pro- have one hundred members. If our adoption of any article. It is true posing some change in the existing numbers should be reduced by sickthat a quorum may go on with the in-law should fail for want of the consti-ness or any other cause, so that we termediate business, if I may so term tutional majority to pass it, no serious could not act, then, under the rules of it-may do any business short of the inconvenience is likely to result. The this Convention, the absent members adoption of an article. But a simple existing law will continue. But in this should be brought back here, or we quorum cannot, under this rule, pass Convention we must act affirmatively should adjourn. I think under the law, any article. If this rule is to be re- on every article of the Constitution it is not proper for us to predicate our tained, then, to be consistent, we should that we propose to the people. If action upon less than one hundred require that no less than the whole there is some article of the present members. number of members elect shall consti- Constitution which we do not desire Mr. WILLARD. I apprehend that tute á quorum. If a majority of all to change, which we wish to incorpo- the arguments made here, from a comthe members elect be required to pass rate in the new Constitution, it must parison of this body with the Legislaan article, then certainly all the mem- be passed by a vote of this Convention ture, are made without a proper conbers elect should be present and voting. otherwise it will be omitted from the sideration of the object for which we Otherwise, either the proceedings of Constitution which we shall frame. have been called together. It seems to the Convention are hampered, or in- Such is my understanding. Thus me that we are merely a committee apjustice may be done to a meritorious there might arise a case in which, ow-pointed for the purpose of preparing measure. Suppose, for instance, that ing to the absence of fifteen or twenty an instrument to be submitted to the there should be only 15 or 20 members members, the Convention would be people. Our action is not final, like absent; and there are, I apprehend, unable to adopt a new article or to the action of the Legislatnre. Their

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action is final: if they pass a bill, the I believe that if any fatal disease or
law is accordingly changed from what pestilence shall come to the city of
it was before. Our action alone does Lansing during the sitting of this
not change any law.
Convention, the Convention will flee
The collected wisdom of this body from the city. You will not be able
is brought to bear upon questions to keep this body in session here,
which arise from time to time, and are while disease is making so fearful rav-
submitted to us in the form of articles ages in our midst as to reduce this
of a Constitution. It seems to me it Convention to less than a quorum.
should be competent for a majority of Under those circumstances I believe
those present to make a decision of those members of the Convention left
those questions Yet there should not here will be inclined to adjourn its
be too small a number to make those further proceedings to some more con-
decisions. Therefore I would propose venient season.
as a substitute for the amendment of
the gentleman from Grand Traverse
(Mr. LEACH) to strike out the word
elect," at the end of the rule, and to
add the words "present, and without
a vote of two-fifths of all the members

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Mr. THOMPSON. I wish to inquire whether the effect of that would be to require a majority vote of two-fifths of all the members elect, or that the whole vote shall be two-fifths of all the members elect?

Mr. WILLARD.. My intention is to provide that the affirmative vote shall be two-fifths of all the members elect; that is, shall be at least forty.

I am in favor of retaining the rule as it now stands; and therefore I am opposed to all the amendments which have been proposed to it.

President, it shall be deemed to be in the possession of the Convention. Such motion may amendment, but may be renewed by any other be withdrawn at any time before decision or member."

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The amendment was agreed to. Mr. ROOT. I would suggest the propriety of amending Rule 27, by striking out three," and inserting "ten as the number of days within which a reconsideration may be moved. We may perhaps need a longer time than three days in which to reconsider some propositions which may be adopted by this body. I make the suggestion in order to obtain information from members.

Mr. HOLT. I think it better be made one day instead of three days.

Mr. T. G. SMITH. I move that the committee rise and report the rules and amendments to the Convention. The motion was agreed to.


Mr. P. D. WARNER. Unless some gentleman desires a separate vote on some of these amendments, I move that they be adopted in gross.

Mr. DIVINE. I am in favor of the rule reported by the commit ee, and for this reason: it is evident to my mind that, with the present daily attendance in the Convention, there is The committee accordingly rose, and now no necessity for the amendments the President having resumed the proposed by the gentleman from chair, Grand Traverse, (Mr. LEACH.) Rule Mr. BIRNEY reported that the com34, as amended, provides thata ma-mittee of the whole, pursuant to the jority of the members elected shall order of the Convention,had had under constitute a quorum for the transac- consideration the rules reported by the tion of business, but a less number committee on rules, and had made may adjourn from day to day." Rule sundry amendments thereto, which he Mr P. D. WARNER. The differ- 30 provides that "no rule of the Con- had been directed to report to the Conence between the rule under consider-vention shall be suspended, altered or vention and to recommend their adopation, and the rule adopted by the amended, without the consent of two- tion. Convention of 1850, may have been thirds of the members present." If made upon my suggestion. I do not any occasion should arise where a pornow recollect distinctly whether it was tion of the delegates to this Convenor not. But I know I was in favor of tion should deem it proper to leave, making the change. The people, as long as fifty-one members remained through their Legislature, had author- here, there would be "a quorum for ized the assembling here of one hun- the transaction of business," and this dred members of this Convention, to rule requiring the vote. of a majority consider and act upon the provisions of all the members elected, to adopt of a new Constitution, to be submitted any article, could be suspended by a to the people for adoption or rejection. vote of "two-thirds of the members I deemed that it was not unreasonable present;" and I apprehend that when to require the concentration of the votes our number shall have been reduced of at least fifty-one of these hundred to below fifty-one, this Convention will members to carry any provision to be adjourn from day to day, until a sufinserted in that new Constitution. I ficient number of members appear thought that a provision that did not here to enable us to work under our have sufficient merit to bring to its rules as reported.. support a majority of the members. elected to this Convention, would not be one of sufficient merit to be presented to the people of the State of Michigan for their action. Taking that view of the subject, I was in favor of changing the rule adopted by the Convention of 1850, and adopting the one reported by the committee on rules.

The question was on Mr. WILLARD's amendment to the amendment of Mr. LEACH, and being taken, it was not agreed to..

The amendment of Mr. LEACH Was not agreed to.

The motion was agreed to, and the amendments were accordingly adopted. Mr. T. G. SMITH. I move that the rules as amended be engrossed, printed, and placed on the order of third reading.

Mr. WILLIAMS. I move to amend the motion by striking out the word "printed."

Mr. T. G. SMITH. My object in moving to have these rules and amendments printed was that we might have an opportunity to examine them, and see that the amendments had been properly incorporated before they were ordered to a third reading.

The amendment of Mr. WILLIAMS was agreed to.

The question was on the motion of Mr. T. G. SMITH as amended.

Mr. THOMPSON. Imove to amend Mr. BIRNEY. I do not understand Rule 12, by striking out the word that the rule requiring three readings "but," after the word "Convention," applies to this subject, but only to the and inserting the words "such motion," different articles of the Constitution. It has been urged that if we have a making that the beginning of a new I do not see why, the Convention prolonged session, this Convention sentence. It is a mere change of the having adopted the amendments made. may by sickness be reduced to a phraseology. It will be seen by an in committee of the whole, these rules bare quorum; and by that means be examination of this rule, that the lan- may not be adopted now, and ordered unable to concentrate fifty-one votes guage employed is somewhat objec- to be printed for the use of the Conin favor of any article of the new tionable. As I propose to amend it, it vention. Constitution, That consideration has will read: Mr. BLACKMAN. I suppose it is no weight whatever upon my mind. "After a motion has been stated by the perfectly competent for the Convention


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