Gambar halaman


in the State, and to each county clerk, during

the sessions of the Convention.

Mr. HAZEN. I think the object of the gentleman can be accomplished by moving to strike out the words "and debates," and then adopting the rest of the resolution as it stands.

The PRESIDENT. Those words having been inserted by a vote of the Convention, it would not be in order to move to strike them out. A motion to reconsider the vote by which those words were inserted would be in order. Mr. BIRNEY. I was about to suggest that those words, "and debates," could be got rid of by a motion to reconsider the vote by which they were inserted in the resolution.

I should be unwilling to vote for their
employment, except for the purpose of
sending to the papers a full account of
our debates.

by means of petitions, remonstrances, and all that sort of thing.

MR. LUCE. I agree with my friend from Calhoun, (Mr. WILLARD,) Mr. WILLARD. I apprehend the in regard to the probable effect of the object of publishing the debates of daily publication of our debates; and this Convention is to enable the people that may have had some influence hereafter to ascertain the spirit which upon my mind in regard to this quesinfluenced the Convention in the adoption. But that was not my main reation of the general principles embraced son for offering the substitute. I bein the Constitution they may submit lieve if we undertake to have the deto the people for their adoption. I do bates and journals published day by not think it advisable for members day, to be scattered broadcast throughupon this floor to be encouraged to out the State, our printer will soon get make speeches by the idea that they behindhand with his work. That has are addressing as it were the whole always been the case every session of people of Michigan. I think the labors the Legislature that I have been here, of this Convention would be sooner and I think it will be the case again. Mr. LUCE. I have no choice as to brought to a close, that there would be the method of accomplishing the ob- less encouragement given for extended ject I have in view. I desire simply to debate, by not having the debates of have sent to the newspapers and county the Convention published daily. I clerks the published Journal of pro- shall therefore vote for the substitute, ceedings only, and that object I suppose with the view of not having these decan be accomplished by adopting the bates published daily for the use of substitute I have offered for the reso-members, and I do hope it will be lution now pending.


in this body. I think it will have ex-
actly the opposite effect. I think a
man would soon get sick of seeing his
own speeches spread out upon the
record day by day.

A MEMBER. Reported verbatim.
Mr. GIDDINGS. Yes, reported ver-
batim; I think he would soon get tired
of it. I believe, as firmly as I believe
I am here, that the publication of the
debates would within ten days have
exactly the opposite tendency of what
the gentleman seems to suppose.

The gentleman from Kalamazoo, (Mr. GIDDINGS,) speaks as if the people of this State would have no means of knowing what was said and done here, if we do not have our debates published every day and distributed to the newspapers. Now I apprehend that the reading portion of the people of this State will find out through the news

publication and distribution of these debates will be any very great means of disseminating a real knowledge of the questions discussed here. I apprehend the people of this State will derive no very great benefit from having these debates published and circulated every day. I hope, therefore, that my substitute will be adopted, and that we shall do as the Legislature have done, send out only the journal of proceedings.

Mr. HAZEN. I suppose it is the Mr. GIDDINGS. I think the gen-papers more of what they will care to intention of the Convention, by the tleman from Calhoun, (Mr. WILLARD,) learn concerning the reasons and acts adoption of the resolution authorizing is mistaken in one respect; that is, of this Convention than they will the employment of reporters, and re- that the publication of these debates through these journals of debates, if quiring that copy shall be furnished to is going to encourage speech-making we publish them. I do not think the the printers as fast as they can use it, to have the debates furnished for the use of members, the same as the Journal; and if that be the object of the Convention, it seems to me to be very proper that these debates should be sent to the newspapers of the State. I think one of the best objects to be secured by employing those reporters and publishing these debates at all, is that the reasons for the acts of this Convention, as expressed in our debates, may be sent to the papers, and the public kept informed, from time to I for one feel very much as the gentime, of the tone, temper, reasons and tleman from St. Clair (Mr. HAZEN) has action of this Convention. For my expressed himself: that I would not part, I shall regret having voted for much care to have reporters employed the employment of reporters and the here, if the people are not to be benepublication of our debates every day fited by their labors as we go along. for the use of members here, if those In that way I can see some good to be debates are not to be sent to the news- accomplished by having our debates papers of the State, that they may be reported and published. As to their laid before the people. I do not con- being examined hereafter, I think that sider it a very desirable object to ex- is an error--that in the main they will pend $30,000 or $40,000 for the em- be left to lie unused upon the shelves, ployment of reporters and the publi- as was the case with the reports of the cation of our debates, and then have old Convention. I have had a copy of them kept from the people until months those reports in my house ever since after this Convention shall have adjourned, and perhaps then laid away upon shelves, to be covered with dust and forgotten,

Therefore, if the substitute of the gentleman from Branch (Mr. LUCE) shall be adopted, I shall feel it my duty to follow it up with a motion to reconsider the vote adopting the resolution for the employment of reporters,

Mr. WILLIAMS. It seems to me important that the people should have an opportunity of knowing what reasons influenced members of this Convention in framing the Constitution which may be submitted to the people for their approval. And if these debates are to be published at all, they should be so published that the people may have the benefit of the publication before they are called upon to act upon the Constitution which may be submitted to them, and find out the. intention of the Convention in the several articles embraced in it. For that reason, I am decidedly in favor of the last Convention. I do not think I having these debates, if published at ever read fifty pages of it, or hardly all, published daily for the use of looked into it until after this Conven- the members of the Convention and tion was called.

for the benefit of the people of the The people should be kept informed State of Michigan, who are to pass of what we are doing, and particularly upon our action. I cannot conceive they should have the means of learn- that, as stated by the gentleman from ing the reasons we may give for what Branch, (Mr. LUCE,) the newspaper we may do; then they would send their reports of our proceedings would give directions up to us from time to time such definite information as will ena

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journal of proceedings may be printed, can order their distribution with great
without being printed in connection propriety now. But we cannot with
with the debates; and if there is a de- any propriety order the sending out
lay of a day or two at any time in the of the debates of this Convention, until
publication of the debates, as has been we have ordered their publication. I
suggested by the gentleman from would inquire of the Chair if any order
Branch, (Mr. LUCE,) it will be com- has been made authorizing the print-
paratively unimportant. We can have ing of the debates?
the journal of proceedings before us,
and if the debates are delayed for a
little it will not make much difference.

The PRESIDENT. The Chair is not aware of any such order having been made.

Mr. HOWARD. Then I shall certainly vote in favor of the substitute.

ble the people to judge of the intentions and acts of this Convention. And I do not see the force of the objection urged by the gentleman from Oakland, (Mr. P. D. WARNER,) in reference to the trouble the Secretary will find in carrying out the requirements of this resolution. In the first place the Secretary is not the person required by the resolution to attend to the forwarding of either the journal or the debates. That duty is to be per- Mr. P. D. WARNER. I would ask formed by the State printer. Nor are if this Convention has ordered the they to be forwarded daily, by the printing of the debates of this Con- Mr. CONGER. It may be well to terms of the resolution; but the daily vention at all, as yet? I think no such be technical and exact. This Convenreports are to be forwarded. It may order has been made. What may be tion has passed a resolution authoribe true that our State printer will fall ordered hereafter is another thing; no zing the employment of reporters, who behind with his printing; we have be- such order has yet been made. There are required to furnish copy as fast as come somewhat accustomed to that. has been no action by this Convention the printer may want to use it. I supIn my opinion that is a matter of no authorizing the publication of these posed from that, that the Convention importance, in comparison with the debates, and before taking any such intended that the debates should be importance of circulating these de- action it is proposed to require the printed. Perhaps the order already bates among the people as we proceed printer of the State to forward the made by the Convention is all that is in our work, so that their minds may printed debates to the several newspa- necessary for that purpose. The State be made up on the subject-matter sub-pers and county clerks throughout printer is obliged to print all that the mitted to them in the Constitution the State. Legislature orders to be printed, and we may frame for their action. Now, the reason why I favor the whatever is furnished him to be printed substitute of the gentleman from by the Convention. I suppose if it is Branch, (Mr. LUCE,) is that I am in not intended to have the debates prinfavor of this Convention doing one ted, then all remarks upon that subject thing at a time; and having what they are premature, of course. I had supmay do at any time correspond with posed that the Convention had adopted what they have previously done. And a resolution substantially requiring the it appears to me members have talked debates to be printed, and printed, too, aside from the real question under separately from the journal of proceedconsideration. If this Convention, in ings. its wisdom, shall see fit to order the publication of these debates, I will not hesitate to support a proposition to send them to the newspapers, etc. But until that is done, I am opposed to requiring the printer of the State to forward them.

Mr. ROOT. I am decidedly of the opinion that if we send out verbatim reports of the debates of this body, it will make an amount of reading to which the people will pay but very little attention. If we send out merely the journal of our proceedings, and it is published, as it usually has been, in the papers of the State, then the people will look it over, digest it and understand it. But if we send out verbatim reports of our debates, the people will pay but very little attention to them, and will obtain from them less information in regard to the action of this body, than they can obtain from the journal of proceedings. alone.

Mr. HOWARD. I have been under the impression that we have not yet Mr. HENDERSON. I am not pre- ordered the printing of the debates. pared to say that there is not force in And I can see but very little interest the arguments of the gentleman from that the people at large would have in Allegan, (Mr. WILLIAMS) and the gen- those debates when published. A man tleman from St. Clair, (Mr. HAZEN.) would be a fit subject for a lunatic asyYet, at the same time, their arguments lum who would look at the speeches do not lead me to regard with less made in a legislative body for the favor the substitute offered by the purpose of ascertaining the real facts gentleman from Branch, (Mr. LUCE.) in regard to their action; they can best I think the object those gentlemen de- be ascertained by reference to the sire to accomplish may be reached journal of proceedings. If we have hereafter by another resolution, by ordered the publication of the journal which we can do away with the proba- of proceedings, the people can obbility of great delay, which they re-tain information from that; but not regard as so serious. I hope, there- from the speeches.

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Mr. DUNCOMBE. It strikes me that we have virtually ordered the printing of the debates, by fixing the compensation of the reporters at so much per thousand ems printed matter. The debates must certainly be printed before the compensation of the reporters can be ascertained and paid to them. The only deficiency is that we have not yet fixed the number of copies to be printed. If we adopt the resolution now under consideration, that will of itself require the printing of a sufficient number to satisfy the demands of the resolution, and we can then order an additional number if we think proper. For my part I cannot perceive the inconsistency which some members appear to see in adopting a resolution ordering the distribution of the journal of proceedings and the debates.


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Mr. FARMER. In order to give the Convention an opportunity of ordering the printing of the debates before we make any order for their distribution, I move that the resolution and substitute be laid upon the table.

fore, the substitute will be adopted. If the interests of the people are to I can conceive that it would be very be consulted, I should be in favor of agreeable for gentlemen who have sending out to them the journal of made speeches here to have an oppor- proceedings alone. As to the interests tunity to peruse them in print at an of the members of this Convention, I early day, and before they have be- do not think their interests would be come cold; but that, I think, can be advanced by sending out their speeches, acomplished by an independent reso- at least before the next election. I belution. lieve we have ordered the journal of proceedings to be published, and we submit the motion just made by the

Mr. GIDDINGS. I suppose the

The question was taken, and upon a division, ayes 35, noes 28, the motion to lay on the table was agreed to.

Mr. LONGYEAR. I was about to

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gentleman from Berrien, (Mr. FARMER,) of the Clerk of the House of Repre- debates, he cannot make but one in order that I might have an oppor- sentatives, are kept in a book, but are charge for composition or type-setting. tunity to submit a resolution which I not published, at least not for the use That would be analagous to the course have drawn up. I now submit the of members from day to day. But the pursued in regard to the publication of following resolution: record of debates and proceedings our journal of the proceedings of the Resolved, That the debates and proceed- prepared by the reporters is published Legislature. It is published first in ings of the Convention be printed as rapidly in the Congressional Globe from day to the form of the daily journal, leaded, as may be, in a form similar to that of the daily journal; that opportunity be afforded day, and furnished for the use of mem- and then the leads are taken out, and by the printing of proof sheets, for correc-bers. The Globe, I understand, is the it is arranged and published in booktions by all the members; that the official re- only official publication of the proceed- form. I do not understand that comporters take charge of the correction of proofs, and that 1,000 copies be printed ings which is required by Congress. position is charged for more than once.

daily, for the use of the members of the Convention.

Mr. WILLARD. Is it contemplated that the form specified in this resolution is the form in which the debates are to be eventually published? I shall vote according to the information I receive on that point.

Mr. LONGYEAR. The resolution prescribes that the debates shall be first printed in a form similar to that of the daily journal of the Convention. I suppose the form in which the debates and proceedings shall finally be published will be for the Convention to determine hereafter. I suppose it will be so ordered that there will be no additional charge for composition. When published in the form of the daily journal the matter may be leaded, as it is called; but when published in book form hereafter, the leads will be taken out, and it will be printed solid. I suppose it is desirable to have the debates published in the usual form of the journal-it is hardly practicable to have them published at first in the form in which they will be bound.

Mr. BURTCH. It strikes me that the people are really more deeply interested in what sort of a child shall be brought forth by this Convention in the form of a Constitution, and whether it will be such a child as they will be willing to adopt, than they will be in the 'speeches that may be made on the occasion; and I think they will feel better pleased to be relieved from the extra expense which will be incurred by the adoption of this resolution.

What course shall be adopted here, is for the Convention to determine. This resolution, as I understand, contemplates that from day to day our journal of proceedings shall be printed and laid upon our tables; and also that from day to day, but probably one day later, the reporters' accounts of the debates and proceedings, being similar to the account published in the Congressional Globe, and the account published by the Maryland, Iowa and other Constitutional Conventions, shall also be published and laid upon our tables in a form for distribution. That I understood to be what is contemplated by the resolution now under consideration. We might, therefore, if we saw fit, dispense entirely with the printing of the ordinary journal of proceedings, and leave our constituents to find out what we are doing from the account to be prepared by our own reporters; or we might, as has been done in other States, provide for the publication of both.

Mr. SUTHERLAND. I move the following as a substitute for the resolution of the gentleman from Ingham, (Mr. LONGYEAR:)

Resolved, That the State Printer be instructed to print the daily proceedings and debates of this Convention, and to furnish and forward one additional copy to each daily 1,000 copies for the use of the members, newspaper published in this State and to each county clerk.

Mr. BURTCH. I move to amend the substitute by striking out the words "and debates."

Mr. LONGYEAR. I do not see any particular objection to the substitute, except that it does not contain a provision requiring proof-sheets of the debates and proceedings to be laid before members so that they be allowed an opportunity to make corrections before the regular issue is printed. My resolution contemplates that these debates and proceedings shall be printed, and a copy or two laid before each member on the following day, or as I understand that the adoption of soon thereafter as may be, so that this resolution will provide for the members may be able to have made publication of our debates a day or such corrections as they may wish. two later than the publication of the Those corrections being returned to journal of proceedings. The journal | the printer by the reporters, then the of proceedings would be prepared in regular issue would be struck off, a different manner, in some respects, perhaps the day afterward. My resofrom the journal of debates. For in- lution was based upon the idea that stance, in the journal of proceedings, the printing of the daily journal of in the record of votes which may be proceedings had already been ordered. taken, the names of members are pub- Of course that journal we would have lished in parallel columns; thus occu- laid before us every morning. My pying a great deal more space than resolution was intended to relate would be occupied for the same pur- simply to the report of debates and Mr. PRINGLE. There are different pose in the journal of debates, where proceedings. And if the provision in usages in legislative and other public the names would be printed in contin- regard to proof-sheets was embodied bodies in relation to the publication of uous lines, The journal of proceedings in the substitute of the gentleman from their journals and debates. The com- would be a much briefer account than Saginaw, (Mr. SUTHERLAND,) there mittee on reporters had their attention that which would appear on the second would be no material difference becalled to this subject in the course of day; but I think it will be a pretty fair tween it and my resolution. But I re the investigation made by them. They account of our proceedings. It is for gard that portion of my resolution as found that the Maryland Constitutional the Convention to determine whether of considerable importance, and thereConvention of 1864 provided for the they will order the publication of a fore I shall oppose the adoption of the publication both of a journal of pro- thousand copies of the daily journal of substitute. ceedings and a journal of debates; and proceedings, or only one or two hunit is quite frequently the case in such dred copies, and rely upon the record bodies that a journal of proceedings prepared by the reporters for our will be made up by the Secretary and principal information concerning our published by itself, and that the de- proceedings. bates will be prepared and published If I understand the contract with Mr. T. G. SMITH. I move to separately. In the Congress of the the State printer, if the same matter is amend the substitute by striking out United States, I understand the jour- used first in the journal of proceed-"one thousand," and inserting "fifteen nals of the Secretary of the Senate, and ings, and afterwards in the journal of hundred." If these are to be dis

The question was upon the motion of Mr. BURTCH to amend the substitute by striking out the words "and debates;" and being taken, it was not agreed to.

Mr. F. C. WATKINS. If these adjourning over for a longer period tributed so as to be of any benefit to the people of the State, fifteen hun- journals of debates and proceedings than till Monday, unless it is to give dred copies will be few enough. The are to be distributed, I think the State Convention of 1850 ordered one thou-should foot the bill. sand copies of their proceedings for distribution; and two thousand copies at this time would not be out of proportion.

The amendment was not agreed to. Mr. THOMPSON. I move to amend the substitute by striking out the words, "and to each county clerk." Upon a division, ayes 30, noes 34, the amendment was not agreed to.

Mr. STOUGHTON. I move to amend the substitute by adding the words "the Governor and judges of the supreme court."

The resolution was then adopted. Mr. BIRNEY subsequently moved to reconsider the vote by which the foregoing resolution was adopted, and said:

I make this motion, not because I have any objection to the resolution if it can be carried out, but I think it was passed hurriedly and without full reflection on the part of members. We have so far been endeavoring to proceed under the act of the Legislature calling this Convention. In that act I find a provision for furnishing to the members of this body such books, papers and stationery as are now allowed by the Constitution to members of the Legislature. But I do not find any Mr. TURNER. I offer the follow-provision in the act in regard to postage ing resolution:

The amendment was agreed to. The substitute as amended was then adopted, upon a division, ayes 35,

noes 31.

Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed, to recommend to the Convention the form and manner in which the proceedings and debates shall be published.

Mr. BIRNEY. I would suggest that it would be better to have this resolution referred to the committee on printing, when appointed. There is to be a committee on printing, and I think this matter better be referred to I move the reference of this resolution to the committee on printing, when appointed.


Mr. TURNER. I have no objection.
The motion to refer was agreed to.


Mr. PRINGLE offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the sum of thirty dollars be allowed to Messrs. A. & W. H. Drapier, for their expenses and volunteer services as reporters of the debates and proceedings of

this Convention.


Mr. LONGYEAR offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the use of Representative Hall be granted to the Young Men's Society of Lansing, for the delivery of a lecture by the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, on the evening of

the fifth of June next.


Mr. T. G. SMITH offered the following resolution:

of members. The Constitution which
we have sworn here to support, con-
tains this provision:

members an opportunity to go home. There are a large number of the members who cannot go home and return in time, even if we adjourn till Tuesday; and every day that we adjourn over in this manner will detain us in session here a day longer; and I am sure it is the wish of members to make our session as short as we can, consistent with a proper discharge of our duties.

Mr. McCLELLAND. I think I can remove one of the objections raised by the gentleman from Grand Traverse, (Mr. LEACH,) who says that there are many members who could not go home and return in time, even if we should adjourn till Tuesday. I desire an opportuntiy to go home, and there are a great many others here who desire to do so; and speaking for myself, I have no doubt I represent the views of others, I should be very glad to have those gentlemen go home to go with us who may not be able to their own homes.

SECTION 16. The Legislature may provide by law for the payment of postage on all mailable matter received by its members and Mr. HOWARD. I do not know how officers during the sessions of the Legislature, much time the President may require but not on any sent or mailed by them.

If I could

A very able committee was recently in order to enable him to prepare the appointed by the Legislature, whose list of appointments on the commitduty it was to examine and report tees of this Convention. whether any mode could be adopted know what would suit the convenience by which the spirit of this provision of of the President, I certainly should the Constitution could be observed, make my motion to accord therewith. and at the same time the State pay the I do know that members here, who postage upon matter sent by the mem- pretend to be posted in such matters, bers of the Legislature. The commit- who served in former conventions and tee reported that it could not be done. have also had considerable legislative Now, it occurs to me that there may experience, express the opinion that be this practical difficulty in carrying the President cannot be ready to anout the resolution which has been nounce the committees on Monday adopted: that the account for this next. If that be so, then we certainly postage may not be allowed and paid can gain nothing by meeting here on when presented to the accounting offi- Monday. The President should cercers of the treasury, upon the ground tainly be allowed full time for the perthat we have acted without authority. formance of his duty of appointing the I merely throw out these suggestions committees. I do not think it is too for the consideration of the Conven- long a time to allow him till Tuesday


The motion to reconsider was not agreed to.


And I think those members who can go home and return by Tuesday, ought to be allowed to do so. I think the gentleman from Wayne, (Mr. McMr. LONGYEAR offered the follow- CLELLAND,) has fully met the objecing resolution:


Resolved, That when this Convention adjourns this day, it be to Monday next, at

eleven o'clock in the forenoon.

Resolved, That the Postmaster appointed by this Convention, be directed to procure from the post office in this city, at the expense of the State, postage stamps, and Mr. HOWARD. I move to amend stamp all documents mailed by the members the resolution by striking out the of this Convention; and that each member endorse his name on the envelope, or outside word “ Monday," and inserting the word "Tuesday."

of all such documents.


I Mr. LEACH. I certainly hope the think there should be some limitation; amendment will not prevail. The this resolution is too broad, too exten-President of the Convention will unsive. I think some sum should be doubtedly be prepared to announce named as the amount to which each the committees on Monday next, so member should be entitled. that there can be no excuse for our


tion that there are many who could not go home and return by that time, by the proposition that they might go home with us. I certainly hope we shall adjourn till Tuesday, for I do not think we would expedite business any by meeting here on Monday.

MR. MÜSSEY. My vote upon this question will be controlled entirely by the probability of the President being able to announce the committees on Monday next. If he will be able to announce them at that time, then I think we should not adjourn over to Tues


Mr. P. D. WARNER. I shall be

day. As the gentleman from Grand Traverse (Mr. LEACH) has well said, Mr. WILLARD. I understand from equally well satisfied whether the oath we will be detained here one day later the Secretary of the Convention that be administered to those officers or for every day that we adjourn over. If there was no order for the publication not. I merely desired to call the atthere are members here who are un- of yesterday's proceedings, but that he tention of members to the subject, and willing to remain from their homes took the responsibility of having it to what is the usual, practice in legislamore than a week, they certainly ought printed for the use of the Convention. to have declined nominations and elec- I therefore offer the following resolutions to this Convention, for we cannot tion: be expected to adjourn over for three days every week, in order to allow them an opportunity to go home.

Mr. FARMER. I move to amend the amendment by inserting "Saturday," in place of "Tuesday.'


Resolved, That one thousand copies of the

tive bodies.

And then, on motion of Mr. W. A. SMITH,

The Convention, (at 15 minutes past journal of yesterday's proceedings be printed 12 o'clock P. M.,) adjourned until Monday next, at 11 o'clock A. M.

for the use of the Convention.

The resolution was adopted.

The PRESIDENT laid before the

Mr. MUSSEY. What Saturday?
Mr. FARMER. Saturday next; to- Convention the following communica-


Mr. ALEXANDER. I move that the resolution and pending amendments be laid upon the table.

Mr. CONGER. I would be pleased to have the Chair state whether in his opinion he will be able to announce the committees on Monday next.

The PRESIDENT. The Chair will state in response to the gentleman, that he hopes to be able to announce the committees as early as Monday.

The question was then taken upon the motion to lay the resolution and amendments upon the table; and upon a division, ayes 26, noes 50, the motion was not agreed to.

The question then recurred upon the motion of Mr. FARMER, to amend the amendment by inserting "Saturday," in place of "Tuesday," and being taken, it was not agreed to.

The question then recurred upon the motion of Mr. HOWARD, to amend the motion by inserting "Tuesday," instead of "Monday," and upon a division, ayes 24, noes 55, it was not agreed


The resolution was then adopted.


Mr. W. A. SMITH offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the preamble and resolution of the gentleman from Eaton, (Mr. Burtch,)

be taken from the table.

The preamble and resolution were as follows:

Whereas, It hath pleased Almighty God, and the good people of the State of Michigan, that this Convention should assemble for the purpose of erecting anew the temple of liberty, that justice should be the chief cornerstone, that it should be ornamented with liberty, equality and humanity;

Therefore be it resolved by the members of this Convention, That we will be governed by no selfish, party or partisan influences what ever, and that the several committees which shall be selected, shall be in accordance with the foregoing preamble and this resolution.

Mr. DANIELLS. I move that the preamble and resolution be indefinitely postponed.

The motion was agreed to.`
VOL. 1.-No. 4.

tion, which was read:

LANSING, May 15th, 1867.
HON. CHARLES M. CROSWELL, President of the

Constitutional Convention:

SIR-In pursuance of a resolution of the
Convention, I have appointed as Assistant
Secretaries, G. X. M. Collier, of Oakland
county, and T. P. Miles, of St. Clair county.


Secretary of the Convention.

Mr. P. D. WARNER. I would sug-
gest to the Chair whether it would not
Convention sworn.
be proper to have these officers of the
Convention sworn.

Mr. TURNER. Does the law call-
ing this Convention require these offi-

cers to be sworn in?

[blocks in formation]

Mr. P. D. WARNER. Such has
been the uniform practice of all delib-ment.
erative bodies, so far as I have had


Mr. WINANS, received a telegram anMr. LAWRENCE. My colleague nouncing that his brother-in-law was dead, and he has gone to attend his funeral. I ask that he be excused for non-attendance, and that he be granted indefinite leave of absence.

The PRESIDENT. Upon an examination of the proceedings of several of the Conventions which have been held in this country, the Chair finds that in some instances neither the members nor the officers of the Convention were sworn; in others, both members and officers have been sworn; in others, the members have been sworn Leave was accordingly granted. and not the officers; and in others, the Mr. HENDERSON. I ask leave of officers have been sworn and not the absence until to-morrow for my colmembers. The Chair will adopt such league, Mr. HOLMES. He is a supervicourse in relation to the matter as the Convention may prescribe. If it is judged best and proper to swear in the officers who have been chosen to serve the Convention the Chair will do so. If it is thought best not to administer the oath to them, the matter will remain as it is now.

sor, and to-day is the day fixed by law for the revising of the assessment rolls.

Leave was accordingly granted.
Mr. STOCKWELL. I ask leave of
absence for my colleague, Mr. SAWYER,
who has been called home in conse-
quence of sickness in his family.
Mr. GIDDINGS. The law calling
this Convention required the Secretary
Leave was accordingly granted.
Mr. McCLELLAND asked and ob-
of State, on the first day of the ses-tained leave of absence for the day for
sion, "to administer the oath of office Mr. D. GOODWIN.
to the members of the Convention,'
but it said nothing about its being ad-
ministered to the officers. I take it
there would be no force or validity to
an oath administered to a man when
there was no law requiring it to be

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