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A Bill for an Act to Provide for the Advertising for and Letting of Contracts for the Furnishing of Halls, Supplies and Printing for the State Legislature and Other Departments of the State Govern


Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana:

SECTION 1. That the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House of Representatives are hereby constituted ex-officio a furnishing board, with the powers and duties hereinafter specified.

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of said Board, as often as it becomes necessary, to advertise for twenty days in two daily newspapers in the State, one of which shall be published in the city of Helena, for sealed proposals to furnish all stationery, printing, paper, fuel and lights used in the Legislature and other departments of government, and the printing, binding and distributing of the laws, journals and department reports and other printing and binding, and the repairing and furnishing the halls used for the meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees. And said Board shall specify in said advertisement the amount and kind of each article required, sample and minute descriptions of which shall accompany and be deposited with the sealed proposals for furnishing the same, in the office of the Furnishing Board, and all proposals received as aforesaid shall be opened and compared by said Board, any two of whom shall constitute a quorum, at the office of said Board at

12 o'clock m. of the day specified in said advertisement, and the Board shall then and there award the contract for furnishing said supplies, or any of them, to the lowest responsible bidder whose sealed bill shall be accompanied by a bond with two or more sureties in a sum to be not less than twice the amount of the value of the articles to be supplied, payable to the State of Montana, conditioned: That if the bidder shall receive the award, he will, in ten days thereafter, commence to deliver the supplies or articles for which he has been awarded the contract, under such rules and regulations as the Board may prescribe and conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract; Provided, That in their said advertisement said Board may classify said supplies and articles and may receive bids and award contracts for such separate articles or class of supplies as they shall deem the lowest and best; Provided, further, That said Board may require any class or articles of said supplies to be delivered in installments; Provided, further, That any and all bids that shall be deemed too high by said Board may be declined, in which case said Board shall again advertise for sealed proposals to furnish the class or articles of supplies for which bids have been rejected, as aforesaid, in open market, and in amounts sufficient for immediate necessities, but at prices not exceeding the lowest prices in the bids rejected, which supplies, when so purchased, shall be delivered to the Secretary of State; Provided, however, That all such contracts shall, before being executed by the Board, be approved by the Governor and State Treasurer.

SEC. 3. The Board is hereby authorized to establish rules and regulations, in writing, not inconsistent with the laws for its government.

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Inventory by


SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of lhe Secretary of State, immediately after the passage of this act, to take a full and complete inventory of all stationery, Secretary of blank books and other articles and supplies aforesaid then on hand, and enter the same in a set of books to be kept for that purpose, making a separate account for each class of articles, and in like manner he shall enter in said book a detailed and classified account of all purchases of articles and supplied authorized by this act, showing the amount and cost of each article, and class of supplies purchased, the amount and cost of each article and class issued, the amount and cost of each article and class issued to each State officer, member of the Legislature, and the amount and cost of each article and class on hand. He shall And issue sup issue the supplies aforesaid only upon the requisition of the proper officers, and shall take a receipt for the same upon delivery, which requisition and receipt shall be filed and preserved in his office.

Who shall keep books.

plies on requisition.

Inventory Board.


SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of said Board, at the end of each fiscal year, and at such other times as they shall deem necessary, to cause an inventory to be taken of all the articles and classes of said supplies on hand and contracted for, and to make an examination of the amounts and vouchers appertaining to the same.

SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of said Board, at least one month previous to the assembling of the Legislature in regular session, to advertise, in accordance with section 2 of this act, for a supply of Board to report stationery, fuel and such other articles as shall be

to Legislature.

sufficient for the use of the State officers and members of the Legislature, or necessary for the public service, and at the commencement of each session said Board shall report to the Legislature a full account of their receipts of supplies for same and expenditures and stock of supplies on hand.

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Expenses to be

SEC. 7. The actual expense incurred by said Board in executing the powers and discharging the duties prescribed and imposed in this act, when audited. certified by them, shall be audited by the Board of Examiners as prescribed by law, and paid by the Treasurer of said State on proper warrant out of any money which shall have been appropriated for that purpose; Provided, Nothing in this act shall be construed as allowing salary or compensation to said Furnishing Board for any service performed by such Board.

No member to be interested in

SEC. 8. No member or officer of the government shail be in any way interested in such contract. contract.

SEC. 9. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed.



APPROVED March 7, 1891.


An Act entitled "An Act Regulating the Granting of Pardons, Commutations, Respites and Remissions, and Prescribing the Function and Duiies of the Board of Pardon.

Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana:

SECTION I. The Board of Pardon shall consist of the Secretary of State, Attorney General and State Auditor, who may elect one of the number chairman, and who shall hold such office during the pleasure of the Board.

SEC. 2. The Board may have a clerk, who shall hold his office during its pleasure, and who shall

Board of Pardon.


Salary of.


Notification of


perform such duties as the Board may prescribe. The clerk shall have a salary of fifty ($50) dollars per month, payable monthly.

SEC. 3. The Board shall hold regular monthly meetings at its office at the State Capital on the second Monday of each month, and such special meetings as the chairman may direct, or any two members thereof.

SEC. 4. Upon the receipt of any statement or communication from the Governor that he has granted a pardon, absolute or conditional, or repardon, etc.,from mitted a fine or forfeiture, or commuted a punishment of any person after conviction and judgment for any offense committed against the criminal laws of this State, the Board shall immediately convene at the office of said Board for the consideration of such notification of pardon, remission or commutation, as the case may be.

Order of Board

SEC. 5. Upon consideration of the notification of a commutation or pardon granted, or the remission of a fine or forfeiture by the Governor, proappointing time. vided for in the preceding section, on its being filed the Board must, as to said matters or either of them, at such time, confine itself to the passing of an order which shall recite in substance as follows:

"WHEREAS, the Governor of Montana has this day officially notified this Board that he has granted a.... .pardon (commutation of punishment or remitted a fine or forfeiture as the case may be), a convict confined in the State

to one..

who has been

penitentiary (or to one...
found guilty of an offense committed against the
laws of this State), who was convicted of the
crime of...

County of..

..committed a....

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in the

State of Montana, on the....

day of...., 18. ., and sentenced for a term of....


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