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out Bosnia and the Herzegovina. With regard to the fifth point, relative to the application of the direct taxes to meet the requirements of the provinces, the note explained that such


an arrangement could not be brought into harmony with the general system of administering the Turkish finances. Nevertheless, in his solicitude for the provinces devastated by the insurrection, the Sultan had ordered that, as an addition to the amounts already applied to public objects in the Herzegovina and Bosnia, a certain sum should be set apart, the amount of which would be fixed on the basis of local requirements, after the evidence of the administrative authorities had been received and the corporations interested had deliberated on the point. The note concluded by stating that there did not appear to be any perceptible discrepancy between the facts in the case and the formal standpoint taken up in Count Andrassy's proposals. These declarations were supplemented by an iradé granting a general amnesty to all insurgents who within four weeks of its promulgation throughout the country should return to their homes. It announced that the Government would have the homes and churches of the returning refugees, where they had been destroyed, rebuilt at its own cost, and would furnish those who returned with the means of pursuing their usual employments.

HERZEGOVINA. The European consuls at Mostar were advised by their respective governments to negotiate with the insurgents, and induce them to accept the propositions of the Andrassy note as a basis for the restoration of peace. The insurgents refused to entertain any propositions of the kind, as they had no faith in any salutary result following diplomatic negotiations. A meeting of a number of their

leaders was held at Suttorina, February 26th, at which a manifesto was issued against the acceptance of the terms offered by the powers. It was signed by the Waywode Lazar Sotchitza, the Archimandrite Melentii, Pico Paulovitch, and the Popes Bogdan and Stembkovitch. It pointed out the Porte's former failures to carry out promised reforms, and declared that the resistance of the Mohammedans would baffle every reform; the Mohammedans were even expected to revolt if an attempt were made to execute the reforms. The insurgents desired full freedom and independence-this, or nothing. The paper contained an expression of thanks to Austria for the care she had taken of the Herzegovinian refugees, to Garibaldi for his fatherly counsels, and to England that she had at last recovered from her partiality for Turkey. It compared the attitude of Servia and of Montenegro, to the disadvantage of the former state. Diplomatic combinations," it said, "are not our business; the European press may occupy itself with them: we must proceed to fight, to burn, to conquer. We cannot lay down our weapons so long as we are not granted an independence like that of Montenegro." The manifesto closed with an avowal that help was expected from Russia.





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DALMATIA. Baron Rodich, the Austrian Governor of Dalmatia, was authorized by the Imperial Government to negotiate with the leaders on either side, so as to bring about a suspension of hostilities, in order that an opportunity might be given for carrying the proposed reforms into effect. With this view he visited the Turkish commanders, Ali Pasha and Mukhtar Pasha, at Ragusa, and the insurgents at Castelnuovo in the Suttorina. Mukhtar Pasha insisted, as a necessary preliminary, that Nicsic should be reprovisioned from Montenegro. Baron Rodich endeavored to make an arrange

ment for furnishing the garrison from Montenegro, but could only get its wants supplied from day to day. Early in March he met the chiefs of the insurrection at Cettigne. They declined to agree to a peace. Deputations of refugees communicated to him the general determination of that class not to accept a pacification or return home. They declared that they would resist to the last, rather than submit to the Turks again; they preferred letting their families starve in a Christian country to returning them to Turkish maltreatment. They had no confidence in the promises of the Porte. Baron Rodich informed them that the allowances to them would be discontinued in a few days, and that henceforward no powder would be allowed to cross the frontier. Baron Rodich held another interview with the insurgent leaders in the Suttorina, at Castelnuovo, on the 6th of April. On the previous day the chiefs had had a conference with M. Vesselitzky Bogdanovitch, a Servian gentleman, who visited them partly on his own account and partly by the authority of the Russian chancellor, Prince Gortchakoff. The chiefs communicated to him, as the terms on which they would agree to a suspension of hostilities: 1. That all the Turkish troops in the Herzegovina should be concentrated in six fortified places, viz.: Nicsic, Trebigne, Stolatz, Mostar, Fotcha, and Plevalje, and that the Christians and insurgents should keep their arms until the Mohammedans were disarmed. 2. That stores of provisions should be furnished by the Porte to last the population till the next harvest. 3. That the collection of taxes should be suspended for three years. 4. That the Christians should have a third of the lands held by the rayahs, on lease awarded to them. 5. That the reforms proposed in the Andrassy note should be immediately and fully carried out in those parts of Bosnia not in insurrection, so that it might be seen how the Mussulmans would behave in reference to them, and especially whether they would tolerate reforms in favor of the Christians. 6. That a commission of the European powers should be established, to look after the execution of the Turkish promises. A reply prescribing similar conditions was given to Baron Rodich. Although both parties refused to agree to a formal armistice, a suspension of hostilities was effected from the 28th of March to the 10th of April.

While the diplomatic agents were trying to bring about a peaceful understanding, military movements were suspended by the winter weather, and only a few engagements took place. These generally consisted of attacks by the insurgents upon the Turkish convoys conveying provisions to the garrisons. The most important of these occurred at Muratovizza, on the 6th of March. Five battalions of Turks, under the command of Selim Pasha, going to provision the fortress of Goransko, were attacked and defeated by the insurgents

under Paulovitch, with the loss, it was said, of 800 men killed, 675 rifles, and four rifled cannon. The Turks were pursued as far as Lipnik, four hours' march. The insurgents had in this engagement 1,150 men, and claimed to have lost only ten killed and twenty-five wounded. Liubibratics, who had played an important part in the beginning of the insurrection, but had since lost much of his prominence as a leader through the superior influence and energy of Pico Paulovitch, had retired to Ragusa and busied himself in promoting the agitation through the journals, and by the help of their correspondents. He collected a small corps, consisting of Serbs, Russians, and adventurers from Italy, Poland, and France, designing to arouse to resistance the districts of Bosnia adjacent to the Herzegovina and to Servia, which had as yet taken but little part in the insurrection. The detachments of his force embarked from different points along the coast toward the last of February, and landed at Klek. With a command of between 500 and 600 men thus obtained, he marched, keeping close to the Austrian border, toward Linbushka. Near this place he met a company of Bashi-Bazouks, March 5th, who were out upon a reconnaissance, and repulsed them. On the 11th of March he reached the neighborhood of Imoschi, in Dalmatia, where he and the members of his staff were arrested upon Austrian territory. Among those who accompanied his expedition and were arrested with him was Mademoiselle Markus, a rich Dutch lady, who was an enthusiastic supporter of the insurgent cause, and had contributed liberally of her means and personal services to assist it. The prisoners were interned within Austrian territory, but by the end of March Mademoiselle Markus was again within the lines of the insurgents. The greater part of the command of Liubibraties, not having been on Austrian territory, escaped capture. Its members were dispersed, but eventually joined other bodies of the insurgents.

In April the needs of the garrison at Niesic became pressing. The understanding with Montenegro, by which provisions were supplied from day to day, though in quantities barely sufficient for the daily needs of the command, continued in force till the 10th of April, when the insurgents cut off the communications between Nicsic and Montenegro. Mukhtar Pasha marched from Gatchko, April 13th, with a force of about 10,000 men and a convoy of provisions, for the relief of the garrison. At the north end of the Duga Pass he met with a fierce re sistance from the insurgents, and it was only after four days' fighting that he succeeded, with his convoy considerably reduced, in reaching Presyeka. His force was exhausted, and he was obliged to retreat to Gatchko for reenforcements. On his retreat he was attacked and lost his mules. He started again from Gatchko, April 26th, with 18.000 men. As the sole object of the new expedition was to take

to Nicsic the provisions which had been left at Presyeka, the men took with them only the supplies they would need on the march. On the 28th the Turks encountered a force of 15,000 Herzegovinians, under Sotchitza, Paulovitch, and Pope Simonitch. A fierce engagement ensued, in which the Turks prevailed, and succeeded in penetrating to Presyeka. A part of the garrison of Nicsic had opened a way around to this place, and by this way the provisions were finally conveyed to that fort, April 29th. On the 30th of April Mukhtar returned to Gatchko, harassed by the enemy, having in the four days of fighting lost 3,000 men. The Herzegovinians claimed to have lost only 120 men. The insurgents also attempted to blockade Trebigne, the fort Drieno, west of Trebigne, and Govanitchka. The Turks, however, succeeded in introducing supplies into these places without encountering serious obstacles. The fortress at Nicsic was again provisioned in June without fighting. As the spring advanced, new reports were circulated of the spread of the insurrection through Bosnia. The public mind had been excited by ac

counts of outrages which had been committed upon Christians by the Mussulman population. In several villages the Turks had risen against the Christians, killed numbers of them, and driven others away or subjected them to abuse. At the beginning of April the inhabitants of the Bilhacs district were reported to be in revolt, and that they were joined by several hundred Mohammedans. Five thousand insurgents were active in this district and in that of Travnik, and in a few days the insurrection was said to be under full headway along the Drin and the North Bosnian frontier. The Turkish commander, Ali Pasha, had here a force of about 10,000 men. The Vali, Ibrahim Pasha, reported to his Government that the insurrectionary movement had already become stronger than it had been at any time in the course of the year 1875. During the month of April there were twenty-seven bands of insurgents, spread over a wide extent of country, which were estimated to embrace not less than 15,000 men. These bands acted without any common plan, their most ordinary method of operation being to fall upon the

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isolated estates of the Mohammedan landowners or upon the small towns, or to lie in wait near the larger towns, watching their communications with the neighborhood, and occasionally seizing messengers or convoys of provisions. An important part in these movements was played at Orahiviza by the pretender to the Servian throne, Peter Karageorgevitch. He kept himself close by the Austrian boundary, so as to be able to cross over and put himself out of the way upon the sign of danger, while detachments from his camp scoured the country for several miles around. On the 7th of May occurred the massacre of the the consuls at Salonica. Emin Effendi, a Turk in high position, in whose family the office of state procurator of Salonica was hereditary, had abducted for his harem a handsome young Bulgarian girl, who was brought by railway to Salonica on the 6th of May. In the same train was her mother, who had followed in search of her. The two women did not know that they were upon the same train, but recognized each other at the station, and


rushed weeping into one another's arms. The cry was raised among the populace that the young woman was a Christian, who had been compelled to abjure her religion and become a Mohammedan. The Christians took the girl from the guards, and, seizing a vacant carriage belonging to the American consul, which stood near by awaiting the arrival of its owner, put her into it and carried her to the house of a Greek merchant, where she was hid. next day the streets were filled with bands of excited Mussulmans demanding the return of the girl, and threatening a massacre of the Christians. Hearing of the tumult, the French consul, and the German consul, who was his brother-in-law, proceeded to the palace of the governor to demand that he cause order to be restored. The governor was found at the mosque, where a large mob was gathered, filled with rage at the affront that had been offered to the Mohammedan religion. The consuls were set upon by the mob with clubs, knives, and yataghans, and were murdered and mangled in the most horrible manner. This out

rage aroused an intense excitement throughout the Christian world. The great powers took immediate steps to demand satisfaction for it, and guarantees against the repetition of similar scenes. France, Germany, Austria, and Italy, sent vessels-of-war to Salonica, and England dispatched a gun-boat to accompany the commission which the Turkish Government sent to investigate the affair. The chief perpetrators of the outrage were arrested and tried, and sentenced in June to penalties which, however, France and Germany declared were not satisfactory to them. In August the Porte paid to the families of the murdered consuls an indemnity of £40,000. The event was followed at Constantinople, May 12th, by a change in the ministry. The Grand-Vizier, Mahmoud Pasha, was overthrown, and Rushdi Pasha was appointed in his place; while Midhat Pasha, who had made himself the head of a new party opposed to further concessions to the demands of Russia, took a place in the cabinet without a portfolio.

The warning of the Andrassy note had so far produced no substantial result. The reforms promised by the Porte had not been realized; the discontent in Bosnia and the Herzegovina had not been diminished. On the 11th of May, Count Andrassy for Austria, and Prince Gortchakoff for Russia, met Prince Bismarck at Berlin, in a conference which continued till the 13th, to arrange what should be done next. The result was, that a new note was issued, more decisive in tone than the Andrassy note, in which allusion was made to more active proceedings that might be adopted in case the condition of affairs was not soon improved. This note, which was dated May 13th, and is known as the Berlin Memorandum, or the Gortchakoff note, declared, in effect, that the Porte, by accepting the Andrassy note, had pledged itself to Europe, and that the great powers had the moral right to expect the Porte to execute its pledges. The Sultan had done nothing to fulfill his promises, and the murders at Salonica must be regarded as a consequence of his weakness. An armistice of two months must be arranged between the Porte and the insurgents, on the basis of the five points mentioned in the Andrassy note, and of other points which had grown out of the righteous demands of the insurgents. If this armistice passed away without the object contemplated by the powers being gained, it would be necessary to consult concerning such more effective measures as the interests of general peace would demand, to limit the spread and growth of the prevailing disorder. The Berlin note was submitted to France, Italy, and England. France and Italy gave their adhesion to it; England declined to approve it, May 19th. Immediately afterward, England sent to Besika Bay, at the southern end of the Dardanelles, a fleet of twenty vessels, mostly iron-clads, with about 5,000 men, under the command of Admiral Drummond,

and increased her war-supplies at Gibraltar and Malta.

In the last days of May the Sultan AbdulAziz was dethroned, by a revolution in the palace, assisted by the softas. The leaders in the revolution were the ministers of the 12th of May, Midhat Pasha, the Grand-Vizier Mehemet Rushdi Pasha, the War-Minister Hussein Avni Pasha, and the Sheikh ul-Islam Karullah Effendi. The other leaders propounded to the Sheikh Karullah Effendi, as the authorized interpreter of the laws of Islam, the question: "If the commander of the Faithful becomes afflicted with a disorder of his faculties so that he cannot take cognizance of political affairs; if he, by personal extravagance, increases the burdens of the nation beyond endurance; if he, by wrongs which he causes, threatens the ruin of the empire and of the Mussulman community; if his rule is destructive-must he be deposed? Karullah answered, "The law says, Yes!" and embodied the question and the answer into a fetna, officially signed, which had the force of a law with the Faithful. Armed with this fetna, the conspirators, on May 30th, proceeded to effect the deposition of the Sultan Abdul-Aziz. They kept their design carefully concealed till the moment for action arrived. Guards, consisting of soldiers on the land side and a vessel on the water, were stationed around the Palace Dolma Bagtsheh. Hussein Avni Pasha was dispatched to the Prince Murad Effendi, the eldest son of the late Sultan Abdul-Medjid, and notified him that he must come to the palace to be made Sultan. The prince obeyed, and proceeded to the great hall of the Seraskierat, where he was received with homage, and the customary religious services were had for the authentication of the act of his accession. The proceedings of installation having been completed, Redîf Pasha was sent to inform AbdulAziz that, "by the will of the people," he had been deposed, and must be taken to the Serail of Top Kapu, which had been assigned him as his residence. Abdul-Aziz was excited to a violent outburst of rage by this message; but when he was shown the guards posted around the palace, he exclaimed, "Great is Allah!" and fell into a stolid desperation. Accompanied by his mother, his sons, and eleven of his wives, he was taken to Top Kapu. The new Sultan was proclaimed as Murad V. An amnesty was immediately declared for all political offenses; the money in the imperial chest and the treasure of the mother of the Sultan Abdul-Aziz were turned over to the Minister of Finance. Abdul-Aziz was removed shortly afterward from Top Kapu to a pavilion of the palace of Tcheragan, which was assigned to him as his future residence. Here he was found dead on the morning of the 4th of June. His body was examined by a council of nineteen physicians of various nationalities, who all agreed that he had killed himself by cutting his veins with a pair of scissors, and their verdict was published as the official explanation

of the cause of his death. On the night of the rifles for Servia was reported at Berlin. The 15th of June a ministerial council was held at Governor of Bohemia ordered the frontier to the residence of Midhat Pasha, at which were be watched, to prevent the conveyance of the present, besides Midhat, the Grand-Vizier Me- rifles to Servia through Austrian territory. In hemet Rushdi Pasha, Hussein Avni Pasha, April it was reported that Prince Wrede, the Minister of War, the Grand-Admiral (Capudan Austrian representative at Belgrade, had comPasha) Achmet Kisserli, and the Minister of municated to Prince Milan a threat that AusForeign Affairs, Reshid Pasha. Soon after trian and Turkish troops would occupy Servia midnight an officer rushed unannounced into if she declared war against Turkey. Prince the Chamber, fired repeatedly at Hussein Avni Milan laid Prince Wrede's communication bePasha, and fell upon him with a knife. In fore the ministers and a parliamentary comthe mean time all the lights were put out ex- mittee, who unanimously advised him to pay cept a single candle. In the affray which fol- no attention to it. On Sunday, April 9th, a lowed, Reshid Pasha was killed by a shot from mob at Belgrade made a warlike demonstrathe assassin's revolver, the Capudan Pasha tion, and insulted two persons attached to the was shot in the shoulder and then stabbed, Austrian consulate. The Austrian Governand Achmet Aga, a member of the household ment made a demand for satisfaction, and an of Midhat Pasha, who attempted to arrest the apology was promptly made. On the same murderer, was also killed. Finally a detach- day Prince Milan made an address at a popument of soldiers came in and captured the mur- lar festival, and said: "If the Turks attack us, derer. He was summarily tried, and was hanged we have sufficient force to repel them." On on the morning of the 17th of June. His the 24th it was reported that the War-Office name was Hassan Beg. He was a Circassian, had ordered all militiamen to prepare for a a brother of the third wife of the Sultan Abdul- foreign campaign, and that the troops had Aziz, and had been during the reign of that been ordered to march to the frontier. With Sultan adjutant of his eldest son, Yusuf Izze- the renewal of hostilities in the insurgent din Effendi. According to the official state- provinces the public mind became more inment of the affair, he felt aggrieved at Hussein flamed, and fresh fuel was added by the atrociAvni, and sought to gratify a personal animos- ties in Bulgaria and the murder of the consuls ity in assassinating him. in Salonica. Prince Milan was finally forced to comply with the popular demand, and the ininistry of Kalievitch made way in May for the popular ministry, Ristitch-Gruitch. But, although the new cabinet was decidedly warlike in its composition, M. Ristitch hesitated to declare war, owing to the unprepared state in which the country still found itself; yet important steps were taken that Servia might be ready when the time came. On May 24th a decree was published providing for the issue of a loan of 12,000,000 francs, to bear interest, and to be payable within five years. On May 29th the Russian General Tchernayeff was appointed a general in the Servian army; a decree published soon after ordered the closing of the schools and courts in case of war, and troops were posted along the frontier. At the same time Servia had entered into negotiations with Montenegro, and on May 26th concluded with the latter a treaty offensive and defensive. In consequence of these proceedings the Turkish Government demanded an explanation from Servia, on June 9th, as to its preparations for war. Servia replied that it desired the preservation of peace, and by no means entertained any hostile intentions toward the Sublime Porte, and at the same time promised to send a special envoy to Constantinople, who should discuss with the Turkish Government the questions arising out of the situation. The negotiations of the great powers had gone on in the meanwhile, and on them the Servians had built great hopes. They had even gone so far as to formulate certain demands, which were essentially as follows: They claimed that Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Servia the ministry of Kalievitch was at the head of the Government in the beginning of 1876. This ministry was decidedly in favor of peace, and was in opposition to the Skupshtina, the national Legislature. On the 22d of January the Skupshtina unanimously adopted the war estimates; on the 25th the Minister of War asked the Chamber to grant an additional £224,000 for ariny equipment, and urgency was voted on the measure. On the 20th of February the Minister of War issued an order calling out all men between twenty and fifty years of age. Disturbances occurred at the communal elections at Kraguyevatz and Semendria in the last days of February, occasioned by agitators who raised the revolution ary flag. About the same time Prince Milan made peaceful assurances to Prince Wrede, the Austrian representative at Belgrade, which caused a temporary subsidence of the warfeeling. Before the middle of March, however, pressure was brought by the war-party upon Prince Milan; on the 14th Belgrade was illuminated in honor of the battle of Muratovizza, in the Herzegovina. The Turkish troops massed upon the Servian borders having committed depredations, the Servian militia were mobilized and ordered to march to the frontier. A cabinet council was held to discuss the policy to be pursued by the Government, at which differences of opinion arose which threatened a crisis. On the 23d of March the levy of the reserve had resulted satisfactorily, with a promise that Servia would have 30,000 men disposable in case of war. On the 24th the purchase of 60,000 Chassepot

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