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emician and professor, Budenz, has produced, in one volume, a grammar of the Mokscha and Erza-Mordvin languages, and effected a unification of these two dialects, which have been hitherto separately treated by Finn-Ugrian philologists, such as Ahlqvist ("Versuch einer mokscha mordwinischen Grammatik, nebst Texten und Wörterverzeichniss," St. Petersburg, 1861) and Wiedemann (“Grammatik der erza - mordwinischen Sprache, nebst einem kleinen mordwinisch-deutschen und deutschmordwinischen Wörterbuch," St. Petersburg, 1865).


In connection with philology, I may mention M. Paul Hunfalvi's Ethnography of Hungary," which treats of the origin of the Magyar race, as well as the early history of the nonMagyar population of the country, such as the Germans, Slavonians, Roumanians, Armenians, Gypsies, and Jews, the latter in their quality of integral parts of the crown of St. Stephen, a proceeding which deserves approbation, since the ethnological conditions of these last-named nationalities have been already amply treated by Rössler, Häufle, Miklosich, and Czoernig.

Dramatic literature can boast of two eminent products: "Milton," by Maurice Jókai, a work defective in dramatic construction, but thoroughly poetic; and "Ishkariot," a Biblical tragedy, by the young Anthony Várady. A lofty and poetic mind pervades the dramatic poem, "The Day of Judgment" ("Az itélet napja "), by Baron Ivor Kaas. The greater part of the products of dramatic literature are composed to supply daily demand.

Fiction is represented only by our genius, Maurice Jókai. To him we are indebted for "The Comedians of Life" ("Az élet komédiásai"), a social novel, "The Lunatic of Debreczen ("A debreczeni lunátikus "), an interesting and humorous tale, and "To the North Pole" ("Egész az ésszaki pólusig "), a fantastic novel in the style of Jules Verne.

Essays on literary history are mostly published in periodicals. As separate volumes, we find "The Ballads of Arany" ("Arany balladái "), expounded by Augustus Greguss; "History of our Literature, 1711-72" ("Irodalmuuk története, 1711-72"), written with great care by Joseph Szinnyei, junior; and "The Two Kisfaludy" ("A két Kisfaludy"), by Thomas Szana, of which the latter describes two interesting individuals in Hungarian literature, viz., Alexander Kisfaludy, one of the most eminent representatives of erotic poetry, and Charles Kisfaludy, the founder of Hungarian comedy. The valuable work of Francis Toldy, "A Manual to Hungarian Poetry" ("A magyar költészet kézikönyve "), is only a second and enlarged edition of the original book.

Turning to history, I may begin with the publications of the Academy, which, edited by a special committee, mostly refer to the investigation of our original resources. That committee, presided over by Bishop Horváth, the eminent historiographer of this country, enjoys an

annual subsidy of 50,000 florins from the Government, and unites our best scholars on the field of historical resources. The publications called "Monumenta Hungariæ Historica" consist of two different groups, those relating to parliamentary matters, and the "Acta Extera." In the past year came out the following noteworthy work: "Diplomatic Monuments of the Time of the Anjou Dynasty," by Prof. Gustavus Wenzel, extending from 1370-1426; "Diplomatic Monuments from the Time of our Great King Mathias Corvinus," edited by Iván Nagy and Baron Albertus Nyáry, comprising the time between 1458-'70. As particularly interesting, I have to mention "The Correspondence of Nicolaus Oláh," published by Bishop Arnold Ipolyi, a book which throws an essential light upon one of the most interesting periods of Hungarian history. Nicolaus Oláh was a private secretary of Queen Maria, the wife of our unfortunate King Ludovic II., who fell at the disastrous battle of Mohács. Queen Maria having been obliged to emigrate after the Turkish occupation of Hungary, her secretary, N. Oláh, followed her, with a noble attachment, to the Netherlands, and the correspondence which he kept up, from that country, with his friends in Hungary, is rich in details concerning the diplomatic transactions of those times between Charles V., Ferdinand I., and Clement VII. We get from these letters an insight into the great panic which Europe experienced with regard to the Turks; but, at the same time, we see how mutual rivalry and total ignorance of facts stood in the way of an energetic and combined defense. Bishop Ipolyi's book, comprising 621 letters in Latin, fully deserves the attention of foreign scholars.

This year the congress for prehistoric archæology and ethnology held its eighth meeting, at Buda-Pesth. England was represented by Messrs. Franks, Evans, and Grote; France, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Holland, and the different provinces of ancient Poland, sent their most distinguished savants to our capital; Vienna, Russia proper, and Roumania, were absent. The principal feature of the congress was a noble exhibition of the most important prehistoric remains found in Hungary, which gave a correct idea of the different types of Hungarian finds.

ITALY.-Guasti, of Prato, near Florence, has recently published the forty-sixth and fortyseventh portions of the monumental "Storia dell' Arte Cristiana nei primi otto secoli della Chiesa," by Father Raffaele Garrucci, of the Company of Jesus. These two portions complete the third folio volume, which treats of miniatures and painted glass. The fourth volume is now commencing, which will describe the mosaics. This work is now about half finished, and all those persons who are engaged in the history of art ought to express the desire that it may be carried on to the end; they should also give it their best encouragement.

Some of Father Garrucci's opinions may be disputed, and some of his interpretations may seem somewhat arbitrary; and it would have been as well had the illustrations been strict fac-similes, and not undergone any arrangement whatever; but this fault is not for a moment to be weighed against the immense archæological erudition of Father Garrucci, the great inportance of some of the illustrations, which are now for the first time given to the world in his book, and the subtile ingenuity of some of his remarks; above all, there is the very solid and important fact that never, until now, has so rich or so interesting a collection of materials been brought together to illustrate Christian art from the earliest ages of the Church. This work, to which all the great libraries of Europe have subscribed, will, when complete, contain one hundred parts in folio, and the price will be five hundred francs.

From Naples we have received the first part of another archæological work, "Le Rovine di Pompej; "the illustrations are drawn and engraved by Giuseppe Solari and Eugenio Leone. This work, when finished, will contain upward of a thousand woodcuts, distributed through sixty sheets of letter-press. The present specimen-number does not give promise of much learning; but it is, at all events, well illustrated, the objects are carefully described, and the book will be suitable to general readers, on account of the cuts and of the extreme, almost elementary, clearness of the explanations.

Two excellent archæological monographs, in quarto, have recently appeared: one of them, I Sigilli Antichi Romani raccolti e publicati da Vittorio Poggi," with eleven pages of illustration; the other, "Le Antiche Lapidi di Bergamo descritte ed illustrate dal Canonico Giovanni Finazzi." Both of them are works of solid erudition and conscientious labor.

In this place I must especially mention the last volume in quarto of the "Documenti di Storia Italiana," published by the Historical Commission of Tuscany, Umbria, and the Marches. I must not omit the first volume in quarto of the "Biblioteca Historica Italiana," published in an elegant form by the Lombard Historical Society. It has an instructive preface, written by A. Cerruti; and it also contains chronicles and historical monographs.

Last year I announced the first volume of the "Storia della Diplomazia della Corte di Savoia," by Domenico Carutti. This eminent historian, who is a member of the Council of State at Rome, has now lately given to the world the second volume of the work. This volume treats of the events of 1601-'63, that is to say, the stormy period for the House of Savoy during the reigns of Charles Emanuel I., of Victor Amadeus I., and of Madama Reale. Sgr. Carutti always goes for his materials to trustworthy sources, and turns to the best account the dispatches of embassadors.

Almost at the same time that Sgr. Bianchi is introducing us, through his most inestimable

work, to the treasures of the Piedmontese archives, two archivists of Venice, Sgr. F. Toderini, and Sgr. Bartolomeo Cecchetti, the present excellent keeper of the Venetian Archives, have given to the world an account of the archives under their care, in a volume which is worthy of all commendation. It is entitled "L'Archivio di Stato in Venezia nel Decennio 1866– '76." It gives evidence of the immense interest possessed by the mass of historical papers which are kept in Venice, and it also bears witness to the care and pains that have been bestowed upon them since the deliverance of Venice from the Austrian yoke.

It is thus that Sgr. Domenico Berti, deputy to Parliament, and also Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Rome, has at last given to the world, for the first time, an exact and complete copy of the "Processo Originale di Galileo Galilei," with an excellent commentary upon the same. Certain orthodox critics, who have not seen the work, have precipitately declared that the announcement of this book is merely an Italian hoax. The same author, some months previously, published a perfect model of an historical monograph, under the title of "Copernico e le Vicende del Sistema Copernicano in Italia nella seconda metà del Secolo XVI e nella prima del XVII." Thus the two grand characters of Copernicus and of Galileo are both faithfully delineated in these eloquent and masterly histories by the same writer.

Among the best works of history that have appeared in the course of the present year is the first volume of a very important work, by Prof. Bartolomeo Malfatti. It is entitled "Imperatori e Papi ai Tempi della Signoria dei Franchi in Italia." Immense labor has been bestowed upon this first volume; it is written in the highest style of criticism, and every page bears the impress of impartiality. I must also mention the recent numbers of the always attractive "Cronistoria dell' Indipendenza Italiana," by our aged but still indefatigable and illustrious historian, Cesare Cantù; and the eighth edition of Sgr. Amari's celebrated work, entitled "La Guerra del Vespro Siciliano," with many important additions and corrections, which may now be considered as final.

All that can be said on the whole of Italian publications is, that the book-trade in Italy seems to be growing more and more brisk, owing to several circumstances, which may be briefly summed up as follows: first, the general awakening of Italy; secondly, the number of publishers, which is always on the increase; thirdly, the public becomes more eager after new works; fourthly, there are authors who are content to receive a nominal price for their work, sometimes they are content to receive nothing at all, and sometimes they even gladly pay the expense of publication, for the sole pleasure of seeing their book well got up, and brought out by a good publisher. It is seldom,

indeed, that a publisher is to be found who, like Maisner, of Milan, is inclined to make an outlay of 20,000 francs on one large volume in quarto, with illustrations, containing the learned narrative by Prof. Enrico Giglioli of his great scientific voyage round the world in the Magenta. The work deserves to take its place among the best standard works of travel. It has been edited with the utmost care. The ethnological introduction which Prof. Paolo Mantegazza has prefixed increases the value of this book, which may be pronounced to be the most important work that has appeared this year.

Although it would be difficult to point out, amid this mass of books, a single one that could be called a work of first-class originality and merit, yet I can conscientiously aver that none of these publications can be styled commonplace: each one has its own characteristics, and has its own individual merits. Thus, among the novels, there are several in which there is much to appreciate and to admire.

In dramatic and in lyric poetry Italian authors have not been idle during 1876. The year has given us our earliest printed copies of several dramas by authors who just now are enjoying popularity.

Political excitement has more or less subsided; accordingly our poets have recently enjoyed more favor than has been bestowed on them for some years past. Italy's former love of art has revived, and has partly expressed itself in the care shown by the editors of several poetical collections.

NORWAY.-The present year has not been rich in literary productions. In belles-lettres there is nothing deserving mention. Turning to historical literature, I may mention that the edition of the many and important historical and philological essays of the late Prof. P. A. Munch, by Dr. Gustav Storm, has been recently finished with the publication of the fourth volume.

In theology merit to be named the Rev. E. F. B. Horn's book "On Atonement and Justification," and the Rev. A. C. Bang's learned essay "On the Historical Reality of the Resurrection of Christ." The first of these works has provoked several protests from the strictly orthodox party, as it in several respects clashes with the old Lutheran dogmas, but his views have been defended by the author himself, not without talent, and have also found approval in the eyes of several authorities.

In law, Prof. Aschehoug continues his important work, "Norges offentlige Ret" ("On the Norwegian Constitution and Government"), and Prof. Ingstad has written an essay on the study of Roman law, in which he also treats of the present state of that study in England.

Axel Blytt has produced a learned essay (in the English language) "On the Immigration of the Norwegian Flora," which, as it deserves, has attracted much attention in foreign

countries; Dr. A. S. Guldberg, a work "On the Theory of Determinants; "C. de Seue (in German), a treatise, "Windrosen des südlichen Norwegens." The last work is printed as a programme of the university. The renowned mathematician, Prof. O. J. Broch, has made a most important contribution to the knowledge of his native country in his new book, entitled "The Kingdom of Norway and the Norwegian People." This work, which also appears in French translation, has been provoked by the Exhibition at Brussels.

PORTUGAL.-In ten months we have had ninety translations. The "Vida Infernal” of Gaboriau side by side with the "Cartas a um Sceptico" of Balmes; the "Historia e Milagres da Virgem de Lourdes" of Lasserre in front of the "Historia dos Coitadinhos Celebres" of H. Kock. Here are the two currents of the new literature, which are still the illustrations of our manners and customs. On one side the Ultramontane school publishes the "Syllabus Justificado" and the "Egreja Triumphante" of Maupier, multiplies the number of catechisms and prayer-books, issues new editions of the works of the old mystic authors; on the other side, a literary party, without name and without character, translates immoral romances, and makes detestable verses full of profanity and caricatures of the most sacred things.

Of original works I cannot cite many. The "Douro Illustrado," by the Viscount de Villa Maior, is considered by competent authorities as up to the mark of the author's capacity: he is known by his studies and writings respecting viniculture; but the present is more a treatise on curiosities and statistics than a work of science. Prof. A. A. d'Aguiar, who was the Portuguese Commissioner to the Exhibition of Wines in London, has already published part of his lectures on agriculture. They created for him adversaries and heart-burnings. was to be expected, for Senhor d'Aguiar is a man distinguished for science, conscientiousness, and honesty, and, moreover, speaks what he thinks. His lectures, which made so great an impression when spoken, lose nothing of their expressiveness in a printed form.


In the section of belles-lettres, the reaction against the extravagance of the French style begins to operate; the romances of Julio-Diniz serve for an example. Pedro Ivo, Bento Moreno, two noms de plume, figure on the titlepages of notable books. The first, who was already known by his "Contos," has now published "O Sello da Roda," and Bento Moreno has issued the "Comedia do Campo," pictures of manners, scenes in the Minho, small unaffected stories, admirably, nay, adorably narrated.

A. Sarmento has also published the "Contos do Soalheiro," an estimable work, in which is found a rich collection of proverbs, adages, idiotisms, and popular Portuguese phrases, as

well as a description of the customs and superstitions of our people.

Dona Maria Amalia Vaz de Carvalho, the authoress of the "Vozes do Ermo," is already known among us not only as a poetess of distinction, but also as a prose-writer of eminence. There is not one of the Portuguese ladies who aspire to literary honors able to compete with her. The "Vozes do Ermo" is the only book of verses which I consider I ought to particularize.

I desist from mentioning some agreeable books of travels, as well as some pleasing poems of small importance.

In dramatic literature, excepting the drama, "Os Lazaristas," of A. Ennes, there has not appeared anything worthy of notice. This drama is not only a work of propaganda against the Jesuits, but must be rated, when we set aside a few slight blemishes, a true production of art.

Theophilo Braga, a workman of untiring industry, has issued the "Anthologia Portugueza, the "Manual da Litteratura Portugueza," the "Grammatica Comparada da Lingua Portugueza," and also published the "Cancioneiro do Vaticano." All these works are commendable.

SPAIN. A tendency is to be observed in Spain to foster the study of science by establishing it on a more solid foundation, and one more in accordance with modern ideas. This has continued in the present year almost to a greater extent than in former ones. The establishment of new literary centres and scientific periodicals, the foreign books which are continually translated, and the excellent literary reviews which appear, show us that the Spanish public is becoming anxious to learn and favor studies of all kinds.

For many years French books have been the only channel through which foreign ideas and scientific impulses have entered Spain. There is a great change at the present time. A large number of books are translated directly from German and English, most of them of a scientific kind; and they meet with a ready sale, which would not have been the case twenty years ago. Among them may be mentioned Mackeldy's "Studies of Roman Law," Mommsen's "History of Rome," Draper's "Science and Religion," besides works of Hegel, Kant, and the Greek philosophers, which have been translated and greatly commented upon lately. One of the reasons which have contributed to make these studies popular in Spain is, that the best Spanish literary journals publish a special foreign correspondence direct from the European literary centres. These facts clearly prove that the Spanish public is becoming more alive to the advantages of private enterprise; there is, undoubtedly, progress, though, if compared with the modern life of other nations, the result is poor. Literary writings are scanty, and the country is going through one of those periods which generally come before a renais

sance, as has been the case in Germany and Italy; unfortunately, however, in Spain the southern character predominates in a great degree, and destroys most part of the other advantages. One instance of this is furnished by the debates held at the Ateneo of Madrid, a neutral ground on which celebrities of every school meet to discuss every kind of subject. The debates of this year have been held on important social problems, and also to discuss whether it would be advisable to have the protection of the Government for certain literary productions. The orators have enchanted their audiences by their eloquence, without, however, convincing them; for the ideas which they support in religion, philosophy, and social science, possess so eclectic a tendency that it is not easy for half a dozen individuals to agree in a concrete solution.

Such is the general aspect of the intellectual life of 1866. The books which have appeared during the year have been few, and none of any great importance.

SWEDEN. The prosperity, which in a material point of view has been the result of abundant harvests and progress in all the departments of commerce and industry, has naturally exercised a beneficial influence on the bookmarket. The number of original works is, however, not very large; translations, on the other hand, are more numerous The latter, with a few exceptions, must here be omitted.

To turn to philosophy, there has been published the first installment of a selection of S. Grubbe's works. Grubbe was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Upsala, and as a stylist he ranks among our greatest authors. This work is published by A. Nyblæus, who, in "Den filosofiska Forskningen i Sverige från slutet af adertonde århundradet " ("Philosophical Researches in Sweden from the end of the Eighteenth Century "), and other books, has proved himself not only a learned inquirer, but a master of the art of writing in a clear and popular style. Another volume of great interest is G. Bring's "Immanuel Kants Forhållande till den filosofiska Teologien" ("I. Kant's Relation to Philosophic Theology").

The researches in Swedish history have not produced any great results this year.

The interest taken in fine arts and their history has been increasing, especially since the opening of the new National Museum, simultaneously with the great exhibition of productions of art and industry in Stockholm, 1866. In consequence, the time seems to have arrived for producing an art-journal-an idea that was realized two years ago. L. Dietrichson is the editor; contributions have been furnished by Prof. Nyblom, Ljunggren, and others, and the artistic part of the work has been provided for by engaging the services of distinguished etchers, Unger, Klaus, Lowenstam. Dr. Fr. Sander has this year completed a work relating to its valuable collection of pictures, under the title of "Nationalmuseum,

bidrag till tafle galleriets historia ("The National Museum, Contributions to the History of the Picture Gallery "), based on careful researches. The productions of the modern pictorial art of the North are represented by "Nordiska målares taflor" ("Pictures by Northern Painters"), with an explanatory text; and the exhibition of the works of Egron Lundgren (the painter in water-colors so highly esteemed in England), which had the honor of numbering the Queen of England among its exhibitors, together with our present exhibition of industrial productions of art-proofs that the fine arts are cultivated in Sweden.

The Swedish literature has this year been enriched with a most valuable collection of poems, written by C. D. af Wirsén. These songs, pervaded as they are by a mournful tone, through which, however, glimmers forth a manly trust that is based on Christian principles, carry the reader into a poetical atmosphere, which reminds him of that which surrounds B. E. Malmstrom's best productions.

RUSSIA.—The literature of Russia for the year seems barren. The continuation of what is so far a really great novel, still unfinished, Count Leo Tolstoi's "Anna Karenina," is all Russia can boast of. What is, perhaps, the greatest production of the year has not yet suc ceeded in satisfying the censorship, and is still retained in the printing-office, the important work of Prince Vasiltchikof, "Land Tenure and Agriculture." Turgeneff appears in one short tale only, "The Watch," in which he shows all his old pathos. Moved by the Bulgarian horrors, he sent to one of the Russian newspapers a short poem-a vision of a game of croquet at Windsor-which, in its halfdozen stanzas, gave a more impressive picture than any Russian poem which has appeared for years. Fortunately his pen has not been idle, and a new novel, longer than most of his former works, "Nov"," is now in course of publication. Dostoiefsky has devoted all his force, not to works of art or to realistic novels, but to his serial, "The Journal of an Author," half autobiographical and half critical, on society and polities. The poems and dramas of the late Count Alexis Tolstoi have been collected and published; Stchedrin (Soltykof) has given us some new satirical sketches, "Conservative Talk;" and Pypin has begun a series of studies on the history of Russian literature, which are already good and promise to be better. Beyond this we find nothing but the productions of third-rate writers-a play or two, some slight though graceful verses, and a few novels, occasionally of merit. Such things are published and are read because the Russian reading public is growing larger, and must, somehow, be satisfied. To supplement the deficiency of native talent, now, as once before in Russian literary history, translations of the best contemporary authors are in vogue, and are becoming more and more the staple of some of the magazines.

In poetry the event of the year has been the republication of the poems and dramas of Count Alexis Tolstoi. This edition, while containing many things that were scattered through the pages of periodicals, is not complete, in the sense that it does not contain some poems which the censorship would forbid from their political satire, and some which were never intended for publication, but only for the amusement of friends, being caricatures of men of the time, or full of Rabelaisian humor.

The strong point with the Russian literature of 1876, as for many years of late, is in history and historical material. Of the latter, three journals deserve a special mention for their general as well as their historical interest, the memoirs of Michael Garnofsky, of Madame Passek, and of Baron Rosen. Garnofsky was an artillery colonel, who was for many years the overseer of the houses, villas, and glassworks, of Prince Potemkin in St. Petersburg; and during the frequent absences of the prince from the capital had charge of all his affairs, not only those of property, but of various commissions, and business at the court and with people in near relations to the Empress Catherine, as also with various ministries and departments of the Government. Potemkin considered him as his right hand, all houses in St. Petersburg were open to him, and he was on intimate terms with many of the leading men of the epoch. They are written in a clear and business-like but lively style, and extend from 1786 to 1790. "The Recollections of Madame Passek," of which a small portion had already been printed, begins with the accession of the Empress Catherine II., and extends to 1812. The recollections concern rather the writer herself and her immediate acquaintances than political affairs in general, although they are full of valuable references. The publication of the memoirs of Baron Rosen is a new proof of the great interest which the present generation takes in all that concerns the Decembrists, that band of noble and enthusiastic young men who endeavored to prevent Nicholas from ascending the throne in 1825, and to force upon Russia a free government. Another interesting contribution to historical literature, for it covers and attempts to decide many knotty points, is "The French in Moscow in 1812," by D. N. Popof. the writer has carefully studied the whole literature of the subject, and many diaries and papers which have never been published, and gives us full materials to judge for ourselves how and why Moscow was burned.

Among other historical publications should be noted the "Relations of Russia with the European Powers before the War of 1815," by A. Popof; the second and third volumes of the new edition of the "Complete Collection of Russian Laws," etc., which extend to 1723; the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth volumes of the "Collection of the Russian Histori

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