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" Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have a statement that I would like to submit for the record in connection with HR 2402, the authorization for the cleanup in the Potomac River. "
Civil Service Retirement: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on ... - Halaman 93
oleh United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service - 1956 - 202 halaman
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Apportionment of Representives in Congress Amongst Yhe Several States ...

United States. Congress. House Census Committee - 1927 - 170 halaman
...very much. Mrs. KAHN. I would like to move that the hearings on this bill be closed. Mr. THURSTON. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit, in relation to the membership of parliamentary bodies of certain foreign countries. The CHAIRMAN. Certainly....
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Hearings: Interior Dept

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1964 - 2340 halaman
...have you with us, Mr. Janzen, with your staff. Have you a statement ? GENERAL STATEMENT Mr. JANZEN. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit for the record. Mr. DENTON. You may do that, and then summarize your statement. (Mr. Janzen's statement...
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United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds - 1942 - 1514 halaman
...OF CHARLES D. DRAYTON, CHAIRMAN OF THE HOSPITAL PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON, DC Mr. DRAYTON. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit for the record. The CHAIRMAN. We will be glad to have it. Mr. DRAYTON. I am not, sir. The CHAIRMAN....
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Amending the Act to Expedite the Provision of Housing in Connection with ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds - 1942 - 302 halaman
...OF CHARLES D. DRAYTON, CHAIRMAN OF THE HOSPITAL PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON, DC Mr. DRAYTON. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit for the record. The CHAIRMAN. \\|e will be glad to have it. Mr. DRAYTON. I am not, sir. The CHAIRMAN....
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Hearings Before the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds ..., Volume 1-7

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds - 1942 - 772 halaman
...OF CHARLES D. DRAYTON, CHAIRMAN OF THE HOSPITAL PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON, DC Mr. DRAYTON. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit for the record. The CHAIRMAN. We will be glad to have it. Mr. MCGREGOR. Might I make a statement at...
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Civil Service Retirement: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service - 1956 - 210 halaman
...for and against yourself at the same time? Mr. BEITER. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit for the record and then I will proceed...Senator SCOTT. That will be inserted in the record at this point. (The above-mentioned document is as follows:) BRIEF OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED...
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Legislative Branch Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1997: Hearings Before a ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch - 1996 - 280 halaman
...Senator Campbell. Do you have a statement? PREPARED STATEMENT Senator CAMPBELL. With your permission, Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit for the record of this committee. Senator MACK. Without objection. [The statement follows:] PREPARED...
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Foreign Assistance and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1964: Hearings ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1963 - 814 halaman
...Assistant Secretary of Defense for Regional Affairs. Mr. Hutchinson, you may proceed. Mr. HDTCHINSON. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit for the record if I might. Chairman HATDEN. That may be done and you can highlight it. Mr. HUTCHINSON....
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Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for 1965 ...

United States. Congress. House. Appropriations - 1964 - 2240 halaman
...have you with us, Mr. Janzen, with your staff. Have you a statement? Gzr¿asi 4 STATEMENT Mr. JANZEN. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit for the record. Mr. DENTON. You may do that, and then summarize your state31ent. (Mr. Janzen's statement...
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Hearings, Volume 3

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1964 - 1458 halaman
...HAYDEN. Our next witness is Mr. Arlie Parkins, of the Idaho State Reclamation Association. Mr. PARKINS. Mr. Chairman, I have a statement that I would like to submit. Chairman HAYDEN. That may be done. Mr. PARKINS. Mr. Chairman, in the interest of time I would just...
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