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istered it. The plan pursued I regarded as the safest and best, and the result proved the wisdom of it. My whole course consisted simply in trying to hold the hemorrhage in check by cold applications and recumbent position, until the favorable time for the laceration of the spongy placenta, through which I hoped, and was gratified in seeing, the child safely pass, aiding in its expulsion by one dose of ergot, and firm pressure upon the abdomen.

This was the first case of this character that has fallen to my charge in twenty years' practice, although several times I had noticed slight hemorrhages previous to delivery, doubtless owing to a partial implantation of the placenta, none of which required any interference whatever.

THE REWARD OF FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS TO THE DISCOVERER OF AN UNDOUBTED REMEDY FOR, OR PROPHYLACTIC OF, CHOLERA.-Our readers will recollect that the late M. Bréant, a man of fortune who lately died in France, left the sum of four thousand pounds to be handed over to the discoverer of a remedy or prolactic respecting cholera. The Academy of Sciences of Paris, which has been intrusted with the examination of the candidates' claims, has just received the report of the

committee appointed for the purpose. From this document it appears

that one hundred and fifty-three essays were sent in, and none of them were thought worthy of the full reward, nor of the partial gratuity of two hundred pounds, being the interest of the four thousand pounds. Two pamphlets, however, fixed the attention of the committee: the first is by the head-surgeon of the Smolensk Hospital in Russia, and the second by an author, simply styled Mr. R. The Russian writer views cholera as analogous to typhoid fever and small-pox: he, therefore, vaccinates all the cholera patients at the outset of the epidemic. This practice was recommended to all practitioners of the empire by the Russian Government, and is said to have saved six patients out of seven! Mr. R.'s essay extols the use of calomel, given in doses of from two to three grains every two or five minutes, the author stating that as much as thirteen drachms can be taken in a short time without salivation. Mr. R. maintains that his cures are eighty per cent. This latter practice, it will at once be seen, is almost identical with that so energetically recommended by Dr. Ayre, of Hull.-London Lancet.

Medical Intelligence and Reports.


[As the two journals to which the present is a successor were both in a state of suspension at the time of the meeting of the American Medical Association in Washington, last May, we give, though rather late in the day, a very condensed report of its proceedings, omitting those parts which, relating to medical education, are detailed at large in our paper upon that subject.]

This National Medical Congress of our Republic held its eleventh annual meeting in Washington, D. C., beginning May 5th, 1858.

The Association met in the lecture-room of the Smithsonian Institute, and was called to order at a quarter past eleven o'clock, A. M., by Dr. Condie, of Philadelphia, when the chair was taken by the President, Dr. Paul F. Eve, of Nashville, Tenn. Vice-Presidents Breckenridge of Kentucky, Reese of New York, and Campbell of Georgia, were also on the platform; and at their table were the efficient Secretaries, Drs. Foster, of Tennessee, and Semmes, of Washington City. Rev. Byron Sunderland, D. D., at the invitation of the President, offered an eloquent and appropriate prayer, invoking the blessing of Almighty God upon the Convention.

The meeting was then addressed by Dr. Harvey Lindsley, of Washington, Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements.

The number of delegates and permanent members present was larger, we think, than ever assembled on any similar occasion, excepting, perhaps, the meeting in 1853, held in the city of New York. The names amounted to over four hundred, on the calling of the roll at the first session.

On the calling of the roll by the Secretary, State by State, as it had been made out up to the commencement of the meeting, the following number of delegates responded:

Maine, 2; New Hampshire, 8; Connecticut, 18; Vermont, 1; Massachusetts, 40; Rhode Island, 5; New York, 73; New Jersey, 25; Pennsylvania, 66; Delaware, 4; Maryland, 24; District of Columbia, 25; Virginia, 8; North Carolina, 8; South Carolina, 10; Georgia, 12; Alabama, 1; Kentucky, 9; Tennessee, 7; Indiana, 6; Illinois, 12; Michi

gan, 3; Iowa, 3; Missouri, 4; Ohio, 14; California, 1; American Medical Society of Paris, 1; United States Navy, 2. [When the name of Dr. Harvey, who has come from California expressly to attend this Convention, was called, there was loud applause.] Other members were announced at different times during the day, and when the Association adjourned, there were four hundred and six names registered.

Dr. David M. Reese, of New York, now presented and read a written apology for having recommended for a position in Blockley Hospital, Philadelphia, Dr. McClintock, who had been expelled from the Association for a violation of the ethics and the etiquette of the profession, by lending himself to the quackery of patent medicines.

On motion of Dr. Condie, of Philadelphia, the apology was accepted, and ordered to be entered on the minutes.

Dr. Bryan, of Philadelphia, who had also recommended Dr. McClintock, made a verbal adoption of Dr. Reese's apology, the reception of which was warmly debated. Dr. C. C. Cox, of Maryland, opposed, and Dr. Condie advocated the reception. Dr. A. B. Palmer, of Michigan, moved the previous question, on a motion to refer the subject to a committee, which was lost. The apology of Dr. Bryan was then accepted. [It was rumored in the hall that Dr. McClintock will be reinstated during the session of the Association.]

The President, Professor Paul F. Eve, of Nashville, Tenn., then delivered his annual address to the Association.

Dr. Grafton Tyler, of Georgetown, D. C., Chairman of the Committee on Prize Essays, reported that the essays received were three in number, each of which had been examined with great care-considering, first, the intrinsic merits of each essay, and then their merits in relation to each other. The first prize was awarded to "An Essay on the Clinical Study of the Heart's Sounds, in Health and Disease," bearing the motto, "Clinica clinice demonstrandum." The second prize was awarded to "An Essay on Vision, and some of the Anomalies as rendered by the Ophthalmoscope," bearing the motto, "Dux hominum medicus est."

Dr. Tyler then proceeded to open the sealed envelopes bearing the above-named mottoes, and containing the names of the writers of the essays. The first was written by Dr. Austin Flint, of Buffalo, New York; and the second by Dr. Montrose A. Pallen, of St. Louis, Missouri. This is the second time Dr. Flint has won this distinguished honor, and the third time that it has been awarded to Buffalo since the Association was organized, eleven years ago.

On motion, the report of the committee was accepted and adopted. Doctors Flint and Pallen were then invited to give resumés of their essays, which they did; and each of the gentlemen was listened to with marked attention on the part of the Association.

Among other gentlemen, Dr. Peter Parker, ex-Commissioner to China, and Assistant-Surgeon Frederick A. Rose, of the British Navy, were unanimously elected "members by invitation."

The latter gentleman, Dr. F. A. Rose, of the British Navy, who so nobly volunteered his services on board the United States ship Susquehanna, at Port Royal, and who came in her to New York, devoting him

self to the sick crew, was unanimously elected a "member by invitation," and invited to take a seat upon the platform. (Applause.) It was announced that Dr. Rose had left the city.

Dr. Francis G. Smith, of Philadelphia, Chairman of the Committee on Publication, made his report, showing the expense of publishing the annual volume.

Dr. Caspar Wistar, of Philadelphia, presented his Annual Report of Receipts and Expenditures, showing a balance on hand of $806. Accompanying the Treasurer's Report was a resolution providing that the back volumes on hand, when over two years old, shall be sold at two dollars a volume, and that volumes V., VII., VIII., and IX., of which there are a surplus, be sold at $5 a set to any member.

A report was made by the Committee on Nominations, which was accepted; and the Association then elected the following officers: President, Dr. Harvey Lindsley, of Washington City. Vice-Presidents, Drs. W. L. Sutton, of Kentucky; Thomas O. Edwards, of Iowa; Josiah Crosby, of New Hampshire; and W. C. Warren, of North Carolina. Secretary, Dr. A. J. Semmes, of Washington City. [The other Secretary will be elected when the location of the next Association is selected.] Treasurer, Dr. Caspar Wistar, of Philadelphia.

On motion, Drs. Flint, of New York, Gross, of Pennsylvania, and Gibbes, of South Carolina, were appointed a committee to conduct the President elect to the chair.

Dr. Lindsley having been introduced to the association by the retiring President, Dr. Eve, made a few pertinent remarks, acknowledging the honor as the highest he had ever been called upon to receive, and the highest that any medical man in America can receive.

On motion, the thanks of the Association were voted to the retiring officers for the able and impartial manner in which they have discharged the duties of their respective offices. (Applause.)

On motion, the ex-Presidents of the Association present were invited to take seats on the platform.

The Committee on Medical Topography and Epidemics was called by States. A paper from the member from Maine stated that he will report next year. There was no response from New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, or Massachusetts. Dr. Smith, of New Jersey, read an able report on New Jersey, and the Association then adjourned until this morning at nine o'clock.

SECOND DAY.-The Association was called to order by the President, Dr. Harvey Lindsley, and A. J. Semmes, one of the Secretaries, read the minutes of the first day's proceedings, which were adopted.

On motion of Dr. Watson, of New York, Dr. Delafield, of New York, one of the first officers of the Association, was invited to take a seat on the platform.

On motion of Dr. Atkinson, of Virginia, an amendment to the Constitution was received, providing that no person shall be recognized as a member, or admitted as a delegate at meetings of the Association, who has been expelled from any State or local Medical Association, until relieved by action of such State or local association. (Applause.)

An abstract of the Report on Medical Literature was then read by Dr. A. B. Palmer, of Michigan; which report was, on motion, accepted, and referred to the Committee on Publication.

On motion, Dr. N. Bozeman, of Alabama, was elected "a member by invitation."

The Report on Medical Education was now presented by the Chairman, Dr. James R. Wood, of New York. It has been noticed elsewhere.

On motion, the report was accepted and referred to the Committee on Publication, the accompanying resolution being laid on the table.

The Committee on Nominations reported Louisville, Ky., as the place of meeting in 1859, and nominated Dr. S. S. Bemis, of that city, as second Secretary. They also nominated the following Standing Committees:

COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION.-Dr. F. Gurney Smith, Pa., Chairman; Drs. Caspar Wistar, Pa.; A. J. Semmes, D. C.; S. M. Bemis, Ky.; S. L. Hollinsworth, Pa.; S. Lewis, Pa.; H. F. Askew, Del.

COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL LITERATURE.-Dr. John Watson, N. Y., Chairman; Drs. L. A. Smith, N. J.; C. G. Comegys, Ohio; R. W. Gibbes, S. C.; W. M. McPheeters, Mo.

COMMITTEE ON PRIZE ESSAYS.-Dr. J. B. Flint, Ky., Chairman; Drs. M. Goldsmith, N. J.; H. Miller, Ky.; Calvin West, Ind.

COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL EDUCATION.-Dr. G. W. Norris, Pa., Chairman; Drs. A. H. Luce, Ill.; E. R. Henderson, S. C.; G. R. Grant, Tenn.; T. S. Powell, Ga.

COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS.-Dr. R. J. Breckenridge, Ky., Chairman; Drs. G. W. Ronald, B. M. Wible, D. W. Goodall, D. D. Thompson, N. B. Marshall, G. W. Burglass, R. C. Hewett, and A. B. Cook, all of Kentucky.

The report was accepted, the nominations were confirmed, and the committee received permission to sit again.

After considerable discussion, it was decided that the meeting go into a committee of the whole, to reconsider the acceptance of the apology presented on the day previous by Dr. Reese.

Dr. T. O. Edwards, of Ohio, now took the chair.

It was now moved to read the remonstrance of the Philadelphia Medical Society, in which all the circumstances of the recommendation of Dr. McClintock by Dr. Reese, and his appointment to office in Blockley Hospital, were fully set forth.

Dr. Biddle, of Philadelphia, protested against the reading of the remonstrance, as a violation of plighted faith.

The remonstrance was, however, read. It was a long document, giv ing a detailed account of the recommendation by Dr. Reese of Dr. McClintock for a position in Blockley Hospital, after the last-named gentleman had been guilty of selling quack nostrums, and had thus committed an offence against the ethics of the profession.

Dr. Humphries, of Indiana, moved that each member of the Committee of the Whole be restricted to five minutes, allowing Dr. Reese whatever time he wished to defend himself in.

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