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the blossoms of strawberys, rasberys, and gooseberyes, and divers other fruits, besides severall sorts of living creatures, as deere, cranes, hernes, and other wild fowl, which made them call the island Marthas Vineyard; and in the same place they took up theire station all the while they remayned in the country. In the middle of May they sowed wheat, barly, oates, pease, which sprang up eight or nine inches in fourteene days. All which considerations togeather with the seeming courtesies of the salvages encouraged some of the company to thinke of tarrying there the yeere about. Butt considering how meanly they were provided, they altered the resolution, and returned back againe to England, where they arrived, about the 23 July following, carrying such newes as enduced the aldermen [and certain merchants] of Bristoll to raise a stocke of [10001.] which was imployed for furnishing ** more the next yeare under the command of Martin Pring or Pin and Robert Salterne, who had beene there. the yeere before. In the yeere 1603 following the Capt. Gosnold made noe relation, butt * * * * fell with the land * of 43° on the north V.3 Sex of Virginia, as all the country was then called. From of lus thence they ranged the coast along till they came to a Histor place which they named Whitson Bay. How long they contains tarried upon the coast, or when they returned, is not repreh mentioned in Salterne's relation, yett it seems the report the ar. they carried home was not like that of the unbelieving


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ble Sir Thomas Arrundali Barron of Wardor to send both the spyes, for itt gave encouragement to the Right Honora County forth another vessell in the yeare 1605, with 29 stout voyages. seamen, under the comand of Capt. Thomas Wey- e JB. mouth with intent to have them make another discovery neton anu of the coast southward of 39 degrees. Butt by reason of Meymom of cross winds they fell to the northward of 41 by 20 minutes, where they found themselves strongly embayed by shoals, so that in the running of sixe leagues they should come from 100 fathom to five, yett see no land. Then at the next throw they should have 16 or * * which constrayned them to putt back againe to sea, though the wind poynts were as fayre as they could desire. The want of wood and water made them take the best advan


tage of winds that came next to fall with the shore. On the 18th of May they cast anchor within a league of the shore, which proved an island, though at first it appeared as some high land of the mayne; and here they took five of the salvages, as saith Capt. Smith, page 20, whom they found like all of that sort, kinde till they had opportunity to doe mischeife, butt soone after found a place fitter for the purpose, which they called Pentecost Harbor, from White Sunday, on which they discovered itt. The isles there abouts in the ent

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of St. Georges

Isles. Att this time they discovered a great river in those parts, supposed to bee Kennibecke, neere unto Pemaquid, which they found navigable 40 miles up into the country, and 7, 8, 9, or [10] fathome deepe, as Capt. Weymouth reports. It was one mayn end of all the forementioned adventurers, as well as those that first discovered itt, to plant the Gospell there. The whole country from Florida to Nova Francia went at first under the name of Virginia, (yett distinguished by the Northern and Southern parts:) that which is now famously known by the name of Virginia, (where since the yeare 1605 have severall English Colonies been planted,) is a country within the two Capes, where the sea runneth in 200 miles north and south under the Deg. 37, 38, 39 of north lat. first discovered, as is generally believed, by Capt. John Smith, sometimes Governour of the country, into which there is but one entrance by sea, and that is at the mouth of a very goodly bay 20 miles broad between those two Capes, of which that on the south is called Cape Henry, that on the north Cape Charles, in honor of the two famous princes, branches of the Royall Oak. The first planting of that country was begun in the yeare 1606; and carried on by various changes and by sundry steps and degrees, as is described at large from the first beginning of the enterprise to the year 1627, by Capt. Smith, one of the first discoverers, and so a chief founder of the plantation from that time. That whole country, extending from the 34th to the 44th degrees of North lat. and called Virginia upon the accident mentioned before,

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formerly Norumbega, came afterwards to be sided into two colonyes-the first and the second. The Commi was to the honrble city of London, as saith Cot. Stam, and such as would adventure with them, to di take their choyce where they would, betwixt t' degree of 34 and 41: the latter was appropriated to the the citye of Bristoll, Plymouth, and Exeter, and the we England, and all those that would adventure with them; and they might take their choice betwixt the degrees of [3]8 and 44, provided ti bee at least an 100 miles distance betwixt the nyes, each of which had lawes, priviledges, and for government, and advancing their plantations alike. After this time several attempts were made for the plant ing and peopling of this N. part of Virginia, cateter. wards New England by Capt. Smith in the y re 1614 who took a draught of it the same yeare. his return presented to the afterwards famos ce Charles, of blessed memory, humbly intre. to adopt it for his own, and make a coletention thereof, by applying Christian names upon eral places first discovered, many of which after retayned; the whole countrey being or that reason called New England to this day. In the year 1606, Sir John Popham, who was a principal undertaker, as saith Capt. Smith, and 1607, found men and means to make the beginning of a plantation about the mouth of a great river called Kennibeck, to the northward of 43 deg. but with what successe shall be seen afterward. In the yeares next following, other attempts of further discovery were made by the industry and endeavours of Capt. Edward Harlow, Capt. Hobson of the Isle of Wight, Mr. John Mathews, Mr. Sturton, and especially Capt. Henry Hudson, who searched severall rivers alonge the coast from Delaware Bay up towards the frozen ocean; in honour of whose memory, the great river where afterward the Dutch seated themselves and laid the foundation of their Novum Belgium, was called after his name, Hudson's river; as another place, the utmost bounds of his discoveryes northward, is likewise called after the


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zannes of elder times, Hudson's streight. Probably car's experience might adde something to a fuller knowledge of the havens, rivers, and most desirable places of the country, by such as came yearly to make fish upon le coast, eastward about the island of Monheggin, Damrife Cove, Casco Bay, Cape Porpuise, Accomenticus, and although no colony was ever settled in any of those places fill the yeare 1620, when New Plymouth was first planted within Cape Cod, of which more in what followeth, when there will be just occasion to mention the incredible successe of those plantations of New England, that froni so small and meane beginnings, did in so few y cares overspread so large a tract of land by the industry and diligent paines of a poor people, to which alone, next under the blessing of Almighty God, must the success of the whole business be ascribed: it being the declared intent of the adventurers and others that ingaged in this designe since Capt. Gosnold's voyage in the yare 1602, as one Mr. Rosier, that came alonge with Capt. Weymouth, doth expressly mention soon after, viz. 1605, to propagate God's holy church, by planting Christianity in these darke corners of the earth, which was the publick good they aymed at, more than the advancing their own privat or particular ends.


Of the scituation, bounds, and rivers of New England.

New England, at the first accounted no distinct country of itselfe, as worthy of a proper name of its owne, was taken onely for a part of Virginia: But is of late discovered to bee a country of too large a compasse any longer to lacky after any other sister, though elder than herselfe, and therefore deservedly accounted worthy of that adoptive name with which it is honoured as one of the principall daughters of the Chief Lady of the European world, from whence she is descended. It is situ-. ate in the 315 degree of longitude, betwixt the degrees of 39 and 45 of north latitude, accounting from about Delaware Bay to the south of Nova Francia, the bounds

thereof. On the east side are the great ocean, called the Atlantick Sea, on the west is the Pasificke or South Sea, the distance how farre being as yet unknowne. On the south of New England, lyes partly the sea and partly the country of Delaware and Virginia. From the head of Cape Cod to the Manatos, now called New Yorke, in honor of his Royal Highness, to whose commissioners it was of late surrendered by the Dutch, and since by treaty to them confirmed, the land trendeth away almost due west: On the north lyeth that called Nova Scotia, the limits of each country being terminated about St. Georges or St. Croix, for when Sir John Popham's plantation was begun about Kennibecke, the English were possessed of St. Croix, Mount Mansell, probably now called Mount Desert, Penobscot, and Port Ryall: Butt afterwards, when itt was knowne that the French began to encroach upon those places that lye beyond Kennibecke, they. were wisely and timely displaced by Sir Samuell Argall, sometimes, and att that tyme Governor of Virginia, and likewise chief agent there. How these places fell into the handes of the French nation by purchase from Sir William Alexander without pay, though not without promises, there may bee occasion to speake more afterwards, when such occurrants as happened in the same yeare, when that fell out, come to be spoken unto. The French have been for a considerable tyme togeather disturbed in theire possession of those places after they had them first in theire hands; and that of right the title of them did belong to the English monarch, as hee was kinge of Scotland, Doctor Walker, that learned civilian, did, not longe since, as is sayde, declare itt before his Majestie and Lords of his Councell, when that matter was debated before them, on the accompt of the French interest. However, itt seems upon the accompt of the French agent, all those places to the east or north east of Pemmaquid, that at any tyme heretofore were possessed by any persons that belonged to the kings of France, were resigned up unto theire possessions againe, theire demands noe doubt being grounded upon such pleas, as to him that made the concession seemed

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