Gambar halaman
[blocks in formation]


Report made in the Senate of the United States, on the

subject of an Exploring Expedition to the Pacific Ocean

and South Seas. By Mr. Southard, Chairman of the Com-

mittee: March 21, 1836.

View of the Origin and Migrations of the Polynesian

Nation, demonstrating their ancient discovery and pro-

gressive settlement of the Continent of America. By John

Dunmore Lang, D.D., Principal of the Australian College,

Sydney, &c.: London, 1834.

Miscellaneous Works of William Marsden, F. R. S.

&c. &c.; On the Polynesian or East-Insular Languages;

On a Conventional Roman Alphabet, applicable to Orien-

tal Languages: London, 1834.

Ke Kumu Hawaii, or the Hawaiian Teacher; for De-

cember, 1834. Published in the language of the Sandwich

Islands, at Honolulu, in Oahu (Woahoo).

Ka Lama Hawaii, or The Hawaiian Luminary; for the

months of February, March, April, September, and De-

cember, 1834. Published in the language of the Sandwich

Islands, at Lahainaluna, in the island of Maui (Mowee).

De Lingua Othomitorum Dissertatio; auctore Emmanu-

ele Naxera, Mexicano, Academiæ Litteraria Zacatecarum

Socio. Communicated to the American Philosophical

Society, March 6, 1835.

A Narrative of the Shipwreck and Captivity of Horace

Holden and Benjamin F. Nute, on the Pelew Islands, and

on Lord North's Island, with a Vocabulary of the Lan-

guage of the latter Island. Boston, 1836.


Commentar zum Evangelio Johannis. Von Dr. A. Tho-

luck, Consistorialrath und ord. Professor der Theologie an

der Universitat zu Halle. Vierte verbesserte Ausgabe:

Hamburg, 1833.

A Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. By A. Tho-

luck, D. D., Professor of Theology in the University of

Halle. Translated from the German by Rev. A. Kaufman.

Boston and Philadelphia, 1836.

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