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.. 201

of the Wisconsin; The Origin of Viroqua; The Home of the Inventor of the Self-Knotter; The Naming of Neenah; Honest Amasa Cobb... Abraham Lincoln in Milwaukee; When Did the Use of Bows and Arrows Cease?; Significance of Indian Names; The Career of Chief Waubunsee; Early Pierce County; The Horicon Marsh; The Welsh Contribution to Wisconsin; The Story of the Stockbridges; The Founding of Rhinelander; The Career of Marinette...


The Significance of "Neenah".


The Society and the State...
Some Wisconsin Public Documents
Additions to Historical Society.
Kensington Runestone...
Our Contributors..
The Smiley Papers.

The Stilson Diary.




112, 424

109, 212, 325, 421 212

112, 212, 325, 423



ABOLITION, press discussion of, 4–5.

Abris, described, 183.


Accault, Michel, captured, 412.
Adkins, Chester, at Ceresco, 59.
Agricultural Society. See Wisconsin State
Agricultural Society.

Aitkin, William A., trader, 37.

Albany (N. Y.), fur trade center, 349–350;
railroad terminus, 394.

Aldrich, Col. Alma M., on governor's
staff, 374.

Allen, Cyrus M. Jr., West Point cadet, 228.
Allen, Nathan, owner of Garland of the

West, 47.

Allen, R. V., pioneer river pilot, 206.
Allis, E. P., manufacturer, 376.
Allison, Rev. John, chairman of suffrage

convention in Milwaukee, 11.
Allouez, Father Claude, in Wisconsin,
382-384, 387; cited, 384-385.
"Amelia," pen name, 49.
American Expeditionary Forces, officer in,


American Suffragettes, organized, 20.
American Woman Suffrage Association.
See National American Woman Suf-
frage Association.

Amherst (Mass.), native, 330.
Anderson, R. B., curator, 109.
Anderson, Col. W. J., writes for Memorial
Day Annual, 113.

Andersonville (Ga.), prison at, 299.
Andreas, A. T., History of Northern Wiscon-
sin, cited, 33.

"An Historical Museum," correction, 110.
Ann Arbor (Mich.), visited, 399, 401;
described, 400.

Anneke, Frau Mathilde, suffragist, 11–12.
Anthon, Charles, educator, 217.

Anthony, Susan B., aids Wisconsin suffra-

gists, 8-9, 12; trial of, 11–12.
Apache Indians, uprising, 241.
Appleby, John F., inventor, 207.
Appleton, furnishes soldiers, 299.
"Argonauts," in California, 134.

Argonne Forest, in World War, 312, 318.
Arizona, Indian troubles in, 241.
Armistice, signed, 311, 318.
Army & Navy Journal, cited, 372.

Army of the Potomac, story based on, 380.
Arndt, Charles C. P., killing of, 264-283.
Arndt, Judge John P., son of, 264.
Ashmun, George, in Republican Conven-

tion of 1860, 104.

Ashtabula (Ohio), lake port, 396.

Athenæan Society, discusses women's
rights, 5.

Atlanta campaign, in Civil War, 63-98.
“A Treasure Quest," anonymous, 166–170.
"Au Mississippi en 1362,' on Kensington
rune stone, 212.

Aurora (Ill.), founded, 410.

Avon (N. Y.), route via, 394.
Aztalan, mounds at, 105.

BACCARAT (France), in World War, 316.
Baden (Germany), emigrants from, 160.
"Badger Boy in Blue: The Letters of
Chauncey H. Cooke," 63-98.

Baird, Henry S., addresses State Historical
Society, 247.

Baker, Charles Minton, journal, 391–401;
sketch 390.

Baker, Charles Jr., on Lake Erie, 396, 398.
Baker, Enos S., sheriff of Grant County,

265; in duel, 281.

Baker, Joseph, member of "Impartial
Suffrage Convention,” 8.

Baker, Mary, on Lake Erie, 396, 398.
Baker, Mrs. Stella, suffragist, 13.
Bancroft, George, opinion of Draper, 258–


Baraboo, suffrage work in, 12.

Barber, Rev. James, Presbyterian minister,

Barber, Valinda, son of, 119.

Barry, A. G., Racine school commissioner,

Bartlett, William W., "Jean Brunet,
Chippewa Valley Pioneer," 33-42;
sketch, 112.

Bascom, Mrs. Emma. See Mrs. John

Bascom, John, favors woman suffrage, 14;
president of University of Wisconsin,

361; relations with General King,
363-366, 368–371.

Bascom, Mrs. John, suffragist, 13, 15.
Bashford, Bishop James, mother of, 120.
Bashford, Judge Robert M., mother of,

Batavia (N. Y.), described, 394.

Bates, Edward, in Convention of 1860,
103; in Lincoln's cabinet, 222.
Bay View, suffrage club in, 15; riots at,


Beachey, Lincoln, aviator, 21.

Bear River, on California trail, 130.
Beaupré, Louis, trader, 205.

Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T., Confederate
officer, 422.


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