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report themselves as soon after their arrival in Philadelphia as convenient, to the committee of reception and arrangement, named above, who will be at the Hall of the Academy of Natural Sciences on the 1st, 3d, and 4th of May, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., and on the evening of the 4th of May from 7 to 10 o'clock.

The secretaries of the associations who will be represented are requested to transmit, at an early day, the names of their delegates to the chairman of the committee, Dr. I. Hays.


Resignation of Professor Warren.-It will be perceived from the following record, that Dr. John C. Warren has resigned the chair of anatomy and physiology, in Harvard University, Boston, which he has long filled with distinguished honour to himself, and great advantage to the school, and that the corporation of the University have shown their just appreciation of his valuable services by electing him Emeritus Professor of Anatomy and Surgery. In his retirement, the Professor will carry with him the best wishes of the profession, of which he has been a distinguished ornament, and for the advancement and improvement of which, we are sure, he will not cease to occupy himself. He has rich stores of experience to lay open, he is also engaged, we know, in scientific pursuits of great interest and importance, and we trust his life may be long spared for their completion, and to enjoy the honours he has justly earned.

At a stated meeting of the President and Fellows of Harvard University, in Boston, Feb 27th, 1847, the President laid before the corporation the following communication from Dr. Warren, resigning his Professorship.

[Here follows in the records a copy of Dr. Warren's letter.]

Whereupon voted-That in accepting the resignation of Dr. J. C. Warren, as Hersey Professor of Anatomy and Surgery, this board is deeply sensible of the important services rendered to the University by Dr. Warren; and holds in grateful recollection the successful exertions made by him, for a period of more than forty years, and in continuance of those of his honoured father, to raise the character, and promote the interests of the medical school.

Voted--That Dr. Warren be requested to continue in the discharge of the duties of his office, till the close of the present Academic year. Voted-That the President be requested to communicate to Dr. Warren a copy of the foregoing votes, with the assurance that this

board cordially reciprocates the friendly and respectful sentiments expressed towards the corporation and the University, in his letter of resignation.

On vote, by ballot, Dr. John C. Warren was chosen Emeritus Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the University, in consideration of his faithful and valuable services as Hersey Professor of Anatomy and Surgery.


A true copy of the record.

JAMES WALKER, Secretary. Amer. Journ. Med. Sciences.

New Professors in Harvard University.-We learn that the Corporation of Harvard University, since the resignation of Dr. Warren, have appointed three new professors, two of whom are to be attached to the Massachusetts Medical College in Boston, and one to the University at Cambridge. The new incumbents are Oliver W. Holmes, M. D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology; John B. S. Jackson, M. D., Professor of Pathological Anotomy, and Curator; and Jeffries Wyman, M. D., Hersey Professor of Anatomy at Cambridge.-Bost. Med. and Surg. Journ.

Abstract of a Letter from DR. N. S. JARVIS, Surgeon U. S. Army, dated Monterey, Mexico, Oct., 1846, embracing several Surgical Cases, which fell under his Treatment and Observation.

After stating matters of a private nature, Dr. Jarvis continues: "On the 19th of September we encamped within four miles of Monterey, in a grove of Peccan trees, called " Walnut Grove," where we were abundantly supplied with clear and cold water, from a stream of considerable size and rapidity, formed by the junction of numerous springs, which took their rise in the surrounding lime-stone rocks. The combination of wood and shade rendered this spot admirably fitted for an encampment. On the following day parties were employed in reconnoitring the enemy, and in observation of the fortified position of the town. Towards evening my Regiment, 3d Infantry, with another, were advanced a mile towards the town, to cover a party of engineers, engaged in the erection of a mortar battery, but returned to camp about 9, P. M., having been relieved by another regiment.

On the morning of the 21st the whole division was thrown forward towards the city, with a view, as we supposed at the time, of making a diversion in favor of the 2d division, under Gen. Worth, which was moving on the western side of the city by the Saltillo road. Few of us supposed, as we silently marched along, occasionally passing through corn fields and by the side of hedges, or whatever could conceal our movements from the enemy in their batteries, that we should so shortly be engaged in a fierce and deadly strife. As soon as, or in fact before, we emerged from under cover, the batteries from either end of the city opened their fire upon us, completely sweeping the plain in every direction, and enfilading the advancing columns of our

troops, now rapidly marching towards the suburbs. The engineer officer having reported the practibility of attacking with success the rear of some of their forts, the 1st, 3d, and 4th Infantry were ordered to advance rapidly by separate roads, and now it was my professional labors commenced; the nearest and only shelter that presented itself to me for the wounded, falling every moment under a most destructive fire, was a quarry pit, four or five feet in depth, and the same in breadth. Several of these were contiguous, and to them I directed the wounded to be carried. By stooping we were protected from the shots, which, however, became every moment thicker, owing to the fact, that our troops had by this time advanced within range of the enemy's fire, and the moment they perceived a party of men bringing the wounded to us, they directed all their guns upon it. I had already performed one amputation, and was preparing for a second, when two or three fugitives rushed into the pit, falling over the wounded that lay there crowded together, saying that a large body of lancers were approaching. So little credit did I attach to their report, which I ascribed rather to their fears than the actual presence of this dreadful description of troops, that I never raised my eyes to observe them; which circumstance doubtless saved us all. Had I been discovered, all would have been massacred, as in their headlong fury, they would neither have delayed to ascertain our character or profession, nor have paid much respect to our patients. Several soldiers who had sought an adjoining pit with an officer were slain. They were soon after repulsed by a regiment of Ohio and Mississippi Volunteers, marching to reinforce those already in the town, and their retreat was farther quickened by a shower of grape opened upon them by our artillery.

I commenced with a determination of giving you a surgical history. of the actions of the 21st, 22d, and 23d September, but have unintentionally thus far given a military narrative. This, however, will show, in the incidents above narrated, that the military surgeon is at times somewhat unpleasantly situated, when in the discharge of his professional duties, deprived as he is of the security, and many of the appliances enjoyed by his fellow practitioner in civil life.

The first wounds were received in crossing the plain, and were inflicted by grape and cannon-shot. This was of course before we had approached within reach of their musketry. These wounds were all low generally at, or just above the ankle, according to distance and direction. Of the first three men brought to me, two had received wounds from twelve pound shots just above the ankle, which had nearly severed the limbs, which were hanging only by a portion of integuments. The other had his heel torn off by a six pound shot. Shortly after, our troops having advanced within reach, and under the fire of the Mexican Infantry, numerous cases of wounds by musket and escopette balls were brought to me; these latter are one-third

An escopette is a short carbine, similar to a blunder-buss, and carries a ball one-third larger than our musket -M.

larger than our musket-balls, and consequently inflict a more severe and formidable wound. So numerous at this time became the wounded in our pit, and so constant and heavy the fire, directed towards the parties approaching with the wounded, as to compel us to remove our hospital several hundred yards farther in the rear. We had not long been in our new position, when some covered wagons bringing the wounded attracted the attention of the enemy, who immediately re-opened their fire, compelling us a second time to remove beyond the range of their shot.

Among the numerous projectiles, occasioning severe and fatal wounds, were grape, canister, fragments of iron and copper shells, and stones knocked by the balls from the buildings and walls. Their shells were thrown with great accuracy, frequently in the midst of a body of troops, but fortunately killing and wounding but few.

Before speaking of any particular wounds, I will here take occasion to make some remarks respecting the character they assumed, and the peculiar causes acting to prevent a favorable result, so far as regarded the healing of all, even the most slight. The first annoyance we experienced, and which no doubt exerted an injurious effect, was one little anticipated at the time. The moment a limb was amputated numerous flies would alight on the stump, and must have deposited their eggs, for when it became necessary to dress the stump, myriads of maggots were found buried in it, which could be expelled with great difficulty; rendering it necessary in some instances to reopen the flap, for their complete extermination. A much more formidable enemy made its appearance in an erysipelatous inflammation of the integuments, covering the stump, which generally set in two or three days after the operation; and notwithstanding all the means made use of to arrest it, most commonly ended in sloughing, and either proved fatal or rendered a second amputation necessary. That some influence existed previously, either external or internal, from causes connected with the state of the atmosphere, or habits of the men, arising from diet or water, was manifest. The slightest wound or scratch became in every case a tedious ulcer, in some instances proving a cause for serious alarm. Apparently the most trifling wounds required an unusual time for healing, and even those that had previously healed would break out again, and present greater difficulty in

their cure than in the first instance.

At this period no atmospheric causes apparently existed to produce this unfavorable aspect of things. Nothing could exceed the loveliness of the weather, if I may so express myself, and if the middle of the day were warm, the morning and evening refreshed us by a most delightful temperature and cloudless sky. No rain had fallen, with the exception of one or two showers, for nearly a month, and consequently little moisture existed to produce its well-known morbific influence. Immediately after the capitulation of the city, on the 25th of September, all the wounded of the different divisions entered the town, and suitable buildings were provided for their accommodation. Upwards of two hundred officers and men from the 1st and 3d

Divisions, who had been most severely wounded, were conveyed thither on the same day in litters and wagons. The wounded of the 2d Division already occupied the city.

Our camp afforded no comfort nor shelter for them beyond a few small tents and a solitary blanket laid on the ground: and many were destitute of even this apology for a bed, having lost them on our march. Many had no other clothing than that in wear, which was not only torn and soiled in climbing over the hedges, walls, &c., during the battle, but was stiff and saturated with blood from their wounds. A few days after their reception into the hospitals, tertian intermittent fever made its appearance, attacking many of the wounded, and, in the majority, retarding or completely arresting convalescence. On many of those severely wounded it exerted a decidedly pernicious influence, and no doubt contributed, in some cases, to a fatal termination. It not only attacked the wounded in the hospitals, but prevailed extensively in camp and among the population of the town and neighboring country. I cannot say to what extent, this may be attributed to the putrid exhalations arising from the numerous bodies of men and horses slain in the different combats, and which had been slightly covered with earth, and emitted a most sickening and offensive effluvia. This, doubtless, contributed largely towards infecting or destroying the purity of the air, and establishing a poisonous miasm.

With these preliminary remarks, I will now give you an outline of a few of the more interesting cases resulting from gun-shot wounds, received during the three days' attack on Monterey, and which came under my observation at the time. With a view to some order and classification, I will describe first those of the head and face.

Case 1.-Corporal Sherridan, 1st Infantry, was struck by a musket. ball on the anterior and central portion of the os frontis, destroying it for a distance of two inches. Considerable portions of the brain issued from the wound, and notwithstanding the severity of the case, the patient appeared to suffer little or none until the third or fourth day, when, coma supervening, followed by delirium, he died.

Numerous wounds of the scalp, accompanied in three cases by destruction of the periosteum and outer table of the skull, came under my observation, but presented nothing new or different in their character and progress from ordinary cases.

Case 2.-Private Redville, of the 3d Infantry, in passing a stone wall, received a wound in the right eye, as he supposed, from a fragment of stone broken from the wall by a cannon-ball, and which struck him with force sufficient to knock him down. I saw him two or three hours after the injury was received, and found his eyelids so much swollen, as to render it very difficult to ascertain the condition of the eye itself. In placing my finger over the inner canthus, I felt a sharp point, apparently of some hard substance. This I immediately extracted with a pair of common forceps, and found it to be a fraginent of grape, three-quarters of an inch in length, and half an inch in width at the centre, of an oblong or elliptical shape. It was of cop

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