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scription.-B. Hydrarg. chlor. mit. gr. vj., pulv. ipecac. gr.iij. M. Div. in chart. 6.-S. One every two hours; and afterwards, as the paroxysm was expected in four hours, to take five grains of quinine, and repeat it in an hour. She took ten grains; fever rose as usual. At the next remission I ordered her to have sixteen grains of quinine at two doses, with an interval of two hours. When the next paroxysm was expected, I found my patient free from fever, but with a quick, rather weak and thready pulse, mind slow, tongue tremulous, skin cool and moist. All these symptoms subsided entirely in less than twenty-four hours, and she has never had a fever since.

Case 2. Negro boy, æt. 6 or 7, ill with severe remittent fever with powerful determination to the brain, accompanied by a high grade of arterial excitement. I bled him, and ordered a solution of nitrate of potassa and tartar emetic, as he had been purged previously to my seeing him. An indistinct remission occurred for a short time every morning; as soon as this came on, ordered three grains of quinine every hour. He took only six grains when an exacerbation of fever took place, with congestion of liver and stomach. Prescription.-R. Hydrarg. chlor. mit. gr. viii., pulv. ipecac. gr. iv. M. Div. in chart. 4.-S., one every two hours. He took all the powders, which acted gently on the bowels and produced a more perfect remission. Ordered five grains each of quinine and rhubarb, and repeat it in an hour. Soon after the last dose was exhibited, reaction again came on violently, attended with great heat of the skin, thirst, dry tongue, and pulse somewhat tense and irritable, but with little force or fulness. By the use of febrifuge medicines this condition yielded to a partial remission, and I ordered eight grains of quinine, to be repeated in an hour. At my next visit I found my patient without fever, with a cool and moist skin, small, quick and thready pulse, tremulous tongue, and rather torpid intellect. These symptoms soon subsided, and he had a rapid convalescence.

Case 3. Attended Mrs. M. æt. about 35, in consultation with the late Dr. John Ker; had been sick about ten days with an obstinate, but not very violent attack of remittent fever; she had previously taken quinine in small doses, been purged, blistered, taken mercury, &c. We ordered quinine in ten grain doses, at intervals of two hours; she took twenty grains when her fever rose, having previously to this complained of noises in her ears &c., from the use of the medicine. During the next remission she took thirty grains of quinine in three doses. That night we found our patient exhibiting such symptoms of prostration as obliged us to use strong stimulants for her relief. Her pulse was

small, thready and weak, skin cool and clammy, much nausea, and mind torpid. After these were relieved, she began to recover slowly, though for some days she had occasional returns of fever.

Case 4. Attended George, about 8 years old, in consultation with Dr. Bagwell of this county. The case was a very severe remittent fever, accompanied by violent congestion of the stomach. He had been previously purged, blistered, &c., and as soon as a partial remission occurred we recommenced giving quinine in five grain doses, repeated every two hours. This was continued during two remissions without any appreciable effect, when Dr. B., who remained with the patient, increased the dose and shortened the interval. The quantity taken in three days is not accurately known, but I should think was not much less than two scruples. As soon as the constitutional effects of the medicine were induced, the disease yielded; but dilatation of the pupil, insensibility to light, and almost total loss of vision followed. The amaurotic condition slowly improved without remedies, and he is now perfectly restored.

I am informed by a physician of this place, that a case similar to some of the above occurred in his family in the course of last fall. A young lady was so prostrated by taking about 20 grains of quinine in two doses, as to require artificial heat to the surface and strong stimulants to restore her. The symptoms were similar to those of the three first cases recorded above.

Eastville, Northampton, Co. (Va.) Feb. 1847.

To the Editor of the Medical Examiner.

I have recently observed the evolution of electricity, under circumstances with which I do not know that it has been heretofore noticed.

Standing before a brisk coal fire, and under a large glass chandelier furnished with gas, I was, with other persons in the room, making remarks upon the latter. In the course of these, I touched a tube leading to one of the burners, when there ensued a spark audible to all in the room, and distinctly felt by myself. This was repeated several times by myself as well as the other persons, and many sparks were elicited.

At first I thought that there might be some connexion between the electricity and the combustion of gas, but a moment's reflection convinced me, that the metallic connexion of the burner with the ground rendered this impossible.

It has since occurred to me, that the electricity was generated upon my own person by the friction of my clothes, and that being insulated by the carpet upon which I was standing, I was

[blocks in formation]

in the category of the electrical cylinder with the insutedla cushion, which (i. e., the cushion) gives off negative electricity. I had not however the means at hand for testing this.

If this be not the true explanation of the phenomenon, perhaps yourself or some one of your correspondents may be able to fur⚫nish it.

March, 1847.

To the Editor of the Medical Examiner.

A. W.

DEAR DR.-In my communication in the last No. of the Med. Examiner, on Wounds from Fire-arms without Ball, the 2d Experiment is thus reported: "Distance six inches, parts covered as before, clothes lacerated, wad lodged one inch and a half below the surface."

This is a material error; it should read, one half inch below the surface; and as the experiment may possibly be referred to in future medico-legal inquiries and criminal prosecutions, thou wilt oblige me by giving this correction in the next number of the Examiner.

Respectfully and truly, thy friend,

Philadelphia, 3d mo. 11th, 1847.



A Dictionary of Practical Medicine: comprising General Pathology, the Nature and Treatment of Diseases, Morbid Structures, and the Disorders especially incidental to Climates, to the Sex, and to the different Epochs of Life; with numerous prescriptions for the Medicines recommended, a classification of Diseases according to pathological principles, a copious Biography, with references, and an appendix of approved Formula: the whole forming a Library of Pathology and Practical Medicine, and a Digest of Medical Literature. By JAMES COPLAND, M. D., F. R. S., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians; Honorary Member of the American Philosophical Society, &c. Part XI. London: 1847.

Another part of this valuable Dictionary, which "drags its slow length along," has just reached us from England; com

prising the remainder of the article on "hæmagastric pestilence," (yellow fever,) septic or glandular pestilence [a bad name] or plague; protection from pestilences; phlegmasia alba dolens; Pityriasis and Diseases of the pleura, (in part.) It bears all the wonted characteristics of the Author's ability and industry; but exhibits less freedom from emotion, and more unilateral prepossessions than many-perhaps any-of its predecessors. We notice it especially to draw the attention of the able American editor to the exceptionable tone, and imperfect and unsatisfactory exposition of the different views advocated on the great question of communicability of yellow fever; and to the general neglect of facts and opinions entertained on the subject on this side of the Atlantic, except where they accord with those of the author,who is an ultra-contagionist. The tone in which he supports his views may be appreciated by the following extract:

"It cannot be denied by any one who has attended to the subject of quarantine, especially as it has been agitated in recent times, and with a due knowledge of the influence which the ruling passion-the desire of amassing wealth-exerts upon all the more generous and social emotions of the mind, that the restrictions imposed upon trade, arising out of precautions against the introduction of pestilential infections, have been the chief causes, directly or indirectly, producing the opposition to the doctrine of the infectious properties of pestilences; and that all that has been written to disprove this doctrine-and written with no small virulence by some-has not proceeded from a firm conviction of the justice of the cause espoused, but are either special pleadings subservient to sordid purposes, and to the gratification of disappointed feelings or of private resentments, or the outpourings of minds teeming with mistaken views, arising out of imperfect observation and hastily formed opinions, and excited by a desire of acquiring notoriety in a contest involving the interests of the whole community." p. 152.

Nothing can well be more objectionable than the tone of the above paragraph, as applied to a matter of scientific investigation and discussion. In this country, the mass of observers have arrived at conclusions diametrically opposed to those of the Author; and if they were to forget proprieties, they might with as much foundation hurl back the charges of interestedness, &c., upon him.

His next paragraph in continuation of the subject is not less objectionable.

"Let any one altogether unprejudiced as to the infectious or contagious properties of pestilential maladies, attentively peruse most of what has been written respecting them in this and in other countries, carefully examine the evidence adduced before committees of the House of Commous, or in other places, and critically weigh the import and truth of the conclusions arrived at by commissions sent to investigate facts on the spots of their occurrence, and the various circumstances connected with the facts adduced let any one who possesses sound common sense, with some share of science, but who is at the same time entirely free from the undue influence of prejudice, of temper and of interest, enquire into the matter-and I cannot believe that he can arrive at a different conclusion from that to which I have arrived, after the best attention I have been able to bestow upon this most important and much discussed subject. Whoever may enter upon this very unpleasant investigation, with these moderate qualifications, which, however necessary, are quite sufficient to the formation of just conclusions respecting it, will be surprised to find that, amongst members of a learned profession, so much ignorance should be displayed in the literary character of some of these writings, in the scientific and professional execution of others, and in the illogical inferences of many of them. The duly qualified and candid investigator will detect statements made without proof, facts assumed without evidence, and supposititious agents believed in as real existences, and these made the bases of reasonings altogether inconclusive even as regards the conduct of the argument. He will find things, facts and diseases dissimilar from one another, and presenting no connection either as to nature or to sequence, viewed as identical with each other. He will detect the suppression of important facts and circumstances, and an undue prominence given to others of a doubtful character. He will remark the imputation of motives which did not exist, and ignorance of those which influenced, if they did not impel the writers. He will observe the precipitancy with which the young, the inexperienced and the ignorant, have rushed into print, and attacked with disgusting flippancy and intemperance much abler and better informed writers. In every medical periodical existing during the late war, he will find accounts of a disease never seen by the describers, their own mistakes, proceeding from profound ignorance of the name and nature of the malady seen by them, serving as the basis of their lucubrations and their arguments. And he will, moreover, be grieved to remark the opinions of learned and experienced men

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