Gambar halaman
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SUMMARY STATEMENT of the value of the Exports of the Growth, Produce, and Manufacture of the United States during the year commencing on the 1st day of October, 1832, and ending on the 30th day of September, 1833.

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STATEMENT rendered in pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Representatives, January 25, 1832.

Estimated a-1

Estimated a- Appropriated for internal improvements, education, mount of acres mount of acres

Lands apor charitable instiutitons. propriated unsold of lands to which the In- Number of No. of acres The one thirty- For religious for seats of State or Territory. to which the In-dian title has acres for in- for colleges sixth partof pub- and charita-gove rment. dian and foreign not been extin-ternal im- academies lic lands appro-ble institutitles have been guished. provements. and universi-priated for com- tions.

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mon schools.

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5,242,221 344,613 922,937 *92,800 678,576 43,525 12,699,096 3,681,040 384,828








28,237,859 3,158,110 480,000







34,547,152 3,744,000






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*Including salt spring reservations, which are authorized to be sold by the State, and the proceeds applied to literary purposes. + Including lands appropriated for schools in Clark's grant.

Section No. 29, appropriated for religious purposes, in the purchases made by John C. Symmes and the Ohio Company.

§ For the benefit of the Connecticut Deaf and Dumb Asylum.

For the benefit of the Kentucky Deaf and Dumb Asylum.

The aggregate of unsold lands is to the 31st December, 1831.




Message of the President of the United States to the Twenty-second Congress.-Second Session.

Fellow Citizens of the Senate,

and House of Representatives, It gives me pleasure to congratulate you upon your return to the Seat of Government, for the pur. pose of discharging your duties to the people of the United States. Although the pestilence which had traversed the old world has entered our limits, and extended its ravages over much of our land, it has pleased Almighty God to mitigate its scverity, and lessen the number of its victims, compared with those who have fallen in most other countries over which it has spread its terrors. Notwithstanding this visitation, our country presents, on every side, marks of prosperity and happiness, unequalled, perhaps, in any other portion of the world. If we fully appreciate our comparative condition, existing causes of discontent will appear unworthy of attention, and with hearts of thankfulness to that Divine Being who has filled our cup of prosperity, we shall feel our resolution strengthened to preserve, and hand down to posterity, that liberty and that union which we have received from our fathers, and

which constitute the sources and the shield of all our blessings.

The relations of our country continue to present the same picture of amicable intercourse that I had the satisfaction to hold up to your view at the opening of your last session. The same friendly professions, the same desire to participate in our flourishing commerce, the same disposition to refrain from injuries, unintentionally offered, are, with few exceptions, evinced by all nations with whom we have any intercourse. This desirable state of things may be mainly ascribed to our undeviating practice of the rule which has long guided our national policy, to require no exclusive privileges in commerce, and to grant none. It is daily producing its beneficial effect in the respect shown to our flag, the protection of our citizens and their property abroad, and in the increase of our navigation, and the extension of our mercantile operations. The returns which have been made out since we last met, will show an increase during the last preceding year of more than 80,000 tons in our shipping,

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