Gambar halaman

authority between Bolivar and the regular constitutional magistrates and officers. Revenga notified the secretary of war, under date of Ju. ly 25th, that the squadrons of horse grenadiers and hussars, of Magdalena, would be moved on to the val. leys of Cúcuta, partly as an escort for Bolivar, and partly to diminish the number of troops assembled in Cartajena. The vice president immediately caused Revenga to be informed, that the departments of Boyaca and Cundinamarca could as ill afford such an addition to their expenses, as Magdalena, and of course objected to the movement. Nevertheless, Urdaneta marched his cavalry to Pamplona, protesting to the intendant of Boyaca, that he had not the least intention of interfering with the legal functions of the departmental authorities, civil or military; and asking only the usual supplies. Information of these movements was promptly commu. nicated to congress, by Santander, who described the troops as occupying the departments of Magdalena and Boyaca, independent of the national government, and by orders from the Liberator alone; who pos. sessed, and could possess, no legal authority there, until he had taken the oath of office according to the constitution.

Contemporaneously with these movements, the executive received a note from Revenga, in reply to the communication covering the

decree for the re-establishment of public order. The secretary general vindicated the proceedings of Bolivar in the north eastern departments; saying that the military councils, objected to by Santander, had long since ceased to exist; that the restraints upon the press had aimed to repress its licentiousness, not to impair its freedom; and that the financial measures of the Libeator were exacted by necessity. He complained, also, of the inju rious suspicions of Bolivar, which the decree and accompanying note implied; and intimated his intention of submitting a memoir to congress, in justification of the measures adopted for tranquillizing Venezuela.

But a paper, much more im. portant than this, was the message addressed by Bolivar to the senate, upon his arrival at Cachira, the 24th of August, in his way to Bogota. There he received the decree of August 8th, for reducing the army; and by the same courier, despatches communicating the new insurrection at Guayaquil. The message elaborately exposed his belief in the pernicious consequences of reducing the army at the present conjuncture, which, he said, decidedly demanded its inHe protested against the measure in the strongest terms; and urged upon congress the circumstance of the movement in Guayaquil, which seemed to have


happened just at the proper moment to show the inexpediency of disbanding any of the troops. One passage deserves to be translated, as showing, unequivocally, that neither in Venezuela, nor in the south, have the honest friends of the federal system any ground to hope for aid from Bolivar. He ascribed the insurrection to the third division, who, after passing through various acts of insubordination, had ended with favouring a vote for proclaiming the federal system, got up by a cabal, who had sought, during the past year, to give that form to the government. 'These men,' he said, 'I succeeded in restraining, acquainting them through my secretary, and, by the project of a fundamental law, wherewith I satisfied the request of Bolivia, that my decision was, for a central government, better adapted to our necessities. The federation, which is now proclaimed, is only a step leading to the traitorous object of those who invaded the southern departments." He commented, also, with great severity, upon the proceedings at Bogota, not concealing his doubts whether the representatives of the people would find it practicable to assemble, and deliberate in peace. The reply of congress was brief, and without entering into the reasons of the measure; but urging his speedy appearance at the seat of government.

Such was the state of things in

Colombia during the interval between the assembling of congress, and the arrival of Bolivar at Bogota, in obedience to the vote of congress refusing to accept his renunciation of office. He made his entry into the capitol on the 10th of September. About a league from the city he was met by the civil and military authorities of Cundi. namarca, who, in the name of the inhabitants of that department, addressed the Liberator in terms expressive of the hopes they entertained that the event would be the prelude to a re-establishment of harmony among the dif fering interests of the nation, and the opening of a new era of prosperity to the republic. The Liberator in reply, declared his sincere intention to dedicate his services to his country, and his hopes that he might contribute to restore tranquillity, and to fasten anew the ties of union, which unhappy dissensions had well nigh rent asunder. Shortly afterwards he was met by a deputation from congress, who informed him that body was now assembled, and ready to attend to his installation as president. Accompanied by the authorities and an immense concourse of citizens, he proceeded to the church of St. Domingo, where congress had assembled, and took the oath prescribed by the constitution, after which he pronounced an address of the following tenor:

"When I first accepted the charge of the presidency, I promised to support the constitution as far as lay in my power, that is, as a soldier.-Pledged to the war of independence, I marched to the south, and effected the liberty of all that territory which was under the Spanish dominion. The republic was made entire. Peru call. ed for the protection of the Colombian

army, and confided its destinies to my hands; she named me dictator. I triumphed completely over her enemies; and under the shade of the liberating Colombian flag, two sister republics were born, Peru and Bolivia. Discord divided Colombians. The north struggled to break the fundamental laws. Fratricidal cannon were thundering. I flew to appease the tumult, and by a single decree reestablished peace and union. Pub. lic order and tranquillity were af terwards restored. The congress heard the general cry of the na. tion, imperiously demanding reform. The grand convention was sum. moned, and by this means congress has saved the republic. The actual situation of Colombia now merits the consideration of the congress, which must, in its wisdom, weigh the measures I have suggested, and give or deny to them its approbation. The secretary general will present the memorial. In spite of the dismemberment with which the republic has been

threatened, in spite of the almost anarchial condition of the south of Colombia, I hope and even promise the congress to deliver over into the hands of the grand convention, the Republic of Colombia FREE and UNITED."

After the ceremony of taking the oaths of qualification was completed, the Liberator-president proceeded to the government house, where he was received by the vicepresident, the judiciary, and other executive officers of the government, and addressed by the vicepresident as follows:

"After all the demonstrations of love, respect and confidence, shown to you by the people, I, who am also a member of the supreme administration of the state, must confine myself to expressing to you our gratification in seeing you restored to the capital of the republic, and in possession of the supreme authority which the nation has conferred on you. What other wishes can be ours than those which flow from hearts that love their country, are faithful to its institutions, anxious for its stability, and interested in your glory? They are, assuredly, none other than to see the Republic again united under your authority, the parties which have distracted it destroyed, public quiet re-established, the rights of the people secured, and the laws, liberty, equality, and your transcendant reputation, tri

umphant. Should this be the result of your efforts in the exercise of the supreme national authority, which we all expect with perfect confidence, the vicissitudes of the republic and the troubles which have afflicted your mind, as well as ours, will but have served as a crucible to purify our love for liberty, and for what renders us deserving of it, for the power and stability of Colombia, and for yourself.


We will spare no efforts that may contribute to the tranquil. lity and happiness of Colombia, and to the glory of our government.' Finally, to complete the ceremonies of the occasion, the foreign agents and chargés were presented to the Liberator on the 13th, and made suitable addresses of congratulation.

Bolivar was become, then, constitutional president of Colombia; and had taken the oaths of fidelity to the constitution, a step which there is much reason to fear he would not have taken, had he not been fully convinced, by the events of the last spring and summer, that the whole nation, save a few military chiefs, were determined, cost what sacrifices it would, to maintain the liberties of their country to the last moment of their lives. But, notwithstanding the loud indignation expressed by so many persons at the alleged designs of Bolivar, he had never, thus far, uttered any denial of the projects imputed to

him: he had never disclaimed, he did not now disclaim, the inten tion of forcing the Bolivian code upon Colombia. He continued, therefore, of necessity, an object of suspicion; but, in concert with congress and his associates in the government, he proceeded to exert his efforts to give efficacy to the laws, and to preserve the public tranquillity, until the grand convention should assemble. The decree for calling this great national assembly having been passed and promulgated before he assumed the government, he could not but acquiesce in it, although it was understood that he would have preferred an act, affording greater facilities for the introduction of reform. Doubtful as the expediency of this measure seems to us, yet, perhaps in the actual condition of things, the friends of liberty and of their country, avoided a worse evil, by consenting to all that the honest reformers in Venezuela could ask. It remained for them to fill the convention with men of experience, talents, firmness, and tried republicanism, who might defend the rights of the people skilfully as well as boldly, and defeat the plans of those who sought to establish the Bolivian code, with its perpetual dictatorship. As the most respectable portion of the Venezuelians desired only to change the form of the government into a federal union, in place of the centra

system, it was hoped that they, united with the friends of the existing constitution, would at least constitute a powerful majority in favour of a republican government of some kind, and thus preserve Colombia from the disgrace of becoming a monarchy, under whatever name or pretence the regal authority might be disguised.

Congress having been convened by Santander, for the sole purpose of administering the oaths of office to Bolivar, one of his first acts, after being installed, was to con. tinue that body in session, in order to receive his communications on the subject of the northern depart. ments, and upon the general condition of the republic. Deeming the state of Guayaquil an equally urgent object of attention, Bolivar issued the following singular proclamation, the next day after his entry into Bogota.

"Inhabitants of Guayaquil! The torrent of civil dissentions has hurried you on to your present unhappy condition. You are the victims of the lot which you should have sought to shun at all hazards. You are not culpable, and no people ever is, because the people desire only justice, repose, and liberty;

erroneous or pernicious sentiments ordinarily belong only to their lead. ers; they are the causes of public calamities. I know you, and you know me, and we cannot fail to understand each other. Let those who seek to mislead you, desist then, that we may embrace once more, like affectionate brothers, under the shade of the laurels, the laws, and the renown of Colombia. "Government House in Bogota, September 11th, 1827.


The next day, Bolivar restored the several secretaryships to the footing upon which they stood previous to his return from Peru, the office of secretary general being abolished. Thereupon, Restrepo, the late secretary general, submitted to congress an elaborate exposition of the proceedings of Bolivar, in the north-eastern departments, all which were sanctioned, confirmed, and continued in force by the following decree, which may be considered as a sort of universal indemnity act, giving the solemnity of law to his dispositions there, and sheltering himself from any subsequent imputation of unconstitutional conduct in this be.


Decree continuing in force the Regulations of the Liberator, President in· the Departments of the East.*

The Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Colombia, in Congress assembled,

In view of the memorial of the se

charged with the functions of secretacretary of state and foreign relations, ry general of the Liberator-Presi

*We have abridged the title of the decree.

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