The Works of the English Poets: Broome and PittH. Hughs, 1779 |
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Æneid arms Atrides Bard beauties beneath bleft blooming bofom breaſt breathe bright charms death defcends diftant dreadful earth Ev'n eyes facred fair fame fate fcorn feas fhades fhall fhines fhores fhould fierce fighs fight filent fing fire fkies flain flames fleep flies floods FLORUS flowers fmiles foft fome fong fons forrows foul fpread fpring ftill ftorms ftreams fubject fuch fweet fwell glorious glory Gods grace Greece heaven hero hofts honours Iliad immortal Jove juft king labours laſt Latian Latium lefs loft Lord LYCIDAS lyre mighty Mufe Muſe muſt numbers nymph o'er plain pleas'd pleaſe pleaſure Poet praiſe proud purſue rage Rainham raiſe rife riſe roar rofe ſcenes ſhade ſhall ſhe ſhines ſkies ſky ſtate ſtrains tears thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou thouſand Thracian thunder toils trembling Troy vaft verfe whofe WILLIAM BROOME youth
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Halaman 65 - in fair virtue's caufe, From thy own life tranfcribe th' unerring laws ; Teach a bad world beneath her fway to bend, To verfe like thine fierce favages attend, And men more fierce! When Orpheus tunes the lay, Ev'n fiends relenting hear their rage away. * See the i6th
Halaman 62 - Thou and Homer die ; When fink together in the world's laft fires What heaven created, and what heaven infpires. If aught on earth, when once this breath is fled, With human tranfport touch the mighty dead ; Shakefpeare rejoice ! his hand thy page refines, Now every fcene with native brightnefs
Halaman 128 - A ftream, that filently but fwiftly glides To meet eternity's immeafur'd tides ! A being, loft alike by pain or joy! A fly can kill it, or a worm deftroy ! Impair'd by labour, and by eafe undone, Commenc'd in tears, and ended in a groan ! Ev'n while I write, the tranfient NOW is paft, And death more near this fentence,
Halaman 337 - Homer * deck the gorgeous car, When our rais'd fouls are eager for the war ? Or dwell on every wheel, when loud alarms, And Mars in thunder calls the hofts to arms ? When with his heroes we fome daftard f find, Of a vile afpeft, and malignant mind ; His awkward figure is not worth our care;
Halaman 63 - on thy immortal brow. Thus when thy draughts, O Raphael, time invades, And the bold figure from the canvas fades ; A rival hand recalls from every part Some latent grace, and equals art with art;
Halaman 62 - Reptiles of earth, and beings of a day ! 'Tis thine, on every heart to grave thy praife, A monument which worth alone can raife ; Sure to furvive, when time (hall whelm in duft, The arch, the marble, and the mimic buft
Halaman 363 - Oh fire ! oh country, once with glory crown'd ! Oh wretched race of Priam, once renown'd ! Oh Jove ! fee Ilion fmoaking on the ground ! They now name Ceres for the golden grain, Bacchus for wine, and Neptune for the main : Or from the father's name point out the fon ; Or for her people introduce a town
Halaman 401 - replies, you rave ; The gods refume that reafon which they gave ; For Heaven deep wifdom to the fool fupplies, But oft infatuates and confounds the wife. And wifdom once was thine ! but now I find The gods have ruin'd thy diftemper'd mind. How could you hope your
Halaman 30 - calm the evening ! fee the falling day -*- -*- Gilds every mountain with a ruddy ray! In gentle fighs the foftly whifpering breeze Salutes the flowers, and waves the trembling trees ; Hark ! the night-warbler, from yon vocal boughs, Glads every valley with melodious woes! Swift through the air her rounds the fwallow takes, Or fportive
Halaman 50 - vales, where zephyrs ever play ! Ye woods, where little warblers tune their lay ! Here grant me, heaven, to end my peaceful days, And fteal myfelf from life by flow decays; Draw health from food the temperate garden yields, From fruit, or herb, the bounty of the fields