Navigation report-Vessels entered and cleared, etc. -Continued. TOTAL OF VESSELS ENTERED AND CLEARED, FOREIGN AND COASTWISE, ALL PORTS. Statement of passengers arrived and departed at the port of Habana during the six months ending June 30, 1899. Number of employees in the custom service of Cuba on the 1st day of July, 1899. The 35 Americans in the customs service and custom-house at Habana are employed as follows: American correspondence Deputy collectors and inspectors Special agent Superintendent and engineer of custom-house ........ ..... ... 23 7 ............................................ ....... 32 Comparison of total receipts at all customs ports of the island of Cuba for six months, from January 1 to June 30, during the years 1889 to 1899, both inclusive. REDUCED TO UNITED STATES MONEY BY DEDUCTING 10 PER CENT. |