Gambar halaman

make such

may think fit

Rules as they ternal concerns thereof, respecting the diet and tending of the Sick, the hours of for the man- attendance, the conduct and duties of the Keepers, the Apothecary, Nurses and agement of the Servants, and all other matters and things relative to such internal concerns.

said Hospital.

Students of

Surgery may

sicians and

Surgeons in every Student

Medicine or IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that Students of Mediattend the Phy. cine or Surgery, may attend the Physicians and Surgeons in their visits to the Patients, and may also frequent the Hospital, subject to such Rules and Regulations as their visits the Physicians and Surgeons of the said Hospital shall prescribe; and that every to pay a cer. Student so attending shall, for such attendance, pay the sum of twenty shillings tain sum of annu- currency, annually, into the hands of the Physicians and Surgeons in charge of the ally, to be ap- said Hospital, to be applied towards the purposes of the said Hospital.

money anno

plied towards

the purposes of this Act.

Persons hav

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every person to ing charge of whom shall be entrusted the expenditure of any portion of the monies hereby apthe monies appropriated, shall make up detailed accounts of such expenditure, showing the sum this Act. to advanced to the Accountant, the sum actually expended, the balance, if any, re

propriated by

account for

the expendi

ture of the the same.


of the money

to be account

ed to His Ma. and a detailed ac

maining in his hands, and the amount of the monies hereby appropriated to the purpose for which such advance shall have been made, remaining unexpended in the hands of the Receiver-General, and that every such account shall be supported by Vouchers therein distinctly referred to, by numbers corresponding to the numbering of the items in the said Account; and shall be made up to and closed on the tenth day of April and tenth day of October, and shall be attested before a Justiceof the Court of King's Bench or aJustice of the Peace, and shall be transmitted to the officer whose duty it shall be to receive such account, within fifteen days next after the expiration of the said periods respectively.

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the due application of the monies hereby appropriated, shall be accounted for to His Majesty, his heirs jesty, and successors, through the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury for the time being, in such manner and form as His Majesty, his heirs and successors shall direct; and that a detailed account of the expenditure of all such monies shall be laid before the several branches of the Provincial Legislature, within fifteen days. after the opening of the next Session thereof.

count to be

furnished to the Legisla





site, à la conduite et aux devoirs des Gardiens, de l'Apothicaire, des Gardes-malades jugeront neet serviteurs, et à toutes autres matières et choses qui ont rapport aux objets inté- la conduite du rieurs de cette nature.

cessaires pour dit Hopital.

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Les étudians en médecine

pourront ac. docteurs daus

IV. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que les Etudians en médecine ou en Chirurgie pourront assister les Médecins et Chirurgiens dans leurs visites aux malades, et pourront aussi fréquenter l'Hôpital sous telles règles que prescriront les Médecins et Chirurgiens du dit Hôpital, et que chaque Etudiant pour pouvoir être admis à assister comme susdit payera annuellement la somme de vingt che-emine an. lins courant entre les mains des Médecins et Chirurgiens de l'Hôpital, pour aider appliquée aux aux fins d'icelui.

V. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que chaque personne qui sera chargé de l'emploi de quelque partie des deniers affectés par le présent, fera un compte detaillé de tel emploi, faisant ressortir la somme avancée au comptable, la somme alors dépensée, la balance (si aucune y a) restant entre ses mains, et le montant des deniers affectés par le présent à la fin pour laquelle telle avance aura été faite, restant non dépensée entre les mains du Receveur Général; et que tout tel compte sera appuyé de pièces justificatives auxquelles on renverra d'une manière claire par des numéros correspondant à ceux des articles de tel compte, lequel sera clos le dixième jour d'Avril et le dixième jour d'Octobre, et sera attesté devant un Juge de la Cour du Banc du Roi, ou devant un Juge de Paix, et sera transmis à l'Officier à qui il appartiendra de recevoir tel compte, dans les quinze jours qui suivront l'expiration des dites périodes respectivement.

VI. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, qu'il sera tenu compte à Sa Majesté, ses héritiers et successeurs, par la voie des Lords Commissaires de la Trésorerie de Sa Majesté pour le tems d'alors, de l'emploi légal des deniers affectés par le présent Acte, en telles manière et forme qu'il plaira à Sa Majesté, ses héritiers, et successeurs l'ordonner; et qu'il sera mis un comte détaillé de l'emploi de tous tels deniers devant les diverses branches de la Législature Provinciale, dans les premiers quinze jours de la Session suivante d'icelle

compagner les leurs visites, et payeront Duelle qui sers fios de cet Acie.

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Ordinance 28 Geo. 3, Cap. 8, repealed.

Physician &c. not to

AN Act to repeal a certain Act or Odinance therein mentioned, and to provide effectual Regulations concerning the Practice of Physic, Surgery and Midwifery.

[31st March, 1831.]

HEREAS it is expedient to repeal an Act or Ordinance passed in the twentyeighth year of the Reign of His Majesty George the Third, intituled, "An Act or Ordinance to prevent persons practising Physic and Surgery within the Province of Quebec, or Midwifery in the Towns of Quebec and Montreal, "without Licence," and to provide more effectual Regulations with respect to persons practising Physic and Surgery within this Province, as well as Midwifery, and to regulate Druggists and others vending or distributing Medicines by retail : Be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province of LowerCanada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, "An Act to repeal certain. parts of an Act passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, An Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of "the Province of Quebec, in North-America,' and to make further provision for "the Government of the said Province;" And it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the said Act or Ordinance, passed in the twenty-eighth year of the Reign of His Majesty George the Third, intituled, "An Act or Ordinance to prevent persons Practising Physic and Surgery within the Province of Quebec, or Midwifery in the Towns of Quebec and Montreal, without Licence," shall be, and the same is hereby repealed.


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II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no person shall hereafter, under the penalty hereinafter mentioned, practice for gain or profit, as a practice with Physician, Surgeon and Man Midwife in this Province, unless he shall have obtain-. ed a Licence or Commission to that effect, from the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or person administering the Government of this Province, in the manner hereinafter mentioned, or be otherwise authorized thereunto, pursuant to this Act.

out a licence.

Persons studying Phy.

sic, and wish

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all persons who ing a licence to may be desirous of studying Physic or any branch thereof, with the view of ultimately procuring a Licence or permission to practise as Physician, Surgeon, or Apothe

undergo an




ACTE pour rappeler un certain Acte ou Ordonnance y mentionnée, et qui pourvoit d'une manière plus efficace à des Réglemens concernant la` pratique de la Médecine, la Chirurgie et la Profession d'Accoucheur.

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[31e. Mars, 1831.]

qu'il est expédient de rappeler un Acte ou Ordonnance passé dans la vingt- Préambule. huitième année du Règne de Sa Majesté George Trois, intitulé, "Acte ou du "Ordonnance qui défend à qui que ce soit de pratiquer la Médecine et la Chirurgie dans la Province de Québec, ou la profession d'Accoucheur dans les villes de "Québec et de Montréal sans une permission," et de pourvoir à des règlemens plus efficaces au sujet de personnes pratiquant la Médecine et la Chirurgie en cette Province, ainsi que la profession d'Accoucher, et pour régler les Droguistes et autres qui vendent et détaillent des Médecines:-Qu'il soit donc statué par la TrèsExcellente Majesté du Rci, par et de l'avis et consentement du Conseil Législatif et de l'Assemblée de la Province du Bas-Canada, constitués et assemblés en vertu et sous l'autorité d'un Acte passé dans le Parlement de la Grande-Bretagne, intitulé," Acte qui rappelle certaines parties d'un Acte passé dans la quatorzième Révocation de "année du Règne de Sa Majesté, intitulé, "Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement l'Ordonnance pour le Gouvernement de la Province de Québec, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale" III, chap. 8. "et qui pourvoit plus amplement pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province;" Et il est par le présent statué par la dite autorité, que le dit Acte ou Ordonnance passé dans la vingt-huitième année du règne de Sa Majesté George Trois, intitulé, "Acte ou Ordonnance qui defend à qui que ce soit de pratiquer la Médecine et la "Chirurgie dans la Province de Québec, ou la profession d'Accoucheur dans les "villes de Québec et de Montréal, sans une permission," sera et il est par le présent abrogé.

II. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, qu'il ne pourra être loisible à aucune personne, sous peine d'une amende ci-après mentionnée, de pratiquer pour gain ou lucre comme médecin ou chirurgien ou accoucheur en cette Province, sans avoir obtenue une licence ou commission à cet effet du Gouverneur, Lieutenant Gouverneur, ou de la personne ayant l'Administration du gouvernement de la manière ci-après mentionnée, ou sans être autrement autorisée à ce faire en conformité à cet Acte,

III. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que toute personne qui voudra étudier l'art médical ou aucune des Branches d'icelui dans la vue d'obtenir par la suite une Licence ou permission de pratiquer comme Médecin,


de la 28e. Geo..

Les Médecins, ront pratiquer

&c. ne pour sane licence.

étudiant la mé. Les personnes decine et dési

rant obtenir une licence subiront un examen..

Students in Medicine,

obtained a li. cence, and Physicians,

&c. who may

attend at the Board, for causing their diploma, li

cence or com..

mission, to be

examined, and

for obtaining a

certificate, to

sum of money

for the same.

cary, in this Province, shall undergo an examination before the Board of Examiners of the District wherein he resides, that he knows his mother tongue, that he possesses the Latin language, and that he is in all other respects qualified to enter upon the study of the aforesaid profession.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every Student in who may have Medicine who shall have obtained from the said Examiners a certificate that he is duly qualified to be admitted and Licenced to Practise in any of the capacities aforesaid, as well as every Physician or Surgeon who shall attend the said Board, for the purpose of causing his Diploma, Licence or Commission to be examined, and of obtaining a certificate, enabling the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person administering the Government of the Province for the time being, to grant a Licence to the person obtaining such Certificate, shall pay to such persons, as shall be appointed by the said Examiners to receive the same, for such certificate the sum of twenty shillings currency, which sum shall be applied to defray the expences incurred by the said Board, as well in keeping the Register thereof, as in the execution of the several duties with which they are hereby charged; Provided always, that the person so producing before any such Board, the Diploma as Surgeon, or a Certificate of his having graduated in Physic, shall declare on oath before the said Board, (who are hereby authorized to administer the same,) that the Diploma or Certificate of graduation so produced by him, was granted to himself and not to any other person, and that he obtained the same after having studied the Science of Medicine during five successive years, and shall also state in such declaration whether he has practised since he obtained the said Diploma or Certificate, in what place and during what space of time he has so practiced; And every person who shall wilfully make any false statement in any such declaration, shall on being legally convicted thereof, be deemed guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and incur the pains and penalties annexed to that offence by law.


No student

in Medicine to obtain a li.

cense unless

of the age of

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that no Student in Medicine or Surgery and the Obstetric Art, shall obtain a licence as above, unless he shall have obtained the full age of twenty-one years, and have performed a regular and continued apprenticeship of at least five years, with some licenced Physician or a regular ap Surgeon and Man-midwife, and practising as such in this Province, or in some Medical School or Institution teaching publicly.

21 years, and having served


Personsbaving been licensed

taken certaio

VI. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that as Physicians, every person whatsoever who shall have been duly licenced as a Physician or Sur&c. or having geon, or who shall have taken a degree as such in any University or College of Surdegrees in any geons, or Medical School or Institution teaching publicly, and every Physician, or Surgeon or Apothecary duly commissioned as such in His Majesty's Army or Navy, be licenced as a Physician, or Surgeon or Apothecary and Man-Midwife in this

university, &c. exempted

from an exam. ipation.



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