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The June, 1924, issue of the Wisconsin Magazine of History, page 505, contains a statement to the effect that Woodrow Wilson's first visit to Wisconsin occurred in 1910. As a matter of fact, he had spent three days in Madison nearly twenty years before that time.

In 1892 the National Education Association's famous "Committee of Ten" was appointed to consider programs of study as then offered in high schools and academies, and to make recommendations for some measure of standardization. This committee divided the secondary school subjects into nine groups and assigned the responsibility for each group to a subcommittee, or "conference." The conference on history, civil government, and political economy was composed of Charles K. Adams, then president of Wisconsin University; William A. Scott, also of Wisconsin; A. B. Hart, J. H. Robinson, Edward G. Bourne, Abram Brown, R. G. Huling, Jesse Macy, H. P. Warren, and Woodrow Wilson, at that time professor of jurisprudence and political economy at Princeton. This conference met in Madison December 28-30, 1892, the meetings being held in the Fuller Opera House. The dates are rather interesting because Woodrow Wilson's birthday fell on the twenty-eighth. In the Report of the Committee of Ten, page 10, is the statement that "although the Conference was made up of very diverse elements, every member of the Conference was heartily in favor of every vote adopted."

The members of the conference found time for a number of social engagements in addition to their work as a group of educators. According to accounts in the Madison daily papers, they were entertained by Professors Ely and Turner, and concluded their visit by attending a banquet given by Madison business men in honor of the University faculty. At this banquet Wilson, representing the conference, made a short impromptu speech. The coming leader of Democracy and his colleagues also attended a reception at the governor's mansion, which was then occupied by the last Democratic governor of Wisconsin, George W. Peck.

Another interesting coincidence was that not quite a month later, on January 24, 1893, Theodore Roosevelt was the Wisconsin State Historical Society's orator before the legislature, and that during his stay Roosevelt was tendered a reception by Robert M. La Follette.

The matter of Woodrow Wilson's first visit to Madison was of enough interest to me to send me to old files of Madison papers and to cause me to prepare an article which appeared in the Milwaukee Journal on February 22, 1925.



My attention has been directed to the fact that in the article appearing in the March issue of the Wisconsin Magazine of History on "The University in 1874-1887" the value of the president's signature was overstated, the correct number being 203.1 This number was very familiar to the student body, and it was said that some irreverent students even alluded to the president as "Old 203." The students supposed that he had never heard of this nickname, but in a farewell speech made to them he touched their hearts by closing with the statement that "Old 203" would always hold them in affectionate remembrance.



Mrs. Willet S. Main, of Madison, has called our attention to the omission in the diary of Harvey Reid, published in this magazine in September, 1917, of any reference to her brother, Henry D. Smith. Probably Reid, who had just come to the University, was not acquainted with young Smith; but the evidence that the latter was one of the first Wisconsin boys to respond to the call of the President for men is indubitable. A brief account of the life of this young patriot is not out of place in this historical record.

1 See the Badger issued by the class of 1890, page 219. [President Bascom's initialed signature, "J. B.," was so illegible as to resemble the figures "203," which makes the point of the ancient campus joke about "Old 203."-EDITOR.]

Henry Dickinson Smith was born January 11, 1839, in Windsor, Vermont. The last birthday of his life, when he was twentythree years old, and camped in the low, malarial lands of Missouri, he wrote in his diary, "This is my birthday," and recorded his desire to make his life of benefit to his friends and comrades. Reared in Vermont, he was a lad of sixteen when his father, lured by the accounts of fertile wheat lands in Wisconsin and high prices for the grain, removed to the West and bought a farm not far from Middleton. Mr. Smith, the father, took care to give his children the benefit of the educational opportunities of the University, and in the autumn of 1860 young Henry entered the freshman class. Somewhat shy and diffident, he was, nevertheless, very popular with his comrades, a good student, and an upright, Christian character.

The excitements of the winter of 1860-61 were reflected in the life of the University students; and when news reached Madison that Fort Sumter had been fired upon by Confederate forces, patriotic fervor flamed high, and when the governor called for men to respond to the President's proclamation the youth of the University felt the appeal. April 17, six of the freshman class enlisted in what was then called the Governor's Guard, and speedily became a part of the First Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers. Henry Smith and most of the other Varsity boys were in the company of Captain Lucius Fairchild; they drilled for a few days in Madison, then early in May were transported to Milwaukee to complete their training. The remainder of the class held a farewell meeting on the evening of April 20. All were to come back from the war, and become valuable citizens of the restored Union, but young Smith. He alone of the freshman volunteers was called upon to make the supreme sacrifice, and to give his life for the national healing.

At the expiration of his first, or three months', term, he reenlisted, this time in the Eleventh Regiment, in which his brother William joined him. They were sent to the western army, and through the winter of 1861-62 did scout and skirmish duty in Missouri. The diary of this young patriot is most interesting reading, narrating in simple but well-chosen words the vicissitudes of army life, the temptation to wild living (which was stoutly resisted), and the sad sights and scenes constantly before his eyes. In one passage he says, "I did not think that I should become so familiar with death." Alas! the familiarity was to continue and increase. In the early summer the regiment moved down into Arkansas; there the water was scanty and poor, and many fell ill. William died on June 27 at Jacksonport; two weeks later Henry fell victim to the lack of sanitary necessities when the regiment was at Clarendon, near the White River. He was tenderly cared for in his illness by his former University classmates. Otis Remick made the last entries in his diary, after he was too weak to write.

It was not until the twenty-first of July that the family in Wisconsin heard of the passing of their two sons and brothers. Others shared their grief, and the bright, manly faces were missed from the farm and classroom. As has appeared, members of the family yet cherish the diary, letters, and official papers of the youthful soldier. Henry's first discharge was signed by Governor Randall. In March, 1862, he was commissioned second lieutenant of the Eleventh Regiment, in Company B. News of this promotion had but just reached him when he was taken ill.

The record of this Wisconsin soldier is not different from that of hundreds of others whose patriotism was pure and whose unselfish characters set an example to their time. It is fitting that their names and achievements be recounted, in these later days-"Lest we forget! Lest we forget!"


During the quarter ending April 10, 1925, there were forty-one additions to the membership of the State Historical Society. Twelve persons enrolled as life members: President Edward A. Birge, Madison; Harry H. Bliss, Janesville; Dr. John K. Chorlog, Madison; Llewellyn Cole, Milwaukee; Walter L. Haight, Racine; Marshall W. Hanks, Madison; Richard G. Harvey, Racine; Rev. Peter L. Johnson, St. Francis; Gustave A. Klindt, Cassville; Frederick J. Mayer, Wauwatosa; George J. Schneider, Appleton; Frederick J. Strong, Waukesha.

Twenty-eight persons became annual members, as follows: Levina Dietrichson, Jefferson; Dr. John M. Dodd, Ashland; Julia Dross, Racine; Martha L. Edwards, Madison; Robert J. Evans, Racine; Stoughton W. Faville, Lake Mills; Chester A. Fowler, Fond du Lac; Mabel M. Fox, Racine; Sidney C. Goff, Elkhorn; Dr. Frederick W. Hammond, Manitowoc; Jeanette M. Hays, Columbia, S. C.; J. G. Heddle, Racine; Mrs. E. G. Higgins, Melrose; Mrs. Charles J. Hogg, Melrose; Nina Huie, Racine; E. W. Huntley, Racine; Miss E. J. Jensen, Racine; Charles F. Krenzke, Racine; W. Kuemmerlein, Racine; P. S. Nelson, Racine; V. S. Pease, Baraboo; Napoleon Rocque, Racine; Charles D. Rohr, Burlington; Dr. Floyd E. Smart, Waukesha; Oscar J. Swennes, La Crosse; Ione Weber, New York City; Glenn H. Williams, Ladysmith; C. E. Yates, Racine.

St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, joined as an institutional member.

Plans for the cooperative field meeting of the Wisconsin and Minnesota Historical societies at Winona and La Crosse on June 15 and 16 are taking definite shape as this number of the magazine goes to press. A full report will appear in the next issue.


The largest donation the Society has received during the last quarter has been the papers of General William G. Haan, presented by his widow, now living at Milwaukee. These papers consist of correspondence (1898-1923), addresses, historical articles, official orders, and other War Department documents; they also include histories and reports of several divisions of the army in France during the late war, particularly those of the Thirty-second, or Red Arrow, Division, of which General Haan was the famous commander during the heaviest fighting on the French front. Other items in the collection are a letterpress book containing orders issued at Ilo Ilo, P. I., in February and March, 1900; a diary of an official visit to the Panama Canal district in 1904; and an official correspondence book of army matters during 1903 and 1904, when Captain Haan was on the General Staff. With this material Mrs. Haan has placed on deposit some of the general's private

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