Gambar halaman




The following Report of the Committee of the the 23d of May, the first tassel appeared; it reSouth-Carolina Agricultural Society, for promo-ceived two ploughings, and was hoed every 10 or ting and improving Agricultural and other rural 12 days; the first hoeings were rear the Corn, concerns, appointed to award Premiums, was and then this earth thrown back to the crop.-On read and confirmed at the Stated Meeting, held the 20th June, the three lower leaves were cut off at the Old Race Course, on Tuesday, the 18th from each stalk-from this time to the 22d July, inst. to wit: some more of the blades were cut off, and, on

The above Society has resolved to award the following premiums a their stated Meeting in February, 1824, to consist of the Gold Medal, value twenty Dollars, and the Silver Medal, va-ded as follows: lue ten Dollars, or pieces of plate of equal value, 1st. To James Ferguson, the gold medal, for at the option of the fortunate competitor, with appropriate inscriptions: viz.

For the best conducted experiment, to be made in the year 1823, on not less than one acre of land, not more than 210 feet square, whereby any mode of culture, not heretofore generally used in the State, or by the application of any kind of Manure, or in quantities not generally practised, the production of Black Seed Cotton shall be materially improved.-For the greatest quantity, and not less than two hundred pounds, from one acre. The Gold Medal.

For a similar experiment on Green Seed Cotton, and not less than two hundred and fifty pounds from one acre. The Gold Medal.

For do. on Rice, and not less than sixty bushels from one acre. The Gold Medal.

For do. on Flint Corn, and not less than fifty bushels from one acre. The Gold Medal.

For do. on Gourd Seed Corn, and not less than fifty bushels from one acre. The Gold Medal.

For do. on Sweet Potatoes, and not less than two hundred and fifty bushels from one acre.— The Gold Medal.

For the best Stallion for improving

Horses. The Gold Medal.

For do. for improving Farm Horses. Gold Medal.

That they met on Monday the 17th, and awar- that day, the tops, together with the remaining leaves, were cut off. On the 27th July, the Corn was turned down. exhibiting his horse Dockon, aged 3 years, On the 17th April, 100 bushels of Cotton seed raised by himself, in the Parish of St. Johns', were thrown in the alleys, and, on the 29th, this Berkley. being in vegetation, was well drawn up to the 2d. To Jacob I'On Lowndes, the gold medal, for Corn with the hoe. On the 30th May, 200 bushexhibiting his horse Independence, aged 5els of Cotton seed were applied to the sides of years, raised by himself, in the Parish of St. the Corn, and covered with earth. On the 5th Bartholomew. September, the Corn was broke in, and, when 3d. To Dr. John S. Bellinger, for having raised shelled, measured 45 bushels and an half of from one acre of land, the greatest quantity of Corn. It was fine Corn, and remarkably sound, flint Corn, to wit: 64 bushels and 5 quarts-not having more than one quart of rotten Corn, the gold medal. (this was not measured.) All the blades and 4th. To Dr. John S. Bellinger,, for having raised tops were put in the rows, and were covered the greatest quantity of sweet potatoes, the with earth in hoeing. As well as I could ascerproduce of one square acre-the gold medal. tain by weight, the cobs of the Corn weighed 5th. To Charles E. Rowand, for having raised 546 pounds; the stalks and shucks 4900, and, at the greatest quantity of green Seed Cotton, the a moderate estimation, the blades and tops must produce of one square acre of swamp or re- have been 1100 lbs. ; so that 6546 lbs. of vegetaclaimed marsh-the gold medal. ble matter, were restored to the acre of the pro

A very large Hog, weighing 1146 lbs. aged 5 duct of this crop. years, belonging to Captain J J. Reardon, was On the 21st of May, the alleys having been also exhibited, but not coming under that de- well ploughed the day before-I planted a sescription of character to entitle him to a pre- cond crop of Flint Corn at the distance of two mium, the Committee regret it is not in their feet three inches, in the centre of the alley. On power to award one. A great many more ani- the 2d of June, it was thinned to one stalk, two mals were expected, but on account of the se-grains having been planted in each chop, which Coach verity of the weather and the badness of the had been soaked 12 hours in Salt Petre and waroads, they could not be brought to town. Your ter. On the 11th of June, all leaves of this The Committee beg leave to mention, in justice to Corn were broken off to the stalk, to retard its those gentlemen to whom premiums are awar-growth, and perhaps strengthen the stalk. On pur-ded for the productions of the earth, that in the 30th of June applied to this Corn seventy their opinion, much more would have been rais-five bushels of Cotton seed, some being placed ed, had not the frost in the latter end of April, around each stalk. This second crop was also and the disastrous hurricane of the 27th Septem-manured with rich earth, and Cow pen manure, ber taken place, which must have tended in a about 100 bushels of each. The first crop was also manured with 300 bushels of Stable and great degree, to diminish the quantity. Cow-pen manure, in addition to the Cotton seed. As the second crop grew, the earth was drawn up, so as to make a small bed, and when the first crop was turned down, at least half of the earth of the first beds was drawn to the second plant

For the best Mare for each of the above

poses. The Gold Medal.

The Gold Medal.

For the best Bull. The Gold Medal.
For the best Ass.
For the best Boar.
For the best Sow.
For the best Calf.
For the best Cow.
For the best Ewe.
For the best Ram.

The Silver Medal.
The Silver Medal.
The Silver Medal.
The Gold Medal.
The Silver Medal.
The Silver Medal.

For the best conducted experiment, by which the superiority of any Manure (farm-yard and



Mr. Editor-The following Communication ing. On the 15th of July, the first tassel came stable Manure excepted) shall be clearly proved from Dr. JOHN S. BELLINGER, of Barnwell Dis-out. On the 12th of September this Corn was as applicable to Corn, Cotton, Rice and Pota-trict, to the South Carolina Agricultural Society turned down; the blades of this crop were left toes, by which its produce shall be materially on the great production of flint Corn and Sweet on the stalks. On the 10th of October it was improved. This experiment to be conducted on Potatoes, from one acre of high-land, was read shelled, and measured 18 bushels and 5 quarts; not less than one quarter of an acre. The Gold at their meeting, on Tuesday the 18th instant, making in all 64 bushels and 5 quarts from the for which he received two premiums of the Gold acre. The Corn of the first planting weighing


I remain, respectfully,
Secretary and Treasurer.
GENTLEMEN-I beg leave to communicate to

The stalks,

cond crop, were listed in, and covered with earth. As well as I can estimate the vegetable matter restored to the acre, it must be 10,000 lbs.-consisting of cobs, stalks, shucks and blades.

I must add, the last season has been an unfa

In order to obtain either of the above prizes, Medal. As much good may result from the pub-58 lbs. and of the second crop 54 lbs. per bushel. the candidate must forward to the Secretary of lication of it, by making known the cultivation The cobs of both plantings weighed at the rate the Society, a particular detail of the quality of practised to obtain so great a product, the Socie- of 12 lbs. to the bushel of Corn. the soil, the preparatory culture, the quantity ty request the insertion of it in your paper. blades, cobs, and half of the shucks of the seand preparation, if any, of the seed, the kind and quantity of Manure, and time of its application, the culture while the crop is growing, the mode of collecting or harvest, and the produce; stating also the produce of the same quantity of land, of similar natural quality, cultiva-you, the result of an experiment of an acre,vorable one for Corn crops. Most crops in my ted in the usual manner, in the same season.- (210 feet square) of old high-land, planted this neighbourhood, falling short from 25 to 35 per The land has been in cent. of the last year. The facts and circumstances to be attested by season with flint corn. Much of our field Corn one or more respectable witnesses. The animals cultivation for more than 20 years, and being ma-fired, especially, such as was planted thick. to be produced before the Society at the House nured the three last years, produced three fine Neither of the plantings of this acre, shewed of their Meeting, at the Old Race Course, on crops, viz: In 1819, 330 lbs. of short staple cot- any such appearance, and I must think, had the Monday subsequent to the Charleston Races. ton-in 1820, 26 bushels of Oats, and 52 bushels both crops been planted the same time, the proWhen convenient, a specimen of the progeny of of yellow Connecticut Corn-and the last year duct would have been less My acre contained, each, to be produced as the best evidence of the 300 lbs. of long staple Cotton. The acre being about 7900 stalks of Corn. The great obstacle value of the animal; without it, a Certificate of well ploughed, was made into 35 beds, running to the production of great Corn Crops in our their ability to be produced; and in all cases, nearly east and west, and planted on the 5th State appears to be, if planted any thing like Certificates of their having been bred within the March last, with genuine flint Corn, at the dis- the proportion which our Northern brethren State. tance of 18 inches, on the top of the beds. On plant for a great crop, the heat of the Sumners the 7th April, it was thinned to one stalk, two in most instances within my knowledge injures grains having been planted in each chop. On the same to obviate this, my experiment was

(Signed) JOHN HUME, President. CHARLES E. ROWAND, Secretary.


Wm. R. Bull made 185 bushels from his acre.


Sec'ry pro. tem. of the Farmers' Society of
Barnwell District.

Barnwell Court House, Jan. 20, 1823.


instituted, and further experience can alone de- | cide upon its propriety. I tried the second crop est crop of Slipp Potatoes, from one acre of high chimney.-The building of this funnel will take 2d Premium, to John S. Bellinger for the great-stove pipe must be conducted into the funnel of a in two other instances, the first of very old land, land, viz 280 bushels and 3 pecks. the second crop, was half of the first crop, and in the other of better land, the second planting was 2000 bricks, and will cost in bricks, mortar and One third of the first crop. An acre of old land, old Calf. 3d Premium, to Wm. R. Bull for the best year a dairy to simmer four pans of milk at a time masons work not less than $20.—Thus this fix to without manure, and planted in the usual way, also in Flint Corn, produced 10 bushels. During the value of $10, for the best year old Hog. 4th Premium, to John Nimmons, a cup of the attained on better terms, it is worth the money will cost $100.-And if the same end cannot be progress of my experiment, I had reason to believe planter of our State once made a great crop of awarded as an extra premium, to Barnet H. this fix suiting a summer dairy; the heat of the A silver cup of the above value ($10) was winter dairy. But we have great doubts about to any one, who wishes to turn his attention to a corn, from an acre of land planted in a similar way, Brown, for a fine young Bull 15 months old. but cannot learn his name, or the part of the State he resides in. A certificate relative to the pro-els of Rough Rice from a pond of half an acre; distance, this would be inconvenient. The Rev. Hansford D. Duncan made 30 bush-jection-and if the stove is to be removed to a stove would certainly prove an insuperable ob. duce of my acre of Flint Corn, from Messrs. W. the seeds sown in the water and not cultivated. J. Duncan, Wm. R. Bull, C. W. Stewart and Henry Touchstone, accompany the few obser- not manured, with the drili husbandry, 18 bush-feet high from the foundation, and three thouJohn Ashley, made from an acre of old upland a block of brick work six feet by four, and five If to the aforesaid chimney funnel you will add vations I offer for your consideration. I planted an acre (210 feet square) of old land els and 1 peck of clean Oats. with Potato slips in the following way. After the members some Seeds, received from John S. directly over the fire fix four dutch ovens, five The President of the Society distributed among fix a little concealed fire place on a grate, and sand bricks will do the work. In this brick work having well broken up the same with the plough Skinner, Esq. Editor of that valuable work, the or six inches deep, and each of the size exactly it was made into flat beds, six feet wide and 210 American Farmer; and also some seeds of a to contain a milk pan with its water round it-feet long, with an alley of two feet, between kind of Guinea Corn, presented him by Captain The four dutch ovens would not cost more than each bed. It had been well Cow penned and Jacob Wharley, of Colleton District, and which $10-the block of brick work $30-to which add ploughed up, three times while the cattle were is said to be very productive when cut as fodder, the cost of the chimney funnel $20. Thus for penned on it.-No other manure was used.—or used as a pasture. From the 25th to the 28th of May, three-quarters of the acre were planted with slips, the in a state of perfection and vegetation were pre-acquaintance with both these modes of heating Two very fine Ruta Baga, or Swedish Turnips, dairy has been for $100.-We have a practical $60 you can be better fixed than the Orange farm vines being cut from eighteen inches to two feet sented to the Society by Wm. R. Bull. long, and being doubled, were stuck in the water-and we state from knowledge that the earth eighteen inches square, and from four to water in the dutch ovens will heat in less time five inches deep. On the 6th of June, more vines than the water in the boilers, and if you choose were planted, and on the 30th the acre was finished On the 17th and 18th July, the vacancies to go to the expense of shallow coppers instead of the dutch ovens, they will heat quicker stillwere supplied. It was hoed only twice, the for two reasons, there is not more than a third as vines soon covering the ground, so as to prevent much water, nor more than one third of the the use of the hoe. On the 13th and 14th of November, they were dug and measured 280 ON MAKING SWEET BUTTER IN WINdepth of water to be heated; and the fire comes directly in contact with the bottom and sides of bushels and 3 pecks-each half bushel being the dutch oven, and only in contact with a very heaped but not packed in, and heaped in the way we allow our Negroes to take them, but heaped we had the satisfaction to publish an interesting ter with a less consumption of fuct, as little as In the 46th number page 367 of this volume, The fire in the brick work will also heat the wasmall portion of the copper boilers to the stove. in such a manner, as to be a full and just mea- communication signed" A Friend of Farmers," Mr. Baer's stove is known to consume. The fire sure, such as they are measured when sold or ex- stating the process pursued in making Orange in the brick work will not keep your dairy any changed for grain. Farm butter in cold weather; and explaining in thing like as warm in winter, as the fire from the On the 18th of the same month, an acre (210) clear and intelligible terms, the rationale of but-stove; but we do not consider much warmth nefeet square) planted with slips on four feet bedster making generally. The communication has cessary-and the fire in the brick work gives so in the usual way, was dug, and ineasured 68 been copied by the Editor of the EASTON GA-little heat into the dairy, that it would be much bushels this acre (as well as the others) is of ZETTE with the following remarks. a light soil and was not measured. A certificate less likely to incommode you in the summer.Edit Am. Farmer. from Mr. H. Touchstone, relative to the Potato [The water should be heated about half way in the Orange farm dairy while the stove is new However complete the exclusion of the smoke crop accompanies this. to the boiling point before the pan of milk is set and every joint tight, we aver the fact, that the in it-and the heat should be kept up to the same separation in the other mode is more certainly or about the same degree, while the milk pan is perfect. The bill of repairs on one of Mr. Baer's in it. If the milk pan be of tin, it may be filled stoves used two years, has been more than the two thirds full of milk, and will float in the wa-repairs of the brick and grate fire place would The Farmers' Society of Barnwell District ware it will sink, if the pan be half full.-In the Dairy is beautiful and very complete. But the ter safely. But if of pewter or other heavy come to in ten.-The fix at the Orange farm this day awarded the following Premiums of latter case therefore the vessels containing the fix we point to, well built and plaistered, is neatTwenty Dollars, or a Silver Cup of the same hot water should be just large enough to receive er at least forty per cent. cheaper, will take less value: the pewter basin, the water coming between the fuel, and is more durable.—ib. 1st. To James D. Erwin, for the greatest of the containing vessel catching the ledge of the side of the basin and the vessel, and yet the top quantity of Grain, from one acre of highland, viz. 46 bushels of Corn, and 49 bushels of Peas, top of the milk basin, and thus preventing it from are requested to apply to the Post Master at Sa The proprietors of American Porcelain Clay, being 94 bushels to the acre. It is proper to sinking. We doubt whether the process of se- lisbury, Rowan county, (N. C.) for a letter to them, state, that from some misunderstanding, relative parating the cream from the milk is completed which will answer all the questions the advertiser to the time of gathering the crop from the acre, when the milk has been in hot water for 30 min-wished to ascertain. a part of the Peas were unripe, which would utes. This may be about the right time for the make a reduction of that part of the produce of milk pan to remain in the hot water-it ought to his acre. remain in long enough for the milk to be well John S. Bellinger made 64 bushels and 5 quarts on the dairy shelf, and what has been in the hot warmed; but it should then be carefully set away of shelled Flint Corn. His acre was cultivated water in the morning should not be skimmed till in the following manner-a first planting on the the evening, or perhaps not till next morning.] 5th of March, yielding 45 bushels, and a second-Ed. E. Gazette. planting on the 21st of May, 184 bushels and 5 quarts.

(Signed) December 17, 1822.


Jennings O'Bannon's product was 52 bushels and 1 peck of Gourd Seed Corn to his acre.


For every day was Giles a shepherd too."
"Here then, my soul, thy darling theme pursue,

We give our readers to-day a very excellent Albion farm, and also a statement of the live In the second letter I gave you a plan of the essay upon the art of making good winter butter. stock on it, and how the same was depastured on Wm. R. Bull gathered 16 bushels of clean we have some acquaintance.-The Stove with description of our sheep, with some hints to assist With the ingenious fixtures of Mr. Baer's Stove the first of May-and now I intend to give you a Oats, 22 bushels of Corn, and 3 bushels of its four beautiful copper boilers will cost from 75 you in the selection of these most valuable aniPeas; being 41 bushels from his acre. to 80 dollars, and to insure it against smoke, the mats.

[ocr errors]

These sheep were of the Bakewell kind, with ders, following it as before to the setting on of As I intend to give you, in the form of a a slight cross of the Lincolnshire breed, which the tail, where, if it be a fat sheep, you ought to monthly journal, the mode of managing our increased the size of the carcase, and also the find a gutter nearly the whole length, occasioned farm, there then, of course, will be a number of fleece, but still they retained all the beauty of by the flesh being very high on each side the other particulars mentioned, respecting sheep. the Bakewell, for

Of all the various breeds of sheep,
That butchers kill, or graziers keep,
From which do we most comforts reap?
The Bakewell.
What sheep, produce the richest meat,
And in appearance look most neat,
And pay best for the food they eat?

The Bakewell.

Which most of all, the landscape grace,
Contain most bulk, in smallest space,
And where they feed, adorn the place?
The Bakewell.

Which best our craving wants supply,
To feed, and keep us warm and dry,
And make both cold and hunger fly?

The Bakewell.

Which are most tractable and tame,
And will so long as sheep remain,
Immortalize great Bakewell's name?

The Bakewell.


Middle Town, Kentucky, May 1st, 1822.

bone, so that when the animal is a little raised
on his fore legs, water poured on the back, near
the shoulders, would run off at the tail-then feel
at the front of the shoulder, near to the chest
and neck, and also on the opposite side of the JOHN S. SKINNER, Esq.
shoulder, on the ribs, where you ought to find a Dear Sir,-At a called meeting of the agri-
quantity of firm fat, then take hold of the ends cultural society of Louisville, I delivered the
of the short ribs of the loin, which ought to be seeds forwarded by you for them, to my care.-
very thick-after this examination, lay hold of When distributing these seeds, much anxiety
the near hind foot, and jerk it smartly under him, was displayed by the members to get them.--
towards the off fore foot, bringing the neck, And I am directed by the society to return you
with the left hand and knee, at the same time, their thanks for your friendly attention in col-
smartly upwards, in a direction, towards the lecting and forwarding the donation.
near hind leg of the sheep, and if properly mana- I wish their attention to the culture of the
ged, he will drop on the near side of his rump, when plants may be equal to the anxiety displayed to
the head may be raised, in a way to cause the get the seeds.

back to rest against your legs, with the view to In your communication of the fourth of April
examine his underparts; the four legs, should last, you express a wish for further information,
now incline outwards, the chest feel flat, broad relative to the Farina fecundans of vegetables,
and fat, and the legs full of firm flesh on the when seen through high magnifying glasses as
inside, down to near the hock; then examine animalcule.

the belly, sides and shoulders, to ascertain if they I met with the discoveries of Mr. John Bywaare well set with good long wool, and that the ter of Liverpool, on that subject; at page 341, of thighs are not coarse and hairy; again set him" The travels in the interior of America in the on his legs, and continue to examine the fleece, year 1809, 10, and 11.-By John Bradbury, F. L. and if after this examination, you find his back S. &c." This work was published at Liverpool, straight, top of the shoulders, ribs, loin, and chest in 1817. If you should not meet with it, and Í These sheep produced a fleece, weighing from wide, legs full of flesh, and all his frame full of expect it is not very common in America, I will nine to ten pounds, when washed on the animal's fat mutton, which feels particularly deep on the transcribe some of Mr. Bywater's communicaback, and of a quality suited for the comb-to be bones, and very solid, even to hardness, bones tions on that subject, and forward them to you afterwards manufactured into bombazeens, Bum light, skin of a pink color, face and ears long, by some of my mercantile acquaintances*. bazetts, Shalloons, Calimancoes, Durants, Car- and free from wool, as also the legs, and all the I am Sir, pets, and all kinds of goods requiring long strong rest of him thick set, with long, fine, soft, crumWith much respect, pled wool, which easily parts into very large Your very obedient servant, This wool measured in length, from five to fillets, of the same quality, at the extremity as WM. CHAMBERS, fifteen inches, but once I saw a small quantity near to the skin, and nearly of the same quality twenty two inches long, and I knew a gentleman on all parts of him, you never need fear prowhom report said, had a fleece, which weighed nouncing him a good sheep, with good mutton, twenty eight pounds, but both these I imagine and good wool. were not the growth of one year: these sheep usually weighed, when two years old, from twenty to thirty five pounds the quarter, but some of them have, I think, weighed upwards of seventy pounds the quarter.


Corresponding Secretary to the Louisville
Agricultural Society.

P. S. This communication, when written,
was mislaid, and having laid my hand on it a few
days ago, I now forward it as an acknowledge-
ment of past favors.
Your's respectfully,

January 2d, 1823.

W. C.

In selecting sheep, examine the teeth-when lambs, they have eight teeth in the under jaw, and none above; when one year old, they hull the two middle ones, and get two larger teeth, when two years old, they get one more large The grazier in selecting these sheep, is very particular to have them good handlers," as it tooth on each side these, at three, the same, and is termed, which mode of selecting animals for the fourth year the same, when the whole set the butcher, is, I believe, almost peculiar to appears large; but sometimes they lose all the Englishmen, and perhaps the principal cause, lamb teeth, when about nine months old, and af-publish it in our next.-Edit. Am. Farmer. why their butcher's meat is generally considered terwards, of course they have only these large as very superior to judge of the quality of the teeth; shortly afterwards the teeth begin to demeat of an ox, or sheep by the touch, appears cay, when the sheep should be fattened off withflock.

*We have received this extract, and will

Middle Town, Kentucky, Dec. 31st, 1822.

to a superficial observer, as a mere fancy; but out delay, or you will always have a bad diseased AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENTS IN THE surely this is not so difficult a task, as to judge

of the nature of a sick person's complaint by In catching sheep, never seize them by the


feeling the pulse-indeed I have no doubt, but wool on the back, as it hurts them exceedingly, John S. Skinner, Esq.

there are Englishmen in the United States, who and in some cases has killed them, particularly Dear Sir-By my friend Mr. L―, the bearer would, if blindfolded, select from amongst any in hot weather, if they are large and fat; indeed of this, you will receive a paper on the near, if number, those beautiful Devonshire cattle sent it is best to avoid the wool altogether, and ac- not inseparable connexion between animal and by Mr. Coke of Holkham, in Englaud, to Mrs. custom yourself to take them by the hind leg, or vegetable productions as promised you in a formwhat is still better by the neck, placing one hand er communication.

Pattison of Baltimore.

In approaching a sheep to handle it, step to it under the jaws, and the other at the back of the If not by this opportunity, it is probable that I on the near side, and putting the left hand to the ears, when by lifting up the head, a child may shall soon afterwards be able to forward you opposite side of the animal's neck, bring the hold almost any sheep; but much depends on some pacoons in time to put into the ground this front part of its shoulder against your left thigh, how a flock is treated, few people are sufficiently spring.

where you may, after a little practice, easily gentle with sheep; indeed by kind usage, a man The excessive heavy rains, and long continuahold it, then place the right hand lengthways may have them so totally devoid of fear, that he tion of them, during the last spring and fall nearupon its back, drawing it with the greatest care may play with them as he would do with his dog, ly defeated all of our agricultural experiments in from the neck, to the setting on of the tail, to as- at any rate never suffer them to be ill treated or certain if the back be perfectly straight, and terrified, there is no occasion for it, and free from a hollow at the back of the shoulders,

or an elevation on the loin; then set the same" I would not enter on my list of friends,

this section of the country.-The tall meadow oat grass recommended by John Taylor, Esq. of Virginia, to whom we are indebted for much useful information on the subject of agriculture, has been mination of the Egyptian grass. It succeeds well in our soil and climate, is esteemed a good, early and late pasture and may possess other qual

hand astride the back, and pass it along in the Though grac'd with polish'd manners and fine cultivated here on a small scale under the denosame direction, to ascertain the width of the


shoulders, ribs and loin; then place the ends of Yet wanting sensibility, the man
your fingers on the back bone, near to the shoul-Who needlessly sets foot upon a worm."

ities to recommend it that I am not apprised of mere goutte* was 8° of Baume's syrup hydrome-ployed to make size, which, mixed with chalk, not having cultivated it. ter, and the expressed juice was 7o. I added good and diluted in a little water, forms a very beautiThe Woald Luteola for dying yellow grows dry brown sugar until 133°. ful and good white for ceilings. This size has here and is esteemed an acquisition, by our manu- The juice mixed before sugar was added about no smell, while animal size, which putrifies so facturers, so is the Woad.-The Bene, grew to 71°aised to 13. readily, always exhales a very disagreeable a great size, but did not ripen its seed. It was Specific gravity-1.050 raised to 1.101. odour. That of potatoes, as it is very little subplanted too late by 3 or 4 weeks. I am appre- On the 12th August the residue of my grapes ject to putrefaction, appears, from experience, hensive our seasons are too short for it. It were gathered, and gave me 32 gallons more to be more durable in tenacity and whiteness; and, might answer in this latitude on a sandy soil.-must. It was 7° and added sugar as before. for white-washing, should be preferred to animal My experiments on the different kinds of Peas October 12th racked off, fumigated with sul-size, the decomposition of which is always accomand Beans have produced great crops of vines, phur, on trying the strength with the hydrometer panied with unhealthy exhalations. with but little seed, and those which I sowed it sunk to-1° or 1° less than rain water, so that it broad cast were overrun by the weeds-several was 141° lighter, by the change of the saccharum experiments go to prove that the vetches will not into alcahol. I added 3 per cent. of good French brandy, and bunged up. The wine was quite

answer here.


Owing to the fine navigable state of the western clear. December 24th I racked off again, and ANSWER TO A "NORTH CAROLINA waters, for the last three or four months, so large had 61 gals. of very nice Madeira Wine. It was FARMER."

Most respectfully your's,



W. C.


Philadelphia County, March 5th, 1823.



New Kent, Virginia, Feb. 15th, 1823.


a portion of the productions of our soil, has gone so good that I bottled off 16 bottles-lightly fumi- The best preventives against fleas in hogs, lice on to New Orleans, that the prices must be low gated again with sulphur, added 2 per cent. more in cattle, and ticks in sheep, are corn meal, and beyond any former precedent. We are advised brandy, and bunged it up. I do you assure that care. The best remedy for the evils they create, that fresh flour is selling at from one to two this wine would be pronounced Madeira of very is a strong decoction of tobacco, obtained by dollars per barrel-and no doubt other articles fine quality of the last year's vintage. boiling. Hickory ashes, thrown upon swine, not will be as much below their former prices. It seems to be agreed that the grape in the only assists in destroying fleas, but in removing Inclosed I send you some of the seed of a sweet United States is deficient in saccharum for good cutaneous diseases, by causing the animals to rub scented grass. It is but little inferior to the wine. It is necessary to make it about as heavy themselves frequently. Sarilla in point of flavour-accept sir, my best as 14° of Beaume, or the specific gravity of 1,114, wishes for the success of your laudable under- which is rather greater. I hold it to be indiffertakings, and believe, ent whether the saccharum is native, or added, as the other ingredients are sufficient in the must. Chaptal's opinion appears to be correct—“ add that in which nature has been deficient." An P. S.-You sent to my neighbour Mr. Lacre will produce three pipes of wine. La few of the seed of the mangel wurtzel.They proved to be of marbled kind and 4-5 of the *The juice which flows spontaneously from I have observed in the statement of prices length grew out of the ground and produced im-grapes without other pressure than their own contained in the Farmer, that northern beans are mense roots. The bearer, Mr. L, has in-weight is called mere goutte by the French.-quoted at a much higher price than wheat, corn, stuctions to get as much of the seed as will plant Edit. Am. Farmer. or peas. I wish to be informed, the appropriate half an acre of ground. It is important to us that We think that the best refined or loaf sugar name of these beans, whether they succeed best it should be of the same kind, if to be haà. ought, alone to be employed on such occasions, in a northern climate, and if a light or stiff soil as it contains scarcely any ferment or leaven; is preferred? (We have with us a variety of which always and most injuriously abounds in beans which bear well; but the small white bean unrefined or brown sugar, and is generally accom-called the Bonny Bess, is the kind preferred here TO THE EDITOR OF THE AMERICAN FARMER. panied with some unacceptable flavoring princi- for a large, or field crop), also the probable prople. duct to the acre and the time and manner of Belmont, (near Annapolis,) 23d Jan. 1823. Our must might, we conceive, be of an approv-planting; if in these respects they are peculiar. SUCCESSFUL CULTIVATION OF GRAPES AND FA-ed specific gravity and yet contain too little In a former communication I asked for informaBRICATION OF GOOD WINE IN GEORGIA. saccharum to exhaust the active powers of the tion if conveniently to be obtained, relative to the Dear Sir-The following is an extract of a when we add sugar, to see that it contains no a heavy growth of trees, ash, maple and gum.-I fermenting principle-it is therefore expedient reclamation of marsh land, which is covered with letter I received a few days ago from a friend in leaven. We repeat that this principle should be have attended to the various communications on Georgia, Mr. Thomas McCall, who is seated rendered effete before we permit the saccharum the subject of reclaiming marsh lands, which have upon the Oconee river, about 4 miles below the to be quite consumed by it or converted into appeared in the Farmer and elsewhere, but do not town of Dublin. It is upon the very interesting alcohol, for upon this point depends the durability recollect any in which this kind of marsh is subject of the cultivation of the vine, and making or soundness of all wines. wine, which I am very glad to see is beginning readily perceived how desirable it is to employ borhood, when large bodies of that land are to be Hence it may be spoken of. An impression exists in this neighto be attended to in several parts of our country sugar that has been deprived of leaven by the met with, that wood land marsh when reclaimed and I have no doubt the day is fast approaching refiner: more especially when we recollect that will sink more than that which is free from wood. when that delicious and useful fruit will be as an addition of saccharum is most commonly re- If any conclusive experiment has been made on common as any other, and a vast deal of money quired in consequence of a superabundance of this kind of marsh, I should be pleased to know be saved to the country, that is now sent abroad leaven in the juice of our fruit. for the produce of the vine. the result, when convenient; if you will make the Mr. McCall is a man of science, and informa- to give one gallon of the must, these 64 degrees of subject I shall be obliged. We wish that the weight of sugar employed necessary enquiries to obtain information on the tion, and accustomed to the best wines; therefore, Beaume's hydrometer of additional specific gravi his judgment as to the quality of the wine that he has made may be depended upon. I send it to you for insertion in the "American Farmer," If you think proper, and am, Respectfully your obedient servant, THOMAS CHASE.


"You, my dear sir, engrafted me with the vine which has taken deep root, and if I live long it will flourish under my care. I have now half an acre of fine vines, 3-5ths in bearing last year250 now in nursery to set out.

ty had been noted and reported; the cost of this The Editor unites in the request for informa-
arithmetically found by every reader. Yet this add any thing at present to the publications
ingredient required per acre could then have been tion on the above, not having it in his power to
may nevertheless be ascertained experimentally, which have already appeared in the Farmer.
as the specific gravity has been given: the
native must weigh 1,050 and it was artificially
raised to 1.101--an equal bulk of pure water
weighing only 1.000. The quantity of any parcel
or kind of sugar required to give the additional QUERIES FROM A CORRESPONDENT, AS TO CER-
514 degrees of specific gravity may therefore be
ascertained at pleasure by any person.

Edit. Am. Farmer.

TO MAKE SIZE FROM POTATOES. On the 8th August, my grapes were generally One of the beneficial uses of potatoes, not per ripe-19 bushels were gathered, from which Ihaps generally known, is, that the starch of them pressed on the same day 45 gallons must-the quite fresh, and washed only once, may be em

FOR THE AMERICAN FARMER. Barnwell District, January 27th, 1823.


In looking over the third volume of the American Farmer, page 240, I notice the mention of a new and improved loom, by Mr. B. Wells of Pittsburg, of Warner's improved patent loom, it states it may be made for ten dollars, and a hand accustomed to the use of one of them, can weave sixty yards per day. I also no

Girth round the body close behind the fore legs

Girth round the body in the thickest part 7

Height, 3 feet 2 inches.

Breadth across the shoulders 2 feet 5 inches.
Age 1 year 8 months and 22 days.

In No. 41, Vol. 2, of the Farmer, I find an ac

tice in the same volume, page 99, a wool spin- Mr. Johnston killed 2 weeks since, 4 pigs got by ner worked by hand, drawing six threads, in- this boar, whose average age was not quite 2017 feet 3 inches. vented by a Mr. Brown of Rhode Island; as I months; the oldest about 2 months over, and am a novice in the art of both spinning and weav-the youngest 2 months younger, that weighed feet 8 inches. ing, will you be good enough through the medi- together 2086 lbs. after they were of your paper, to endeavour to procure the This breed of hogs have short limbs, are refollowing information--will this wool spinner, markably square built, and will fatten well, at spin cotton? and what will be the cost of one of at any age; they are more in demand with us, those looms, and one of those spinners, to be de- than the other breed, on account of the small-count of the weight of a Hog raised by Mr. livered in Charleston, free of all expense, save ness of their bone, square form, and delicacy of Wheaton, in this county, extracted from the Arthe freight? their meat, joined with the importance of taking chieves of useful knowledge, in which there has on fat well at any age. The weight of Mr. John-evidently been a mistake either in the original ston's hogs, however will not pass for a standard work, or in the extract; in the next page I find Editorial Correspondence. to judge of our Bridgeton pig by. Let me knów another account, which would be the true one, which to send you, or whether you would prefer only that the two first figures are transposed, Large hogs of New Jersey-their breed-credit ne mixed. and the 8 is where the 3 should be, his true given to Pennsylvania for breeding fine HeifWith respect to the Foxite potato, I can truly weight was 834 lbs. in which is included the er-due to New Jersey--superior potato culti-say, that they deserve all the commendations 1 af fat. vated in that state-Hogs and Potatoes intro- you have heard of them-they are certainly the Your's Respectfully, duced by Mr. Jo HNSTON. finest potato cultivated in this country, remarkaEPHRAIM BUCK.



In No. 47 of this volume, we published ably white and mealy, and to use the expression challenge from New Jersey to the famous rival of a gentleman, with whom I was conversing on states of Virginia and New York-that New Jer-the subject, and who has raised them for some sey would produce by the 12th of March, a years, "they are as much superior to all other heavier hog, than could be found in either of potatoes, as the best superfine wheat flour is to these great states, regard being had to age.-common rye flour;" the only objection to them is The challenge was not accepted, and as the hog that they are poor bearers, and yield so badly as has now been killed, we can give his weight, to discourage their cultivation. We grow anothA late arrival at New York, brings news of with some interesting particulars, which trans- er potato, introduced here by Mr. Johnston, cal-War between France and Spain. The tone and pired, in the course of private correspondence, led the Mercer potato, which is next in repute attitude assumed by Spain, towards France and respecting the breed, &c. The extraordinary for the table, and yields bountifully. But as her un-holy allies, induces us to belive that Spain weight of the animal will show that the challenge much depends upon the manner of cooking then, must have strong assurances of support from was not offered in a spirit of vain boasting, and many potatoes are spoiled in the cooking. They England, and of the co-operation of Portugal.also that the party from whom it came, was wil-should be cooked by steam, and as soon as done, In that case, the war will be protracted, and the ling to risk a sum, which would have compensa-removed from the fire, for if suffered to remain final issue of it very doubtful.-We shall soon see ted any successful competitor for the trouble of the shortest period afterwards, they are injured. the effect, which this new state of things abroad, the contest; but we dare say, that those who Your's respectfully, might have felt inclined to take up the wager EPHRAIM BUCK. will now be well content, that they did not venture on the hazard.

JOHN S. SKINNER, ESQ. N. B. As a satisfaction to yourself, and not for It is obvious that Mr. Johnston's hogs possess the public eye, we have no doubt but the pig will uncommonly valuable properties, and must be a weigh when killed and dressed, from 8 to 9 hungreat acquisition to the country. Importations dred-say 850 lbs.* made like these, with discernment, and calculated to promote in a matter of substantial importance, the best interests of Farmers, ought to be 866 lbs.--Edit. Am. Farmer. rewarded and signalized by permanent complimentary and commemorative premiums.

Edit. Am. Farmer.

will have on the price of American produce.That effect will be greater, and more propitious for us, should England embark in the contest. What a satire on the boasted philanthropy of human nature, that we should derive gratification from the news of war and bloodshed!!! Yet who can deny the fact? Our readers will be kept precisely apprized of any changes which may reported in the American Farmer.

* A good guess this, as he turned out to weigh occur, in the prices of the commodities usually


Bridgeton West New Jersey, }


In No. 48 of the Farmer I observe that a very

SEED-ROSE CUTTINGS &c. received lately for distribution-from Europe, and from five different states.

Bridgeton, West New Jersey, important error, has been made in noticing the leaf, from Mr. Barkley, of Charles county, Md.


Feb. 12th, 1823.

Spanish Tobacco seed, varnish leaf, and mullen
Kite foot tobacco seed, from Dr. Kent, Prince

fine Heifer, slaughtered by Mr. Lewis Davis of
this county; she is there said to have been rais-Georges county, Md.
ed and fattened in Pennsylvania--we are willing

*Persian melon seed, from Mr. Jay, of N. York. *Guinea Grass seed, from W. R. Bull, Esq. of

I received your favor last evening, informing me that I had omitted the sum, I was willing to bet on the weight of the Bridgeton hog. How 1 to give the "devil his due," but are by no means came to omit that most important part of the willing that Pennsylvania should have the credit Barnwell District, S. C. challenge, I am at a loss to account. One hun-of all our extraordinary productions, which it is *Several varieties of Grape seed, and other dred dollars was intended; but if any one should very certain she has been accustomed to re-seed from France, from Peter Minor, Esq. of object on account of the sum being too small, he ceive. I feel assured you will correct the state-Charlottesville, Va. can be accommodated with still more, you may ment, and place the honor where it belongs. So say $500-a correct statement of the age howev-much for the Heifer, and now for the PIG. er, will be demanded, as we do not expect our The Bridgeton Pig, owned by MR. NORTON pig to outweigh a hog of 2, 3 or 4 years, of age. HARRIS, was slaughtered yesterday, and weighYou may extend the time limited for accepting ed and measured as follows: he wager to the 1st of March.

Corn, which produced 136 bushels per acre, and a beautiful sample of Maple Sugar, from R. H. Rose, Esq. Silver Lake, Susquehanna Co. Pa. Bread and Hominy Corn, from Peter K. Davis, Esq. Warrenton, N. C. Weight alive, 975 lbs. Cherokee rose cuttings and seed, and Magnolia In answer to your queries, respecting the breed Weight when dressed, having all the offal, to-seed, from Charles E. Rowan, Esq. of CharlesI can only say, that he is not, I believe of the gether with the gut fat, neatly taken out, and af-ton, S. C. Those marked thus have all been distributed. grass breed; he is descended from a stock, imter having hung up, exposed to the sun and a ported from England some years since, but I drying wind, from 7 o'clock, A. M. until 2 o'clock have not yet been able to trace his genealogy P. M. 866 lbs. gut fat 26 lbs. making together back far enough to say from what part of Eng- 892 lbs.

From the end of his nose to his ears, only


land, or what he is called there-this much I He measured from the end of his nose, to the
know that they all grow very heavy at from 1 to root of his tail, 7 feet.
2 years of age; I shall be able to send you pigs,
from a sow got by the hog, and with pig by a inches.
boar owned by Mr. Johnston of this place, im-
ported from Liverpool. Mr. Johnston's boar is a feet.
very fine one, and has done great service in the Girth round the neek, close before the fore legs
neighbourhood, by improving the breed of hogs. 6 feet.

Girth round the neck, close behind the ears,


PRICES CURRENT.-CORRECTED WEEKLY. Flour, best white wheat, $7 25-Howard st. Superfine, $6 623-Wharf, do. 6 12-Wheat, white, $1 35 to 1 40-Red do., $1 32 to 1 35Rye, 71 to 75 cents-Corn, 60 to 62 Oats, 43 cents- Beef, live cattle, $5 to $5 50 per cwt.-Beef, 8 cents per lb. -Bacon, round, 10 to 11 cts. Other articles same as last week.

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