Gambar halaman



8 4

stones or trees, and each team had a perfectly 3d premium to Stedman Williams
equal chance. The ploughs were duly entered
for the contest, and the ploughmen drew for
lots as follows:

No. 1.-Aaron Davis Williams, of Roxbury, one
pair of oxen, Lewis Bliss ploughman, David
Howe driver-Warren's Dedham plough, with
wheel and cutter-18 furrows-finished in 34

No. 2.-Jonas L. Sibley, of Sutton, one pair of oxen, Samuel Sibley ploughman, Peter Darling 2d driver-Common Sutton plough, with

wheel-17 furrows-23 minutes.

No. 3. Stedman Williams, of Roxbury, two pair of oxen, Stedman Williams, ploughman, Samuel Prince driver-Warren's of Dedham plough, with wheel-18 furrows-26 minutes 30 seconds.


16-furrows-30 minnutes.

No. 6.—Aaron D. Williams, of Roxbury, one pair oxen, Thomas Howe ploughman and driver-Warren of Dedham plough, with wheel -19 furrows-46 minutes.

Samuel Prince, driver

All which is submitted,




[ocr errors]

those exhibited in any former year. The root of Mangel Wurtzel, sent by Dr. Chaplin, 2-14 Cambridgeport, were very large, and in great perfection. The Doctor also presented to the $70 Society a very fine Watermelon, from his ow garden, which weighed about twenty-three Esq. of Brighton, some" Silverskin" Onions, unpounds. From the farm of Edward Sparhawk, commonly large. From the garden of Mr. Wil committee on Agricultural Experiments, size seldom equalled. Mr. Josiah Coolidge, of liam Ackres, of Brooklyne, some roots of the No. 7.-Agricultural Experiments. common Red Beat, of an early kind, and of a to whom was also committed the inspection of Cambridge, and Mr. Samuel Murdock, of Milsundry articles of Manufacture, for which ton, exhibited some very large Winter Squashpremiums were offered, es. One from the farm of the former weighed forty-seven pounds. From the farm of General That five several parcels of Cheese, of more English Turnips, all of them very large," taken Hull, in Newton, some Carrots, Ruta Baga, and No. 4-Joseph Curtis, of Roxbury, two pair than one year old; and seventeen parcels of from a field of two acres, without any cultivaoxen, Luke Rollins ploughman, Amos Wyman new Cheese, were offered for the Society's pre- tion, but what was common to the whole field." driver-Warren's Dedham plough, with wheels miums; which, in the opinion of your commit- From the farm of Capt. N. Ingersoll, of Brookand cutte:-20 furrows-27 minutes 30 se-tee, are superior to any hitherto exhibited; all lyne, some Amak, being a new variety of the made in the town of New Braintree, in the Carrot. From the orchard of Mr. Henry HoughNo. 5.-Luther Whiting, of Sutton, two pair county of Worcester, excepting one parcel of ton, of Bolton, in the County of Worcester, oxen, Royal T. Marble ploughman, Luther five cheeses, made by Mr. John Ayres, of Oak- some Blue Pearmains, which were supposed to Whiting driver-Sutton plough, with wheel-ham in the same county; of the former, that weigh not less than one pound each from the dairy of Capt. John Hunter, was con- the garden of James White, Esq. in Dorchester, and is entitled to the premium of ten dollars; Cotton Plant, which grew in the open air, withsidered to be the richest and best made cheese, in the County of Norfolk, two specimens of the From that from the dairy of Capt. Ebenezer Tidd, out particular care; one of which was Sea Is; the next best, and is entitled to the premium of land, the other Upland. The pods on both were No. 7.-Silas Dudley, of Sutton two pair oxen, dairy of Mr. William Earl, was considered to be From the farm of Captain Joseph Warren, in five dollars. Of the new Cheese, that from the well filled with Cotton. Silas Dudley ploughman, Joseph Dudley driver the best, and is entitled to the premium of ten Brighton, some ears of Corn, said to be of a very -Warren of Dedham plough, with wheel and dollars; that from the dairy of Major Roswell productive kind, "from three stalks ten ears were No. 8.-Isaac Cook, of Brookline, one pair oxen, premium of five dollars. Converse, the next best, and is entitled to the taken." From the orchard of Col. James WilCaleb Miller ploughman and driver-Warren of Dedham plough, with wheel and cutter-also exhibited, uncommonly well made, the but- Morse, in Watertown, some fine ears of the eight Several parcels of fine flavored Butter were "Eve's Apples." From the farm of Dr. Eliakim der, in Sterling, a very large fine Apple, called 19 furrows-33 minutes. No. 9.-Moses Seaver, of Brighton, one pair ox-usual; that from the dairy of Miss Mary Clark, termilk being more perfectly expressed than and twelve rowed Indian Corn. en, Moses Seaver ploughman, Benjamin Por-of Watertown, in the County of Middlesex, was ter driver-Howard of Hingham's plough considered to be the best; that from the dairy By order of the Committee, with weel-20 furrows-24 minutes. THOS. L. WINTHROP, Chairman. No. 10.-John Sherman, of Sutton, one pair ox-County of Worcester, the next best the form- periments, will not be decided until the Trustees' of Col. Stephen Hastings, of Sterling, in the The claims for premiums on Agricultural exOctober 9th, 1822. en, Asa Cummings ploughman, John Sherman er is entitled to the premium of ten dollars, and Meeting in December; affording time for the driver-Sutton plough with wheel-18 furrows the latter to the premium of five dollars. -22 minutes. For the greatest quantity of Butter and Cheese, Committee will make an additional Report soon competitors to offer the evidence required. The Previous to the ploughing, it was distinctly first day of October, from not less than four made between the 15th day of May, and the after that period. stated by the committee, that the furrow must be not less than 5 inches deep, and their cows, the quantity of the Butter and of the greatest wish as little to exceed 10 inches in into consideration, Mr. William Earl, of New ber of good, some complimentary, and a few Cheese, and the number of cows, to be taken At the anniversary Dinner, there were a numthe width of furrow as was possible, and not to hurry their cattle, as they conceived the best Braintree, has exhibited sufficient testimony, in sparkling Toasts drunk. We have room for a work could not be performed if over driven the opinion of your committee, to entitle him few of them. and that goodness of work, together with that to the premium of twenty dollars. of cattle, would be a great object in deciding entitled to the premium of ten dollars, for the all who hold the handle or the helm, find honor Messrs. Brewer and Jordan, of Roxbury, are May the first run deep and both run clear: and The Coulter on the land-the Keel on the seapremiums, as well as cheapness of labour. best specimen of Sole Leather; for the next and reward. also of Roxbury, are entitled to the premium of share in her affections, who take the plough best specimen, Messrs. Benjamin Mirick & Co. Our mother Earth-May those have the best five dollars. Five barrels of Flour, from the wheat raised

cutter-17 furrows-26 minutes.


They have great pleasure in stating, that the work was well done, and most of it in a superior style, and that those competitors who failed in obtaining premiums, was because the Committee had it in their power to award only the present season, on the farm of Gorham Par- best animals are those who are not overfleshy nor share. three among ten claimants-indeed, they con The world-A great Cattle Show, where the ceive praise is due to all the ploughmen, who sons, Esq. in Brighton, and manufactured at the underfed. discovered great skill in the management of "City Mills," lately erected on the "Western their implements, and the cattle were univer-Avenue," very little inferior in quality to the is above price, and needs no premium-the Show The noblest part of our exhibition-that which sally excellent-and in consequence of the rebest made Philadelphia flour, were exhibited of New England Yeomanry. quest of the Committee that they should not be by. Mr. Benjamin T. Reed, Agent of the Prohurried, they could generally have proceeded Prietors of said Mills, and are entitled to the and Cattle Shows-May all their hens do them By Professor Everett Colleges, Universities, in another one eighth of an acre with ease. premium of twenty-five dollars. The Committee have been unanimous in land Starch, manufactured by Mr. Robert Hewes, ing Match-May the working ox beat the fillies. A sample of Starch, in imitation of the Poequal credit. their awards after a very critical examination, of Boston; and a sample of Mustard, manufacturBy Hon. Mr. Quincy-The Presidential Ploughas follows: By George Blake, Esq.-The American Plough

1st premium to Isaac Cook

Caleb Miller, ploughman do. do. driver

2d premium to Joseph Curtis

Luke Rollins, ploughman
Amos Wyman, driver

ed by Mr. Abraham Bickford, also of Boston, and the American Prow-May theirs be the viowere exhibited-both appeared to be of a very tory on the Plain as on the Main. good quality, perhaps equal to any imported; 5-35 no premiums the present year, for either of these articles, were offered by the Trustees





The vegetables brought to the Society's Hall


This is the season when farmers are gather

3-21 'very far exceeded in quantity, variety, and size, ing in their produce and estimating the quanti



es. They may readily measure their grain by with a plain scale of equal parts, and pair of of Representatives for the next Congress are he bushel, and weigh their flax by the pound; dividers, without any calculations by numbers. to be chosen (the present Congress being comut to ascertain the number of their gallons of I carried it so far as to project extracting the posed according to the old ratio.) The whole ider they will find attended with difficulty. cube root and gauging casks, and finding their number is 212, exclusive of the three territories;

of whom

Maine has
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey




North Carolina South Carolina Georgia


2 Alabama


Louisiana 34 Tennessee












[blocks in formation]


Some years ago I undertook to write a new ullage. reatise of arithmetic, better adapted to the capacity of the learner and agricultural business try is a very handsome projection, but the fiTo find the contents of a cask by semi geomehan any heretofore published; in the compos-gure cannot be intelligibly described in a newspang of which I did not take any thing for granted, per, without a large plate-yet, to such as are but demonstrated and proved every rule that well versed in Euclid I may render myself inI laid down. In gauging I found that all the rules that any scale and dividers the contents of a cask, without authors had laid down were either very errone-any calculation, may be projected into a paraltelligible, for to such if they are expert with a ous, or required such a tedious calculation with lelogram, of equal contents superficial measure. a vast number of figures as to be liable to error, That for a large cask, would be extensive, and and that their diagonal and gauging rods were at may be reduced, although 231, the cubic inches best but a random way of guessing at the con- in a gallon, is an uncouth number to divide-it tents of casks of different proportions. I tried various ways to raise a theorem more parallelogram is projected for 3 inches deep, we will divide by 3 and 77 only; then suppose the simple, plain and correct, than any that I could have 77 to divide again, that will divide by 7 find published, and after nearly despairing of and 11 only, then project the reduced parallelo- EXPERIMENTS ON SEED WHEAT WITH finding any better or more short than the rule gram to one of equal content 11 wide, then step laid down by the learned and ingenious James off the gallons by 7. Ferguson, I accidentally hit on the following: 1st. Multiply the mean diameter by itself. 2d. Multiply the product by the length. 3d. Multiply that product by 34.

[blocks in formation]


From the London Farmer's Journal.


SIR, Semi geometry is a science that all farmers ought to learn, in order to be ready to lay out given to blue and green vitriol as a preventive of Surry, 28th June, 1822. In consequence of the strong recommendation any kind of farmers or mechanical business. smut and slug, I was induced to try it in prepar

with whole numbers from the first numeration of giving it a fair trial, I sowed about one third of table, in order to suit the currency of the Uni-each field with the preparation of each viIn my treatise of arithmetic I taught decimals ing the seed for two fields last autumn. By way The excellence of this rule is, it avoids the the nine numbers in nature, that any thing fur-preparation of lime. The seed was free from ted States. I taught that there was but simply triol, and one third with only the common tedious process of any long division, and does ther than nine was but repetition, according to smut, and so is the crop. So far with clean seed not require one fourth part of the number of place in the numeration table. That nine was I consider vitriol useless, but with seed infected figures as the shortest rule laid down by James the Crown Number, and would prove any cal-with smut, the following experiment will show a Ferguson, and it is equally correct in casks of any culation within the four rules in whole numbers, different result. proportion. was an error in multiplication to shew whether that appeared free from smut; this I divided into it was made in multiplying or adding, and if in two parcels, to try if seed was easily impregnated and taught how to prove them, as also if there long division whether in multiplying or sub-with smut, and for this purpose I procured some I had given to me a sample of old Scotch wheat tracting. When I came to treat of interest, I disliked dust. I then divided each parcel into seven others, smut balls, and rubbed one half of the seed with the very much any rules that I could find published and prepared and sowed 100 grains of each, on the for calculating interest for days or broken time, 26th of October last, in the following manner. as the work was too tedious and too much lost 24 mean dia. in little fractional remainders to be correct. the sample; the even numbers to the wheat rubThe odd numbers refer to wheat taken from tried a variety of ways to form some better and bed with smut balls. more exact rule that would not require so many figures-until I discoversed nine proportionate Logarithms (and there is no more in nature) that will shew the interest of any broken sum of dollars and cents for any broken time or number of days, or at any rate per cent-and bring out the whole in one sum to the ten thousandth 3. Wetted with spring part of of a cent, with less figuring than any other mode, and without any division, which I believe the greatest of my discoveries.


Length, 32







Multiply by length,





Multiply by


73728 55296


[blocks in formation]

The true content is 62 gallons and ,6688 deci-like other treatises there would be no need for 6.
mal parts of another gallon.
I could readily give a demonstration of this such slaves to custom as not to look at any thing
them to buy it and that if people would be 7.
theorem on the principles of Euclid, but leave new, they never would advance in improve-
that as an exercise for the students of mathema-ment.
ticks, perhaps if they do not immediately hit on
this theorem, they may some other.
This concise rule makes the small allowance die with me, except some few ideas that
my labours for the benefit of the public must 9. Same, but dried with
that James Ferguson recommended for the be retailed in newspapers.
spheroidical figure of casks, and if it deviates, it
quick lime.
10. Same.

At this advanced period of life I believe that

[blocks in formation]


1. One grain produced
six ears of smut.

2. Upwards of 100 ears
of smut.
3. Free.

4. A few plants produced smut.

5. Free.

6. Free. 7. Free.

8. A few plants produced smut.

9. Free.

[blocks in formation]

worm in the autumn, the other escaped.
† One field was much injured by the slug and

12. Same.

12. Free.

13. Same, but dried with 13. Free. quick lime.

14. Same.

14. Free.

commonly called the Miller Burgundy, or blue 12 cts.-Coal, Virginia, per bushel 25 to 30 cents English grape. I intend offering the cuttings for-English, 40 cts.-Herrings, Susquehannah, No sale, in the proper season, at the following prices: 1, $275 to 350-do. do. No. 2, $2 50-Shad, trimOne dollar for a single dozen cuttings med, $7 50 to $8-do. No. 2, trimmed, $6 50 to Nearly every grain grew; the wheat looks to- Five ditto for one hundred ditto $7-Hogs lard, fresh, per lb. 10 cts.-Beef, fresh, lerably even, and remarkably well, but I am a- Or five hundred for twenty dollars. per lb. 6 to 10 cts.-Pork, per lb.5 to 8 cts.-Veal fraid the birds will destroy the corn before harvest, Persons who wish to buy, can write to me, per lb. 6 to 10 cts.-Mutton, per lb. 5 to 8 that I shall not be able to give you an account post paid, and they will be attended to. Butter 31 to 37 cts.-Eggs, per dozen, 16 cts.of the different samples. Will not your respectable, Maryland Agricul- Potatoes, per bushel, 62 to 75 cts.-Hickory wood, It appears from the above, that boiling water tural Society offer premiums for the cultivation per cord, $5 to $5 50-Oak, do. $3 25 to 3 75and quick lime, as well as blue vitriol, are effec-of Vineyards and Orchards, and the fabrication Pine, do. $2 to 2 50. tual remedies against smut. But those steeped of Wine and Cider ?* I have found the book on in vitriol lost most plant in the autumn, and suf-Wine Making, that you were so good as to lend fered more from enemies than either of the others. me, exceedingly gratifying and most probably useful to me this summer. I remain, your's, &c.



A barrel of Tokay wine, made about two
weeks since, has just been examined-I did not
put a particle of spirit in it, yet this wine is very
strong, and I believe it will have body enough to
keep without spirit. Your's, respectfully,

TOBACCO-NO sales the present week.





Two parcels of Ruta Baga, or Swedish Tur nip Seed, have been recently shipped to the United States, for sale at a price merely co vering the cost, by Christopher Hughes, Jr

TO MAKE A RABBIT WARREN. Dig a pit from 4 to 6 feet wide, and 4 feet deep-8 or 10 feet long-set posts down at each *We think they ought, and thank our correscorner, and let them come about 3 feet above the pondent too, for the suggestion. ground. Board up the sides, leaving the breadth We shall re-publish this little English work, Esq., our Chargé des Affaires at Stockholm. of one plank on each side a foot from the on' Wine Making, by Dr. McCulloch, in the Ame- We have received one of the parcels, 220 lbs. ground unboarded. In this space dig holes in rican Farmer, as soon as Mr. Adlum returns us' and sold the same to our worthy neighbour Mr the wall a few inches at convenient distances, our copy, for we think it gives in a compendious Robert Sinclair of Baltimore, Manufacturer of and put your English Rabbits in after it is co- form the plainest and best instructions, that we have Agricultural Implements, and Seedsman, as vered and has a door with a lock and key. seen upon this important subject-instructions an elligible mode of accomplishing the laudaThey will soon complete what you have left un- that will be useful in domestic or larger fabrica- ble objects of Mr. Hnghes, who had this seed finished in the wall, by burrowing several feet tions of jermented liquors-the healthfulness and raised and saved by eminent agriculturists of into it—a plank should be fixed with hinges to value of which depend so much upon the judicious Sweden, that the Farmers of his own country trice up and to be let down by a string on each or scientific management of the vinous process might have an opportunity to cultivate so va side over the holes, to enable you to catch them We have derived more satisfactory or definite luable a vegetable from genuine, native seed; when you please, either for the purpose of ideas, on the subject of fermentation, and the fa- and be led thereafter to supply themselves, altering the males, or of killing them for the ta- fabrication of different kinds of wine, from this through the ordinary channels of trade, with ble-never keep more than one male in the little work, than from all which we had previous- seed direct from its native country, if the exwarren, for the sake of peace. S. H. ly read. The principles or agents which it ex- periments should here establish, as they have plains or unfolds, are applicable to every vinous done in England, the expediency of occasionalfermentation-and therefore a knowledge of this ly resorting to Sweden for fresh supplies of seed. writer's doctrines will be useful to Brewers, Cider The parcel which we have sold to Mr. RoMakers, &c. Some of the best cider that we ever bert Sinclair was raised by Count Schwerin, at tasted, was made by rules derived from this trea- the instance of Mr. Hughes, and request of Mr. Eric Swedenstierna, a repectable tradesman, to whom we are informed any one may hereafter confidently address themselves in the expectation of receiving genuine seeds, the growth of that country.

Editorial Correspondence. WINE, GRAPE CUTTINGS, CIDER, &c. Vineyard, near George Town, D. C. Sept. 17th, 1822.

tise.-ED. AM. FARM.

FALL CHERRIES AND RUSSIAN RYE. J. S. SKINNER, ESQ. We have just received from Gen. Thomas M. Dear Sir, I have just finished making wine Forman, specimens of Fall cherries, and a samfrom my small Vineyard-I have four-tenths of ple of flour made from rye, imported from The other parcel being 300 lbs., will arrive an acre planted near my house. The cuttings Russia by our townsman, Major Isaac M'Kim, at, and be offered on sale in Philadelphia; it remained one year in the nursery, and the year formerly placed with us for distribution, a part was raised by Mr. Tamm, a very extensive before last they were planted out where they of which we gave to Gen. Forman, who divided proprietor under his own eye and care, at the now stand. The first year they took good root, it among his neighbours, with a prospect, as particular request of Mr. Hughes. The sale of the next they grew luxuriantly, and this is the appears, of eventual benefit. first year of their bearing. Sixty-three vines of the Constantia have produced eighteen bushels of grapes, in the bunches, which made two quarter casks of wine of 28 gallons each. One hunA small quantity of the same kind, and far dred and fifty-eight vines of Tokay, &c. produc- I send you a couple of Cherries as curiosities; better than any we had before seen, was reed 47 bushels of grapes. So that the whole they ripened this fall on the tree I got of you. ceived by us from Mr. Hughes last Summer vintage was 65 bushels, and I find that a bushel I send you also a sample of flour from the for gratuitous distribution, chiefly amongst his of bunches yields about three gallons of juice. My Russian rye, I got of you; it's the first we have designated friends; we fear that the unprece vines are planted in rows 12 feet apart, and are had of it-it's whiter than the flour of our com- dented drought of the season may have disap 6 feet distant in the rows. mon rye, I think, and makes a sweet bread-I pointed the expectations that were indulged

Savinton, Cacil Co., E. Shore,
Maryland, Oct. 12th, 1822. S

this parcel will be duly notified, and both may be implicitly relied upon by our Farmers, as furnishing the best means of ascertaining the real value of this important Root crop.

I have from the whole, made seven barrels and have raised but little as yet, but shall sow from that present.-But the very commendable six quarter casks of wine. This is the first year more this fall than I have before done, and have solicitude of our absent friend and fellow citiof their bearing, and they cover, in all, about seed to spare next season if applied for early. zen, has placed ample means of a diffuse trial of one acre of land. I have near four acres more, Respectfully your's, &c., most of which will bear next year, and I intend JOHN T. VEAZEY. to plant five acres next spring, so as to have a bout ten acres.

this crop, with seed equally good, within the reach of every American Farmer, and we hope To GEN. THOMAS M. FORMAN. they will very generally embrace the present opportunity to form a just conclusion as to the The quality of the wine is to be determined PRICES CURRENT.-CORRECTED WEEKLY quality and value of this agreeable and useful after it has gone through its vinous fermentation, White wheat of the first quality $1 30 to 1 40 Root-of which Mr. Hughes tells us, "the true -Red do. $1 18 to 1 22-Old corn, 65 to 68 Swedish name is KOLROOT, but in conse

which will be some time yet.

I shall next season have several thousand cut-cts.-New do. 63 cents-Rye, 35 to 40 cents-quence of its enormous proportion, in comparitings of vines for sale, of various kinds, foreign Wharf Flour, $6 12 cash-Howard street do. son with common turnips, it is called by the and domestic. Those from which I made my $6 50-Cotton, W. India, according to quality, 15 peasants in the province, where it is most culwine this year, are the Bland Madiera, Tokay, to 25 cents-New Orleans prime, per lb. 15 to 17 tivated, RUTA BAGA,' which means Ram Constantia, Schuylkill Muscadell, and Munier,Georgia upland do. 13 to 14-Cheese, N. E. 10 Root, or Ram turnip.”

No. 33.-VOL. 4.




An Historical and Botanical account of Fruits, known in Great Britain, by Henry Philips, -Second Edition.

(Continued from page 249.)


gingly furnished me with his observations on or claret wine is substituted for the cream. the culture of this fruit, which furnishes a Strawberry jam is much admired; and for ice strong instance of the advantages of botanical creams the flavour is generally preferred to that knowledge. Mr. Keen states, that the want of of raspberries. education deprived him of the benefit of writ- The pine strawberries make an agreeable desten information; but it will be found that he has sert wine, equally rich as mountain; but possessstudied the book of nature to advantage. I ob-ing greater fragrance and acidity; the latter served, says Mr. Keen, that some of my straw-quality is generally too predominanure from berry plants gave out abundance of male blos-English made-wines, whichie making of wines, soms, but produced no fruit. I therefore, in the the want of aftauty of the fruits. In Botany, a Genus of the Icosandria Polygy-year 1809, had all these plants taken from my than fne monastery of Bathalla, in Portugal, is beds, and had other beds made with the fry the tomb of Don John, son of King John the This most agreeable fruit does not appear to bearing, or female plants only; but Error I had First, of Portugal; which is ornamented by the have been cultivated by the ancients; and it crop entirely fail, and suspectoms of the male representation of strawberries, this prince haseems only to have grown in the mountainous made, I procured someto a bottle of water, ving chosen them for his crest, to show his departs of Greece and Italy, the climate being too plants, which having beds, and in a few days votion to St. John the Baptist, who lived on warm in the other parts of these countries. It perderved the fruit began to swell and thrive on fruits.


nia Class.


and not of the Triandria Monogynia, as classed by Linnæus. Natural Order, Lomens


is slightly mentioned by Vinor does not mention on all the plants contiguous to the bottle. nyit as a diet or medicine. In speaking of Having tried the same experiment in several the arbutus-tree, book 15, chap. 24, he says, parts of my garden with the like effect, I was In Botany, of the Monadelphia Triandria Class "the tree is termed the strawberry-tree; and convinced of the necessity of the male plants in there is not any other tree that gives fruit which producing fruit, since which time, I have plantresembles the fruit of an herb growing by the ed about one male plant to ten female plants, This name is derived from tamar, the Arabic ground." Again he says, speaking of the bram-which I find to be the most profitable proportion, ble-berry," as the ground strawberry differs as my beds have since been so productive, that name for the date; and it is to the Arabians in carnosity from the fruit of the arbutus-tree."it has been scarce possible to gather the fruit that we owe a knowledge of the use of this The red-wood strawberry is a native of this without bruising others. Some strawberry plants fruit in medicine. The ancient Greeks knew country; and several modern writers state, have both male and female flowers on the same nothing of it, and the first authors who prethat the white strawberry, as well as the green plant. These are not so profitable; and I find scribe the tamarind are Serapion, Mesue, and strawberry, are indigenous to these kingdoms. it more advantageous to raise my plants from Avicenna.

1633. Miller

The latter is often called the pine-apple straw-seed than by suckers. When the fruit is quite The tamarind-tree is a native of both Indies, berry, from its excellent flavour. ripe, I sow them in a rich moist soil, and in'and thrives also in Egypt, Palestine, Arabia, Gerard seems to consider only the red straw-one year the Alpines produce fruit, but the and other parts of Asia; and it appears, by berry as a native of this climate. He says, other kinds require two years." From the Johnson's edition of Gerard, to have been culti"strawberries do grow upon hills and valleys, seed, Mr. Keen has procured a new variety of vated in England previous to likewise in woods, and other such places that this fruit, to which he has given the name of states, that he has had it grow upwards of bee something shadowie. They prosper well in Imperial Strawberry; it is of a dark ruby co-three feet high in one summer, and produce gardens: the red strawberry euery where; and lour, and, in appearance, the most beautiful of flowers the same year it was sown; but this the other two, white and green, more rare, and all the strawberries; but I find the flavour of must have been accidental, for none of his older are not to be founde saue onely in gardens." it is not superior to that of other kinds. Mr. plants blossomed, although he had them twelve Shakespeare says: Keen recommends the month of March, as the feet high, and eighteen years old. There is a best season for making new beds.

"The strawberry grows underneath the nettle; And wholesome berries thrive, and ripen best, Neighbour'd by fruit of baser quality."

The strawberry is our earliest fruit, and, as the harbinger of the fructus horai, its appearance is as welcome, as its flavour is agreeable.

fine healthy tree of this species now in the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, which flowered a few years back for the first time.

The tree grows to a great size, with large spreading branches, and a thick and beautiful The scarlet strawberry is a native of Virginia, I find that the old custom of putting clean sixteen or eighteen pairs of leaflets, without a foliage. The leaves are pinnate, composed of where it grows wild; and was brought to this straw round strawberry plants, is still continucountry in 1629. It is the earliest sort, and is ed in some parts of Suffolk. The late Sir J. 'single one at the end: they are ovate-oblong, the best strawberry for forcing. quite entire, smooth, sessile, of a bright green, Banks concludes, that their English name was The hautboy-strawberry was procured also derived from the practice of putting straw un- to lie over each other in the night; they have spreading during the day, but closing, so as from America; from which we have raised! der them when the fruit began to swell, as the an acid taste. The flowers come out from the the improved kind, called the globe-hautboy. plant has no relation to straw in any other way; sides of the branches, on a long, upright, comThe Chili strawberry takes it's name from and no other European language applies the idea that part of America so called, from whence it of straw in any other shape to the name of the bunches, of a yellow colour, veined with a redmon peduncle, six or eight together, in loose was brought by M. Frazier, engineer to the berry, or to the plant. Sir Joseph adds, al- dish purple. French king. It was cultivated in the royal gar- though the custom of putting straw round the

dens at Paris, from whence some of the plants plants is now very little attended to, it's utility only the pistil of the flowers, which become What we style the fruit of the tamarind is were conveyed to Holland, and from the latter is very evident, as in dry parching weather pods, that are thick and compressed, from place they were brought to England, by Mr. it would be the means of keeping the plants two to five inches in length, with from two Miller, in the first year of the reign of King moist, and, in wet showery weather, it would to four or six seeds: these pods become of a George the Second, 1727. both keep the fruit clean, and prevent its rot-reddish brown as they ripen. The fruit is, proThe Alpine strawberry is a native of Ger- ting so rapidly. many, and was planted in England in the year perly speaking, composed of two pods: the


As a dietetic fruit, the strawberry affords but outer pod is fleshy, and the inner one thin as little nourishment; the moderate or even plen- the finest parchment; between these two there The varieties of the strawberry have, like tiful use of it is salubrious, and recommended is a space of about a quarter of an inch all the those of other fruits, been so increased, that, to to those of inflammatory or bilious habits. Boer- way, which is filled up with a soft pulpy subdescribe them distinctly, would be almost im-haave considers the continued use of this fruit, stance, of a tart but agreeable taste, which is possible, even with the assistance of coloured as one of the principal remedies in cases of what we use as the fruit; this, and the stones drawings. The President of the Horticultural obstruction and viscidity, and in putrid disorders. which are enclosed in the inner pod, are fasSociety, Thomas Andrew Knight, Esq., states, Hoffman furnishes instances of some obstinate tened together by a great many slender fibres that he has at this time not less than 400 vari-diseases being cured by strawberries, and other from the woody stalk which runs through the eties of this fruit in his garden. Among those mild sweet subacid fruits. Strawberries should pod, and conveys the vinous juice, that afterwhich he has raised, is one from the white Chili be taken sparingly by those of a cold inactive wards hardens, into the viscous matter of the strawberry and the pollen of the black straw-disposition, where the vessels are lax, the cir-pulp. Lunan says, the tree is exceedingly comberry. culation languid, or digestion weak. mon in Jamaica, where it grows to vast bulk; Mr. Keen of Isleworth, in the county of Mid- This fruit is generally sent to dessert in its and he gives the following account of preparing dlesex, who is one of the greatest growers of natural state, although often with cream and the fruit. "The pods are gathered when ful strawberries for the London market, has obli- sugar; but it is more esteemed when Burgundy ripe, which is known by their fragility, or easy

breaking on a small pressure between the finger northern parts of Persia and China, where it or two a little more syrup will be required to be and the thumb. The fruit is taken out of the grows wild; and the Grecian names for this fruit, added.

pod, cleared from the shelly fragments, and pla-Persicon and Basilicon, Persian or Royal Nut, Gerard says, "the green and tender nuts, boylced in layers in a cask; and the boiling syrup bespeak it to have been brought from Persia, ed in sugar, and eaten as suckarde, are a most from the teache, or first copper in the boiling-either by the monarchs of Greece themselves, pleasant and delectable meate, comfort the house, just before it begins to granulate, is pour- or sent thither from the kings of Persia. Ac-stomache, and expell poison."

ed in till the cask is filled: the syrup pervades cording to Pliny's account, book 15, chap. 22, The effluvia of walnut-trees is hurtful to the theart quite to the bottom, and, when cool," the Greeks afterwards called them caryon, on ac- head, on which account it is not safe to sit ungant method Ised for sale. The more ele-count of the heaviness of the head which their covered beneath them, nor is it desirable to eggs, till a clear transparewell clariñed with strong smell caused." plant them too near dwelling-houses. Pliny which gives the fruit a much pleas formed, "Walnuts were first brought into Italy by says, "the oak will not thrive near the walnutVitellius, a little before the death of Tiberius tree;" and Mr. Keen, who is so justly celebraThe East-India tamarinds are preserved ge-ny, moeror; and the Romans," continues Pli-ted for growing of strawberries, informs me, nerally without sugar, and are better adapted des, viz. Jupiterbem with the name of Juglan- that the walnut-tree is so injurious to strawberfor an ingredient in medical compositions. The at weddings by this peop They were much used ry beds, that they seldom bear fruit in the neighbest method of preserving them is said to be by This author has written


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bourhood of that tree.

putting alternate layers of tamarinds and pow-dical virtues, book 23, chap. 18, witbeir.. me- These trees require but little pruning; and dered sugar in a stone jar: by this means the says, that "the more walnuts one eats, with more branches wered by cutting and lopping the tamarinds preserve their colour and taste more ease will he drive worms out of his stomach; The largest plantation of walnut-trees in.... agreeably. and that, eaten before meals, they lessen the ef- land, at the present time, is in the county of In the Indies, and in some parts of Africa, (fects of any poisonous food; eaten after onions," Surry. tamarinds are used as food, and are made into he states, "they keep them from rising, and Gerard says, "the walnut-tree groweth in a sort of confection with sugar, and eaten as a prevent the disagreeable smell." fields neere common highwaies, in a fat and delicacy, which in the violent heats of these The bark of the walnut tree was considered fruitful ground, and in orchards." it thereclimates is cooling, and, at the same time, keeps a sovereign remedy for the ringworm. The fore appears to me, that it must have been inthe bowels in a proper state of laxity. The leaves bruised and damped with vinegar, and so troduced earlier than the date mentioned in fruit is also frequently made an ingredient in applied, put away the pain of the ears. punch, and seldom fails to open the body. A After Mithridates was vanquished, Cneius about thirty years before Gerard wrote his acvery agreeable cooling drink is made by sim- Pompeius found in his secret closet or cabinet, count, when these trees seem to have been veply mixing water with a few spoonfuls of it among many precious jewels, the receipt of a ry common in the fields.

the Hortus Kewensis (1562,) as this was only


when preserved. Dr. Cullen was of opinion, certain antidote against poison, written in the The walnut-tree was formerly cultivated in that it was best to preserve tamarinds in the hand-writing of Mithridates, in his private note- England for the sake of the wood, which was in pods. They contain à larger proportion of acid, book, as follows:great esteem for cabinet goods, before mahogawith saccharine matter, than is usually found in "Take two dry walnut kernels, as many figs, ny and other curious woods were imported the acid dulcet fruits, and are therefore not of rue twenty leaves; stamp all these together from America into this kingdom, which only employed as a laxative, but also for aba- into one mass, with a grain or corn of salt." about the beginning of the eighteenth century, ting thirst and heat in various inflammatory Under which was written, "whoever accustoms when the use of mahogany was discovered by complaints, and for correcting putrid disorders, himself to eat of this confection in a morning, the following chance:-Dr. Gibbons, an emiespecially those of a bilious kind, in which the next his heart there shall no poison hurt him nent physician, was building a house in King cathartic, antiseptic, and refrigerant qualities of that day." Street, Covent Garden. His brother, who was

the fruit have been found equally useful. Walnuts are considered stomachic: their oil a West-India captain, brought over some planks When intended merely as a laxative, it may be is a good medicine for the stone and gravel. of this wood as ballast, which he thought might of advantage to join them with manna, or pur- The bark of the tree is a strong emetic, either be of service in his brother's building; but the gatives of a sweet kind, by which their use is green, or dried and powdered. The unripe fruit carpenters finding the wood too hard for their rendered safer and more effectual. Three is used in medicine for the destruction of worms, tools, it was laid aside as useless. Soon after, drachms of the pulp are usually sufficient to and is administered in the form of an extract. Mrs. Gibbonsw anting a candle-box, the Docopen the body; but to prove moderately cathar- I find, if the water in which the outside cover-tor called on his cabinet-maker (Wollaston, in tic, one or two ounces are required. The ing of walnuts has been steeped, be thrown on Long Acre) to make him one of some wood that leaves are sometimes used in sub-acid infusions; the ground, the worms will immediately come lay in his garden. Wollaston also complained and Alpinus says, a decoction of them kills out of the earth: anglers often use this means to that it was too hard; but the Doctor insisted worms in children. (Wright.) Dr. Zimmerman obtain bait for fishing. on having it done; and, when finished, it was prescribes tamarinds in putrid dysentery. The ancients considered that walnuts chewed so much liked, that the Doctor ordered a buThe sour taste of tamarinds proves that acid by a person fasting, would if applied, cure the reau to be made of the same wood, which was acparticles abound greatly in them, and a chemical bite of a mad dog. cordingly done: and the fine colour, polish, &c. analysis gives further proof of this. There is in- The green nuts are cordial, alexipharmic, were so pleasing, that he invited all his friends deed no alkali to be obtained from this fruit, other-and said to be of great use in all contagious, ma-to see it. Among them was the Duchess of wise than by distilling it in a retort with quick-lignant distempers, and the plague itself. Buckingham. Her Grace begged some of the same lime. A simple analysis of it yields no other The nuts, preserved young, are an excellent wood of Dr. Gibbons, and employed Wollaston principle but acid and sulphur. sweetmeat, and are good to be eaten in a to make her a bureau also. On this the fame of It is not uncommon to find an essential salt morning, in time of pestilential distempers, to mahogany and Mr. Wollaston was much raised; crystalized on the branches of the tamarind-tree, prevent infection. I have been favoured by and furniture made of this wood became genewhich greatly resembles cream of tartar in all the following receipt for preserving young wal-ral. respects, and is no other than the genuine salt nuts, by a family who assure me that they have The timber of the walnut-tree is much esof the plant, formed by the sun's drying up the known them succeed in obstinate costiveness teemed by coach-builders, and also for making accidental extravasated juices. when all other remedies have failed: even a gun-stocks. The leaves of the sycamore, in hot seasons, small part of one of these sweetmeats will give are often found thus covered with crystals of relief. essential salt, which is sweet, and very much Take green walnuts, in the proper state for of the nature of sugar. The lime-tree produces pickling, and boil them till tender; take them a like saccharine matter, which, being given to out, and stick a piece of lemon-peel to every a person to drink, will be found of the same nut; and to every fifth one, a clove and a small In Botany, a Genus of the Octandria Monogypurgative virtue as manna. piece of mace. To every pound of nuts, add nia Class. Tamarinds are an ingredient in the well-one pound of moist sugar with water enough There are several varieties of this fruit, known medicine called lenitive electuary. to make a good syrup; put in the nuts, and some of which are black, others red, and some simmer them till the syrup is thick, and let white. The whortle shrub is a native of this them stand ten days; then clarify half the above country, and grows on most of our wild heathy In Botany, a Genus of the Monacia Polyan-quantity of sugar, and boil as before; and commons and uncultivated hills: it is found in dria Class. when cold, cover them close for use. By keep- great abundance on Leith Hill, which is the The walnut-tree is evidently a native of the ing, the syrup will shrink, so that after a year most elevated part of Surry. The fruit seldom



Often called HURTS,


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