Gambar halaman

served whole as a sweetmeat, and are justly peaches, white and red, there can be little doubt an aperient to children, and are recommended as admired. but that it was introduced as early as the reign of a great destroyer of worms.

The seeds of the orange kind will be found, Henry the Eighth. I am decidedly of opinion It should be observed not to get the flowers on nice examination, different from the seed of that it was brought into England, from Italy, by from those peach-trees that have been grafted any other fruit. They have been anatomised by Wolf, the king's gardener, in the year 1524, as at upon almond-stocks, as the flowers partake of the the curious, and, with the aid of a good micros- this time we find that he brought the apricot from property of the stock, which greatly alters their cope, are found to be almost as wonderful, in the latter country. virtue. The plum is a purgative, the almond not their formation, as the human frame when dis- Of this deliciously melting fruit we have now a at all so. sected. great variety, from the small nutmeg peach which Gerard also says, "the leaves of the peach-tree Seignior Francisco Lana, in his Prodromus ripens in July, to the large October peach, which boiled in milk, will destroy the worms in young to some philosophical discoveries, tells us, that is more agreeable to the sight than the palate. children.” there is a way of producing oranges, without This fruit has been almost equally multiplied in The young leaves are used by cooks to flavour sowing or planting the trees, only by infusing its varieties with the apple, by sowing the stones, blanc-mange, custards, puddings, &c.; and a lithe flowers in oil of almonds; for that this oil and lately by the ingenious method of impreg-quor resembling noyau is made by steeping peach will, every year afterwards, at the proper sea-nating the blossoms. T. H. Knight, Esq. Presi- leaves in white brandy, and, when sweetened son, produce both flowers and ripe oranges. dent of the Horticultural Society, has procured a with sugar-candy, and fined with milk, it is difnew peach by this operation: he impregnated the ficult to distinguish it from the flavoured cordial pistillum of the blossom on an almond-tree, with of Martinique. Michaelmas is the time recommended for the the pollen of the peach-flower; and this almond, when planted, produced a peach-tree instead of winter pruning of the nectarine, as well as the one of its own kind, and has since ripened peach-peach-tree, when, with little attention, the blossom-buds will be known from the wood-buds;

PEACH.-PERSICA, OR AMYGDALUS. In Botany, a Genus of the Icosandria Monogy

nia Class.


All the ancient authors agree that the peachtree is a native of Persia; and it appears that the fruit was thought to be of a poisonous nature. The peach varies so much in quality, that the latter being less turgid, longer and narrower, It is evident there had formerly been tradition-many sorts are not worth the growing; it is there-than the blossom-buds. In shortening the branchfore to be hoped that we shall soon have them es, observe to leave a wood-bud at the end instead ary tales of this fruit having been sent into Egypt to poison the inhabitants. Columella exploded, and the better varieties cultivated in of the fruit-bud. Care should be taken to nip off situations most congenial to their tender nature. the ends of the strong shoots in the month of says, in his tenth book :At Montreuil, a village near Paris, the whole po- May, which will cause them to throw out new pulation is exclusively employed in the cultivation boughs in every part of the tree, as it produces of peaches, which has maintained the inhabitants its fruits from the young wood, either of the for several ages; and the consequence is, that same, or at the most of the former year's shoot. they raise better peaches than any other part of Peach-trees are often injured by a desire to retain too full a crop on the branches, which not

And apples, which most barbarous Persia sent,
With native poison arm'd (as fame relates):
But now they've lost their pow'r to kill, and yield
Ambrosian juice, and have forgot to hurt ;
And of their country still retain the name.

France affords.

Pliny, in his 15th book, chap. 13, mentions, I have often observed, that the finest flavoured only prevents the present fruit from coming to that they had been stated to have possessed vepeaches have been gathered from trees of the maturity, but, by exhausting the tree, prevents nomous qualities, and that this fruit was sent greatest age; and I have met with many instances its fruiting in future years. When the peach has into Egypt by the kings of Persia, by way of of these trees bearing amply when they have attained the size of a small gooseberry, the trees been from forty to sixty years old. These trees should be carefully thinned, leaving the fruit not revenge, to plague the natives; but he treats generally yield a crop, when younger ones fail. nearer than from four to six inches to each this story as a mere fable, adding, that the name of Persica evidently bespeaks them a Persian first described the regions of Louisiana in his Father Hennepin, a religious missionary, who other. From the wood of the peach-tree the colour ny adds, that it was not long since peaches Voyages down the Mississippi, gives an account called rose-pink is procured. were known in Rome, and there was great dif- of the numerous peach-trees which he observed in ficulty in rearing them. He informs us they latitude is the same as that part of Asia, of which direction in that part of America; and as the

fruit. Cato has not mentioned them; and Pli



nia Class.

In Botony, a Genus of the Icosandria Pentagy-
The accounts we have of this fruit are of

were brought from Egypt to the isle of Rhodes, these trees are the natural production, there can where they could never be made to produce fruit; and from thence to Italy. He says, more. be no doubt but they are indigenous to Louisiana over, that it was not a common fruit in Greece as well as to Persia, although in many parts of or in Natolia. This author states again, in book America the peach is regarded as a foreign fruit, great antiquity, as the pear-tree was consecrated 23, chap. 7, that he considered it the most it having been introduced from Europe before to Minerva previous to the olive. Louisiana had been explored. harmless fruit in the world; that it had the most juice with the least smell of any fruit, and yet caused thirst to those who ate of it. Peaches were evidently cultivated in France at an early period, as Columella continues his account of this fruit, by stating,



The earliest writers mention it as a fruit growThis fruit is now cultivated with such success ing abundantly in Syria and Egypt, as well as in in some parts of North America, that it is not Greece; and it appears to have been brought into uncommon to see orchards containing 1,000 stan Italy from these places, about the time that Sylla dard peach trees, which are so productive, that made himself master of the latter country; althe fruit is used to fatten swine: from a single though there is no doubt but the Romans had seorchard have been procured, after the pulp is veral kinds of this fruit before that time. Virgil Those of small size to ripen make great haste; fermented and distilled, 100 barrels of peach speaks of pears which he had from Cato; and Such as great Gaul bestows observe due time, brandy. Columella mentions a considerable variety of And season, not too early, nor too late. Peaches are forced with considerable success. pears. Pliny writes of them in his 15th book, Pliny says, book 15, chap. 12, "as for the These of necessity must bear a high price in the chap. 2, as being then exceedingly numerous in French and Asiatic peaches, they bear the name market, so long as glass continues an object of Italy: some have," says he, 66 no other name of the regions and nations from whence they heavy taxation. The expense of fuel, it appears, than the country from whence they came, as the will not be so excessive, since the heating of flues Syrian, the Alexandrine, the Numidian, the GreIt is stated that the peach-tree was not culti-by steam promises to answer. cian, the Picentine, the Numantine, &c. &c.:" vated in England before the year 1562; and by It is observed, that the best peaches of every but of all the pears, he mentions the Crustumine whom it was first introduced, or from what coun-kind are red next the sun, and of a yellowish as the most delicate and agreeable; next to that try it was procured, we have no authentic ac- cast towards the wall: the pulp should also be the Falernian pear was esteemed, and so called count, although Gerard wrote his work soon af-of a yellowish tint, and juicy; the skin thin, and for the abundance of juice it produced, which he ter, which was published in 1597, wherein he the stone small. To have them in perfection, compares to wine. The Tiberian pears were so describes the white peach, the red peach, the they should not be gathered until they will fall named because they were the sort Tiberius, the yellow peach, and the d'avant peach, and adds, into the hand by the slightest touch of the finger. emperor preferred; others were named after the "I have them all in my garden, with many other This is one of the fruits in particular which is persons who had introduced or cultivated them; recommended to be eaten in the morning, in pre-some from the season when they ripened, as the The peach-tree, he continues, "soone cometh ference to the usual time of dessert. Brookes says, barley pear, &c.; and many from their odour, as vp; it beareth fruit the third or fourth yeer after "peaches agree well with persons of hot consti- the aromatic and laurel pears. it is planted, and it soone decaieth; and is not tutions and costive habits, especially if they are proached," says he, "with the name of proud of long continuance," From this account, and eaten in a morning fasting." pears, because they are earliest ripe, and will not finding it in the list of fruits, published in the The flowers of the peach-tree are used in me- keep:" there were winter pears, and pears for bak1557, by Thomas Tusser, who mentions dicine: when made into a syrup, they are given asing, &c. "Both pears and apples," continue this


"Some are re


shire and Sussex.

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account the physicians are careful how they give pruned by those who do not understand the na-be thought too abstract. The resumption them to their patients; but when sodden in wine ture of it. The blossoms are commonly produc-specie payments in England has been followe The pear-tree is liable to be much injured, if cussions which, without due reflection, migh and water, they are esteemed wholesome." A-ed from buds at the extremity of the last year's by prodigious distress, and extensive ruin to th gain he states, book xxiii. chap. 7, "all pears shoots, and, as these are often cut off by the un-productive classes in moderate circumstances.whatsoever are but a heavy meat, even to those in skilful pruner, it prevents their producing fruit, The same coincidence has occurred in this coun good health, and the sick are debarred from eat-and causes the boughs to send out new branches, try. The commodities which are the produc ing of them; and yet, if they are well boiled or which overfill the tree with wood. The summer of agricultural labour, especially have fallen baked, they are exceedingly pleasant, and moder- is the best time to look over pear-trees, and to and thousands who were in debt, but in a thri ately wholesome; when sodden or baked with remove all superfluous and foreright shoots, which wing condition, have been ruined, because, owhoney, they agree with the stomach." Some pears were used as a counterpoison a- fully done, they will require but little pruning in the produce of their industry will not go in would too much shade the fruit. If this be care-ing to the scarcity and increased value of money, gainst the venomous mushrooms; the ashes of the autumn. the pear-tree wood are also used for the same medicinal purpose. The wild pear-tree, as well as the crab-apple, weather will allow. They should then be put in Pears that are to be kept for the winter use,ney engagements, as it would have done prior to some cases half so far towards meeting their moappears to be a native of this country, where it is a heap, in an open and dry situation, for about ten in money, are growing yet richer with comshould hang as long on the trees as the state of the the resumption of specie payments. While men often found growing, particularly in Somerset-days; then wiped with a dry woollen cloth, and pound acceleration. of overgrown estates, whose fortunes consisted At what period the cultivated pear was first keep this fruit in it's greatest perfection, smally, their commodities depressed in the market, brought into this country we have no account; earthen jars should be selected, about the size of packed close from the air and moisture. But to but we may surmise that the Romans did not ne- the pear, which should be packed separately in consume, enhanced by duties to encourage doIn this condition of the agricultural communiglect the propagation of this fruit when they clean oat chaff, and tied down with skin, or by all our early writers. Gerard says, in his time, should then be packed in a chest, or dry closet, manufactory in Massachusetts have netted a were masters of Britain. The pear is mentioned brown paper cemented with pitch. These jars per before us, that owing to the late unparalleland the price of imported articles which they to write of pears and apples would require a par- with the bottom upwards. Pears are found more mestic manufactures; we read in a morning paticular volume; every country, says he, " hath generally productive when grafted on quince profit of only 123 per cent. for the last six his peculiar fruit; myselfe knowe some one cu- stocks, than upon those of their own kind or the months, instead of 15 per cent for the half year ed drought the owners of a celebrated cotton rious, who hath in one peece of ground, at the white thorn. point of three score sundrie sorts of pears, and those exceeding good; not doubting but, if his colour, and is used for making carpenters' tools, are more profoundly read than we, in political minde had been to seek after multitudes, he The timber of the pear-tree is of a yellowish our correspondents who have more leisure, and as heretofore!! might have gotten togither the like number of What we have said may serve as texts for those of worsse kindes. Master Richard Poin-purposes. Gerard says, "the timber of the wild nated by one of our most able and esteemed cormeasuring rulers, picture frames, and a variety of economy, and in what has been happily desigter," he says, "has them all growing in his into moulds." The plates in his book were cut these texts we shall be very happy to hear from ground at Twicknam, near London, who is a most out of this wood, as were, says he, "breastplates any of them, pro or con, provided their sermons pear is very firm and solid, and good to be cut respondents,-" the morals of Agriculture." On cunning and curious grafter and planter of all for English gentlewomen." manner of rare fruits; and also in the ground of an excellent grafter and painful planter, Master Henry Banbury, of Touthill Street, neere vnto AGRICULTURAL HISTORY AND POLIWestminster; and likewise in the ground of a be as all sermons should, of moderate length diligent and most affectionate louer of plants, Masand in a spirit of charity and good temper. ter Warner, neere Hornsey Down, by London; have inserted an article in this number on the and in divers other grounds about London." It must not be supposed that, because we EDIT. AM. FAR. Miller mentions eighty varieties of the pear in the people of Ireland-that therefore we mean his day, and, at the present time, they are so much to intermeddle in foreign politicks. The dis-subject of Irish Distress, which I have recauses of the present deplorable condition of increased, that Mr. Lee, of Hammersmith, as- tresses of that gallant and generous nation are ceived from a gentleman of large landed estate sured me that he possessed 213 kinds of pear-sufficient to awaken the sensibilities of every in Ireland, and which I request the favour of trees. We trust that, while the Horticultural feeling heart; but it is not here, that we may you to insert in your Journal. It cannot fail to I beg leave to trouble you with a letter on the Societies are seeking for new varieties, those of be permitted to expatiate on such subjects, we be interesting to all your readers. At the same established fame will not be neglected. sirable to have our orchards planted with a va-portion of the history of the times, connected the attention of your readers to a letter which It is de- can here allow ourselves to view them only as a time, you will, perhaps, permit me to request riety, that we may have some for all seasons and with, and bearing upon the interests of agricul-I published in your Journal of the 15th May, for various purposes; but it is equally to be wish-ture.-In that country we behold the singular 1820, wherein I flatter myself that I proved ed, that the best of each sort should be selected, spectacle of an industrious nation literally per-that the disturbances which have since arisen in not only of the dessert kinds, but those for baking ishing in the midst of an abundance of the ne-various parts of Ireland, must necessarily follow and preserving, as well as those for making per- cessaries of life-the fruit of their own labours, from the restoration of the ancient standard of ry, which is one of the justly admired British be- and the propitious influence of Heaven! The value, and that the distress which now exists in causes of such political phenomena, belong to that country must be the inevitable consequence the science of agricultural politicks, and de-of the same destructive cause. serve to be investigated. Such a state of things ment thought proper to restore the ancient meathe publick strength and resources-there must cient prices of value, they ought, as a matter of a wise administration of sure of value, and with that of course the anWhen Parliabe "something rotten in the state of Denmark," common honesty and common prudence, to have and what has happened there may happen restored also the ancient obligations of value. The here, in process of time and under bad legisla-monied prices of property and labour are the ontion, remote as may appear all existing analo-ly means out of which the monied obligations gies-would we avert evil effects, we must by of the country can be discharged. When, therethe aid of every light study their causes-hence fore, Parliament adopted measures to reduce make themselves familiar with the history of the nied obligations one half, at the same time. In it becomes the now free agriculturists of Ame-those monied prices one half, they ought in rica, above every other class in the world, to common honesty, to have reduced also the motions; a legislative policy which, in its incipi-dered to all parties; and whatever might have agricultural prosperity and decline of other na- this manner, equal justice would have been renreduce our children to ruin and beggary, may ces, the same good or evil would have been convert them into hewers of wood and draw-equally participated in by every class of the ent influences may scarcely be felt by us, may been the good or the evil of low nominal priers of water for more acute and more favour-community. The monied debts, rents, tithes, ed classes-and hence it is that we are willing to and taxes, which are charged by law upon the appropriate a due portion of our journal to dis-monied prices of property and labour, being


And taste revived,
The breath of orchard big with bending fruit
Obedient to the breeze and beaten ray,
From the deep loaded bough a mellow shower
Incessant melts away. The juicy pear
Lies, in a soft profusion, scattered round.
A various sweetness swells the gentle race,
By nature's all-refining hand prepared,
Of tempered sun, and water, earth, and air,
In ever-changing composition mixed.


Perry is considered the best liquor that can be
drunk after a surfeit of mushrooms.
An agreeable wine is made from the wild pears
and crab-apples.

In general pears are windy, and improper for
weak stomachs: those are best that are quite
ripe, and have a sweet juice, and then they are
seldom noxious; unless eaten to excess.


cannot exist under


Birmingham, June 26, 1822.


thus reduced one half by legal enactment, at the to perish without hope, under the arbitrary exIn this manner, all British interest would have same time that those monied prices were also actions of the latter. been brought to contribute, in just and equal proreduced one half by legal enactment, the conse- Under this view of the subject, which would portions, to the grand object of obtaining a metalquence would have been, that the monied bur-shew the necessity of compelling all parties to lic coinage; but, in the present mode of proceedthens would still have borne the same relation contribute equally to the national object of res-ing, the whole burthen is contrived to be thrown to the monied means as they bore during the toring low prices, it is probable that such nati- upon the productive classes of the community, war, and the action of the whole social machi-onal object may not appear quite so desirable and the very ruin and destruction of these classes nery would have been preserved on the same as it has hitherto appeared in the eyes of many is made the means of a most unjust and unnatural. footing, rendering every one his due, without persons, who have been endeavouring to accom-aggrandizement of their unproductive rivals. partiality or injustice, and not lacerating and plish it by a measure which has confiscated the But if this mode of obtaining a metallic circuladestroying one half of the community for the capital of others at the same time that it has tion was not deemed advisable, and if no other meunjust aggrandisement of the other half. The doubled their own. It may possibly be thought, tallic standard whatever but the antiquated standlandlord would have received half the monied that when the present generation of men have ard of 1791, would have satisfied the rapacity or rent which he received during the war, the been born and bred up, or reared to manhood the prejudice of Jews and Lawyers, there was still clergyman would have received half the monied and advanced age, under the habits and associa- another mode by which even that object might have tithe, the creditor half the monied debt, and tions which a high estimation of national values been obtained, without injury or injustice to any the King half the monied tax; but under this had occasioned, it was not wise or expedient to one. If a prospective action had been given to half, the same value would have been compri-adopt a measure which should necessarily break the metallic standard instead of a retrospective acsed as was comprised under the whole during up all those habits and associations, and whilst tion; if it had been adopted from any given day, the war, and thus every class of society would it carried change into every mind, should car- and all obligations contracted after such day had have been preserved on the same relative level, ry also a sense of ideal injury into every heart. been ordered to be discharged in such standard, without the least injury or injustice to any one. But if it was not wise or expedient to reduce leaving the obligations contracted in the paper But in reducing price one half, without reducing by law the component parts of price, at the standard to be discharged in the paper standard, in equally the component parts of price, in redu- same time that by law we reduced price this manner we might have restored the metallic cing thus the monied means without reducing itself; and if it was still more unwise and un-standard of 1791, or even the standard of William correspondently the monied charges, Parliament just to reduce the monied means without redu- the Conqueror, which was about as applicable to has thrown the whole burthen of this great cing correspondently the monied charges, what the existing relations of society, without the change upon the active and useful classes of the other measures ought we to have adopted, or least difficulty, injustice, or distress, towards any community, and has even contrived that it shall ought we now to have recourse to? I have re-class of the community. For a short time, whilst double the fortunes of the unproductive classes, peatedly shewn in your Journals, Sir, that we the accounts and obligations of the paper standuntil such period as the outcry or bankruptcy of ought either to have continued the paper cur-ard were being settled and wound up, we should, their unhappy victims shall compel them to make rency of the war under proper limitations and of course, have had two prices, but we should a just reduction in their enormous and iniqui-obligations or otherwise to have adopted a new have experienced no difficulty in that, nor any metallic standard of value, depreciated in the more inconvenience than is experienced in Rus

tous demands.

It is true, that this reduction of the nominal same degree as the practical currency of the sia, Jamaica, and other countries, where two terms in which men had been accustomed to country had become depreciated during the war. prices exist. The paper standard, and the meestimate their fortunes, and the monied values By reducing the weight of our ancient metallic tallic standard, would quickly have found their of their property and labour, would have been coins one half, by alloying their quality, or by due relations to each other, and would have disdisagreeable to the feelings of many individuals. doubling their price, we should have obtained charged each other's obligations accordingly. In They would have fancied themselves injured, a metallic circulation which would have given this manner, every man's rights and interests although they would not, in reality, have been us a real cheapness of all commodities, at the would have been properly guarded; and if there


Each individual would have possessed just same time that it would have preserved all the was no depreciation in the paper currency, no the same security, and the same command over nominal high prices of the war, and would have difference would have existed between the two the necessaries and luxuries of life, as he pos- secured the rights and interests of all classes, standards, and the one might shortly have been sessed on the average of the ten years ending without outraging the prejudices of any. merged in the other; or if any difference did ex

the late war; and thus all the injury which It cannot be said, that in thus coining ten old ist, whether 4 per cent. or cent, per cent., such could possibly have arisen to any party would Mint shillings into a pound sterling, we should difference would have effected only the proper have been perfectly ideal. The King, and his have done any injury or injustice to annuitants parties. But in adopting the ancient metallic creditors, retainers, and dependants would have or creditors, because their annuities and credits standard, and giving it a retrospective action, in experienced the same nominal reduction were contracted in money which did not contain first inducing the nation, for twenty years, to con their incomes, as would have been experienced any intrinsic value whatever; and therefore, if tract prodigious public and private obligations in by the land-owners and manufacturers, and their the quantity of silver or gold contained in the a fititious standard, and then compelling all such creditors, retainers, and dependants; but the instruments of money is to be any measure of obligations to be discharged in a real standard, we same reduction would have been common to all. the justice or injustice of discharging obligations have committed an act of gigantic injustice, in And if low prices, and the low estimation contracted in such money, the annuitants and comparison with which, as Lord Carnarvon justly of national values, are beneficial, all classes creditors would still have received a hundred observes, "all the robberies of the French revowould have equally participated in that benefit; times more intrinsic value than they are in reality lution sink into nothing." We have passed an or if such low prices are injurious, all classes entitled to. They would have received ten old ex post facto law, which confiscates the whole would have sustained their just proportions of Mint shillings as the intrinsic value contained in property of the farmers and land owners; which such injury. The lessee would not have become every pound sterling of their credits or annuities, compels the merchants and manufacturers to toil bankrupt to the lessor; the mortgager would for which they never advanced one single far-for years, and to reap ruin as the reward of their not have been sacrificed to the mortgagee; thing of intrinsic value. All the value which they labour; and which, by loosening and disorganizing and the creditor would not have become the ar- had ever advanced was representative value, and all the ties and sympathies which hold the fabric biter over the fate of the debtor. The lessor of this description of value every one would have of society together, prepares the sure and not would have received his proper proportion of received the exact amount that he was in reality far distant destruction of the whole. the produce of the farm; the mortgagee would entitled to, at the same time that he would also Reverting to the situation of unhappy Ireland, have received his just and rightful share of have received a very heavy security in intrin-Sir, it may be asked, why England is not equally the estate; and the creditor would have receiv-sic value which he was not entitled to. distressed, if indeed it is true, as I have proved

ed his just and rightful share of the effects of Here would have been a real wholesome and in your Journal, nearly the whole of the present the debtor. All these great rights and inter- beneficial cheapness of British manufactures se- Irish distress is attributable to the unjust measure ests would have been secured to the rightful par- cured at once, without difficulty, injustice, or which I deprecate.

ties just as well under the low estimation of distress. The high nominal British prices would The capital of the English farmers at the peace, national values, as they were during the war un-thus have been realized upon a just and practi- was at least ten times as much as that of the Irish der the high estimation of those values. But in cable standard. They would have been brought farmers, who, as I have said before, are in genereducing one part of the national values with-down at once in metallic value to the continental ral little cultivators, occupy only five or ten acres out reducing all other parts; in reducing the level, at the same time that they would have of land. The English farmers are, therefore, fictitious means of the productive classes, with-been preserved in nominal value at the Bri-enabled to go on for many years, supporting conout at the same time reducing correspondently tish level, upon which all British obligations had tinually a heavy annual loss; but the poor Irish the fictitious charges of the unproductive class been founded, or to which they had long become farmers, and their wretched labourers are crushes, the Legislature has condemned the former accommodated. ed more readily into the dust. Besides, one half of



England is brought into contact with foreign sources plicable mysteries which time only can discover receive, is totally swallowed up by imcumof prosperity, through the medium of foreign com- or which, perhaps, is destined to mock investiga-brances and demands, which, as originally conmerce, which now that British manufacturers are tion until "Time shall be no more." I am, Sir, tracted and intended, did not amount to more reduced one halfin price, requires nearly a doubled your obedient servant, quantity to satisfy the present demand. The effect of this contact with foreign circumstances is visible also in the north of Ireland, where the existence of the great linen manufactures tends to than a fourth of my rental. What can I give to distress? I was all my life attached most warmsupport the population in a state of comparative post, the last Dublin paper I have received. I contrary to the principles of political economy to comfort. But your readers must not imagine, beseech you to read over the lamentable details revert to paper currency. What was done in "I take the liberty of sending you, by this day's of what may happen. We are told it would be ly to the Government of England, by inclination, that because England holds up longer than Ire-its columns afford of the awful condition of this 1797 to supply funds for war and slaughter, might habit, and interest; but I am now nearly careless land, it will not ultimately fall into the same state. country. We are hurried on to an accumulation of well be done in 1822 to ensure the happiness and The population of England are supplied with em-horrors never yet witnessed under the sun. The save the lives of millions of our fellow subjects; floyment by the continual sacrifice of the capital subscriptions, magnificent as they were, have unless the maxims of this political philosophy of the merchants and manufacturers, which is an- proved quite inadequate: famine and pestilence are to be observed only for our destruction, nually and rapidly going on; and they are sup-are extending their ravages every hour. Yet and dispensed with only for bloodshed and devasflied with food by the continual destruction of the Ministers and the House of Commons, will per- tation. If this be the case, it is indeed a scourge capital of the farmers and land owners, which is sist in forcing on the tremendous experiment.-to be ruled by political economists; to have robstill more rapidly taking effect. Sooner or later, There is scarcely a pound note in circulation bing and spoliation called good faith, and utter one of these great links must give way, and pro-here: guineas and sovercigns have long since dis- ruin a wholesome recurrence to sound policy!bably they will both give way at the same time. appeared; a small quantity of silver and copper But, as Junius said in his day, 'It has pleased HeaThe population of England will then be thrown coin alone remain. Now, Sir, I ask, if all the provi-ven to give us a Parliament and a Ministry, whom upon their country, hungry and destitute, and sions in Europe were accumulated in Ireland, how no argument can persuade, no experience can they will have no sister island to relieve them.-could the people obtain any of them, except by teach. I have written this in haste, to be in time The destruction of the present race of farmers force? What can they earn or obtain, to give in for this day's post, but it contains no exaggeration cannot be effected without producing ultimately exchange for them? Having first called on the of our misfortunes; that is almost impossible. I such a deterioration of cultivation, as must inevi- generous and suffering people of England to re-am, Sir, your obliged and very obedint servant, tably terminate in famine. It will be counter-medy the mischief they have done, his Majesty's acted for a while by the recruits from the monied Ministers now unjustly and most wickedly attempt classes, who will step forward and take possession to lay the blame on the Irish landed proprietors. of the farms, free from the incumbrances which If the latter are absentees, that is sufficient to acforced their unhappy predecessors into the work-count for the distress; if resident, they are called house or the grave. But it is not in nature that the tyrants and oppressors, in order to shift the bur- MR. EDITOR, cultivation of the land should not be injured, during then from the contrivers of all this ruin. The the process of this gigantic "transfer of proper-Irish landed proprietors have suffered every pri-ble of surpassing the wines of other countries, is ty," as the Jews modestly call it. The cultivation vation and every insult which it is possible for a fact frequently well attested at the tables of afof the land must be injured during the process of men to bear. I myself will challenge investiga- fluence. To facilitate its more extensive experithis tremendous change, and that injury must tion and comparison with the most indulgent land-ence is the purpose of this communication. terminate in famine, which no human measures lord in England, as to the letting of my ground can avert, and scarce any can mitigate or relieve. and the treatment of my tenants, as far as my is the first of sciences. Its pre-eminence entitles Strange it is, indeed, to reflect, Sir, that the power of indulgence went. I have reduced my it to the distinction of the Divine science. But Legislature should have rushed into a gulf of this expenditure from luxury and comfort to bare ne- much is left to the reason as well as the labor of kind, without stopping for a moment to investi- cessaries; I have been put to upwards of a hun-man to exalt it to perfection; and in this economy Agriculture, of which the making Cider is a part, gate its unfathomable depth! Both the Commit-dred pounds law costs within a few months, by of Providence, who can be insensible to its betees of Parliament, upon whose reports Mr. Peel's persons having demands on my estate, who shew nignity and condescension in making us joint laBill is founded, distinctly acknowledge that they no mercy, and share no blame; I have been wor-borers in the accomplishment of our enjoyments? "have not inquired into the policy" of this mortal ried almost to death, and every way humbled; I am persuaded that you will not think this semeasure, but have confined their inquiries into and at the end of all this, which is the condition riousness as out of place, since, in connexion with the best period and means of carrying it into ef of most Irish resident landed proprietors, the peo- the immediate advantage, it must have been the fect. I told Lord Liverpool at the time, that "the ple are to be excited by his Majesty's Ministers basis of institutions for the encouragement of agricountry was led blindfold like an ox to the slaugh- to rise up against their unfortunate landlords. For cultural pursuits. In a pecuniary view, the subter." Why did they not remove the muffles from many generations my family have lived here, in-ject is within the demonstration of arithmetic-in her eyes? Why did they not inquire into the dependent and opulent country gentlemen; now, years of usual abundance, it may be computed, "policy" of restoring the ancient standard of va- for the first time, dishonour and misery have been that a million of barrels of cider are made in Maslue? Why did they not shew that the doubling brought on our house by the confiscation and rob-sachusetts, worth, in such years, a dollar each, of every public and private obligation in the bery of Mr. Peel's iniquitious Bill. And yet, I made in the common manner; any mode of makkingdom, and the annihilation of rent, would be am to be pointed out to my tenants as the cause of ing which, without material multiplication of exthe least of the destructive consequences which that distress and ruin of which I am the first and pense, shall enhance this price, will add the admust attend it? And why did. they studiously most suffering victim. I anxiously implore you,ditional value to the stock of profit; and it is not pretend, that 4 per cent. was all the reduction Sir, not to relax in your exertions to make the extravagant to say, that even in years of the that it would make in the prices of property and real cause of all this evident to the people of Eng-greatest plenty, like the present, it may be so Labour, when they knew full well, that its perma- land. The same degree of distress would, un-improved in quality as to be advanced to ten times nent suspension had permanently doubled those doubtedly, have taken place there too, but for your its ordinary price. Nor is it the epicure alone who prices? The great painter of Nature, when he Poor Laws: it remains to be seen how long even would willingly pay for the luxurious draughtrepresents a man attempting an object which Na- they can avert it. In this country, distress and the salubrity of a pure and palatable liquor would ture shrinks at, makes him call upon elemental consternation have seized on every mind; every force parsimony itself into the economy of its darkness, to shelter his designs from his own one looks to a dreadful conclusion at no great dis-purchase. Our autumnal complaints derive, in eyes, and from those of Heaven. tance of time. Beyond all doubt, Government a great measure, their existence and aliment And fall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, will have to support the entire population of Ire-from the use of viscous and vapid juices. The "That my keen knife see not the wound it makes, ders. land before twelve months elapse, if it persist in re- proverb, that it is better to pay the butcher than "Nor Heaven peep through the blanket of the fusing to allow a sufficient supply of legal ten-the doctor, is much exalted in its application to dark, "The Irish gentlemen are grossly reviled, be-the terms of nature, than to endure the penalties cause they do not come forward with subscrip-of their transgression. The apple tree, like the the present subject-it is better to comply with It is not for me, Sir, to insinuate that motives of reason, from what fund are they to give? Aquency, the yieldings of both degenerate into vin tions for their starving countrymen. In the name vine, is dependant on man;-through his delinof this kind have animated the Legislature, and few years ago, my property gave me credit, and engar, but on the performance of his duty, they induced them to move to their design with such the punctuality of my payments confirmed and are exalted into wine. fatal silence and determination. I willingly give extended it. Now, if my life were at stake, 1 them credit for other motives, although I must be could not raise £200. The small portion of my content to leave their conduct as one of the inex- once well paid and moderate rents which I now on

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'Come thou thick night,

"To cry, Hold! hold ""

should begin with the songs of the Mantuan bard,
A finished speculation on the making of Cider,

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The hoary frosts, and northern blasts, take care "The kinds of stock, and what those kinds will deavor-an advance to the second, which converts into vinegar, is restrained only by the due The muddy beverage to serene, and drive bear." ascendancy and retention in the body of the li-Precipitant, the baser ropy lees." quor of the spirituous quality excited and quick

And on the methods and progress of cultivation, from the "wild disorder" of the nursery to "The stately tree, which in autumn bends With blushing treasures."



Wouldst thou thy vats with generous wine should
Respect thy orchards;—think not that the trees
Spontaneous will produce a wholesome draught.
The plant which shoots from seed a sullen tree,
At leisure grows for late posterity,
The generous flavor lost."

ened by the first-the last is produced by an ir-In this case, racking before a removal into the celreclaimable foulness. The intermission between lar, (for it ought not to freeze) and again in March the two first is short, and has been considered or April, may be necessary for the exclusion of the critical moment for the successful interposi-the offending matter. The difference in the two tion of art, and racking, fumigation, salt-petre modes of treatment already supposed is, that and roach-alum, have been specifics relied upon; in the first, nature is left to her own unmolested but more is depending on the internal condition of operation, through which her intentions of giving the liquor, than on these prescriptions, or on any to man a delectable draught, will (if they have other consideration. Ciders of a good stamina, not been thwarted by his own remissness) be effecpurified and protected from the internal and ex- tually accomplished:-in the other, she is hasternal occasions of its injury, by an attention tened on in her designs, and the precipitation of the performance requires, that certain of its stagwhich ought to be as common as washing down a hog before cutting it up, will never depreciate es should be seized to thrust out an enemy who is into sourness; nor will any application reclaim only on rest to recommence commotion. Ás to refining cider with matter, it may be giver But as these pleasing and interesting investiga- that which sunk under the pressure of its inhetions are better adapted to seed-time than har-rent impurities, or lost its virtues by the inatten- as a rule, that if while on the lees, or when drawi vest, I will pass on to the business of the season-tion of its keeper. In respect to racking, howe-off, the liquor is tranquil, pleasant, piercing, anc the making and preserving Cider. A clean, con- ver, if it be ineffectual for the renovation of the yet free from asperity, it may be left to itself; or, venient and covered mill, is the first pre-requi- liquor, it is seldom attended with disadvantage, as is more fit for turbulent acrimonious and insisite, for without such a mill, all other attentions and is sometimes the best expedient for its pu-pid bodies, a little tasteless mucilaginous matte of any sort, as isinglass, calves feet jelly, the may be frustrated. The apples should be reduc- rification.

The addition of spirit to the expressed juice is
practice condemned by Pomona's Bard—
"With their native strength,

ed to a fine pulp. The colour of the liquor and The quality of the juice of an apple in its natu-whites of eggs, or dissolved glue, may be infused its smoothness are both improved by laying a few ral state, is the prime inquiry to guide all our de- to accelerate the precipitation of the particles hours in the trough after grinding. Lay up the cisions on the flavor, the taste, the color, and the suspended in the liquor. pomace on the press in clean straw, without using durability of cider at maturity. Generally, the a drop of water in any part of the process. Three quality of the juice may be inferred from the out- a or four times as much water is often used in mak-ward appearance of the apple, as it departs from ing less than a hogshead of cider, than would be the spiritless white into the golden yellow and required to ruin a pipe of proof spirits. Every the gorgeous carnation. Hence, mean should be adopted to retain the spirituous property of the liquor-it is its life. If a cider is wanted,

[blocks in formation]

from the well.

"Water will imbibe

The small remains of spirit, and acquire
A vinous flavour."

"Let every tree in every garden, own
The red-streak as supreme."

Thy wine's sufficient."

A sensible observer, too, of our own, has expressed the same censure. But the subject has its qualifications. The treatment which is some"The pippin, burnish'd o'er with gold," is but times necessary to give a saving soundness to a grade below. But general rules have their ex-wine, decides against these opinions. Brandy ceptions, and on the present subject a surer cri- is re-mixed with wine to give it solidity; and terion than outward show may be derived from grapes of the greatest saccharine richness, afinternal examination-any apple contains a rich fording a juice of nearly the consistency of fluid, suitable to make a sound, palatable and ex-honey, and easily convertible into spirit, are hilirating cider, which, on breaking, emits an ac

used to exalt inferior clusters into wine of a

tive fragrant flavor-is not over abundantly juicy, high quality.* in truth, it is on this point that and has a glutinous consistency. That the crab intelligent observation must direct. Seasons ( will make the best cider, is one of those crude luxuriant vegetation produce a more aqueous Press the cheese gently at first, and advance conceits, that every thing is enveloped in myste-apple than seasons of sterility. The effect of slowly to the utmost power of the screw. Arty, and that we can in no other way escape the these different seasons on the quality of cider foolery which nature is playing with us, than to cannot have escaped notice. In the dry sumnow commences its operations against the "float-forsake our senses. It is all important to the full mers of 1805 and 6, a spirituous ascendency in ing lee”—and in no stage of the business can they perfection of the fruit, that after having been ga- the fruit generally triumphed, in cider, over misbe more effectually interposed-in proportion to thered (which should be done when ripe, in dry management in its making-on the contrary, in the clarification of the stum the tendency to an weather, with no external injury, and before seasons of great abundance, and when the fruit ensuing fermentation is moderated, and its dan- frosts shall have corrupted it,) that it be spread is distended to a great size by the watery eleon covered floors to mellow, and to impart to the ment, the spirit of cider is reduced to so pre

gerous excess arrested.

In turning up, as it is called, out of the tub, the air an useless portion of its aqueous parts. Rains carious a standard, that the skilful and vigilan grossest of the pomaceous mass is usually detained and dews hurt ripe apples even while on the only may boast of its possession in power and by a strainer of straw, coarser than "the goat's trees, but they injure them much more in heaps, purity. In these facts, which a moment's reshaggy beard." Instead of such a strainer pre- or spread in contact with any substance and with flection must confirm, we have the instruction pare a tunnel with moveable rims, in the form of each other. While in either of these situations, we need-if the "native strength" of the juice a seive-over the bottom rim, stretch a covering humidity, according to its degree and continuance, is sufficient, an aliance should be rejected-i: of fine flannel-over the second, a covering of retards or stays the process of maturation, insti- insufficient, an auxiliary may be received, and baize, and the uppermost overspread with drug-tutes that of decomposition, and impairs the spi


get, with the nappy side of each pendant. These rituous quality upon which the preservation of * Other, and less notorious secrets in the trade strainers will arrest on their way to the vessel, all the cider wholly depends. It should be regarded of wine, give the same evidence. Currants, in the gross and most of the subtle impurities which too, as almost equally indispensable to the good the proportion of ten gallons to a barrel, wil tend to the agitation and vitiation of the liquor. quality of the liquor, that the fruit should be se-bring on a fermentation in cider which terminShould the strainers choak they can be easily re-parated before grinding, from unripe and unsound ates in a neat and pleasant wine. It is the preapples, and from all filth. The juice of an unripe dominant spirit of the currants which effects the We now advance to the preservation of the Ci-apple is even more pernicious than that of a de-severe_transformation. der, which is the principal difficulty; and after all fective one. A Senator in Congress, profoundly instructed the directions which can be given much must be The place in which the cider shall now be set in the arcana of commerce, asserted in a speech, supplied by discreet observation. The vinous, the to subside is interesting to its welfare. In a cellar that a composition passing any where for Maacetous, and the putrefactive, are the three fer- of uniform temperature through the year, it may deira wine, may be formed of ten gallons of that mentations to which the liquor is inclined-they be left undisturbed to settle and refine on its own article pure, with ten gallons of Malaga wine, are, indeed, but one progressive operation, with lees. The unstoppage of cellar windows in the thirty of Sherry, and the same quantity of ciintermediate pauses. The first is an effort to free spring, admits an active agent to the acetous fer-der. An analysis of the component parts will shew, itself from a farther association with the fruit, mentation, against which, drawing off may be a that the brandy in the sherry wine is the preserand to excite its own spirit, and is closed with a safeguard. If placed in an open exposure below vation of the cider in its assimilation to the calmness which marks an intermission of the en-the freezing point, first named ingredient.

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