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At the regular meeting of the Commission when the final vote on its report was taken, the following resolution was unanimously adopted with instructions that it be spread on the records of the Commission and be printed in its report.

BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Vice Commission of Chicago hereby express their high appreciation of the services of their executive officers, Dean Walter T. Sumner, Chairman, and Edwin W. Sims, Secretary.

Dean Sumner has presided over the many sessions of the Commission and its sub-committees with unvarying courtesy and the best of good fellowship. Throughout the prolonged and trying inquiries his steadfastness and patience have been equal to the ordeal. In collecting the voluminous and complex data gathered and canvassed and in formulating in large part the text of the report he has proved himself to be adequate to the exacting task both in constructive ability and in his spirit of concession to the opinions of his colleagues.

Mr. Sims' legal ability and experience in the discovery, punishment and prevention of crimes against immigrant women, as prosecuting officer of the United States Court have been of invaluable service throughout the work of the Commission. His judicial judgment, tempered by warm sympathy and working through self-exacting cooperative effort with every phase of the Commission's inquiry and deliberation, has contributed valuably to the thoroughness and practical conclusions of this difficult and delicate inquiry.

To the ability and spirit of their Chairman and Secretary, the Commission owes much of its ability to render a unanimous report.




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