3d Session. MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE TWO HOUSES OF CONGRESS AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE THIRD SESSION OF THE THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. VOLUME II. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1862. SIR: I have the honor to submit, for your consideration, the annual report of this department, with the reports of the several bureaus and institutions which by law are placed under its supervision. It is a source of gratification that, while the social and commercial relations of the people have been greatly deranged by the civil war which rebellion has forced upon the country, in most of the loyal States the great interests of agriculture, manufactures, and commerce have been well sustained, and have returned remunerating profits for the capital and labor invested in them. The several reports which are herewith transmitted exhibit, in detail, the operations in the several branches of the public service which are placed under the charge of this department. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. The demand for the public lands has continued to decline since my last report. The sales for cash have not produced a sum sufficient to pay the expenses of our land system. On the 30th of September, 1861, there were surveyed and ready for sale 134,218,330.89 acres. From that date until September 30, 1862, there have been surveyed 3, 135, 067.41 acres. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1862, and the first quarter of the current fiscal year, there were sold for cash 154, 258.65 acres, producing $137,476 26. During the same period 712,055.77 acres have been located with bounty land warrants; 1,133,898.92 acres have been certified under railroad grants made by Congress; and 24,316.09 acres have been certified to different States as swamp lands. The aggregate amount thus disposed of was 2,024,529.43 acres. leaving, of surveyed lands ready for sale on the 30th of September, 1862, 135,328,868.84 acres. Under the bounty land laws of 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855, there were issued, prior to the 30th of September, 1862, 537,471 warrants, covering 58,876, 430 acres of land. Of these, there were outstanding and unsatisfied, September, 30, 1862, 65,913 warrants, covering 7,123,380 acres. |