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to overflowing. The exercises were opened with prayer by the Rev. J. L. Lenhart, after which an address was delivered by Brother Joseph P. Bradley, Esq., of Newark, and received with demonstrations of the utmost approval, the speaker being repeatedly hailed with loud bursts of applause. Among the guests on that occasion was the Hon. Jos. C. | Hornblower, who, being called on by the audience, after the address of Brother Bradley, responded in a brief but patriotic address.

He said he was proud to call himself an

American citizen. His father was an Englishman, but settled here before the struggle of our fathers for liberty, and when that came, espoused it with all his heart. He related a number of anecdotes of his patriotic father, illustrative of the fervor of pure devotion to country, which was nothing rare at that period. He said all men are our brethren, but we should be wary how we trust our liberty, the hope of the world, to ignorant or unprincipled hands.

The remarks of the venerable ex-Chief Justice were received with great enthusiasm.

The popular demonstrations in various parts of the country show that our Order has been instrumental in awakening the people to a renewed sense of patriotism, and that it has snatched from oblivion the day that gave GEORGE WASHINGTON to the world. In our city, the Common Council decorated the City Hall with flags, and gave a grand illumination, with a display of fire-works, in the evening. The Historical Society engaged the eloquence of the Hon. Daniel Webster, who delivered an oration to a crowded audience at Niblo's; several companies of military were on duty, among whom were the veterans of "76 and '12. A national salute was fired from the Battery at sunrise, at noor, and at sunset, and the brilliant stripes and stars were flashing throughout the day from every mast-head in port, and every public edifice in the city. Were it not for the inclement season at which it occurs, the birth-day of Washington would become our great national festival, second only to that of the birth-day of our independence.

THE LADY PUTNAM ASSOCIATION gave their fifth annual soirée at the Apollo Rooms, on the evening of the 5th instant, for the benefit of Lady Putnam Chapter, U. D. A., and we are glad to learn that their object was re

sponded to in the true spirit, and that a pleasant réunion and a handsome surplus fund were the result. The ladies of our day, like those of the Revolution, are on the side of their country.

THE FIRST DAY SESSION OF CHANCERY.On Monday, the 1st inst., the Chancery of the State of New-York assembled at its chambers at 10 o'clock A.M., Grand Sachen Osborn presiding. There was a good attendance, though not large, and among the number present we noticed a goodly representation from the Chapters out of the city. Soon after 12 o'clock, the Chancery adjourned to half-past 1, and again, at the close of the afternoon meeting, to half-past 7 in the evening. At the close of the evening session, the Chancery adjourned to meet again on the 2d Monday in April, at American Hall, No. 9 Court st., Brooklyn, at 8 o'clock P. M.

During the session, it was resolved that the next quarterly session of Chancery will be held at Poughkeepsie, at half-past 1 o'clock P. M., on the first Monday in June.

A report was received from the Committee on Returns, exhibiting a statement of the rise, progress, and financial condition of the Order up to the present time; but being imperfect, in consequence of the lack of some returns from Chapters which the committee had not been able to obtain, the report was recommitted to enable the committee to obtain more complete information.

The committee having charge of the procuring of a stone for the Washington Monument in the name of the Order, reported the design, and were empowered to obtain the necessary funds to complete the work.

An ordinance was adopted, providing for the safe keeping of the work of the Order, by which the Sachems of Chapters are held responsible in that duty.

A committee was appointed to solicit a copy of the address of Judge Campbell, delivered before the Order at Metropolitan Hall on the Washington anniversary, for publication; and we hope to be able to send it to our subscribers in the form of a supplement with the April number.

An interesting and admirably written communication was received from the Chancery

of the United Daughters of America, and after reading, referred to a special committee, who will report an appropriate response.

MAGNA CHARTA CHAPTER gave a public demonstration on Monday evening, the 8th instant. Their beautiful furniture was neatly arranged on the occasion, and the decorations were truly pleasing. A scarlet drapery hung behind the Sachem's chair, surmounted with the American flag, was supported on the right by a splendid banner displaying Washington and his warning voice; on the left by a richly engraved view of the Declaration of Independence. A chapter of Scripture was read at the opening by P. S. Van Saun, and followed by an appropriate patriotic prayer, by Fourth Marshal Vroome; after which Brother T. De Witt Talmadge delivered an address illustrating the peculiarities of our people and institutions, favorably and unfavorably, giving many beautiful and even laughable types of Yankeedom. P. G. S. Talmadge, the inimitable "Dan," being called, explained the features of the order in his peculiarly "modest" style. The evening closed with a hearty welcome, sung by the Chapter. The audience, a highly respectable and intelligent one, numbering about two hundred, appeared delighted with the entertainment; and we remark that the Chapter deserves especial credit, having made the demonstration within themselves, thus displaying capability; and hereafter we shall expect much from their labors in the good cause. No standing back now, gentlemen, you have shown your ammunition.

THE MONUMENT TO WASHINGTON.At a meeting of the delegates appointed from the several Chapters, to take the preliminary steps for carrying out the plan of building a monument to Washington, and establishing a cemetery for the members of the order, a subcommittee, consisting of Brothers Whitney, of Franklin; Steele, of Plymouth; Oakley, of Pavonia; Lydecker, of Decatur; and Paige, of Warren, was appointed to select a suitable site for the same, and ascertain the terms upon which the necessary land can be purchased. That committee reported on Monday, 8th instant. They have been actively engaged in the work, and the probability is, that they will be able to give us a site surpassing any thing, in point of eligibility, that can be procured in any of the already established cemeteries, with an independent corporation of our own, and at a cost not exceeding that of the original estimate. The

site which seems to give most satisfaction is in Kings county, commanding a view of the ocean, the lower bay, Staten Island, NewJersey, and several towns and villages, all of which may be seen from the surface of the ground. Subscription lists for lots will, we learn, be issued immediately.

VISIT TO ETHAN ALLEN CHAPTER.-We had the pleasure to be present, a few evenings since, on the occasion of a fraternal visit from Magna Charta Chapter, of South Brooklyn, to Ethan Allen Chapter, of Williamsburg, where we had the satisfaction of meeting not only the members of those Chapters, but also the Grand Chaplain of our State, and several others of our most active and energetic coworkers. After an interesting initiation, in which three good and true Americans were added to the Brotherhood, Chancellor Lefever, to whom we are much indebted for the present prosperity of "Ethan Allen," addressed the company in a few pertinent remarks, followed by Sachem Hunt, of "Magna Charta," and several Chancellors and members present, not forgetting our Mercurial and Minervian friend of South Brooklyn, Brother Butler, who, by his judgment and activity, has well won the compound soubriquet. The Grand Chaplain, with his accustomed sobriety, was quite as amusing as grave, and spoke with telling effect on the subject of admitting the stones offered by "His Holiness," Pope Pius the Ninth, into the construction of the National Monument to Washington. Altogether, the visit was one to be remembered by all parties with interest and profit.

INSTALLATION WEEK.-The first week of the present month was devoted, in part, to the ceremony of the semi-annual installation of the officers of Chapters. We had the honor of visiting, for that purpose, six of the city Chapters, and were greatly pleased with the increasing activity and spirit manifested by them all. Our Chapter-rooms, apart from their most legitimate objects, are rapidly developing their capacity for mutual instruction, and, where well understood and properly adapted, they become schools for intellectual improvement and patriotism. We know of no association where the youth of our country can devote an evening or two, weekly, with

more opportunities for moral and intellectual profit, than those of the Chapters of our order.



BROTHER WHITNEY:- My sojourn for some weeks in Washington has afforded me observations, and suggested some thoughts which may not be uninteresting to the readers of the Republic. Imbued with that deep interest which every true American feels in the progress of our institutions, and, consequently, the success and purity of our government, I have not been an indifferent spectator of scenes which too often bring the blush of shame and indignation to the cheek of honest patriotism. Do not think I mean to deal in vague charges when I allude to the growing corruption which is engendering in the body politic of our country; the specifications are ample and striking. Go into the council-halls of the nation on any day you please, and behold the chosen legislators of the nation! How are they employed? Let us take an example: To-day is the fourth of March; we are in the House of Representatives; perhaps the associations of the day may have their influence on the scene enacted. The galleries are full, the lobby crowded, and members are on the qui vive. What is in the wind? A young and talented representative from Kentucky, around whose name hereditary honors cluster thick, is about to make his maiden-speech. The occasion is worthy of attention. Well, the morning hour has been consumed in unprofitable wrangling, and the order of the day has been announced, and Mr. B. rises. The subject is one of considerable importance; no less than the administration of the public domain, the American people's property, which has been so much "hawked at of late by mousing politicians," that they might feed the hungry hordes of foreign adventurers upon whose mercenary votes they expect to ride into power, and wear the garb of American statesmen! The youthful orator catches at once the eye of the Speaker; he is recognized; and rearing his graceful form in the consciousness of intellectual power, and glancing with his eagle eye upon the proud array, his clear, silvery voice breaks the silence which has gradually stolen over even that tumultuous body. List! Surely there must flow persuasion from those haughty lips, in accents on which listening senates may delight to hang. No such thing. He bluffly and frankly acknowledges his want of preparation, as well as inclination, to discuss the measure under consider ation, and deliberately announces his intention to answer a political speech of a political opponent, delivered on some previous occasion. His hour is passed; he has shirked the issue before the house,

and he has done what, for the legislation of his country? Why, delivered a tolerably adroit and quite eloquent stump-speech, for the benefit of an aspiring partisan, which would have suited hustings well enough, but has cost the nation some thousands of dollars, and advantaged who?

But this is a modest item in the catalogue of ills which the selfishness of party or personal ambition inflicts upon the country; it is the continual occurrence of such scenes, and of worse, which demands of the honest patriot a pause, to inquire where all this must lead to? The useful legislation of our country is at a stand; important laws and necessary appropriations lie over; the honest and needy creditor of the government, whose hereditary fortune was spent, and whose ancestral blood was freely shed in the attainment of our liberties, cries in vain for "justice! justice!" while hunger and destitution are sapping his vitals. But what is the answer of these servants of the people! In the language of the Scripture, he asks for bread, and they give him a stone; he whose treasures won them all! And yet, in the same instant, they turn and express their willingnessnay, their eagerness-to vote thousands to decorate the triumph of a foreign mountebank, to whose jugglery of words, and inordinate, daring vanity, they are willing to bow the necks of this great nation, and sacrifice every sentiment of pride and self-respect, in shameless defiance of the precepts of the Father of his Country!

But, in turning from the humiliating contemplation, let it inspire us, one and all-true Americans, if we are to work earnestly and diligently, silently and surely as destiny, too, to reform these crying abuses, and rescue our institutions from the wiles of foreign influence, and the smothering weight of domestic demagogueism!

But I have enlarged so freely in comments, that I must speak briefly, or, rather, not at all now, of events which are more particularly the province of a correspondent. For these, however, in detail, let me refer your readers to the daily journals; they are by no means of a nature to gratify the honest pride of an American, any more than the course of the generality of our statesmen-politicians, I mean-is a subject of congratulation to the nation at large. Perhaps the disgust, engendered by contact with these scenes, makes my denunciation too sweeping. God forbid there should not be many honest and patriotic men among our legislators, even though they have fallen into bad ways! To some of these I would, and will, on a future occasion, pay an humble passing tribute.

Let me conclude, as I have already trespassed too long, by doing so now, to one whose character has won the involuntary admiration of his countrymen wherever judicial blindness has not destroyed their appreciation of the most firm, just, and truly AMERICAN administration of the government, since those of WASHINGTON and MADISON, the disciple of whose doctrines and worthiest successor is MILLARD FILLMORE!

O. U. A.

The names of the S. and C. C. of Chapters will be inserted at $2 per annum.


Wm. W. Osborn, G. S.-Chas. E. Gildersleve, G. C. C. Alpha, No. 1, Saturday, cor. Broadway and Grand street. Washington, No. 2, Thursday, cor. Grand and Ludlow sts. Warren, No. 3, Tuesday, Court st., near Fulton, Brooklyn. Manhattan, No. 4, Thursday, corner Avenue C and 4th st. Lawrence, No. 5, Thursday, cor. 128th street and 3d Av. American, No. 6, Monday, 360 Broadway.

Columbia, No. 7, Thursday, cor. Bleecker and Morton sts. Putnam, No. 8, Wednesday, corner Grand and Ludlow sts. Franklin, No. 9, Friday, corner Grand and Ludlow sts.

Wm. B. Ferguson, S.

Paulding, No. 10, Tuesday, corner 23d st. and 8th Av. Marion, No. 11, Friday, Court st., near Fulton, Brooklyn. Continental, No. 12, Thursday, 327 Bowery.

E. A. Schermerhorn, S.-Wm. P. Armstrong, C. C. Mount Vernon, No. 13, Wednesday, 149 Bowery. Hancock, No. 14, Wednesday, c. Bleecker and Morton sts. A. Horton Keech, S.

Liberty, No. 15, Friday, 149 Bowery.

Decatur, No. 16, Thursday, cor. Broadway and Grand st.
Lexington, No. 17, Monday, Low's Building, Brooklyn.
National, No. 18, Tuesday, 149 Bowery.
Adams, No. 19, Wednesday, Haverstraw,

Ethan Allen, No. 20, Tuesday, c. S. 1st & 4th sts., Wil'b'g.
Perry, No. 21, Thursday, corner 23d street and 8th Av.
Charter Oak, No. 22, Monday, 327 Bowery.
Fort Washington, No. 23, Yonkers.

Woodhull, No. 24, Wednesday, Jamaica, L. I.

Champe, No. 25, Thursday, corner Grove and Hudson sts. Plymouth, No. 26, Thursday, Court st., near Fulton, Br'kn. Bunker Hill, No. 27, Friday, cor. Bleecker and Morton sts. Excelsior, No. 28, Tuesday, corner Grand and Ludlow sts. Independence, No. 29, Wednesday, National Hall,

John C. Garnsey, S.-Jasper Drake, C. C.
Schuyler, No. 30, Friday, 327 Bowery.

Westchester, No. 31, Wednesday, at Tarrytown.
Pavonia, No. 32, Saturday, Rossville, S. I.

Oneida, No, 33, Thursday, 149 Bowery.
Worth, No. 34, Wednesday, Astoria, L. I.

Jasper, No. 35, Monday, corner Bleecker and Morton sts.
Niagara, No. 36, Friday, 149 Bowery.

Jacobs, S.-W. W. Browne, C. C. American Star, No. 37, Thursday, Ramapo, Rockland co. Magna Charta, No. 38, Thurs., cor. Court & Sackett, B'n. Frederick M. Butler, S.-S. H. Catlin, C. C. Zachary Taylor, No. 39, Wednesday, 3d Av., near 58th st. Tappan, No. 40, Monday, Piermont. New-York, No. 41, Friday, corner Grove and Hudson sts.

Huguenot, No. 42, Friday, Port Richmond, S. I.

E Pluribus Unum, No. 43, Wed., c. Bowery and Broome sts. Liberty Tree, No. 44, Friday, Commercial Buildings, Albany. Union, No. 45, Thursday, Fort Chester.

Ringgold, No. 46, Tuesday, Greensburg, Dobbs' Ferry. Ironsides, No. 47, Friday, corner Grand and Broadway. American Eagle, No. 48, Mamaroneck, Wednesday. Jefferson, No. 49, Tuesday, corner 29th street and 8th Av. Oneachta, No. 50, Poughkeepsie, Thursday.

Valley Forge, No. 51, Wednesday, 149 Sixteenth street. Wayne, No. 52, Tuesday, corner Grove and Hudson sts. Peekskill, No. 53, Tuesday, Peekskill.

Fort Greene, No. 54, Wed., Granada Hall, Myrtle Av., B'n.
Empire, No. 55, Friday, 187 Bowery.

Star Spangled Banner, No. 56, Wednesday, Albany.
United States, No. 57, 283 Grand Street.
Constitution, No. 58, Smithville, L. I.


John H. Lyon, G. S.-J. B. Cleveland, G. C. C. Pioneer, No. 1, Friday, Morris' Buildings, Newark. James R. Sanford, S.-Henry Babbitt, C. C. Clark, No. 2, Monday, Rahway.

Nathan Hale, No. 3, Thursday, Morris' Buildings, Newark.
Morgan, No. 4, Tuesday, Hoboken.

Jersey Blue, No. 5, Monday, New-Brunswick.
American, No. 6, Tuesday, Franklin Hall, Jersey City.
Washington, No. 7, Wednesday, Orange,
American Eagle, No. 8, Tuesday, Paterson.

Geo. L. Sneden, S.-Andrew Van Bussom, C. C.
Monmouth, No. 9, Thursday, Freehold.

American Flag, No. 10, Tuesday, Morris' Buildings, New'k.
Liberty, No. 11, Wednesday, Bergen.
Columbia, No. 12, Saturday, Madison.

Excelsior, No. 13, Monday, Morris' Buildings, Newark.

Raritan Chapter, No. 14, Keyport.

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America, without one, or mine for gold in California, and is a sure protection against foreign aggression. Issued by J. B. NONES, Notary Public, 66 Broadway.


announce that their Classes will commence for the season, at Gothic Hall, Brooklyn, October 13th; at Constitution Hall, 650 Broadway, 14th; and at the New Rooms, Eighth avenue, corner of Twenty-fifth street, 15th. Lessons given in Waltzing, Schottisch, Polka, &c., and also the new dances La Gorletza, La Tempête, and other Dances, at the Private Academy, No. 66 Sixth avenue, where all information will be given.

For further particulars, see Circular, to be had as above.


fice, 66 Wall street. Uncurrent Money, Drafts, &c., bought and sold on the most favorable terms.

Drafts on Philadelphia, Boston, &c., for sale. Collections made with dispatch on all parts of the Union. Land Warrants bought and sold.

The patronage of the Order and of the business community generally is respectfully solicited.


THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE OPENED AN EXTENsive Establishment at 142 Chatham street, where every article of Boots and Shoes will be found always on hand, including Ladies' fine Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers, and Ties, Patent Leather Buskins and Slippers; Misses and Childrens' Boots and Shoes; Boys' and Youths' Boots and Shoes; GENTLEMEN'S FINE FRENCH CALFSKIN BOOTS, Patent Leather Shoes, Congress Gaiters, Dancing Pumps and Gaiters, Patent Leather and Embroidered Slippers. Also, Calfskin, Grain, Seal, and Kip Pegged and Sewed Boots; and a large assortment of THICK LONG LEG BOOTS, suitable for Firemen, Seamen, and Boatmen, all made out of the best materials, and expressly for our Retail Trade. N.B.-Gentlemen's Fine Calfskin Boots made to order, from $3 50 to $5. BIGELOW & GEDNEY, No. 142 Chatham st.


JOSEPH HAIGHT, OF WASHINGTON CHAPTER, is prepared to furnish families with Groceries, Fruits, &c., of the best quality, at 20 per cent. less than any other

Store, No. 39 Stanton street, corner of Forsyth. Small profits and cash prices.

Goods sent to any part of the city free of charge.
Low Prices! Good Work! Prompt Execution!


(Corner of Maiden Lane, New.York.) THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE attention of the O. U. A., Chapters and Members of the O. U. A., to their facilities for executing EVERY DESCRIPTION of PRINTING, which they are prepared to furnish at very low rates, in the best style, and at very short notice, by means of the BEST and FASTEST PRINTING MACHINES.

CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE O. U. A., containing the Constitutions of Chancery and A. C., and also the latest Ordinances and Resolutions of Chancery, are stereotyped in beautiful style. This is the most complete edition extant. See Subscribers' Edition of By-Laws of Washington, No. 2; National, No. 18; Wayne, No. 52; Fort Greene, No. 54, &c., &c. Call and see specimens. Recollect, the number is 154 WATER STREET.


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