Gambar halaman


CHAPTER VIII.-The Hounds.-Election of Supreme Judge, delegates to convention and mu-
nicipal officers.-Alcalde's address to the Ayuntamiento.-Duties of prefects.-The prison brig
Euphemia and store-ship Apollo.-Churches.-Regulations and appointments of the Ayunta

CHAPTER XVIII.-Immigration diminished.-Females comparatively few.-Great city improve-

ments.-Productions of the country, game, &c., in the markets.-Character of the community

changing for the better.-The circulating medium.-Extravagance in living, dress, &c.-Personal

rencontres and other outrages common.-Titles to real estate uncertain.-Legal decisions.-De-

preciated value of merchandise.-Amusements, dissipation and recreation.-The foreign popula-

tion. Great crimes less frequent.-The finances of the city....

CHAPTER XIX.-Dr. Peter Smith.-His contract with the city to take charge of the indigent sick.

-The city's indebtedness.-Smith's judgments and executions.-Injunctions of the commission-

ers of the funded debt.—Sale and sacrifice of the city property under Smith's judgments... 370

CHAPTER XX.-The Chinese in California-Act passed to fund the floating debt of the State.

-The State Marine Hospital.-Act to convert into a seven per cent. stock the floating debt

of the County of San Francisco.-Anniversary of fires.-Meetings of the Vigilance Committee. 378

CHAPTER XXI.-Clipper Ships.-Enormous Taxation.-Purchase of the Jenny Lind Theatre by

the Common Council.-Times and Transcript removes to San Francisco.-Fourth of July cele-

bration.-Great scarcity of printing paper.-Duel between Hon. Edward Gilbert and General

Denver. Custom of Duelling.-Funeral ceremonies on occasion of the death of Henry Clay. 391

CHAPTER XXII.-Australian gold mines.-Restlessness of miners.-Many who emigrated to Aus-

tralia return to California. - Superior advantages of the latter place. -Second city directory

published.-California Telegraph Company.-General election.-Fire in Sacramento City.-

Another fire in San Francisco.-Intelligence received of the death of Daniel Webster.-Falling

of the waters of Lake La Mercede.-Another city directory.-Firemen's election.-Legal exe-

cution of José Forni.-Destructive storm.....

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