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part of their endowment, and their respective diocesans shall apply the dividends to cover it in the manner prescribed in the Concordat.

VIII. Having regard to the peremptory nature of the necessities of the clergy, Her Majesty's Government binds itself to pay monthly the consolidated income belonging to each diocese.

IX. In case the income of the 3 per cent. public debt of the State should suffer any diminution or reduction, owing to arrangements by the temporal authorities, Her Majesty's Government binds itself henceforth to give to the church as many intransferable inscriptions in the stock which may be substituted for the 3 per cents., as may be necessary to cover completely the annual amount of that which is about to be issued in favour of the church; so that this income is not to be diminished or reduced under any eventuality or at any time.

X. The property belonging to collative benefices and other similar pious domestic foundations, which, on account of their peculiar nature and aim, and of the different rights which they derive therefrom, cannot be comprised in the commutation and cession here treated of, shall be the object of a special Convention, to be concluded between the Holy See and Her Catholic Majesty.

XI. Her Majesty's Government, in confirmation of the stipulations of Article XXXIX of the Concordat, again binds itself to pay to the church, in the form that shall be mutually agreed to, on account of the charges imposed, whether on the property already sold by the State as unencumbered, or on that which is now ceded to it, a large sum, which shall be as far as possible in proportion with the said charges. It also pledges itself to fulfil, on equitable terms, the obligations contracted by the State in the first and second paragraphs of the said Article.

A Mixed Commission shall be appointed, with power to recommend, which shall within the period of one year ascertain the charges weighing on the property mentioned in the first paragraph of this Article, and shall propose the amount of the large sum which the State will have to pay on account of them.

XII. The bishops, in conformity with the provisions of Article XXXV of the Concordat, shall distribute amongst the convents of nuns, existing in their respective dioceses, intransferable inscriptions corresponding in amount not only to the value of the property which they now cede to the State, but also of that proceeding from the same source, which may have been sold in virtue of the said Concordat or of the Law of May 1, 1855. The dividends on these inscriptions will be reckoned as part of the endowment of the said convents.

XIII. The provisions of the Concordat respecting the supplementary sum which the State has to give for the payment of the pensions of the monks and nuns remain in full force, as also all that is laid down in Articles XXXV and XXXVI thereof, relative to the maintenance of religious houses and congregations which may be established in the Peninsula, and relative to the repair of the churches and other edifices, destined for public worship. The State undertakes also to build at its own expense the churches that are considered necessary, to grant pensions to the few existing expelled lay monks, and to provide for the endowment of nuns ex officio, chaplains, sacristans, and of the service of the churches of nuns in each diocese.

XIV. The revenue of the "Santa Cruzada," which forms part of the present endowment, shall henceforth be exclusively destined to the expenses of public worship; with the exception of the charges which exist on it by virtue of agreements entered into with the Holy See.

The annual amount of the said revenue shall be calculated on the average of the last 5 years, at a fixed sum, which shall be determined by agreement between the church and the State.

The State will supply, as heretofore, the sum wanting to cover the amount assigned to public worship by Article XXXIV of the Concordat.

XV. The annual tax, that was established by the 4th paragraph of Article XXXVIII of the Concordat, to complete the endowment of the church, is declared to be church property, and the said tax will be distributed and collected in the manner therein prescribed. However, the Government of Her Majesty undertakes to accede to any petition which the bishops, for local reasons or from any other cause, may make, to have the quotas of the tax belonging to their respective dioceses converted into intransferable inscriptions in the above-named consolidated debt, under the conditions and in the manner prescribed in Articles VII, VIII, and IX of this Convention.

XVI. In order to ascertain exactly the sum to which the said tax is to amount, each bishop, in concert with his chapter, shall with the least possible delay, make a definitive estimate of the endowment of his diocese, having regard in drawing it up to the rules laid down by the Concordat. And in order to fix definitively in each case the allotments, with respect to which a maximum and a minimum have been therein established, the bishops shall have the power of choosing a medium in concert with the Government, when the necessities of the church, and all other circumstances which have to be taken into account, so require.

XVII. The fresh delimitation of parishes will be proceeded with

immediately, in accordance with what has already been concerted and arranged between both the Powers.

XVIII. Her Majesty's Government, in conformity with what is laid down in Article XXXVI of the Concordat, will admit such reasonable proposals for the augmentation of allotments as may be made to them by the bishops in the cases provided for in the said Article, and particularly those relating to seminaries.

XIX. Her Majesty's Government, in accordance with the wishes of the Holy See, and wishing to give a fresh proof of its firm intention to promote, not only the material, but also the spiritual interests of the church, declares that it will put no obstacle in the way of holding diocesan synods, when the respective prelates deem it necessary to convoke them. It also declares that with respect to holding provincial synods, and on other arduous and important points, it proposes to come to an understanding with the Holy See, in which it will consult the greater benefit and splendour of the church.

Finally, the Government declares that it will co-operate on its part with all the means at its disposal, in order that the arrangements of the Concordat which are still pending may be carried into execution without delay.

XX. On account of the advantages that result to the church from this new Convention, in accordance with the repeated entreaties of Her Catholic Majesty, His Holiness has agreed to extend, as he does in fact extend, the benignant guarantee contained in Article XLII of the Concordat, to the ecclesiastical property alienated in consequence of the above-mentioned law of May 1,


XXI. The present Convention, additional to the solemn Concordat of March 16, 1851, which is now in force, shall be kept perpetually in Spain as law of the State, in the same manner as the said Concordat.

XXII. The exchange of the ratifications of the present Convention shall be effected within the term of 3 months, or sooner, if possible.

In faith whereof the Undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed the present Convention with their respective scals. Given in Rome, in duplicate, this 25th day of August, 1859. (L.S.) G. CARDINAL ANTONELLI.


CONVENTION ADDITIONNELLE à la Convention d'Extradition, du 28 Octobre, 1843,* entre les Pays-Bas et la Belgique.-Signée à Bruxelles, le 3 Septembre, 1855.

[Ratifications échangées à Bruxelles, le 27 Septembre, 1855.]

SA MAJESTE le Roi des Pays-Bas et Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, ayant jugé utile de s'entendre au sujet d'une Convention Additionnelle à celle conclue entre leurs Gouvernements le 28 Octobre, 1843, pour l'extradition réciproque d'accusés et de malfaiteurs, ont muni à cet effet de leurs pleins pouvoirs, savoir:

Sa Majesté le Roi des Pays Bas le Sieur Joseph, Louis, Henri, Alfred Baron Gericke de Herwynen, son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire près Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, Commandeur, &c., et

Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges le Vicomte Charles Vilain XIV, son Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, Officier, &c.

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des Articles suivants :

ART. I. L'étranger pourra être arrêté provisoirement dans les deux pays sur l'exhibition d'un mandat d'arrêt, décerné par l'autorité étrangère compétente, pour l'un des faits mentionnés à l'Article I de la Convention du 28 Octobre, 1843.

Cette arrestation aura lieu dans les formes et suivant les règles prescrites par la législation de chacun des deux pays.

L'étranger sera mis en liberté si, dans les 3 mois, il ne reçoit notification d'un arrêt de mise en accusation ou de condamnation dans les formes prescrites par les lois du Gouvernement qui demande l'extradition.

II. La présente Convention Additionnelle sera publiée dans les deux Etats aussitôt après l'échange des ratifications, lequel aura lieu dans le délai de 3 semaines ou plus tôt si faire se peut. Elle sera mise en vigueur 10 jours après celui de la publication.

Elle aura la même durée que la Convention du 28 Octobre, 1843, à laquelle elle se rapporte, et les deux Conventions seront censées dénoncées simultanément par le fait de la dénonciation de l'une d'elles.

En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs ont signé la présente Convention Additionnelle, et y ont apposé le cachet de leurs


Fait à Bruxelles, le 3 Septembre, 1855.



* Vol. XXXV. Page 1236.

CORRESPONDENCE between The United States and Prussia, relative to the Emigration of Prussian Subjects to The United States; and to the Liability of Naturalized American Citizens, Subjects of Prussia, to Military Service, on return to their native Country.-1840-1860.


No. 1.-Mr. Wheaton to Mr. Forsyth.

Berlin, July 29, 1840.

I HAVE the honour herewith to inclose copies of correspondence relating to the case of Johann Philipp Knoche, a naturalized citizen of The United States, born in Prussia, and claiming to be exempt from military service on his return to his native country.

As it did not appear to me that his claim could be maintained, I had no hesitation in declining to interfere in the manner requested. I have, &c.

Hon. John Forsyth.


(Inclosure 1.)—The very humble Petition of Johann Philipp Knoche, of Wunderthausen, district of Berleburg.


Wunderthausen, July, 19, 1840.

I EMIGRATED to America from my birth-place in my 21st year, in 1834, to seek my fortune in that country. I was 6 years in America, most of it in Baltimore, where I became an American citizen.

I did not notify my going off from here to the local authority, or the district authority, or that of the jurisdiction, nor ask their permission. It is only since about the 20th of last month that my father wrote to me to come and fetch him, for he had also determined to emigrate to America. To my greatest astonishment, I learned that by my being here they will enrol me as a soldier, which throws me into the greatest perplexity; therefore, I make free to turn myself to your high authority, with the humble petition that you will inform me whether I must hold myself subject to the Prussian law as bound to military duty, or whether I am exempt, as an American citizen. I have an American passport and certificate of citizenship, which, if it be necessary, I can send to your Excellency by mail from here, where I must remain till the early part of the coming year, as my father has not yet sold his property, therefore cannot as yet emigrate.

On this subject I humbly and dutifully request as early answer With deepest regret, &c.

as may be.


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