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its investment, and with what advantage is seen in the army, in the augmentation of our marine in the acquisition of Ulua, in the interior and exterior security which we enjoy, and in other improvements. The half of the products of the maritime customs, and in Mexico sufficing, by consent of government, very strict orders have been given that the half of those, that is, the fourth part of their whole value, be deposited in Vera Cruz, Alvarado, Pueblo Viego de Tampico, Tampico de las Tamaulipas, Soto la Marina, and Refugio, to be religiously employed in the complete and prompt payment of dividends and ordinary liquidation without the necessity of having recourse to the remainder of the last loan, which is in London at the disposal of government.

The regulation of a tariff, so very urgent, will give to commerce that impulse, of which, perhaps, it stands in need; and the future estimate will show advantages which, compared with that of 1824, and even with that of 1825, will be more general and perfect. The maritime custom-houses have, for some months, been progressing towards a complete organization, which they will, no doubt, attain, on the plan designated for the purpose. The states of the Chiapas, Queretaro, Puebla, Tabasco, and Yucatan, have received that assistance, in money, which their resources, at this moment, do not supply. They will become productive, and remittances to them will

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with abundance of clothing and equipment for the army, which ensures its permanent respectability.

Commerce, the channel of communication between consumption and production, is advancing, beyond all calculation, upon the shores of Mexico; and neither monopoly nor rivalry have been able to affect the markets. Yet the prosperity of commerce demands a short and convenient internal circulation, which the chambers will perfect, in considering, during its present session, the project of roads. There is scarcely a subject on which the general opinion is so decisively expressed.

The system of the treasury, adopted by the sovereignty of the nation, has been prosecuted with care and effect, by the executive. Through the exertion of constant efforts, and as the height of our good fortune, I can anticipate the chambers in the agreeable intelligence that it is probable the exigencies of the present year may be supplied by the natural productions of our soil. Let the alarm, then, of the pusilanimous be quieted, who distrusted the immense resources of the nature, of the genius, and of the industry, of our truly fortunate country.

The army has re-established its moral character, the principle of its existence; and discipline has advanced, in one year, beyond all calculation, as well in the troops of the line as in the active militia. The brilliancy of their equipments, the excellence of their arms, contribute in great measure to render our army comparable with the best of the world. More than half of the numerous armament procured in Europe, has arrived in the republic, and we are gradually receiving the

remainder, fulfilling, abundantly the wishes of the nation. It is supplied with artillery for the fortified points of the coasts, and for the service of the field. Orders have been given to form, in Perote, an abundant deposit of munitions, that they may be protected from the inclemency of the northern coast, and with other views of obvious expediency. To the presidiary companies a provisional form has been given, until the chambers resolve upon the proposition of the 23d of March last, taking care to provide them with clothing, armament, and munitions, to keep in check the uncivilized tribes. The Yaquis Indians, in Upper Sonora, revolted, committing some assassinations; but the activity of the military chief, and of the political authorities, disposed them to ask peace, and to avoid the repetition of similar outrages. The congress, adopting measures analogous to their philanthropic feelings and to the compassion which those unfortunate individuals of the human race inspire, will promote their social enjoyments, ever avoiding the barbarous policy of the Spanish government, which, by regulations printed and circulated among the military chiefs of those frontiers, ordered the provocation of war, in order to consummate their destruction. The government has attempted to conciliate the chiefs, by every measure of peace and lenity; and the sword will not be drawn, except to punish revolts. The points of approximation to the enemy have been guarded, by an apportune detachment of troops. The state of defence in Yucatan is very respectable, and the government, from its vicinity to Cuba, has regarded it with attention. These precautions

are not in vain, even though the physical and moral weakness of the enemy be evident. The injuries and disorganization of San Juan de Ulua are now repairing, so that the first port in the republic may be maintained in perfect security.

Our fleet having discharged its duty, in effecting the surrender of Ulua, has been despatched to protect our coasts from the incursion of pirates and smugglers. The ships of the line which are expected, will shortly increase its force, and will protect our commerce in the Mexican gulf-two brigs of war and a schooner, are on similar service in the South sea. The intercourse with the Californias, which was paralized for want of vessels, has been facilitated by the construction, at San Blas, of two packet schooners. The ship of the line, Mexican Congress, now equipping, will sail within a month, from Acapulco for our northern coast, to be there employed in the service of the nation.

The supreme executive power, charged with the prompt and complete administration of justice in the confederation, has exerted itself, that the existing laws in favor of the property, honor, and life of the citizen, may not prove brilliant chimeras, nor their decisions act as snares for the innocent, or promote the impunity of the guilty. The chambers know how far the powers of government extend, and the earnestness with which it regards this complicated part of the social organization. Congress must take measures in order that the high ju dicial power may commence its labors; the act for the administration of justice in the district and territories of the confederation, will complete to the worthy citizens

who compose them, the security of the inestimable privileges of social man. The constitutions of the several states, when examined, exhibit the judgment and circumspection with which the legislatures have established the bases of this branch, according to the forms of the general constitution, and in conformity with the luminous principles of legislative science. The astonishing advancement in the moral character of the republic proves no less the amiability and mild disposition of the Mexicans, than the regular operation of the institutions which we have adopted, and their analogy to the national habits. Robbers and highwaymen, driven from the states, took refuge in the capital, and sheltered by its numerous population, committed their infamous outrages in the darkness of night, and even in the light of mid-day. These excited the energy of government, which, aided by the salutary law of the 3d of October, has effected the disappearance, punishment, and prevention of crime. The trial by jury of these atrocious offences, may effect, when the experiment is tried in the federal district, the delightful discovery that the republic has attained that state of perfection which this species of trial infers.

Information is extending itself throughout all classes of society. The government is gratified by the amelioration of the existing establishments of education, by the formation of others, and by the strenuous efforts used to render the light of knowledge among the people inextinguishable. A select assemblage of citizens, anxious for the glory of their country, have conceived and realized the design

of creating in the capital an insti tute for the perfection of the sciences, literature, and the arts. The executive has sanctioned the statutes enacted for its regulation, and has applied to the chambers for the assignment of funds. The academy of San Carlos holds its doors open to the acquisition of good taste in the arts which conduce to the comforts of life The formation of a national museum has been commenced, which will be the depository of the rare and precious productions of our soil, for the instruction of the youthful student, and the admiration of the traveller. Colleges are forming in the different states, for the study of moral and physical sciences, comprehending political economy, legislation, and other attainments, which the pusillanimity of the Spanish administration had rendered strangers to our land. Schools for the rudiments of education are increasing in number, and the sys. tem of Lancaster is becoming general through the efforts of the company of Mexico, assisted by the government. Various socie

ties and academies aid the rapid march of improvement. The greater portion of the states have acquired printing offices, and the free thoughts of the Mexicans furnish the presses with active employment, even to the confines of the republic. The government is engaged in 'the preparation of an extensive system of education, which will deserve from the chambers the attention due to the highest of their exclusive faculties.

The working of the mines has given employment to a large amount of foreign capital, has revived the population of the interior, and animated the exertions of agriculture

and commerce. Idleness has disappeared, useful occupation has succeeded, and the hopes of families are renewed, who had passed from opulence to the most abject poverty. A spirit of generous emulation reigns in the mints, and the circulation of the signs of value will be increased to a level with the public riches. The introduction of machines for the separation of metals from the ore, and the presence of skilful artists, will diffuse here the lights which we formerly envied in Europe. My imagination can scarcely embrace the excess of happiness which is in reserve for our country.

Manufactures, which secondly constitute the fund of our resources, have visibly augmented. Manufactories of paper, of iron, of glass, of cotton thread-all this proves the activity and enterprise of the Mexi


Although until now, the communication of the two seas by a canal across the isthmus of Tehuantepec appears problematical, every doubt has disappeared as to the facility of opening short and excellent carriage roads to the commerce of the world. The expedition which the government ordered to that quarter, has returned with a confirmation of these notices, and has fulfilled, in a great measure, their objects. The secretary of state will communicate in detail to the chambers, the untired efforts of the government, to leave nothing undone in the important objects of creating, encouraging, and advancing the organization of the inte


Let me be here permitted to direct the attention of the chambers from this uninterrupted course of prosperity, to the sad remem

brance of the victims of a desolating pestilence, which swept away great numbers of infants and children of tender age. The govern ment visited the mansions of grief, and its succors were proportioned to the evils and their lamentable effects-these fortunately have ceased.

Yet an infinite consolation fixes our attention again in the development of the germ of our liberties, which is forming constantly a fruitful and luxuriant tree, and extending the elements of life throughout the federative body. A year ago those persons lamented our fate, who entertained the insulting belief that we were incapable of being governed by the most sublime of known systems. It was thought that the code of the nation was a theory vain in itself, and that we should be at length undeceived in the result. It was thought that our legislators, destitute of foresight, or overwhelmed, if you please, by a torrent of dangerous ideas, would involve the people in the disasters of anarchy, when they wished to call them to social perfection. The Mexicans, intimate by nature with all that is good and great, and perfect, laughed at these vain predictions of ig norance, and perhaps, of bad faith. Universal content, adhesion to the laws, respect for the conservative maxims of our political existence, all contribute to support the wis dom and profound calculation of Mexican legislators.

Our country, crowned with glory. displays, in the presence of the uni verse, peace, philanthropy, and virtue, sheltered in her bosom. Even from this moment we see her transmitting her name to distant centuries with the majesty of her prin


ciples, and the immensity of her The chambers of the general Mexican congress, in the plenitude of their power, will take

care to consummate the grandeur and happiness of the republic. I have spoken.

Extracts from the MESSAGE of the PRESIDENT of MEXICO to the Congress.

"The treaty of amity, navigation and commerce, with Great Britain, although it has hitherto offered some difficulties which have retarded the wished for end of the negotiation, it is to be hoped will be soon concluded in a manner convenient and advantageous to the parties and that it will place the seal on the relations which happily exist already, and which are cultivated by the one nation and the other, in the bosom of the most sincere friendship. When good faith and frankness preside over the negotiations, it is easy to approximate even the interests which appear most distant.

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It is, moreover, to be believed, that we shall, from the same principles, labor to place in close union and to regulate the interests of the United States of the north with those of this country. That government, following up its system of neutral commerce, on the basis of perfect equality, has, in the course of the negotiations, resisted the exception which Mexico desires to establish and to see generalized in those parts of America, which have been dependent on the same mother country, and which, from their identity of principle, of origin and of necessities, make common cause for their mutual assistance against their common enemy. Those states, though American in their opinions and interests, have connections with Europe

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which are to be respected to a certain point; connections which do not exist for the new states which are under the necessity of assisting one another in every sense. official document which has just appeared in the face of the nations, has illustrated the policy of the cabinet at Washington in regard to the grand continent of America. The memorable promise of president Monroe, contained in his message of the 2d of December, of 1823, is not sustained by the actual government of the United States of the north, which has publicly declared that it has contracted no obligation, nor made any promise to the governments of Mexico and of South America, that the United States will not suffer the interference of any foreign power, in the independence and form of government of these nations.' It is certain that Mr. Clay, secretary of state and author of the note, appeals to the sympathy of the people of the United States and their community of interests with the new republics; but it is no less certain, that the guarantee of a compact disappears, from the disinclination of that government to unite itself with ours in the struggle which some power, auxiliary of Spain, may provoke. The Mexican republic, in declaring her independence of all the nations of the globe, rested herself on the purity of the principles she invoked, in

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