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that there is any particular necessity for that clause in order to cover the ground that I desire to cover. It is possible that it will be regarded as already included under the words, "for the benefit of any religious sect or society." I know, however, that heretofore there has been some difficulty on that very point, and I thought that perhaps the insertion of the words I have proposed would preclude any controversy of that kind hereafter. I present my amendment. for the purpose of obtaining the views of members upon this subject.

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of the Legislature shall be requisite to character of the provisions of this secevery bill appropriating the public tion, so as to allow such a thing to be money or property for local or private done; but, on the contrary, to make it purposes." I agree with the gentleman still stronger-to make a thing which from Hillsdale, (Mr. PRATT,) that there is certain still more certain. I conis no propriety in our tying up the ceive this to be quite certain as it is. hands of future Legislatures against It is, I believe, an exact copy of section the appropriation of money or property forty of the article on the legislative under any circumstances whatever for department in the present ConstituUnder that section there has the use of those institutions of learning tion. which have been planted in our midst by been, I believe, no money appropriated the different denominations. It is well for the last ten or twelve years, or known that something like two million more; no attempt has been made to dollars' worth of property has been col- make an appropriation from the treaslected by the different denominations ury for any such purpose. There Mr. PRATT. I hope the amendment of this State, and devoted to the vari- might have been an effort made to approposed by the gentleman from Kala- ous institutions under their control. propriate lands; I think there has mazoo, (Mr. BRADLEY,) will not be They are doing more at the pres- been, but it was not successful. I am adopted. I have had no intimation ent time for the higher branches of satisfied with the section just as it that any amendment of that kind was education than any institutions that stands. I think it is as strong and to be moved in this Convention. I have been established by the State. I close as we can make it. Therefore, I think this section goes quite far enough do not say that were I in the Legisla- should hardly be willing to make it in that direction. I do not propose to ture at the present time, and the ques- stronger than it is at present. I do enter into any discussion with regard tion of appropriating money for these not see any necessity for the amendto the particular section now before the institutions was before us, I would vote ment. Mr. BRADLEY. I did not fully Convention. I know, however, that it for it. But I can see no reason why is the policy of some States to divide we should tie up the hands of future understand that there was any necesI offered it, their educational fund among the Legislatures under all circumstances, sity for the amendment. various institutions of learning pro rata, against making any appropriation or I threw it in, rather for the purpose according to the number of students in whatever to these institutions. I ap- of calling out an interpretation of thisthose institutions. It may, perhaps, at prehend that if this amendment should section. If the section shall receive some time be deemed wise to do so in pass, it would preclude that which fe interpretation given to it by the this State. At all events I am not willing been a favorite project with some of gentleman who has just taken his seat, that the Legislature should be so tied our educational men for many years I am fully satisfied with it. I supthat they would be prohibited for past; the establishment of a normal de- posed that was the just, full, legal inall time to come from making any ap- partment in the different schools in the tent of the section as it stands, and as propriations for any institution of State. I see no reason why we might it was reported by the committee. learning under denominational control. not have a normal department at But lest there should be any other It is well known that all our institu- Hillsdale, Albion, Kalamazoo and Oli- view taken of it, I shall be inclined to tions of learning, or nearly all, are un-vet, for the education of teachers. In- make the amendment I have offered. der the control of particular denomi- asmuch as these institutions are doing If that has been the interpretation of nations. I am unwilling that we shall so much for higher education in our the section as it stands in the present place ourselves upon record as prohib- State, I see no reason why we should Constitution, by the people, by the iting the Legislature from doing any- withhold from them that assistance Legislature, and by the courts, then I thing to foster, build up, or promote which we could indirectly give, by should prefer to withdraw my amendthose institutions. I am not asking making appropriations for the educa- ment and let it stand as it is. But if this Convention at this time to provide tion of teachers in this State. I think that is not the view which has been for appropriations to be made for the we should pause before we take this taken of it heretofore, I want to make benefit of those institutions of learning. step. The Constitutional Convention it certain on the very point which has But when it is well known that the of 1850, which was sufficiently close in been discussed. principal educational institutions of such matters, did not go so far as is this State, with the exception of the now proposed, and why should we? University, are under the management With all due deference to the mover of denominations, I am opposed to of this amendment, I hope it will not having the Legislature trammeled, or prevail.


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Mr. MCCLELLAND. I approve of the amendment which has been offered. I am fearful, from what has been said here, that there is a disposition to divide the common school fund of this so tied up that no appropriation for Mr. MUSSEY. I would like to ask State, and the University fund also. I those institutions can ever be made by the gentleman from Calhoun (Mr. think the construction proposed by this them. I very much doubt the pro- WILLARD) if he does not understand amendment should have been put upon priety of giving to the University the this section, as it now stands, without this section. I can see no objection at monopoly of the education of this State. the amendment offered by the gentle-all to the amendment of the gentleman But that is a very important question, man from Kalamazoo, (Mr. BRADLEY,) from Kalamazoo, (Mr. BRADLEY.) and one which I am not now prepared to prohibit utterly and "entirely the ap- heartily approve of it, because I want to discuss. All I ask of the Convention propriation of any money for the class to protect these two educational funds is not to adopt the amendment proposed of schools or institutions of learning to for the benefit of the people of this by the gentleman from Kalamazoo. which he has alluded? If he does not, State, beyond any other fund which we Mr. WILLARD. It seems to me I will say that I do. I am in favor of have. I shall, therefore, vote for the we have a sufficient safeguard in sec- the section just as it stands. I do not amendment. tion twenty-one of this article, which understand the gentleman from. Kalaprovides that "the assent of two-thirds mazoo, (Mr. BRADLEY,) who offered of the members elected to each House this amendment, to wish to change the Vol.2 No. 15.

Mr. WILLARD. I think the section in the present Constitution sufficiently confines those funds to the specific pur

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lished upon a firm basis, the basis of justice and humanity; and the cornerstone of the confederacy is dissolved into the baseless fabric of a dream.

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but too small to accommodate the assigned them, follow our example, and the heart of our country which time can wants of our city, and if the Legisla- seek from above that wisdom which is never heal—at the appointed hour the ture sees fit to make an appropriation profitable, and which alone can qualify proclamation of liberty came-liberty for the school kept up for that particu- them for the faithful discharge of their to the poor downtrodden African, lar denomination, I can see no impro- obligations. Many gentleman on this whose sighs and moans had greeted our priety in it. For instance, take the floor would not enter upon their ears upon every Southern breeze for Lutherans, or take the Catholics; as ordinary avocations without first recog- the last century; liberty to the poor far as I know, as a general thing, they nizing their dependence upon the Su- degraded toil-worn bondman; liberty do not send their children to union preme Governor of the Universe, to the colored man alike with the Causchools. I know that in our town acknowledging their allegiance and cassian, and the glad announcement was there are three or four schools kept up seeking His guidance. How much more reiterated from land's end to land's by the Lutherans, and two or three by suitable then when gathered here to end, liberty, liberty to all. And the the Catholics; they are, for aught I make laws for this great State of ours; fetters fell from the limbs limbs of know to the contrary, good schools. I this State which He has so greatly four millions of our fellow beings, and think they have a right to their pro blessed, and which has so signally they now stand forth, disenthralled, rata share of the public money. But prospered under His kind administra- enfranchised, redeemed, enjoying the owing to their peculiar convictions tion. Well may we exclaim, "Surely inalienable rights guaranteed them by they see fit, under the present circum- He hath not dealt so with any people." our magna charta of "life, liberty and stances, to sacrifice their interest in the With our sister States of the North He the pursuit of happiness." And this appropriations of the public money for has but recently "delivered us from assertion in our declaration of indeschool purposes, and to keep up their the snare of the fowler, and given us a pendence is no longer a mockery and private schools at their own expense. glorious victory." Well may we adopt a lie, and need not bring the crimson I hope that the amendment proposed the language of the inspired prophetess: to the cheek of him who reads it on will not prevail. " And Miriam answered them and said, the anniversary of our nation's birthMr. MORTON. I wish merely to Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath tri- day, as it has often done on mine. say a word in explanation. I do not umphed gloriously; the horse and his Now, the foul blot of slavery is forever wish to proscribe any school, or any rider hath He thrown into the sea." purged from the escutcheon of our denomination. I am perfectly willing Not less wonderful our triumph than country, and our liberties are estabthey should keep up their schools, as the triumph of the Israelites; not less many as they please. But in our city, I wonderful our deliverance than their believe, the Catholics and Lutherans deliverance from Pharoah and his hosts. have adopted the policy of placing And, oh, as we now look back from their schools under the protection the proud eminence we occupy, how Had the ear of the Almighty been of the union school board, and conse- visible the hand of God in all the dark open to our supplications at the comquently are entitled to their share of scenes of the conflict; how we now see mencement of the rebellion, had He anthe educational fund. So my remarks that the reverses, the oft repeated de-swered our prayers and restored peace do not apply at all to those schools, feats of our armies, over which we shed speedily, our country might have ennor does the amendment proposed bitter tears and made loud lamenta-joyed peace for a season, but it would affect them under any circumstances. tions, ah, how evident now that the have been the calm which precedes the The question then recurred upon the hand of a kind father was in it all; tempest and the earthquake; the amendment of Mr. BRADLEY, to insert that these reverses, these chastisements canker had been still gnawing at our in section thirty, after the words "re- were indeed blessings in disguise. And, vitals, and ere long the scenes of agony ligious seminary," the words, "or oh, how we now bless God that our and of blood would have been reenschools under denominational control." prayers and our importunities for acted; the wail of woe had again The amendment was agreed to. victory were not heard in the com- greeted our ears, and our country had mencement of the conflict; that the again been clad in the habiliments of nation might be speedily restored mourning. But now, blessed be God, under the Constitution as before the our peace is established on the basis of rebellion. But God had better things justice and humanity, the greatest good in store for us; He was trying us in the to the greatest number, without discrucible; He was passing us through tinction of race or color, and our motto seas of blood and of carnage; laying is "equal justice to all." low in the dust the beauty and flower The Constitution of 1850 does not of our youth; humbling our pride, prohibit devotional services in our Legteaching us our utter dependance on islatures, but prohibits payment for I offer this amendment, sir, in the his Almighty arm, preparing us for a those services from the treasury of the confident hope that it will find a ready higher and a holier deliverance. State. And why this prohibition? Is and a unanimous response in this com- He was preparing us for that great not the laborer worthy of his hire? mittee; that we shall here indicate to and glorious event, which has placed us Is not the service performed for the our Legislatures in all the future our on 'so proud an eminence among the benefit of the State? And is not the desire, the desire of our people, that nations, and when we had endured State morally bound to pay for those they should recognize the Infinite sufficiently the agony and the blood, services? There is not in the wide Jehovah as the Great Governor of the when we were duly humbled, and felt world a class of men who are more Universe, holding in His hands our that God governed, that none but an poorly remunerated for the labor perdestinies, the destinies of States, and Almighty arm could save us, then in formed and the good achieved than of nations, of principalities and of the hour of our deep calamity, then, at our clergy. Oh, brethren, let us not kingdoms, the great God who rules in the appointed time, that great and good disgrace ourselves; let us not disgrace the armies above, and among the chil- man whom God had raised up for our this great, this magnanimous State of dren of men; that they should, before deliverance, and whose base assassina- ours by this contemptible parsimony. entering upon the important duties tion sent a pang of sorrow through Let us manifest to the world that we


CHAPLAINS FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH. move to amend this section by inserting the following:

“And each House of the Legislature shall have power to employ a chaplain to open their daily sessions with devotional exercises, who shall be entitled to the same per diem allowance as members of the Legislature."

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It was well said by the gentleman

are not only willing ourselves to con- the Constitution of 1850, there is a pro- ment of chaplains employed by the tribute to the Lord's treasury, but that hibition upon this subject; the Legis- Legislature. we are willing, yea, anxious, that our lature are expressly prohibited from State should acknowledge God as the employing chaplains, or rather prohib- who introduced the resolution which Supreme Governor of the Universe, ited from paying them out of the trea- was referred to our committee, that the source of all our mercies, and seek sury. Now, I hope that this amend that was a standing disgrace to the His blessing upon all her varied in- ment may be adopted, that it may be religious sentiment of the State, and terests. understood that this Convention did it always has been felt to be so. The not approve of that restriction in the matter was referred to the committee present Constitution. Even if the con- on the legislative department, and was struction of my friend from Branch, considered by them. They quickly (Mr. LUCE,) should be correct, still it and unanimously agreed to strike out will be an indication to the world, an section twenty-four of the article on indication to all future Legislatures of the legislative department in the presour opinions upon this subject. As ent Constitution, with but one thought there is no objection to it, even on the and one feeling; and that was that it part of my friend from Branch, I hope was unworthy of a place in our Conthe amendment may be adopted. stitution. I question whether there is any gentleman on this floor, who does not agree most cordially with the gentleman who made this motion about the appropriateness of religious exercises in the halls of legislation, whenever that body is in session.

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And let us, my brothers, acknowledge him in the Senate Chamber, in the family circle, in the social gathering, in the congregation of his saints, in the Legislative halls, in the Constitutional Conventions; everywhere, under all circumstances, let us acknowledge Him as our God, and praise Him our fathers' God, and magnify His great name. Where in the wide universe, where in all the history of the past, Mr. McCLELLAND. My impreshas any people, any nation been under sion is that there is an objection to so great obligations of love and grati- this amendment. I am in favor of the tude and devotion as our nation? object that the gentleman has in view. Well may we exclaim with the Psalmist, But suppose that it is deemed advisa"If it had not been the Lord who was ble to distribute this matter, and inon our side when men rose up against vite the clergymen of Lansing to offi- Still, the reason suggested by the us, then they had swallowed us up ciate alternately, as we have done in gentleman from Wayne, (Mr. MCCLELquick, when their wrath was kindled this Convention. This amendment, if LAND,) in regard to the mode of emagainst us. Then the waters had over- adopted, might be considered by mem- ploying a chaplain, is somewhat of an whelmed us, the stream had gone over bers of the Legislature as binding objection to the amendment now before our soul. Blessed be the Lord who them to employ some one chaplain. this committee. There is also an anhath not given us a prey to their teeth." I would myself rather distribute the other thing which I would like to menLet us beware Mr. Chairman, let us performance of this duty among the tion. I would not desire to link the beware gentlemen of the committee, whole number here at Lansing. I am employment of chaplains by the Legishow we ignore the government of God. in favor of the object in view, of giving lature in a constitutional provision with Let us acknowledge His right to rule to the Legislature power to employ a the salary that they shall receive. I over us, individually and collectively. chaplain. That will be done by ex- would not link religious appeals to the Let us be warned by the sad example punging section twenty-four from the Throne of Grace and the reading of of infidel France in her revolutionary present Constitution, which reads as the Bible, with the pittance to be days. Let us recognize our allegiance to follows: given to them, in the same sentence His government, and remember, the in our organic law. I think, as the Lord loveth a righteous nation, but a committee thought, that it is a suffiwicked people he will judge. cient condemnation of the prohibition in the old Constitution to strike it out, Mr. LUCE. This question, it will be remembered, was referred I apprehend that expunging that so that the new Constitution, if the committee who reported this arti- section will give them sufficient power. adopted, will leave our Legislature to cle. While the committee were unan- I coöperated with the gentleman from provide the ordinary, usual and cusimous, I believe, in favor of giving to Oakland, (Mr. VAN VALKENBURGHI,) in tomary mode of opening the proceedthe Legislature power and authority the Convention of 1850, in endeavoring ings by religious exercises in such manto employ a chaplain for each House, to defeat that section, but we failed. ner as they may deem best. My obit was not deemed necessary to put a I apprehend it is not necessary, either jection to the insertion of the clause special provision in the Constitution to by way of revenge or by way of show- here will not, I trust, be taken as an that effect. It was our understanding ing our devotional feelings, to adopt objection at all to having religious exthat they had the undisputed right, that which is not absolutely required ercises in the Legislature, nor as and the unquestioned privilege, with- to be placed in the Constitution. throwing any disparagement whatever out such a provision, to employ a Mr. CONGER. Lest there should upon such exercises. But I think it chaplain, and pay him out of the treas- be some reflection upon the committee would be better that it should be left ury. It seemed to us no more appro- in regard to their action upon this for the Legislature to follow the timepriate to placé a provision in the arti- subject, the Convention having referred honored custom of requesting the resicle for that purpose, than to put one the matter specially to them, I wish to dent clergy of the city of Lansing alin authorizing them to employ a ser- say a word or two in reference to it. ternately, or as might suit their own geant-at-arms, or a secretary or clerk. Section twenty-four of the present convenience, to perform religious serWhile we cordially endorsed the idea Constitution has just been read by the vices for the Legislature. I would not that they should employ chaplains, we gentleman from Wayne, (Mr. MCCLEL- have the question of their compensadid not deem it even necessary to LAND.) As if in defiance of the common tion coupled in the organic law with place a provision for that purpose in judgment, and the common devotional our acknowledgment of God and the this article. If there was any neces- feelings of legislative bodies through- propriety of religious services. I think sity for it, there would be no objection out this country, it contained a clause all that might be left to each house of on the part of the committee. authorizing the employment of a chap- the Legislature. lain in the State prison; and in the

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Mr. VAN VALKENBURGH. It will be remembered by gentlemen, that in

"The Legislature may authorize the employment of a chaplain for the State prison, but no money shall be appropriated for the payment of any religious services in either House of the Legislature."

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Mr. P. D. WARNER. If I rightly

very next clause prohibited the pay-apprehend the amendment offered by


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