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Ver. I would his justice magnify,
His faithfulness adore,

Revere his name; but still would I,
Like hell myself abhor.

Confeffing all my faults and flaws,
That made him lift the rod,
I'd to my Judge commit my cause,
Refer myself to God.

By humble resignation bow'd
Down at his feet I'd ly;

And, through the Lamb's atoning blood,
Would for his mercy cry.


GOD's great Work in the Kingdom of CHRIST, and in bis Providence among Men; especially in frustrating the Counsels of the proud, and favouring the Cause of the poor and bumble.

Job v. 9.-16.

9 GREAT things are done of God most high,

Which finite search exceed;

Things numberless which ev'ry eye
With admiration feed.

His providence most marvellous,
When leaft 'tis understood;

Yet still is just and righteous,
Still merciful and good.

10 He fpreads his clouds upon the skies,
Surprising to behold!

And forms his rain drops shape and fize,
Into an unknown mold.

Then he his waters from on high,
Upon the mountains pours;
And on the valleys plenteoufly
He sheds prolific show'rs.

11 He fets the fervant that was low,
Into the master's place;
And wipes the tears of grief and wo
From off the mourner's face.


Ver. He disappoints the crafty men,
Their projects undermines;
He makes their deep devices vain,
And blasts their great designs.

13 He takes his wife politic foes,
In their own craftiness;
Their froward counsels overthrows,
That would his faints oppress.
Against themselves he turns their arts,
Confounds their wicked schemes;
Their proud and lofty hopes fubverts,
And frustrates all their aims.

14 They, by their plots, themselves benight,
And into darkness run;

Mistake their way, obscure their light,
And grope for day at noon.

15 But God th' oppreffors rage o'rthrows,
Their swords and spears doth break;
And from the proud and mighty foes,
Protects the poor and weak.

16 Thus to the poor he kindly doth
Afford reviving hopes;
And then the black and bloody mouth
Of fierce injustice stops.
The poor and humble are advanc'd,
To peace and fafety given;
And foes afham'd that fought against
The favourites of heaven.



Afflictions born well end well. What great Things GOD oft-times does for these that bumble themselves under bis chaftising band. Job v. 17, -26.

TO! happy is the man

whom God,

In kindnefs, doth correct;

Then do not thou his chast'ning rod,
Contemptuoufly neglect.

18 His skill binds up what he made fore,
By his incifion-knife;
He wounds and heals, and does restore
From gates of death to life.

Ver. From numerous troubles, various woes, 19

He'll fave and set thee free;

And order to a joyful close,
This scene of mifery.

20 Thy life he'll guard with tender care,
When famine threatens death;

And from the raging sword thee spare,
When war breaks out in wrath.

21 The pois'nous darts thrown at thy name,
From the invective tongue,
Shall neither wound thy ftablish'd fame,
Nor do thy honour wrong.
God's hiding hand, when man dispraise,
The fland'ring tongue shall curb;
Reproaches thy repute shall raife,
Nor once thy peace difturb.

22 When grim destruction, with her drove
Of woes, fhall shake her fpear,
Her threats tremendous shall but move
Thy laughter, not thy fear.

All nature reconcil'd difplays
Its care to give thee ease,
When, thro' his grace, thy righteous ways
The God of nature please.

23 With thee shall stones, that load the field,
Make league, thy part to take;

And favage beasts, thy life to shield,
A firm alliance make.

The fire, the air, the earth, the feas,
Each element with thee,

A lasting covenant of peace
Shall strictly ratify.

24 Thy habitation thou shalt know,
In quietness possess'd :
Thou shalt offenceless come and go,
And find thy manfion bless'd.
25 Thy offspring and profperity
Shall num'rous be and great;
Their increase like the grass shall be,
With beauteous flow'rs befet.



Ver. Thou in full age, ripe for the urn,
On death shall chearful look,
As when a full-grown shock of corn
Invites the welcome hook.

27 Weigh these undoubted truths fedate,
And therein thou shalt find,


A fpring of confolation great,
To thy afflicted mind.


Terrors of God invading the Soul. Job vi. 2, 3, 4.

O THAT the grief furrounding me,

Were in a balance laid,

And my extreme calamity

Were now against it weigh'd!

Then let an equal judge appear,
His thoughts to fignify,

Which scale the greatest weight does bear
He'd foon decide with me.

3 My croffes over-weigh my cries,
My loads of woe and pain
Exceed the pond'rous sand that lies
Around the ebbing main.
Unutterable are the groans,
My weary foul oppress :
Nor have I words to speak my moans,
Or shew my deep distress.
4 The arrows of th' almighty God
Stick faft within my heart;
Each fest'ring wound burns up my blood,
And gives me deadly smart.
Arrows, whose heads like flaming eyes,
And pointed light'ning shine;
Steep'd in the strongest dregs and lees
Of fiery wrath divine.

The poifon thereof raging high,
Soon spreads without controul;
Drinks up and drains my spirits dry,
And eats into my foul.

Ver. God's threat'ning terrors all drawn out,

In order and array,

For battle, closing me about,

Invade me every way.



God Stooping to contend with Man admired, and bis pardoning Mercy begged. Job vii. 17, 18. 20.

17 WHAT is man, that worthless wight!

That God should condescend

To magnify him, and in might
With fuch a rush contend!

On brittle man, from dust brought forth,
Wilt thou indeed bestow

Such honour great! or, is he worth
Thy notice or thy blow?

Is fuch a mortal fit to be
The object of thy rage !
Wilt thou thy strong artillery
Against a worm engage?
Or if it is thy kindly aim,
By this thy chast'ning rod,
The wand'ring finner to reclaim,
And bring him back to God:
18 Still what is man, a bit of clay,
That fo incessantly
Thou doft him visit every day,
And every moment try.

20 Lord, I have finn'd, what shall I do,

O thou preferver great ?
Remit my gilt, remove my wo,

And all my faults forget.


Good Counsel and good Hope given to the afflicted.

Job viii. 5,-7·

5 IF thou who feels the hand of God,

His justice wouldst adore;
And, timely humbled by the rod,
His mercy wouldst implore;

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