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Prepares copy for official published reports based on the work of the section and proof reads manuscripts pertaining thereto.

Prepares, under direction, forms for annual reports of carriers handled by the section.

Furnishes, under proper authority, such statistical summaries and statements, based on official records, as are required from time to time for the information and use of the Commission or for other purposes.

Furnishes to other sections of the bureau statistical information from its records requisite for use in connection with the work of those sections. Maintains a record of corporate titles and history of railway companies. Maintains files of annual and other reports of carriers, reports to stockholders, and correspondence pertaining directly to the business of the section. Prepares with assistance of other sections, the statistical summaries presented in the Commission's annual report to Congress.

Operating returns section, 16 employees..

$32, 362. 52

Receives and examines monthly reports of revenues and expenses; of revenue traffic; of employees, service, and compensation; and of operating statistics of class I steam railways; monthly reports of revenues and expenses of express, telephone, and telegraph and cable companies; monthly reports of revenues, expenses, and operating statistics of sleeping-car companies; and quarterly reports of freight commodity statistics of class I steam railways. Collates at intervals cumulative totals of certain items in such returns with corresponding entries in annual reports filed in the annual reports section.

Conducts with carriers correspondence concerning their respective reports and makes authorized corrections in them.

Prepares monthly tabular statements of the revenues and expenses, revenue traffic, wage statistics, and operating statistics of steam railways, and of the revenues and expenses of telephone companies.

Prepares abstracts of the monthly summaries of revenues and expenses, of revenue traffic, and of operating statistics of steam railways, and of the monthly returns of express, sleeping-car, telephone, and telegraph and cable companies, for inclusion in the Annual Report on Statistics of Railways in the United States. Compiles quarterly and yearly summaries of the freight commodity statistics of class I steam railways.

Interprets for the benefit of carriers, under direction, Rules for Reporting Information on Railroad Employees.

Prepares, under direction, carriers' reporting forms handled by the section. Furnishes, upon request, statistical information based upon returns made to this section.

Maintains files of monthly and quarterly reports and related correspondence. Accident statistics section, 10 employees...

$18, 866. 07

Receives monthly reports of railway accidents, steam and electric, filed under the Accident Reports Act.

Examines returns of steam railways, conducts necessary correspondence concerning them, and makes authorized corrections.

Classifies, codes, and tabulates returns of steam railways.

Compiles the accident bulletin for the calendar year containing summaries of accidents on steam railways by classes, causes, roads, and States, and showing resulting casualties to persons in train, train service, and nontrain accidents.

Prepares monthly summaries, with cumulative figures, of accidents on steam railways, and quarterly statements by roads and by States.

Compiles statistical data concerning accidents and their causes, pursuant to the Accident Reports Act, which are used in the study of accident-prevention problems.

Computes accident frequency rates for train and train-service accidents and casualties based on locomotive-miles, by roads; casualties to employees on duty, based on man-hours, by classes of persons and by roads; casualties to passengers, based on passenger-miles, by roads; and casualties at highway grade crossings, based on number of automobiles registered, by States.

Maintains files of reports and correspondence.

Supplies, upon proper request, special tabulations, and copies of original reports as submitted by carriers.

Mechanical tabulation section, 11 employees---

$17, 545. 96

Has charge of and operates the automatic punching, sorting, tabulating, and listing machinery in the service of the Bureau.

Receives from other sections in the Bureau statistical reports and other matter intended for mechanical tabulation.

Punches cards to show required information, and, by sorting and tabulating them, produces statistical figures for various purposes.

Maintains a suitable index and file of punched cards.

Makes special tabulations from time to time as are properly requested.
The bureau regularly prepares and issues the following publications:


Freight Commodity Statistics, Class I Steam Railways.

Comparative Statement of Operating Averages, Class I Steam Railways. Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses by Class of Service.

Wage Statistics, Class I Steam Railways (including 16 switching and terminal companies).

Preliminary Abstract of Statistics of Common Carriers.

Text of the Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways in the United States. Annual Report on the Statistics of Railways in the United States, including also selected items from periodical reports of other classes of common carriers. Accident Bulletin-Steam Railways.

Selected Items from the Annual Reports of Carriers by Water.

Selected Items from the Annual Reports of Telegraph and Cable Companies.
Selected Items from the Annual Reports of Pipe Line Companies.
Selected Items from the Annual Reports of Electric Railways.

Selected Items from the Annual Reports of Telephone Companies.


Summary of Freight Commodity Statistics of Class I Steam Railways.
Summary of Accidents Reported by Steam Railways.


Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses, Class I Steam Railways. Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses of Large Steam Roads-Selected Items for Roads with Annual Operating Revenues above $25,000,000.

Freight and Passenger Service Operating Statistics, Class I Steam Railways. Operating Statistics of Large Steam Roads-Selected Items for Roads with Annual Operating Revenues above $25,000,000.

Fuel for Locomotives (charged to Operating Expenses), Class I Steam Railways. Wage Statistics, Class I Steam Railways.

Revenue Traffic Statistics, Class I Steam Railways.

Summary of Monthly Reports of Large Telephone Companies.

Summary of Accidents Reported by Steam Railways.

Selected Income and Balance-Sheet Items of Class I Steam Railways.

Graphical Supplement to Monthly Reports.

Occasionally it is necessary, by means of circulars of inquiry or questionnaires, to gather information from common carriers pertaining to their affairs, the results being compiled and analyzed according to their purpose.


List of officers and employees receiving compensation at the rate of $5,000 or more

[blocks in formation]

M. O. Lorenz... Director.....
C. S. Morgan... Economist..


B. T. Elmore... Statistical analyst.

Brief description of duties

Technical and administrative head of bureau.

Prepares analytical studies of economic conditions affecting common carriers, such as investigation of pipe lines and of communication systems, for the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives at its request. Economic studies in connection with various cases before the Interstate Commerce Commission, etc. 5,400 Assists in the analysis of the financial and operating reports filed by carriers and conducts independent research and analysis of statistical data pertaining to the economics of transportation and renders reliable and readable reports thereof.

[blocks in formation]

Director's office directs and supervises the work of the bureau; advises the Commission as to traffic policies and on matters involving intricate tariff interpretations and rate structures; acts in an advisory capacity to the Commission and its examiners in the disposition of, and preparation of reports in, formal cases, especially those involving tariff interpretations, general policies, and the more important and extensive rate adjustments; holds conferences and conducts hearings on traffic matters and prepared reports to the Commission with recommendations as to disposition; on accasion prepares, subject to approval by the Commission, reports to congressional committees, embodying recommendations with respect to the substance and form of pending bills affecting transportation; formulates for the consideration of the Commission rules governing the form, construction, filing and posting of tariff schedules; and acts as mediator between shippers and carriers in settling disputes as to rates legally applicable and in securing the establishment of reasonable and lawful rates.

Section of tariffs receives, examines, and files all tariff schedules and other documents filed by common carriers subject to the Interstate Commerce Act dealing with or which affect charges for transportation and transmission and furnishes rate information therefrom; assists in the formulation of, and by correspondence and other methods, secures compliance with, rules prescribed by the Commission to govern the form, construction and filing of tariffs; conducts correspondence and confers with representatives of carriers and shippers with respect to tariff matters in controversy; and maintains a complete separate file of tariffs for the use of the public.

Sixth section branch handles to a conclusion applications under section 6 of the act requesting authority to establish rates upon less than the statutory notice and for a waiver of the Commission's tariff rules in the establishment of rates; and conducts correspondence with carriers and shippers with respect thereto.

Fourth section board handles applications for relief from the provisions of section 4 of the act; conducts investigations required in connection with special applications by formal hearings, conferences, and other appropriate forms of inquiry; prepares reports of conclusions and recommendations with respect to the disposition of said applications; and advises the Commission and examiners with respect to questions arising under section 4.

Board of suspension handles all requests for suspension of changes in rates and fares under section 15 (7) of the act; prepares written reports to the Commission showing facts submitted by parties or developed by the Board, with recommendations as to disposition; conducts correspondence and hearings and holds conferences with carriers and shippers with respect thereto; assists and advises the Commission with respect to requests for suspension; disposes of proceedings informally, both prior and subsequent to suspension; and after suspension assists and advises the Commission and examiners with respect to final disposition.

Freight classification matters and applications under section 20, including the analysis and construction of rate adjustments in connection with class rates and freight classification ratings and the handling of applications from carriers for permission to depart from the liability requirements of section 20, paragraph 11, of the act; the conduct of hearings, conferences, and correspondence with respect to such matters and the advising of the Commission and its examiners with respect thereto, including the preparation of reports in formal proceedings embodying recommendations as to final disposition.


List of officers and employees receiving compensation at the rate of $5,000 or more per annum (Bureau of Traffic)

[blocks in formation]

NOTE. The bureau of traffic substantially in its present form and with substantially its present force of officials and employees was organized in 1920. There have been comparatively few additions or changes in positions or personnel since that time other than routine promotions and other than the changes in salary directly resulting from acts of the Congress. All of the above positions receiving compensation at the rate of $5,000 or more, except that held by C. G. Jensen, Jr., have been in existence performing substantially the same duties since 1920. Mr. Jensen's position has existed continuously since 1920 but its duties were e narged and the salary increased in 1930. It may also be added that substantially all the functions of the bureau of traffic are duties required by the acts listed in statement 2. Practically none of such activities may be discontinued and very few may be materially curtailed without bringing about failure to comply with the mandates of those provisions of law.


Director of traffic directs and supervises the work of the bureau; acts as consulting traffic expert for the Commission in matters of policy and organization and in formal proceedings under the judicial powers of the Commission, particularly in the more important and extensive rate adjustments, including general rate investigations; conducts hearings and prepares and reviews reports in formal proceedings; with respect to rates and charges and matters pertaining thereto, acts as personal contact for the Commission with traffic executives of carriers and with representatives of shippers and the public, conducts conferences with representatives of shippers and carriers, and acts as arbitrator in the settlement of disputes of major questions involving the legally applicable rates under the tariffs and the lawfulness and propriety under other sections of the Interstate Commerce Act of proposed changes in rates and charges.

Assistant director acts as general assistant to the director in performing the above functions and in an advisory capacity with regard to legal matters arising in connection with the Bureau's activities; conducts formal and informal hearings relating to traffic matters and prepares reports to the Commission thereon embodying recommendations as to their disposition; prepares or revises reports in formal proceedings submitted to the Bureau for consideration and advice, particularly those involving important or extensive rate adjustments, and advises Commissioners and examiners with reference to such proceedings.

Assistant to the director assists and advises the director and his assistants in matters relating to the carriers' tariff practices, the construction of tariffs, and the determination of lawful rates; recommends and assists in the formation of rules governing the construction, filing, and posting of tariff publications; with respect to such matters, particularly as to the interpretation of tariffs and the construction, filing, and posting thereof, advises and conducts conferences with carriers and shippers; handles informal complaints and consults with and advises Commissioners, examiners, and other officials of the Commission in connection with the disposition of formal proceedings, including the preparation and review of reports in such proceedings.

Assistant director and chief, section of tariffs, is in charge of the section of tariffs, including the sixth section branch, the general activities of which are described in statement 2. Is a member of the board of suspension, released rates committee (sec. 20), and the Commission's board of reference.

Assistant director and chairman, fourth section board, is chairman of the fourth section board, the general activities of which are described in statement 2. Also assists the director in the handling of other traffic matters, particularly those involving the analysis and construction of rate adjustments and with respect to such matters conducts formal and informal hearings and prepares reports thereon or recommendations as to their disposition, acts as arbitrator between shippers and carriers, and advises Commissioners and examiners with reference thereto.

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