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Joseph Simon marries Rosa Bunn; their daughter married Michael Gratz, Michael Gratz's daughter Richea married Samuel Hays, their daughter Sara married Alfred Mordecai. Joseph Simon = Rosa Bunn.

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In B. F. Heitman's Historical Register of the Officers of the Continental Army during the War of the Revolution, April, 1775, to December, 1783, (Washington, D. C., 1893), there occurs on p. 262 the mention of Asher Levy (N. J.), who was an Ensign in the 1st New Jersey Regiment, appointed September 12, 1778, and resigned June 14, 1779. To judge from the name, he was a Jew. Perhaps by a publication of this notice, further information about him can be obtained.

Heitman's book, p. 238, speaks of Isaacs, a Colonel in the North Carolina militia, and who was wounded and taken prisoner at Camden on August 16, 1780, and on the same page Isaac Israel is spoken of as a Lieutenant in the 8th Virginia Regiment. A careful scrutiny of the book might bring out further references that are worthy of being looked up.


Mr. Friedenwald gives the middle name of David S. Franks as Solebury, while according to Mr. Joseph it is Salesby. It would be interesting to have the correct spelling of this name settled.

C. A.


Since writing my article, I have ascertained that the Israel Israel referred to by Mr. Rosenbach was not a Jew but a Quaker. It appears that after the Revolution he moved to Philadelphia and became deeply interested among other things, in a Masonic lodge. A picture of Mr. Israel may be seen at present in the Masonic Temple of Philadelphia, and the cast of features as well as the dress sufficiently indicate his Quaker origin and proclivities. I have not yet been able to determine whether this Israel Israel is identical with the proprietor of the Cross Keys Tavern who bore the same MORRIS JASTROW, JR.



MR. MENDES COHEN.-A Sermon preached at the Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, called "The Salvation of Israel," on the Day of Pentecost, or Feast of Weeks, the 6th day of the month Sivan, the year of the Creation 5533, or May 28, 1773; being the Anniversary of the giving of the Law at Mount Sinai. By the Venerable Hocham, the learned Rabbi, Haym Isaac Karigel, of the city of Hebron, near Jerusalem, in the Holy Land. Newport, Rhode Island: Printed and Sold by S. Southwick, in Queen Street, 1773.

There is another copy of this sermon in the Leeser Library in Philadelphia, which was presented to Isaac Leeser by Rebecca Gratz. From a MS. note in that copy we learn that the sermon was preached in Spanish, the English translation having been made by Abraham Lopez. See Outlines of Jewish History, by Lady Magnus, Jewish Publication Society of America, p. 347.

MR. WM. SALOMON.-Pamphlet relating to the claim of the heirs of Haym Salomon against the U. S. Government. MRS. JOSEPH NEWHOUSE.-Engraving of Hyman H. Marks, born November 20, 1772; died November 3, 1825.

MRS. ISABELLA ROSENBACH.-Proceedings of the Commemorative Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the founding of the Hebrew Sunday Schools in America. THE MISSES PHILLIPS.-Lunar Calendar of the festivals and other days in the year observed by the Israelites, commencing Anno Mundi 5566, and ending in 5619, being a period of 54 years, which, by the solar computation of time, begins September 24, 1805, and will end the 28th of the same month in the year 1859. Together with other Tables useful and convenient. The whole of which having been carefully examined and corrected, its utility has obtained the voluntary acknowledgment and approbation of the Rev. Mr. Seixas, the respectable Hazan of the K. K. Shearith Israel, in New York. By Moses Lopez, of Newport, Rhode-Island. (Copy-right secured.) Printed at the office of the Newport Mercury, 1806. Annotated copy.

JOHN M. NOAH.-Discourse delivered at the consecration of
the synagogue of the K. K. Shearith Israel in the city of
New York, on Friday, the 10th of Nisan, 5578, corre-
sponding with the 17th of April, 1818, by Mordecai M.
Noah. New York: Printed by C. S. Van Winkle, No.
101 Greenwich Street, 1818. Imperfect copy.
for the year 1892.

Annual Reports of, for the year ending December 5, 1892.
BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY.-Forty-first Annual Report.
MRS. ALFRED MORDECAI.-Recollections of my Aunt, Re-
becca Gratz, by "One of Her Nieces" (Mrs. Alfred
Mordecai). With Portrait.

Report of a Military Commission to Europe in 1855 and 1856 (Crimean War) by Major Alfred Mordecai, of the Ordnance Department. Senate Document, 1860.

Copies of the Report on Organization may be had on application to the Corresponding Secretary.

Aaron, Solomon, 61.

Abendanon, Joseph, 24.

Abigall, ship, 108.

Abof, Isack, 106.

Abraham, Isaac, 18.

Adams, Henry, 39.
Adams, John, 84.


Adas Israel Congregation at
Louisville, Ky., 101.

Adler, Dr. Cyrus, 3, 32, 57, 65.
Adventure, bark, 108.
Allibone, Thomas, 114.
Ambrosius, Moses, 45.
America, discovery of, part
taken by the Jews in, 2 f.
American Historical Associa-

-Annual Report of, for the
year 1892, 124.

Andrews, Willia, 108.

Annals of Philadelphia and

Penn. by Watson, 52.

Anthony, Allart, 46.

Antunes, Gabriell, 106.

Apostasy of Jews to Christian-

ity, in Ky., 99 ff.

Arnold, Benedict, 58, 71.
treachery, 76 ff.

Arnold, Levi, 51.

Aron, Abraham Burges, 106.

Arrobas, Moses, 106.

Atkins, Sarah, 106.

Aubony, Thomas, 108.

Baker, Hilary, Philadelphia al-

derman, 21.

Ball, Joseph, 108.

Ball, J., 114.

Bancroft, George, 41.

Bar Simon, Hester, 106.

Barbados, Jews of, 105 ff.

synagogue at, 110.

Barclay, Thos., 84.

Barrette, Isaac de, 25.

Barruch, Abraham, 106.
Barruch, Aaron, 105.
Barruch, Rebecah, 106.
Batavian Republic, 113.
Beauchamp, de, 44.

Beck, von, observations on
Philadelphia, 49.

Belcher, Tho., 34.
Benjamin, Judah Peter, 110.
Bevenister, Eliam, 107, 108.
Bindona, Joseph, settler
Canada, 117.

Bingham, Wm., 81.
Bispham, J., 114.


Blasphemy, trial for in Mary-
land, 27 f.

Bloody Run, attack by the In-
dians at, 121.

Bolzius, Rev., leader of the
Salzburgers, opinion on the
Jews, 9 f.

Boraef, M., 114.

Boston Public Library.-Forty-
first Annual Report, 124.
Boyna, Daniell, 106, 107.
Braddock's defeat, 54, 69.
Brazil, Jews in, 43 f.
Brewer, Nicolas, 25, 31.

Browne, James, 108.

Bryan, George, vice-president

on Congress, 72.

Bueno, Joseph, 91.

Bunn, Rosa, wife of Joseph Si-

mon of Lancaster, 121.

Burgess, Rachell, 106.

Cadwallader, General, 77.
Callender, connected with Jos-

eph Simon, 121.

Canada, admission of Jews to

the Legislature, 119 f.

Carmichael, Wm., U. S. Charge
d'affaires at Madrid, 84.

Carter, John, 81.

Cary, Matthew, account of the
yellow fever at Phila., 56.
Castelar, 2.

Catholics, Act of Parliament
concerning them, 97.

excluded from toleration in

Georgía, 5.

Cemetery, first Jewish, in Phila-
delphia, 20-23.

contest about it, 22.

first, of the Shearith Israel
Congregation at New York,


Chandler, 35.

Christobal Colon, see Columbus.
City Dancing Assembly, 54.
Claim of the heirs of Haym

Salomon against the U. S.
Government, pamphlet, 123.

Clarkson, Major, 89.

Clocker, Daniel, 35.

Cohen, family of, 67.
Colonies, of which foreigners
resident were deemed citi-

zens, 94.
Colonists excluded from office,
etc., in Great Britain, 98.
Columbus, Jews accompanying

him on his expedition, 2.
Conger, Messrs., of Bristol, 56.
Congress, Continental, assumes

the character of a sovereign
body, 65.

Congress, first, of the United
States, 118.

Conway, General, 77.
Coquataginta, 68.

Cordea, Hester, 25.

Cordova, Emanuel de, settler
Canada, 117.

Cordoza, Soloman, 106.
Cornelius, John, 34.
Costa, Matthias de, 25.
Costanio, Abraham, 106.
Cotinho, Moses Henriques, 108.
Coursey, Henry, 34.

Cozneau, Captain Isaac, 89.

Craig, Sir James H., Governor-

General of Canada, attitude

toward the question of ad-

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