List of Post Offices in the United States Avol. 2

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Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library, 1855 - 404 halaman

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Halaman 3 - The arrangement of the mail service of the United States, and placing the same under contract, embracing all correspondence and proceedings respecting the frequency of trips, mode of conveyance, and times of departures and arrivals on all the routes, the course of the mails between the different sections of the country, the points of mail distribution, and the regulations for the government of the domestic mail service.
Halaman 12 - Any word or communication, whether by printing, writing, marks or signs, upon the cover or wrapper of a newspaper, pamphlet, magazine or other printed matter, other than the name and address of the person to whom it is to be sent, subjects the package to letter postage ; and such postage should be, like all other letter postage, pre-paid, or the matter should not be mailed.
Halaman 42 - ... received for distribution, who will enter its contents in his account, and indorse upon it his signature or initials. He will then fill up the corresponding return bill, noting upon it whether correct or otherwise, and will pass it to the postmaster or his principal assistant, who will sec that it is returned by the first mail thereafter with his indorsement to the office of mailing.
Halaman 8 - ... letters from one office within the United States or Territories to another, and also upon letters between the United States and the British North American provinces — is to be as follows, to wit : Single rate, if not exceeding half an ounce ; double rate, if exceeding half an ounce, but not exceeding an ounce ; treble rate, if exceeding an ounce, but not exceeding an ounce and a half ; and so on, charging an additional rate for every additional half ounce or fraction of half ao ounce.
Halaman 3 - Auditor, embracing accounts with the draft offices and other depositaries of the department, the issuing of warrants and drafts in payment of balances reported by the Auditor to be due to mail contractors and other persons, the supervision of the accounts of...
Halaman 38 - Department; and any person who shall violate this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten nor more than five hundred dollars.
Halaman 3 - To this office is assigned the duty of receiving and examining the registers of the arrivals and departures of the mails, certificates of the service of route agents, and reports of mail failures...
Halaman 3 - ... the mail service of the United States, and placing the same under contract, embracing all correspondence and proceedings respecting the frequency of trips, mode of conveyance, and times of departures and arrivals on all the routes; the course of the mails between the different sections of the country, the points of mail distribution, and the regulations for the government of the domestic mail service of the United States.
Halaman 37 - General in due time, for failing to take from or deliver at a post office the mail, or any part of it ; for suffering it to be wet, injured, lost, or destroyed ; for carrying it in a place or manner that exposes it to depredation, loss, or injury...
Halaman 26 - And there shall be charged upon every other newspaper, and each circular not sealed, handbill, engraving, pamphlet, periodical, magazine, book, and every other description of printed matter, which shall be unconnected with any manuscript, or written matter, and which it may be lawful to transmit through the mail, of no greater weight than one ounce, for any distance not exceeding five hundred miles, one cent ; and for each additional ounce, or fraction of an ounce, one cent ; for any distance...

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