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Creame ; and she wished it were the Time of Strawberries, for she sayd they had large Beds; and then my Father and the Boys went forthe to looke for Master Agnew. Then Rose took me up to her Chamber, singing as she went; and the long, low Room was sweet with Flowers. Sayd I, "Rose, to be Mistress of this pretty

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Cottage, 'twere hardlie amisse to marry a "Man as olde as Master Roger." "Olde!" quoth she, "deare Moll, you must not "deeme him olde; why, he is but forty


two; and am not I twenty-three?" She lookt soe earneste and hurte, that I coulde not but falle a laughing.

May 8th.


OTHER gone to Sandford.
She hopes to get Uncle
John to lend Father this


Father says she

may try. 'Tis harde to dis

courage her with an ironi

calle Smile, when she is doing alle she can, and more than manie Women woulde,


to help Father in his Difficultie; but suche, she sayth somewhat bitterlie, is the lot of our Sex. She bade Father mind that she had brought him three thousand Pounds, and askt what had come of them. Answered; helped to fille the Mouths of nine healthy Children, and stop the Mouth of an easie Husband; soe, with a Kiss, made it up. I have the Keys, and am left Mistresse of alle, to my greate Contentment; but the Children clamour for Sweetmeats, and Father sayth, "Remember, Moll, Discretion is the better part "of Valour."

After Mother had left, went into the Paddock, to feed the Colts with Bread; and while they were putting their Noses into Robin's Pockets, Dick brought out the two Ponies, and set me on one of them, and we had a mad Scamper through the Meadows and down the Lanes; I leading. Just at the Turne of Holford's Close, came shorte upon a Gentleman walking under the Hedge, clad in a sober, genteel Suit, and of most beautifulle Countenance, with

Hair like a Woman's, of a lovely pale brown, long and silky, falling over his Shoulders.

I nearlie went over him, for


Clover's hard Forehead knocked agaynst his Chest; but he stoode it like a Rock; and

lookinge firste at me and then at Dick, he

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