J857 ROBERT W. KASTENMEIER, Wisconsin GEORGE E. DANIELSON, California ROBERT F. DRINAN, Massachusetts GAIL HIGGINS, Counsel THOMAS E. MOONEY, Associate Counsel Prepared statement_-_ 633 Biester, Hon. Edward G., a Representative in Congress From the 258 Prepared statement. 272 Connor, Earl, staff supervisor, Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co- Cotter, William J., Chief Postal Inspector, U.S. Postal Service... 323 Crain, Mel, professor of political science, San Diego State University- Farris, Anthony J. P., former U.S. attorney, Southern District of Grossman, Dr. Maurice, chairman of the Task Force on Confidentiality as Related to Third Parties of the American Psychiatric Associa- Mack, John E., director, Bell Telephone Laboratories, New Jersey--- 208 447 Prepared statement 64 Merritt, James E., attorney, Morrison and Foerster, counsel to the Page Crocker National Bank of San Francisco_-_ 503 Prepared statement 494 Mitchell, Hon. Parren J., a Representative in Congress from the State of Maryland_ 289 Prepared statement.. 289 Mosher, Hon. Charles A., a Representative in Congress from the 62 Prepared statement 64 Rusk, Hon. Dean, former Secretary of State---- 427 Shattuck, John H. F., national staff counsel, American Civil Liberties 105 Prepared statement 106 Stark, Hon. Fortney H., a Representative in Congress from the State of California__ 483 Prepared statement 483 Terry, Robert H., Commissioner, Accounts, Collections, and Taxpayer 632 Whitaker, Meade, Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service.... Wolfe, Singleton B., Assistant Commissioner, Compliance, IRS Additional material 632 632 "A Bankers Guide to IRS Procedures for Examinations of Customer Caming, H. W. William, attorney, letter dated March 18, 1975, to "United States Treaties and Other International Agreements," vol. 23, Kastenmeier, Hon. Robert W., chairman, Subcommittee on Courts, 504 227 330 415 648 76 629 228 653 "Operational Guidelines for Compliance by Commercial Banks with the Treasury Regulations," by the American Bankers Association___ Right to Privacy-Recommendations of the House Republican Task Force on Privacy--- 277 Task Force Report No. 9, Confidentiality and Third Parties, American Reports of Federal agencies concerning electronic surveillance 681 703 Appendix 4: Additional letters received by the committee-- 704 Appendix 5: Memorandum on the Bill of Rights Procedures Act, Harvard Civil 714 Appendix 6: Personal Observations and Recommendations on Privacy, by 724 Appendix 7: Additional views of the Department of Justice---. 729 Appendix 8: Judicial Procedures for National Security Electronic Surveillance, 757 V Appendix 9: List and brief description of statutes authorizing the issuance of subpenas by administrative agencies of the Federal Government, American Law Division__ Appendix 10: Page 782 A Report of the 1974 Conference on Confidentiality of Health 786 Appendix 11: The IRS Summons and the Duty of Confidentiality: A Hobson's Choice for Bankers-Revised, by Harold E. 849 Appendix 12: Comparative Study on Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Laws in Major Foreign Countries, prepared by members of the staff of the Law Library, Library of Congress__ 855 Appendix 13: Information supplied by the Public Citizen Litigation Group_____ Appendix 14: 950 Statement and information on FBI Security Index__. 979 Appendix 15: Correspondence with the Commissioner of Police, Baltimore, Md_ Appendix 16: 987 Additional information on telephone company monitoring. 988 999 Appendix 17: Immunities, Rights, and Privileges Accorded Foreign Govern- Appendix 18: Newspaper Editorials on Surveillance Procedures___. Appendix 19: 1031 Excerpt From U.S. News & World Report, June 19, 1975--------- 1033 Appendix 20-Supreme Court of the United States: United States v. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of 1036 Opinion of Court, delivered by Mr. Justice Powell- 1038 1064 1074 Appendix 21-U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Zweibon v. Mitchell_. 1085 Appendix 22-Supreme Court of the United States: United States et al. v. Bisceglia-No. 73-1245-Argued Novem- 1216 Opinion of Court, delivered by Mr. Chief Justice Burger__ 1217 1227 Dissenting opinion, Mr. Justices Stewart and Douglas‒‒‒‒‒ 1229 Appendix 23-Supreme Court of the United States: California Bankers Association v. Shultz, Secretary of the 1238 Opinion of Court, delivered by Mr. Justice Rehnquist. Couch v. United States, et al.-No. 71-889-Argued November 14, Appendix 25-U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit-September 13, 1974; United States v. Miller, cite as 500 F.2d 751 (1974)_. 1352 Appendix 26: Relevant statutes 1368 |