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ced very slowly for some years. In 1800, there were 38 persons in town. The principal religious societies are Congregationalists and Methodists. There is a pleas

12. The soil is sandy in the south part, | Samuel Conant. The settlement advanand the timber principally pine. In the north part it is gravelly loam, and the timber mostly hard wood. The rocks, in the western part, are limestone, in the eastern part, slate. The soil is, in gen-ant and thriving little village, containing eral, rich and productive. There are some tracts timbered with hemlock, and some cedar swamps near the lake. Over what is called Stone Bridge brook, in the southwestern part of the township, is a natural bridge 12 or 14 feet wide, and the top of it seven or eight feet above the surface of the water. The width of the arch is 40 or 50 feet, and its height but a few inches above the surface of the stream. A large and elegant meeting house was completed in this town in 1802, and around it is a small village, containg a number of dwelling houses, stores, shops, &c. There are 2 grist mills, which are of stone, three saw, and one oil mill, 3 stores, and two tanneries. Statistics of 1840. Horses, 366; cattle, 1,915; sheep, 10,935; swine, 1,140; wheat, bus. 3,897; barley, 20; oats, 8,931; rye, 2,545; buckwheat, 1,072; Indian corn, 7,875; potatoes, 34,616; hay, tons, 4,476; sugar, lbs. 17,957; wool, 26,467. Population, 2,106.

a handsome meeting house, a store, tavern, and several mechanics. The surface of the township is very uneven, consisting of hills and vallies. In the south part is a small mountain called Black hill. The town is watered principally by the head branches of Barton river. Branches of the Passumpsic, Lamoille, and Black river, also rise here. There are four nat ural ponds which lie within this township, viz: Glover pond in the northern part, Daniel's pond in the western part, Chamber's near the centre, and Mud pond in the southeastern part, all of which discharge their waters into Black river. Long pond, now better known by the name of Runaway pond, was situated partly in this township and partly in Greensborough. This pond was one and a half mile long, and about half a mile wide, and discharged its waters to the south, forming one of the head branches of the river Lamoille. On the 6th of GLASTENBURY, a township in Benning- June, 1810, about 60 persons went to this ton county, is in lat. 42° 58' and long. 4° pond for the purpose of opening an outlet 1', and is bounded north by Sunderland, to the north into Barton river, that the east by Somerset, south by Woodford and mills, on that stream, might receive from west by Shaftsbury. It lies nine miles it an occasional supply of water. A small northeast from Bennington, and 25 north-channel was excavated, and the water west from Brattleborough, and was char- commenced running in a northerly direetered August 20, 1761, containing about 40 square miles. A great part of this township is high, broken and incapable of ever being settled. Settlements were early commenced here, but the population has never yet amounted to 100 persons. The waters in the eastern part flow into Deerfield river. From the other parts, they pass off to the south and west into the Walloomscoik. The streams are small. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 14; cattle, 16; sheep, 62; swine, 32; wheat, bus. 18; oats, 38; rye, 12; buckwheat, 6, Indian corn, 25; potatoes, 880; hay, tons, 162; sugar, lbs. 575; wool, 127. Population, 53.

tion. It happened that the northern barrier of the pond consisted entirely of quicksand, except an encrusting of clay next the water. The sand was immediately removed by the current, and a large channel formed. The basin formed by the encrusting of clay was incapable of sustaining the incumbent mass of waters, and it broke. The whole pond immediately took a northerly course, and, in fifteen minutes from this time, its bed was left entirely bare. It was discharged so suddenly that the country below was instantly inundated. The deluge advanced like a wall of waters, 60 or 70 feet in height, and 20 rods in width, leveling the forests and the hills, and filling up the vallies, and sweeping off mills, houses, barns, fences, cattle, horses and sheep as

GLOVER, a post town, six miles square, in the southern part of Orleans county, is in lat. 44° 40' and long. 4° 45', and is bounded north by Barton, east by Shef-it passed, for the distance of more than field, south by Greensborough, and west by Albany. It lies 33 miles northeast from Montpelier, was granted June 27, 1781, and chartered to Gen. John Glover and his associates, November 20, 1783. The settlement of this township was commenced about the year 1797, by Ralph Parker, James Vance, Samuel Cook and

ten miles, and barely giving the inhabitants sufficient notice of its approach to escape with their lives into the mountains. A rock, supposed to weigh more than 100 tons, was removed half a mile from its bed. The waters moved so rapidly as to reach Memphremagog lake, distant 27 miles, in about six hours from the time




wheat, 160; Indian corn, 516; potatoes,
18,600; hay, tons, 1,360; sugar,
lbs. 5,230;
wool, 5,116. Population, 621.

GOSHEN GORE. There are two gores of this name, and both in Caledonia county. The largest contains 7,339 and is bounded north by Wheelock, east by Danville, south by Walden, and west by Greensborough. The first permanent settlement was made here in 1802, by Elihu Sabin, and his daughter Mary was the first child born. In the northeast corner of the gore is a pond covering about 80 acres. It is watered by a branch of the Lamoille river. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 27; cattle, 180; sheep, 429; swine, 100; wheat, bus. 265; barley, 100; oats, 1,420; Indian corn, 56; potatoes, 7,920; hay, tons, 559; sugar, lbs. 7,760; wool, 912. Population, 143. The other gore of this name is situated in the southwest corner of Caledonia county, and contains 2,828 acres. It is bounded north by Marshfield and a part of Harris' gore, east by Harris' gore, south by Orange, and west by Plainfield. Gunner's branch passes through the south part of this gore. Population, 44.

they left the pond. Nothing now remains of the pond but its bed, a part of which is cultivated, and a part overgrown with trees, bushes and wild grass, with a small brook running through it, which is now the head branch of Barton river. The channel, through which the waters escaped, is 127 feet in depth and several rods in width. A pond, some distance below, was, at first, entirely filled with sand, which has since settled down, and it is now about one half its former dimensions. Marks of the ravages are still to be seen through nearly the whole course of Barton river. The soil, in the middle and western part of Glover, is, in general, wet and cold, but very good for grazing. On the river it is dry and warm, and better adapted to the production of grain and Indian corn. There were in the township about 1000 acres of land belonging to the old Vermont State Bank. Some iron ore has been discovered, and sulphur springs are common; also several beds of marl, which makes excellent lime. Considerable quantities of pot and pearl ashes, beef, pork, butter and cheese are produced for market. There are, in town, three grist, and six saw mills, one fulling mill and GRAFTON, a post town in the north one tannery. Statistics of 1840-Horses, part of Windham county, is in lat. 439 276; cattle, 1,507; sheep, 4,797; swine, 11' and long. 4° 25', and is bounded north 944; wheat, bus. 3,129; barley, 1,163; by Chester, east by Rockingham, south oats, 9,323; rye, 136; buckwheat, 515; by Athens and Acton, and west by WindIndian corn, 1,947; potatoes, 54,708; hay, ham. It lies 36 miles northeast from tons, 3,448; sugar, lbs. 61,430; wool, Bennington, and 22 southwest from Wind15,718. Population, 1,119. sor. It was chartered April 6, 1754, and GOSHEN, a township in the southeast-rechartered September 1, 1763, by the ern part of Addison county, is in lat. 43° name of Tomlinson, and contains about 56' and long. 4° 4', and is bounded north 40 square miles. A Mr. Hinkley and by Ripton and Hancock, southeast by two other families came into this townPittsfield and Chittenden, southwest by ship about the year 1768, and began a setBrandon and Leicester, and northwest by tlement on what is called Hinkley brook. Salisbury. It lies 31 miles southwest They, however, soon abandoned it, and from Montpelier, and 43 northwest from no permanent settlement was made till Windsor; was granted February 23, 1782, 1780. In the spring of this year, Amos chartered to John Rowell, William Doug- Fisher, Samuel Spring, Benjamin Lathlass and others, February 2, 1792, and re- erbee and Edward Putnam moved into ceived a new charter November 1, 1798. the township from Winchester, MassaNovember 9, 1814, the northern half of chusetts. Aaron Putnam was appointPhiladelphia was annexed to this town-ed town clerk at the time the town was ship. No permanent settlement was commenced here until about the year 1800. Considerable part of it is mountainous, but there is some very good land, and the settlement has advanced considerably within a few years. Leicester river rises in Hancock, and runs through the township in a westerly direction. Philadel-ell was settled Aug. 29, 1814, and disphia river originates in the south part. Iron ore and the oxyde of manganese are found here. It contains six saw mills. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 132; cattle, 516; sheep, 1,960; swine, 250; wheat, bus. 1,040; oats, 4,800; rye, 350; buck

organized, and Thomas Kenney was the first representative. The religious denominations are Congregationalists and Baptists. The Congregational church, was organized June 28, 1785; settled the Rev. Wm. Hall, Nov. 7, 1788, who was dismissed in 1810. The Rev. Wm. Good

missed April 11, 1822; the Rev. Selah R. Arms was settled June 5, 1825, and dismissed Oct. 30, 1831. The Rev. Moses Bradford, the present minister, was settled Oct. 30, 1832. Elder Shumway was ordained April 26, 1810, and preached to




the Baptist church about two years. Ju-three miles west from the meeting house, ly 7, 1819, Elder John R. Dodge was or- in quartz and mica slate. It is in triangu dained over the Baptist church, and was lar prisms, bevelled at their lateral edges, dismissed Sept. 26, 1822. The Congre- and striated longitudinally, having triedral gationalists have a meeting house, erect- terminations. The serpentine is all in ed in 1792, and the Baptists, one, built one mass, of 30 or 40 tons weight, lying in 1814. The township is watered prin- on the western declivity of a small hill, cipally by Saxton's River, which is form- and in full view from the meeting house. ed here by the union of several branches. Its interior is of a uniform dark green colA branch of William's river runs through or. It is hard to break, and its fracture the north part nearly parallel to the north splintery. There are two small villages; line. These streams afford several very one at the centre and the other at the good mill privileges. The township is junction of the two branches which form considerably uneven, and it abounds in a Saxton's river. There are 2 grist, 6 saw great variety of minerals. About two and 3 fulling mills, 3 carding machines, miles south from the Congregational and 3 stores. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, meeting house is an immense quantity of 273; cattle, 1,728; sheep, 10,114; swine, excellent steatite, or soap stone, which is 1,166; wheat, bush. 1,386; barley, 146; quarried to a great extent. Large blocks oats, 5,229; rye, 1,233; buckwheat, 618; of it are removed from the ledge by saws, Ind. corn, 4,859; potatoes, 31,646; hay, wedges, and bars, and transported about tons, 3,363; sugar, lbs. 16,185; wool, a mile to a mill, whose machinery is mov- 20,164. Population, 1,326 ed by water, where it is sawn. It is then GRANBY, a township in Essex county, manufactured into aqueducts, pumps, situated in lat. 44° 35' and long. 5° 9', jambs, ovens, mantle pieces, stoves, &c. contains 36 square miles. It lies 47 miles The blocks sawn and bored for the aque- northeast from Montpelier, and is boundducts are two or three feet long, and three ed northeast by Ferdinand and Maidstone, or four inches square. They are sold at southeast by Guildhall, southwest by Victhe manufactory, completely prepared to tory, and northwest by East Haven. be put down, at the astonishing low price Chartered October 10, 1761. A considof $1,00 per rod. They are found to be erable settlement had been formed in this much more durable and less liable to get town previously to the year 1800, and the out of repair than wood, and impart no numbers continued to increase with conunpleasant taste to the water. In con- siderable rapidity till after the year 1810. nexion with the steatite are found fine But when the cold seasons commenced green laminated talc, chlorite, potstone the people began to abandon their settleand crystals of actynolite, and bitter spar.ments, and continued to leave the town The potstone is of a greenish gray color, till 1816, when there were only three and is less frangible than the steatite. The crystals of actynolite are large, and of a light green color. Those of bitter spar are of different sizes, presenting rhomboidal surfaces, and are embedded in the steatite. They are usually perfect, but not transparent. Their color is a light gray, and their lustre more pearly than that of calcareous spar. Their structure is distinctly laminated, and they dissolve without effervescence in diluted nitric acid. Cyanite, or sappare, is found about one mile southwest from the meet- GRAND ISLE, a post town in Grand Isle ing house, on the farm of a Mr.Spaulding. county, is in lat. 44° 43' and long. 3o 42' It is of a light blue color, and is in com- and has the lake on all sides, except the pressed hexagonal prisms in mica slate south, where it is bounded by South Heand in massive garnet. There is another ro. It lies 50 miles northwest from Montlocality of it about one mile east from the pelier, and 18 from Burlington. It was centre of the township, where it is embed-granted, in connexion with South Hero, ded in quartz. Garnets abound both in talcose and mica slate, and hornblende is very common. Also the sulphuret of iron in small brown cubes, plumose mica on mica slate, limpid quartz in transparent crystals, greasy and milky quartz, sehorl and precious serpentine. The schorl is

families left, and the town lost its organization. After this period the numbers began to increase, and the town was reorganized in December, 1821. A branch of Paul's stream, one of the head branches of Moose river, and some other small streams rise in this town. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 29; cattle, 122; sheep, 257; swine, 63; wheat, bu. 191; barley, 78; oats, 378; rye, 27; buck wheat, 94; In. corn,14; potatoes,3,680; hay,tons,257; sugar, lbs. 1,925; wool, 325. Popu. 105.

October 27, 1779. The settlement of the township was commenced about the year 1783, by Alexander Gordon, William Hazen and Lamberton Allen, emigrants from New-Hampshire, and the southern parts of this state. For some years after the settlement commenced, many circumstances




bus. 21,430; barley, 1,655; oats, 43,430; rye, 9,504; buckwheat, 9,216; Ind. corn, 13,816; potatoes, 76,408; hay, tons, 8,593; sugar, lbs. 34,478; wool, 57,546. Population, 3,883.

tended to prevent its progress. Sickness, the close of the revolutionary war. with its concomitant miseries, presented streams here are all small, and there can the most formidable obstacle. Fever and hardly be said to be a good mill privilege ague and bilious fevers, engendered by in the county. There has, however been the noxious vapours from the surroun- one water grist mill, which did considerding waters and the low and marshy able business, and one or two windmills. grounds, were very prevalent, and were The surface of the county is generally fatal in their ravages. No age, or sex, level, and the soil very rich and producwas exempt from their attack. In addi- tive. The first settlers of this county tion to this, the settlers often suffered were subject to fevers and other diseases, from extreme scarcity of provisions. Hunt-induced by the noxious exhalations from ing and fishing were, for some time, their the stagnant waters, but, since the lands only means of gaining a subsistence. These have become generally cleared and cultiobstacles cooled their ardor and damped vated, the inhabitants have become more their ambition. Previous to the year healthy. North Hero is the shire town. 1809, this township constituted a part of The supreme court sits here on the 3d South Hero. This year, it was erected Tuesday in January, and the county court into a separate township by the name of on the 1st after the 4th Tuesday in April, Middle Hero, and was organized. The and the 4th Tuesday in September. Stafirst town clerk was James Brown, and tistics of 1840.-Horses, 1,161; cattle, the first representative Asa Lyon. No-15,463; sheep, 27,451; swine, 3,179; wheat, vember 5, 1810, the name was altered to Grand Isle. The principal religious denominations are Congregationalists and Methodists. The Rev. Asa Lyon, a Congregationalist, preached here many years previous to his death, which occurred in GRANVILLE, a post town in the eastern 1840: The Methodist society is supplied part of Addison county, and is bounded by itinerant preachers. The public buil-northerly by Warren and a part of Roxdings are a meeting house and a town bury, easterly by Braintree, southerly by house. There are several small streams Hancock and a part of Rochester and west in this township. There are some con- by Ripton. It lies 22 miles south west siderable hills, but nothing which de- from Montpelier, and 42 north west from serves the name of a mountain. The soil Windsor, in lat. 43° 59' and long. 4o 10'. is rich, and is not surpassed in fertility It was granted November 7, 1780, and by any part of the state. It produces chartered, to Reuben King, August 2, corn and grain in abundance. Fifty 1781, by the name of Kingston. The bushels of corn per acre, and 25 of rye and wheat are ordinary crops. Among the minerals are marble, limestone, rock crystals, and sulphuret of iron. The township produces a great variety of fruits, particularly apples, in abundance. The timber is various, consisting of beech, birch, maple, oak, ash, elm, pine, &c. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 216; cattle, 1,160; sheep, 6,451; swine, 726; wheat, bush. 2,953; barley, 106; oats, 10,148; rye, 4,022; buck wheat, 1,146; Indian corn, 2,187; potatoes, 19,968; hay, tons, 2,061; sugar, lbs. 9,893; wool, 12,504. Population, 724.

GRAND ISLE COUNTY, is bounded north by Canada, on the north line of Alburgh; the rest of the county consists of islands, which are embosomed in the waters of lake Champlain. It lies between 44° 35' and 45° north lat. and between 3° 39' and 3° 47' east long., being 28 miles long from north to south, and about 5 miles wide, and containing 82 square miles. It was incorporated November 9, 1802. No permanent settlement was made in this county until after

name was altered to Granville, Nov. 6, 1834. The settlement of this township was commenced soon after the close of the revolution, by Reuben King and others. In 20 years from the commencement of the settlement there were but 17 deaths, four of them men, two of whom were upwards of 80 years of age, and no estate has been settled by law. Jos. Patrick was the first town clerk, the first justice of the peace, and the first representative. The dysentery prevailed here in 1806, and was very mortal. The religious denominations are Congregationalists and Baptists. White river is formed here by the union of several considerable branches. On one of these is a fall of 100 feet. Fifty feet of the lower part of it is perpendicular, and at the bottom is a hole worn into the rock ten feet deep. A considerable part of the surface of the township is mountainous. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 123; cattle, 560; sheep, 2,100; swine, 440; wheat, bush. 1,006; oats, 5,300; rye, 60; buck wheat, 205; Indian corn, 560; potatoes, 19,200; hay, tons, 1,390; sugar, lbs. 15,900; wool 5,900. Population, 545.




GRASSY BROOK. See Brookline. of March, Mrs. Shephard was delivered GREEN MOUNTAINS. (See part first, p. of a son, William Scott, the first child 3.) The principal summits of the Green born in this town. The proprietors voted Mountains are Shrewsbury peak in him a present of 100 acres of land. In1790, Shrewsbury, Killington peak in Sher- Mr. Joseph Stanley removed his family burne, Camel's Hump in Huntington, here, and the same year the Hon. TimoMansfield mountains in Mansfield, Ster- thy Stanley erected the first saw mill on ling peak in Sterling, and Jay peak in Jay. the outlet of Caspian Lake. In 1791, Mr. GREEN RIVER. There are two small Law and three Messrs. Hills, removed streams of this name. One rises in Eden, their families here. This year Mr. T. passes through the corner of Hydepark, Stanley erected a house and grist mill, and and falls into the Lamoille in Wolcott. removed his family here in 1792. In 1795, The other originates in Marlborough, and there were 23 families and 108 persons in after running through a part of Halifax and town. The town organized, March 29, Guilford, passes off into Massachusetts. 1792. The denominations of Christians GREENSBOROUGH, a post town, six miles are, Baptists, Congregationalists and square, lying in the south part of Orleans Methodists. The Rev. Salmon King was county, in lat. 44° 36' and long. 4° 41. settled over the Congregational church It is bounded northerly by Glover, east- here about the year 1808, and continued erly by Wheelock and Goshen gore, a few years. The surface of this town is southerly by Hardwick, and westerly by uneven, but the elevations are not generCraftsbury and a small part of Wolcott. ally abrupt. The land is well timbered, It lies 27 miles northeasterly from Mont. mostly with hard wood, except on the pelier, and 79 miles north from Windsor. river and about its head waters, where it This township was granted November 6, is almost entirely hemlock, spruce, cedar 1780, and chartered August 20, 1781, to and fir. The soil is of a middling quali Harris Colt and his associates. Messrs. ty, but on account of its being situated Tolman and Wood visited this town, and about the head waters of several considerspent three days here, in the spring of able rivers, much of the land is wet and 1787. In December, 1788, the Hon. Tim- cold, and the crops are liable to suffer by othy Stanley lost his foot by frost, atten- frost. The river Lamoille is formed by ding a meeting of the proprietors of this the union of several streams in this town. township at Cabot. The first settlement Caspian Lake or Lake Beautiful, lies in was begun in Greensborough, in the the south part of this town, and discharg spring of 1789, when Messrs. Ashbel and es its waters to the east into the Lamoille, Aaron Shepard removed, with their fami- affording a number of valuable mill priv lies, from Newbury to this place. The ileges, around which has grown up a beauhardships which the first settlers of this tiful little village, containing a meeting town had to endure, were very consider- house, store, &c. This pond is about 3 able. In coming into the town, the wo- miles long, and 1 broad. Elligo pond, men had to proceed on foot, and all the lying mostly in the western part of this furniture, belonging to the two families, town, is about a mile long, and forms the was drawn upon three hand sleds, on the head waters of Black river. These ponds crust. Both families consisted of five per-produce abundance of fine trout. Runasons, Mr. Ashbel Shepard and his wife, way Pond (see Glover) was partly in this and Mr. Aaron Shepard, his wife and one town, and was formerly the source of the child. Mr. Aaron Shepard removed his Lamoille. There are several other small family to Coos in August, and did not re- ponds in the north part of the town, turn till March, when his brother, Horace which, at present, form the head waters Shepard and family, returned with him. of the Lamoille. One grist mill, three Thus were Mr. Ashbel Shepard and his saw mills, one fulling mill, and one card. wife, left from August till March, with ing machine. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, no other human being in the town. Their 198; cattle, 1,202; sheep, 4,524; swine, nearest neighbors were Mr. Cutler's fam- 561; wheat, bu. 2,074; barley, 1,656 ; oats, ily, in Craftsbury, which had removed 9,907; rye, 64; b'k wheat, 478; Indian there the preceding autumn, and Mr. Web-corn, 557; potatoes, 42,423; hay, tons, ster's family, in Cabot. Mr. Shepard 3,215; sugar, lbs. 43,920; wool, 11,820. brought all his grain from Newbury, a dis- Population, 883. tance of more than 40 miles, of which he drew it 16 miles upon a hand sled, with the snow between four and five feet deep. In the same manner, he drew hay for the support of a cow, from a meadow of wild grass, three miles distant On the 25th

GROTON, a township in the south part of Caledonia county, is in lat. 44° 14' and long 4° 45', and is bounded north by Peacham, east by Ryegate, south by Topsham, and west by Harris' gore. lies 16 miles east from Montpelier, and


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