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CAMEL'S HUMP, next to the Chin in Mansfield, is the most elevated summit of the Green Mountains. It is situated in the eastern part of Huntington, near the west line of Duxbury. Its height above tide water has been computed to be 4,188 feet, and 3,600 feet above the site of the State house, at Montpelier. It is 17 miles west of Montpelier, 25 northeasterly from Middlebury, and 20 southeast from Burlington. This summit is conspicuous from the whole valley of lake Champlain, and the prospect which it commands is hardly surpassed in extent and beauty. The summit is hardly accessible except from the north. It is usu

tlers brought their provisions with them, store, tavern, trip hammer shop, fulling and when their meat failed, they hunted mill, &c. The town meetings and the the moose. The first improvements were meetings of the Baptist society for religi made on the flats along the Lamoille, the ous worship are held here. The other vilwaters of which frequently swept away lage is one mile north of the Borough, and or spoiled in fall the products of summer. is called the Harbor. The old Spartan, The crops of pumpkins frequently floated David Safford, settled here with several away and landed safely on the shores of of his friends. The town is divided into Grand Isle. When their mill dams were 12 school districts. There are two grist swept away, the people ground their grain mills, with two run of stones each, six in mortars, which they called plumping saw mills, two clothier's works, two cardmills. They were made by burning a ing machines, one trip hammer shop, five large cavity in the top of a stump, and stores, three taverns and one tannery. suspending a large pestle to a spring pole. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 644; cattle, The town was organized March 29, 1785, 3,180; sheep, 8,370; swine, 1,228; wheat, and John Fasset was first town clerk.bu. 3,531; barley, 15; oats, 10,606; rye, David Safford was first representative 291; buckwheat, 89; Indian corn, 6,436; and John Safford taught the first school potatoes, 73,100; hay, tons, 5,329; sugar, in town. The religious denominations lbs. 64,111; wool, 19,091. Population, are Congregationalists, Baptists, Episco- 1,790. palians, and Methodists. The Rev. Elijah Woolage was settled over the Congregational church in 1805, and dismissed in 1806; the Rev. John Truaire, November 21, 1810, and dismissed in 1812. The Rev. Royal A. Avery was settled in 1824. Their meeting house was erected in 1805, in the village called the Borough. The first Elder of the Baptist church was Joseph Call who was succeeded by Elder Samuel Holmes, who died in 1813. The dysentery prevailed here in 1806, and was very mortal. In Cambridge, 21 died, and as many more along the river in its immediate vicinity. The river Lamoille enters this town on the east side one mile from the northeast corner, and after run-ally ascended by way of Duxbury, where ning a serpentine course of 12 miles, in which it receives north branch from the north, and Brewster's river and Seymour's brook from the south, passes the west line of the town, one mile from the southwest corner. These streams afford numerous mill privileges. The surface of the town is uneven, and, in some places rough. The land is, however, generally good, and on the river are about 5000 acres of valuable intervale. A branch of dead creek, which is a branch of Missisco river, CANAAN, a post town, lying in the rises in this town, and another branch of northeast corner of Essex county, and said creek issues from Metcalf pond in entirely at the northeastern extremity of Fletcher, and runs across the northwest the state. It is in lat. 44° 57' and long. corner of the town. The town is well 5° 22', and contains about 29 square miles. watered, and the timber of various kinds. It is bounded north by Hereford, Canada, There are three small villages. The vil-east by Connecticut river, and southwest lage called the Borough, is on the south by Lemington and Averill. It lies opposide of the river Lamoille, in the south-site Stewartstown, N. H. The northeast west corner of the town, on the post road, and contains a Congregational meeting house, 3 stores, 2 taverns, and mills and other machinery. The centre village is on the south side of the Lamoille near the centre of the town, west of Brewster's river, and contains a meeting house a

carriages can approach within about 3 miles of the summit. The remainder of the way can be passed on foot without difficulty, excepting about half a mile which is very steep and rugged. The rocks which compose the mountain are wholly of mica slate, and the Hump is nearly destitute of soil or vegetation, only a few mosses, stinted shrubs and alpine plants being met with. This mountain is often erroneously called Camel's Rump.

corner of the town is the most easterly land in Vermont, and lies in long. 5° 29' east, and 71° 33' west from Greenwich. This town was granted to William Williams, Jonathan and Arad Hunt, and others. February 26, 1782, it received a new charter, and October 23, 1801, the town

[blocks in formation]

of Norfolk was annexed to it. The first settlers were Silas Sargeant, John Hugh, and Hubbard Spencer, who removed their families into Canaan in 1785, and in 1791, there were 19 persons in town. Canaan being a frontier town, was subject to considerable disturbance during the last war with Great Britain, some account of which has already been given in part second, page 95. The religious denominations are Congregationalists, Freewill Baptists, and Methodists. This township is well watered by Leach's stream, Willard's brook, &c. which afford good mill privileges. The former is two rods wide at its junction with the Connecticut, Leeds pond from which it issues is partly in Canada. There is some fine intervale on the Connecticut, and much good land in other parts. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 119; cattle, 670; sheep, 1,706; swine, 459; wheat, bu. 692; barley, 483; oats, 3,320; buckwheat, 6,706; In. corn, 285; potatoes, 26,400; hay, tons, 1,451; sugar, lbs. 11,450; wool, 2,711. Population, 378. CARTHAGE. Name altered to Jay.See Jay.


ment of New Hampshire, and the council of safety, and the vexatious embarrassments consequent to the claims of jurisdiction by the state of New York. At the commencement of the war of American independence, he entered the army with a commission, and after sharing in its toils and honors, the return of peace brought him again to the bosom of his family. Possessing a vigorous constitution, he continued long to witness the rising greatness of his country, and to enjoy the benefits for which he had toiled. He died in May, 1840, aged 97 years. During the war for independence, the people of Castleton were often alarmed and once invaded by the British and Indians. On the 6th of July, 1777, Gen. Fraser sent a detachment under the command of Capt. Fraser, who attacked, by surprise, about 20 militia, who were posted near the present site of the village, under the command of Capt. Wells. Capt. Williams, a volunteer, of Guilford, Vermont, was killed, and Capt. Hall, of Castleton, mortally wounded, and his son, Lieut. Hall, and some others were taken prisoners, and carried to TiCASPIAN LAKE. See Greensborough. conderoga. Lieut. Hall, his brother and CASTLETON, a post town situated near a Mr. Kellogg, made their escape from the centre of Rutland county, being 10 the fort, re-crosssed the lake in a canoe miles west of Rutland, 13 east of White- by night, and after great privations, eluhall, N. Y., 65 north of Albany, and 60 ded their savage pursuers and returned to southwest of Montpelier. Lat. 43° 34', their homes. On the spot where Willong, 3° 56. Bounded south by Poultney, liams fell, was erected a fort, the ensuing east by Ira, north by Hubbardton, west by year, which was furnished with 2 pieces Fairhaven; containing 36 square miles. of cannon, and garrisoned under differThe charter was granted to Samuel Brown ent commanders until the return of peace. of Stockbridge, Mass., Sept 22, 1761. The graves of about 30 soldiers, whose Col. Amos Bird of Salisbury, Ct. became names have long been forgotten by their the principal proprietor, and, in company countrymen, are still visible near the site with Col. Noah Lee, made the first sur- of the fort. Castleton was organized in veys in June, 1766. The first dwelling March, 1777. Jesse Belknap was the first house was erected in August, 1769, of town clerk and justice of the peace. Zawhich Col. Lee and his servant were the dock Remington was the first representasole inhabitants the following winter. In tive. There are three organized religious 1770, Ephriam Buel, Eleazer Bartholo- societies, Congregationalists, Methodists, mew and Zadock Remington, with their and Roman Catholics. The Congregafamilies, settled in this town; and were tional church, which is the most numersoon followed by Cols. Bird and Lee. The ous, was organized in 1784. Rev. Matfirst inhabitants were chiefly emigrants thias Cazier was the first minister, and from Connecticut. The enterprise and was settled by the town, Sept. 5, 1789, worth of Cols. Bird and Lee entitle them and dismissed, Dec. 13, 1792. Rev. Elito a prominent place in the early history hu Smith was installed Jan. 17, 1804, and of Castleton; the former died in the midst dismissed Dec. 13, 1826. The present of active benevolent exertions for the in- pastor, Rev. Joseph Steele, was installed fant settlement, September 16, 1762. His Dec. 25, 1828. This church consists of solitary monument on the banks of Cas- 270 members. Their house of worship tleton river, and an isolated mountain in is large and commodious, and was built the southeast corner of the town, are me- in 1833. The Methodist society was morials of his name, still associated with more recently organized, but is also conthe remembrance of his worth. Col. Lee siderably numerous. Their meeting house, was vigilant and active amidst the hard- a neat and convenient edifice, was erectships and dangers which were encounter-ed in 1824,since which time they have been ed by the first settlers, under the govern- regularly supplied with local preachers;




The most mor-
flammatory fevers, were common but are
now comparatively rare.
canker rash,
tal diseases have been typhoid pneumonia,
malignant typhus and
which have been epidemic. The most
mortal epidemic was of typhoid pneumo-
nia, in 1813, of which 63 persons died,
who were chiefly adults. The climate
of Castleton is salubrious, with the excep-
tion of epidemics. The number of deaths
in 1841, was 21, being a fraction above
one per cent. of the population.

their present minister is Rev. Josiah | ed in propeling various kinds of machineBrown. Each religious society pos- ry. Being increased by many abundant sesses a parsonage, and each may be springs along its bed, its waters are very regarded as in a prosperous condition. pure and cool in summer, and seldom froThere is considerable variety in the soil zen in winter. The diseases most common are typhus fever, inflammation of the and surface of Castleton. The rocks are chiefly argillaceous, occasionally travers- lungs, croup, consumption, rheumatism, ed by veins of quartz, and occasionally and in the early settlement of the alternating with, or enclosing large mass-town, intermittent and remittent, and ines of the latter rock; small quantities of secondary lime stone are found in a few localities. Specimens of oxide of manganese are found in the vicinity of Bird's mountain, in the southeast part of the town. The rocks are disposed in elevated ridges in the eastern and northern sections, and are in some places abrupt and precipitous; but for most part covered with fertile arable soil. The south west part is a pine plain, in some places intersected by slate rock and ridges of Castleton village is pleasantly situated slate gravel. The larger streams are generally bordered by rich alluvial inter- on the southern bank of Castleton river, vales, which, in some instances, are broad on a level plain, elevated about 30 feet and extensive. The soil of the plains is above the stream. Main street extends sandy and light; on the hills it is slaty half a mile in length from east to west. gravel, loam and vegetable mould; these Seminary and Mechanic's streets extend soils are rendered much more productive south from Main street; West street by the use of plaster of Paris; that of the crosses Main nearly at right angles. The intervales is strong and productive, in number of dwelling houses is 75; populamany places however requiring drainage. tion 550. The dwellings are remarkable The cultivated crops are grass, Indian for a uniform neatness and convenience, corn, oats, rye, wheat, b'kwheat, potatoes, being a true index of the equality and &c. The agricultural interest is chiefly moderate competence of the inhabitants. vested in sheep, neat cattle, horses, and In the village are three houses of worship, swine. Lake Bombazine lies principally a town house, two buildings of the Casin Castleton, its northern extremity ex- tleton Medical College, and one of Castending a short distance into Hubbardton. tleton Seminary. The Congregational It lies in a basin of rocks, which, in some and Methodist churches, and college parts, is of great depth; it is 8 miles buildings are handsomely located on the long, and its greatest breadth is 24 miles; north side of Main street. The seminaan island containing about 10 acres is sit-ry edifice, which is 160 feet in length, uated near the centre of this lake; being provided with a grove and a cottage, it is a pleasant summer resort for parties of pleasure, and adds much to the beauty of the scenery. The outlet of the lake, at its southern extremity, has sufficient declivity and volume of water to propel a large amount of machinery. The machinery at present in operation at this place are one sash factory, one carding machine, one clothier's works, three saw mills, and one grist mill; here also is a mercantile store and a cluster of dwelling houses, called Mill village. Castleton river, which arises in Pittsford, traverses a part of Rutland, Ira, and Castleton from east to west, where it receives the waters of lake Bombazine. It afterwards unites with Poultney river in Fair Haven, and enters lake Champlain at East bay. This A history of this flourishing institution was exriver and its tributary brooks furnish considerable water power, which is improv-pected for our work, but it was not furnished.

40 feet in breadth, and four stories high,
is situated on a beautiful elevation at the
head of Seminary street. The Catholic
chapel stands on the south side of Main
In the village are 4 lawyers, 4
physicians, I printing office, 1 book store,
4 mercantile stores, 1 druggist's store, 3
public houses, one a temperance house,
1 grocery, 1 watchmaker, 2 tailors, 3
mantuamakers, 4 shoemakers, 1 hatter, 2
saddlers and harness makers, 2 carriage
makers, 4 blacksmiths, 2 cabinet and
chair makers, 4 joiners and builders, 1 oil
mill, 1 grist mill, I furnace and 1 tannery.
The Albany, Montreal, Boston and White-
hall mail routes intersect in Castleton, ma-
king 4 daily mails, and affording easy ac

*The annual number of deaths from 1804 to 1813,
inclusive, were as follows: 1804, 16; 1805, 15; 18,
24; 1812, 25; 1813, 77.
10; 1807, 20; 1808, 15; 1809, 20; 1810, 23; 1611,




ered of her child half a mile up this

"When trouble is near the Lord is kind,
He hears the Captives cry;
He can subdue the savage mind,
And learn it sympathy."

cess to the public institutions. The post | 30th, 1754, and Mrs. Johnson was delivoffice is at present a distributing office. There are in Castleton ten school districts and school houses; and usually are one or more select schools in the village; number of scholars belonging to the primary schools, 596. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 322; cattle, 1,638; sheep, 14,631; swine, 890; wheat, bu. 1,752; oats, 8,876; rye, 3,306; b'k wheat, 822; Ind. corn, 10,185; potatoes, 23,915; hay, tons, 4,479; sugar, ibs. 8,660: wool, 27,631. Population,


J. P.

CASTLETON RIVER originates in Pittsford, runs south into Rutland, thence west through Ira, Castleton and Fair Haven into Poultney river. In Castleton it receives the waters of lake Bombazine, and another considerable mill stream from the north. The road from Rutland to Whitehall, through Castleton village, passes along this river for a considerable part of the distance. Length of the stream

about 20 miles

CAVENDISH, a post town in Windsor county, is in lat. 43° 23' and long. 4° 25', and is 60 miles south from Montpelier, and 10 miles from Windsor. It is bounded north by Reading, east by Weathersfield, south by Chester, and west by Ludlow. This township was chartered by the governor of New Hampshire, October 12, 1761, and afterwards regranted by New York. It was originally about 7 miles square. In 1793, 3000 acres were set off from the southeast corner, and constituted a separate township by the name of Baltimore. On the morning of the 30th of Aug. 1754, the Indians surprised Charlestown, N. H., and made prisoners of Mr. Labaree, Mr. Farnsworth and Mr. Johnson with his family. The savages proceeded with their prisoners and booty into the wilderness, and encamped within the present limits of this town, where Mrs. Johnson was, that night, delivered of a daughter, which she called Captive. Mrs. Johnson was compelled to keep on her march over the Green Mountains, and to perform a journey of 200 miles. After a captivity of some time, in which they endured many privations and hardships, this little band of sufferers were ransomed and returned again to New Hampshire, to the enjoyment of their friends and society. Captive Johnson is now the wife of Col. George Kimball. Near the place where Mrs. Kimball was born, a monument is erected with an inscription, of which the following is a verbatim copy. "This is near the spot that the Indians encamped the night after they took Mr. Johnson and family, Mr. Labaree and Mr. Farnsworth, August

The settlement of this township was commenced in the north part by Capt. John Coffein, in June, 1769, at whose hospitable dwelling, thousands of our revolutionary soldiers received refreshments, while passing from Charlestown, then No. 4, to the military posts, on lake Champlain, nearly the whole distance being, at that time, a wilderness. On the farm, now the residence of James Smith, Esq., in the northwesterly part of the town, 20 miles from Charlestown, was another stopping place, called the "Twenty miles encampment," giving name to a small river near the head of which the encampment was situated. In 1771, Noadiah Russell and Thomas Gilment, and shared with him in his wants bert joined Capt. Coffein in the settleand privations. For several years they struggled hard for a scanty and precarious subsistence. The grinding of a single grist of corn was known to have cost 60 miles travel. Such was the situation of the roads and the scarcity of mills at this early period. Many interesting anecdotes are related of Capt. Coffein, which our limits will not permit us to insert. At one time, he owed his life to the sagacity of his faithful dog. He was returning from Otter creek, in March, 1771, while the country was perfectly new, and on account of the depth of the snow was compelled to travel on snow-shoes. While crossing one of the ponds in Plymouth, the ice broke, and he was suddenly plunged into the water. with a large pair of snow-shoes and a Encumbered great coat which he had on, he strove, but in vain, to extricate himself. struggled about half an hour, and, in despair, was about yielding himself to a watery grave, when, at this critical moment, his large and faithful dog beholding his situation came forward to the rescue of his master. He seized the cuff of his great coat, and, aided by the almost expiring efforts of Capt. Coffein, succeeded in dragging him from the watery chasm to a place of safety. Capt. Coffein lived to see the town all settled and organized, and to take an active part in its public concerns. He was the first representative, and represented the town for a number of years. The first settlers were mostly from Massachusetts. Josiah Fletcher was first town clerk. There is a Baptist and Congregational church, and some Methodists,




Universalists, &c. but no settled minister. [ been sent to Boston and New York

The epidemic of 1812 prevailed here, and about 40, mostly heads of families, were victims to it. The soil of this town is easy and generally fertile. Black river, which runs from west to east, and Twenty mile stream, which runs in a southerly direction and unites with it near White's mills, are the principal streams. Along these streams are some small tracts of fine intervale. The greatest curiosity in the town, and perhaps the greatest of the kind in the state, is at the falls on Black river, which are situated between Dutton's village and White's mills. "Here the channel of the river has been worn down 100 feet; and rocks of very large dimensions have been undermined and thrown down, one upon another. Holes are worn into the rocks, of various dimensions and forms. Some of them are cylindrical, from one to eight feet in diameter, and from one to fifteen feet in depth; others are of a spherical form from six to twenty feet diameter, worn almost perfectly smooth into the solid body of the rock." Hawk's mountain, which separates Baltimore from this town, derives its name from Col. Hawks, who, during the French and Indian wars, encamped thereon for the night with a small regular force, among whom was General (then Captain) John Stark. Some traces of their route are still to be seen. The stage road, from Weathersfield to Rutland, passes through this town along Black river. There are two villages, viz: Duttonsville, and Proctorsville. Duttonsville derives its name from Salmon Dutton, Esq. the first principal inhabitant, and has among other things a woollen factory, for the manufacture of broadcloths, built of stone, 100 feet by 50, and 5 stories high. It employs 75 hands, and makes daily about 140 yards. Proctorsville has a factory for making cassimeres, which employs 35 hands, and makes about 130 yards per day. The building is of brick, 75 by 42 feet, and 5 stories high. The post-office at Duttonsville bears the name of the town; that at Proctorsville the name of the village. One mile northwest from Proctorsville are extensive quarries of serpentine, near which, on Black river is a mill, 100 feet by 40, with 10 or 12 gangs of saws, and other machinery for polishing,are now in operation. The serpentine receives a high polish and is considered equal in beauty and superior in quality to the Egyptian marble, as it possesses the rare qualities of being unaffected by heat or acids. It makes the most excellent and elegant fire-jambs,and centre and pier tables, and quantities have

markets, and found a ready sale. There are in town 3 meeting houses, one free, one Baptist, and one Methodist house. The latter was built in Proctorsville in 1841. There are 8 saw, 2 grist and 2 fulling mills, 5 stores, 3 taverns, &c.— Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 265; cattle, 1,716; sheep, 7,124; swine, 591; wheat, bu. 1,101; barley, 57; oats, 7,996; rye, 1,798; buck wheat, 246; In. corn, 3,750; potatoes, 30,680; hay, tons, 3,620; sugar, lbs. 7,545; wool, 14,279. Population, 1,427.

CHAMPLAIN LAKE. A general account of this lake and of its name in the languages of the aborigines, has been given in part first, page 5. We had intended to insert in this place a long extract from the journal of Champlain in which he gives a minute account of his discovering and naming the lake in 1609, and of the battle in which he was engaged with the Indians, but our limits do not permit us to carry out our design. In his journal Champlain calls the outlet of lake Champlain the river des Iroquois, and writers who succeeded him not only continued to apply this name to the outlet of the lake but to the lake itself. Hence some have supposed that Iroquois was the name giv en to the lake by the Indians. But it seems most probable that the application of this name to the river and lake origina ted with the French. The great thoroughfare between the St. Lawrence and the powerful nations of the Iroquois on the Mohawk being through this river and lake, they designated them as the river and lake of the Iroquois, or the river and lake leading to the Iroquois. The name, Corlear which the Indians at a later pe riod often applied to this lake, was the name of a Dutchman, who was instrumental in saving a war party of Canada Indians from being destroyed by the Mohawks, at Schenectady, in 1665. In token of gratitude for this service the Indians afterwards applied the name Corlear to every thing excellent in New York, and, among others, to this lake. Lake Champlain commences at Whitehall, at the junction of Wood creek with East bay. A mile or two north of this it receives the waters of South bay, which projects to the southwest. From Whitehall to the south part of Orwell, the average width of the lake is about half a mile. At Sholes landing, about one mile south of Mount Independence, the lake is not more than 40 rods wide, and between Mount Independence and Ticonderoga, only 80 rods. The widest place, in the lake against Orwell, is about two miles,

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