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sidered a very good township of land, and lage it runs some distance nearly south contains much excellent white pine tim- and then turns to the west into Newber with several fine mill sites. Two saw Haven. There are three natural ponds mills and one shingle mill have been here; the largest called Bristol pond, is a erected, and, at Aldrich's mills on Clyde mile and a half long and three fourths of a river, are the rudiments of a village. mile wide. In the west part of the town Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 27; cattle, is a spring which is slightly medicinal, 118; sheep, 242; swine, 71; wheat, bu. and is sometimes visited. There is a bed 358; barley, 63; oats, 1,092; rye, 43; of iron ore in the part of the town next to buckwheat, 277; In. corn, 54; potatoes, Monkton, and there have been several 4,700; hay, tons, 246; sugar, lbs. 6,050; forges here, but two only are now in operawool, 348. Population, 157. tion, making annually about 100 tons of BRISTOL, a post town in the northeast-wrought iron. Most of the ore which is ern part of Addison county, in lat. 44° 7 used here, is brought from Monkton and and long. 3° 59, is bounded north by from a bed in Moriah, N. Y. west of lake Monkton and Starksboro' east by Lincoln Champlain. This town furnishes large and Starksboro' south by Middlebury and quantities of sawed lumber, which are sent Avery's Gore and west by New-Haven. to market. The village is near the centre It is 25 miles southwest from Montpelier, of the town, upon New-Haven river, imand the same distance southeast from mediately after it passes the Notch in the Burlington. It was chartered to Samuel mountain. It is very pleasantly located and Averill and his associates, by the name of has 70 dwelling houses and about 400 inPocock, June 26, 1762, and contains about habitants. The greater part of it is water26,000 acres. The name was altered to ed by an aqueduct nearly 400 rods in Bristol, October 21, 1789. The settle-length, laid in water lime. The village ment of this town was commenced im- contains 3 meeting houses,2 school houses, mediately after the revolutionary war, 6 stores, 2 taverns and the usual variety by Samuel Stewart and Eden Johnson. These were soon joined by Benjamin Griswold, Cyprian, Calvin and Jonathan Eastman, Justus Allen 'and others. The town was organized March 2, 1789; and Samuel Ranny was first town clerk, and Robert Holly first representative. There are three religious societies, the Baptist, the Methodist and the Congregational. Each of these societies has a good meeting house, that of the Baptist erected in 1819, of the Methodist in 1840, and of the Congregationalist in 1841. The first ordained minister was the Rev. Amos Stearns. The present ministers are, the Rev. Solomon Gale, Baptist, the Rev. B. O. Meeker,Methodist, and the Rev. Calvin Butler. The Congregational church was organized July 8, 1805. The epidemic of 1812, preyailed here, but was not very mortal. About one third of this town lies entirely west of the Green Mountains, and is very level, rich and productive. The remainder of the town is broken and a considerable part incapable of cultivation. A considerable mountain extends through the town from north to south. That part of it north of the Great Notch, through which New-Haven river passes, is called the Hog Back, and that on the south is called South mountain. A part of the latter was formerly much infested with rattle snakes. New-Haven river, enters this town from the southeast, and before it reaches the centre of the town, receives Baldwin creek from the north. After passing the Notch and Bristol vil

of mechanics' shops. It is 10 miles from Vergennes and 11 from Middlebury. The town contains 9 school districts, 2 grist and 11 saw mills, 1 fulling mill and carding machine, 2 forges, &c. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 213; cattle, 995; sheep, 3,973; swine, 596; wheat, bu. 1,524; oats, 7,540; rye, 1,087; buckwheat, 348; Ind. corn, 6,300; potatoes, 25,150; hay, tons, 2,252; sugar, lbs. 9,500; wool, 11,800. Population, 1,233.

BROAD BROOK, a small mill stream, which rises in the eastern part of Barnard, runs across the southeast corner of Royalton and falls into White river in Sharon.

BROMLEY. This name was altered to Peru, February 3, 1804. See Peru.

BROOKFIELD, a post town in the western part of Orange county, in lat. 44° 2' and long. 4° 25, is bounded north by Williamstown,east by Chelsea, south by Randolph and a part of Braintree, and west by Roxbury. It lies 16 miles south from Montpelier and 40 northwesterly from Windsor. This township was granted November 6, 1780, and chartered August 5, 1781, to Phinehas Lyman and his associates, and contains 36 square miles. The first settlement of this town was begun in 1779, by Shubal Cross and family. Mrs. Cross was the first woman who came into town, and on that account was presented, by the proprietors, with 100 acres of land. Mr. Howard's family came in about the same time and Caleb Martin, John Lyman, Jonathan Pierce, John and Noah Payne, and several others came in soon



tons, 1,412; sugar, lbs. 26,486; wool, 25,757. Population, 1,789.

after. The early settlers were principally from Conn. Capt. Cross built the first grist and saw mill. Timothy Cole was BROOKLINE, a small post town in the the first town clerk and Jonathan Pierce eastern part of Windham county, in lat. the first representative. The religious de- 43° I', is bounded north by Athens, east nominations are Congregationalists, Bap- by Westminster and Putney, south by tists, Freewill Baptists, Methodists and Putney and Dummerston, and west by Universalists. The Congregationalist Townshend and Newfane, being in part church was organized, July 11, 1787, and separated from the latter by West river. the Rev. Elijah Lyman ordained over it It is about eight miles in length and from April 8, 1789, and continued pastor till one and a half to two and a half miles in his death, which took place April 12, 1828. width. It was set off from Putney and Mr. Lyman was a native of Tolland, Athens and incorporated into a township, Conn. and graduated at Dartmouth col- October 30, 1794, and derives its name lege, in 1786. He was succeeded by the from Grassy brook which runs through present pastor, the Rev. Daniel Wild, the whole length of the town from north who is a native of West Fairlee, graduated to south, and empties into West river on at the University of Vt. in 1828, and was the southwestern boundary. Its area is ordained over this church, July 1, 1830. about 17 square miles. The town was This was for many years the only reli- organized in March, 1795, and John Watgious society in town, and the others are ers was first town clerk. It was first repstill comparatively small. There are four resented in 1823, by Benjamin Ormsbee. houses for public worship belonging to The first settlement was made in this the several religious denominations, that township by Cyrus Whitcomb, jr., David of the Congregationalists was erected in Ayres, Samuel Skinner, and Jonah Moore 1806. In 1789 there were 52 families in about the year 1777. The first settlers town. The number of deaths in town had many hardships to endure, but nothing from that time up to 1842, is 805. The more than is common in new settlements smallest number of deaths in one year generally. There are two religious sociwas one, the greatest 34, the average eties, a Baptist society, close communion, number 14. The years of most remarka- and a union or open communion society, ble mortality, were 1795, 1801, 1807, 1808, each having a good house of worship. 1811, 1813, and 1823. This township lies The former was organized in 1798 and nearly on the height of land between has had the following ministers; Rev. White and Winooski river, and parts of it Amos Beckwith, settled in 1802 and reare broken; but it is mostly fit for cultiva-mained but a short time, Rev. Isaac Welltion and is very productive, particularly in grass. It is well watered with springs and brooks, but has no very good mill privileges. The principal stream is the second branch of White river, which originates in Williamstown, in conjunction with Stevens' branch of Winooski river, and runs through the eastern part of this town into Randolph There are several considerable ponds, some of which afford streams, a considerable part of the year sufficient for mills and other machinery. Colt's pond near the north village is crossed by a floating bridge 25 rods long. Around and at the bottom of a small pond in the west part of the town is an inexhaustible quantity of marl, from which very good lime is manufactured. There are three good stage roads passing through the town leading from Montpelier to White river. There are 13 school districts, a female seminary, a town library consisting of about 600 volumes, 4 taverns, 3 stores, &c. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 546; cattle, 2,406; sheep, 12,693; swine, 1,641; wheat, bu. 6,127; barley, 176; oats, 26,251; rye, 321; buckwheat, 4,095; Ind. corn, 7,042; potatoes, 70,686; hay,

more, settled Nov. 2, 1808, continued 18 years, Rev. David Cutler, October 3, 1827, two years, Rev. Denzil M. Crome, May, 1837, one year, and Rev. John Baldwin, the present minister, settled in April, 1838. A deep valley runs through the whole length of the township from north to south, at the bottom of which runs Grassy Brook, which rises in Athens and falls into West river near the southwest corner of Brookline. Along the whole of the east line of the town, is a considerable elevation. West river forms for a short distance, the western boundary. During a violent freshet, some years since, a bed of kaolin, or porcelain clay was laid open in this town. The soil is better adapted to the production of grass than grain. There is a medicinal spring in the south part of the town, which is considered efficacious in cutaneous affections. The town has always been remarkably healthy. There are four school districts and school houses, one tavern, one saw mill and one grist mill, but the mill privileges are not very good. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 75; cattle, 679; sheep, 1,553; swine, 201; wheat, bu.



294; barley, 6; oats, 2,904; rye, 343; buck wheat, 196; Ind. corn, 2,815; potatoes, 9,929; hay, tons, 937; sugar, lbs. 3,530; wool, 2,331. Population, 328.


thaniel Wait. John Merrill removed here the succeeding autumn. In 1791 the population was 66, and so slow has been its advancement that it is only twice that number now. Brunswick is watered by the west branch of Nulbegan river, which runs through the northwest part of the town, and unites with the north branch in Bloomfield. Wheeler's stream rises in Wenlock, and passes through this town into Connecticut river. This stream affords several valuable mill privileges. It passes through a number of natural ponds. Paul's stream, receiving its waters from Granby, Ferdinand and Maidstone lake, passes through the south part of the town, and is a considerable mill stream. There are three natural ponds, one covering 80 acres, one 60, and one 25. The latter is only 4 or 5 rods from the bank of Con

BROWNINGTON, a post town in Orleans county, in lat. 44° 49' and long. 4° 51', is bounded northeasterly by Salem and Charleston, southeasterly by Westmore, southwesterly by Barton, and west by north by Orleans, and a small part of Irasburgh. It is 95 miles north from Windsor, 45 north by east from Montpelier, and 57 northeast from Burlington. It was granted February 26, 1782, and chartered, by the name of Brownington, October 2, 1790, to Timothy and Daniel Brown and their associates, and contains 19,845 acres. This was constituted a half shire town of Orleans county, when that county was incorporated. The seat of justice is now at Irasburgh. The settle-necticut river, and is elevated 80 feet ment of the township was commenced about the year 1800. The Orleans county grammar school was incorporated and located here in 1822. The building was completed and the school opened in the fall of 1823, under the charge of the Rev. James Woodward. For several years past it has been under the charge of the Rev. A. L. Twilight. The religious denominations are Congregationalists and Methodists. Willoughby's river, which passes through the south part of the town is the only permanent mill stream. Small streams are numerous, and there is a small pond on the line between this town and Salem. It has one grist mill, 2 saw mills, and 2 stores. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 135; cattle, 563; sheep, 1,844; swine, 304; wheat, bu. 1,549; barley, 318; oats, 4,181; buck wheat, 724; Ind. corn, 426; potatoes, 22,600; hay, tons, 1,391; sugar,lbs. 18,395; wool, 4,711. Population, 486.

BROWN'S RIVER originates among the Mansfield mountains, runs westerly through the south part of Underhill, and north part of Jericho into Essex, and thence northerly through Westford, and empties into Lamoille river in Fairfax. Its length is about 20 miles and it derives its name from a family by the name of Brown, which settled upon its banks in Jericho.

BRUNSWICK, a post town in Essex county, situated in lat. 44° 43' and long. 5° 18', containing 14,617 acres, or 23 square miles. It is bounded north by Minehead, east by Connecticut river, south by Maidstone and west by Wenlock. It lies opposite to Stratford, in N. H. and fifty-five miles northeast from Montpelier. This town was chartered, October 13, 1761. The first settlement was commenced in the spring of 1780, by Joseph and Na

above that stream. Between the pond and the almost perpendicular bank of the river is a spruce ridge 15 or 20 feet higher than the pond. The pond receives a small brook, but has no visible outlet. About half way down the bank of the river issues a considerable stream which probably, in part at least, proceeds from the pond; but while the waters of the pond are sweet and good, those of the spring are strongly impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen and other substances which render their taste and smell disa greeable, and impart to them medicinal properties. The spring is known by the name of the mineral spring, and the pond by that of mineral pond. Statistics of 1840.-Horses, 43; cattle, 219; sheep; 630; swine, 190; wheat, bu. 253; barley, 160; oats, 3,380; buck wheat, 575; Ind. corn, 435; potatoes, 8,200; hay, tons, 460; sugar, lbs. 3,370; wool, 1,385. Population, 130.

BUEL'S GORE, a tract of 4273 acres lying between Avery's Gore, in Chittenden county, and Starksborough. A part of it has been annexed to Huntington, the remaining part contained 18 inhabitants in 1840.

BURKE, a post town in the northeast part of Caledonia county, in lat. 44° 36' and long, 5o 2', is bounded northeast by Newark and East-Haven, southeast by Victory, south by Lyndon and Kirby, and west by Sutton. It is 40 miles northeast from Montpelier, and 37 north from Newbury. It was chartered, February 26, 1782, to Justus Rose, Uriah Seymour and others, and contains 23,040 acres. The settlement of this town was commenced about the year 1790 by Lemuel and Ira Walter, Seth Spencer and others from Connecticut and the south part of this



north from Middlebury, 22 southeast from Plattsburgh, 85 from Montreal, and 440 from Washington. Its charter is dated June 7, 1763, and the township originally contained 36 square miles, measuring 10 miles in a right line along the Winooski river and 6 miles from north to south on the eastern boundary. On the 27th of October, that part of the township east of Muddy brook, was annexed to Williston, leaving the present area of the township about 26 square miles. The first that was done in this town with a view to its settlement was in 1774. During the summer of 1775, some clearings were made on the intervale north of the village, and in the neighborhood of the falls, and two or three log huts erected. But the revolution commencing this year, the settlers in this and neighboring towns, either retreated to the south in the fall, or took shelter in the block house in Colchester" for the winter, and abondoned the country the succeeding spring. During the war no attempt was made to renew the settlement in these parts, but on the return of peace in 1783, many of those who had been compelled to leave the country, returned and others with them, and a permanent settlement was effected. The first man who brought his family into Burlington in the spring of 1783, was Mr. Stephen Lawrence. A number of other families came into Burlington the same season, among whom were Frederick Saxton, Simon Tubbs and John Collins, and from that time to the present the population has been constantly on the increase. The first town meeting on record, was March 19, 1787, and Samuel Lane was then chosen town clerk. The town was, however, probably organized a year or two before. There are in this town six

state. The town was organized Dec. 5, 1796, and Lemuel Walter was the first town clerk. It was first represented by Thomas Bartlet, in 1805. A saw and grist mill were erected here by Roman Fyler and his sons about the year 1800. The saw mill was destroyed by fire the next year, but was soon rebuilt. The religious denominations are Congregationalists, Baptists, Freewill Baptists, Methodists, and Universalists. Elder Peleg Hicks was settled for several years over the Baptist church, but since 1810 that and the other societies have depended upon itinerants, and temporary supplies. The epidemic of 1812 and '13 prevailed here, producing considerable mortality. The township is watered by Passumpsic river, which runs through it in a southwesterly direction and by several of its branches, which afford numerous mill privileges. It is separated from Victory by Burke mountain, which is about 3,500 feet high, and is seen from a great distance. The surface of the township is uneven and the timber mostly hard wood, interspersed with some evergreens. The soil is generally good. In 1817, Roman Fyler and others, established a manufactory of shaving boxes and brushes here, and for several years manufactured these articles to the amount of from $1000 to $2000, annually. In 1819 Mr. Fyler and sons commenced the preparation of oil stones, in this town. The stone was procured from a small island in Memphremagog lake, and was here prepared for use and then sent to market to the amount of three or four tons annually. It has been considered nearly, or quite equal to the Turkey oil stone and is generally known by the name of Magog oil stone. The town contains several grist and saw mills and stores.-Statistics of 1840. Hor-religious societies. The Congregational ses, 281; cattle, 1,609; sheep, 3,965; swine, 985; wheat, bu. 2,358; barley, 767; oats, 17,408; rye, 149; buck wheat, 1,438; Ind. corn, 2,891; potatoes, 49,620; hay, tons, 2,931; sugar. lbs. 42,050; wool, 7,475. Population, 997.

BURKE'S TONGUE. The southeast part of Burke bore this name; but, October 28, 1807, the Tongue was annexed to Hopkinsville, and the two incorporated into a township by the name of Kirby.

church was organized February 23, 1805, and was for several years the only religious society, but no minister was settled in town before the year 1810. The Rev. Chauncey Lee officiated here for some time, about the years1795 and 1796, and the Rev. Daniel C. Sanders, a considerable portion of the time, from 1798 to 1807. From 1807 to 1810, Dr. Samuel Williams, who was then having a second edition of his History of Vermont printed at BurBURLINGTON, a post town and seat of lington, preached here some part of the justice in Chittenden county, lies in lat. time. In 1810, the Congregational soci44° 27' and long. 3° 52', and is the most im-ety became divided into two, one of portant town in the state. The township which embraced the doctrine of the Trinis bounded north by Colchester, from ity, and the other rejected it. In April, which it is separated by Winooski river, of this year, each of these societies settled east by Williston, south by Shelburne, a minister. The Rev. Daniel Haskel and west by lake Champlain, being 35 was ordained over the Trinitarian or miles west by north from Montpelier, 30 *See part second, page 26.


Calvinistic society, April 10, and the Rev. Samuel Clark over the Unitarian society, April 19, 1810. In the beginning of 1822, Mr. Haskel was dismissed from his pastoral charge to accept the presidency of the University of Vermont, and on the 23d of August of this year the Rev. Willard Preston was installed over the Calvinistic church and society. In July, 1825, he resigned his charge to succeed Mr. Haskel as president of the University, and on the 3d of May, 1826, the Rev. Reuben Smith was installed over this church and society. Mr. Smith was succeeded by the Rev. J. K. Converse, the present minister, who was ordained Aug. 9, 1832. This society erected the first meeting house in town, which was dedicated in December, 1812. This house, which was of wood, was consumed by fire June 23, 1839, but another has arisen from its ashes, which was dedicated on the 14th of April, 1842.

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This fine building, which is of brick, was constructed from the designs and under the superintendence of Mr. Henry Searle, of Burlington, at an expense of about $20,000. Its dimensions are 92 by 61 feet. The front is a hexastyle Ionic portico, with columns from the temple on the Ilissus, surmounted by a square base, from which arises a cupola taken from the choragic monument of Lysicrates, fully wrought out, with the omission of the panels and tripods. The interior is in a rich and chaste style of finish, with panelled ceiling, Corinthian columns and pilasters, and a narrow gallery upon three sides resting upon columns from the Tower of the Winds. It is warme dby hot air furnaces, and the whole edifice is among


the most tasteful and commodious houses of worship in New England.

The Unitarian house of worship was erected in 1816. It is one of the largest meeting houses in the state, is built of brick with a lofty steeple, and, together with the organ, clock and bell, cost about $23,000. Mr. Clark, who was settled over this society in 1810, resigned his charge on the 18th of February, 1822, on account of ill health, and was succeeded by the Rev. George G. Ingersoll, the present pastor, who was ordained on the 30th of May, following. This society is large and wealthy. The Methodist society was organized as early as 1820, and in1832 they erected a neat brick chapel. They are supplied by local preachers, who are stationed for two years at a time. Rev. S. D. Brown is their present minister. The Baptist church was organized in 1834, the Baptists here previously belonging to the church in Williston. This church and society have a small chapel in the eastern part of the village, and are under the pastoral care of Rev. Hiram Safford. They are about erecting a new and elegant house of worship, in a central part of the village. The Episcopal church was organized in April 1831, by the name of St. Paul's Church. In the summer of this year the Rev. George T. Chapman, D. D. was employed by this society, and in the fall they commenced the erection of a church which was completed and consecrated the next year. This building, which is of stone, is of the Gothic order of architecture, and the interior is neatly finished. Including its excellent organ and bell, it cost about $9,000. Dr. Chapman resigned the rectorship in Sept. 1832, and in November following, was succeeded by the Rt. Rev. John H. Hopkins, bishop of the Diocese, who is the present rector. Confirmations in this church since 1832, 206-present communicants, 131. For an account of the Roman Catholic church in this town, the reader is referred to part second, page 202. The greater part of the surface of this township is considerably elevated above the lake, but the soil in general is not of the best quality. The variety of soil is, however, very considerable. Below the lower falls on Winooski river, is an extensive tract of intervale, which is not surpassed in beauty and fertility by any in the country. The up-land in the northeastern part was originally timbered with pine, and the soil is sandy and light. In the southern part the timber is mostly hard wood, and the soil clay and loam. The soil of the declivity, occupied by the village, is compact and firm, and very suita

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