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During these proceedings, new difficul- | Fortunately, about this time, Governor

ties ern





den from

Opening to Vermont in her eastwestern unions. A communicareceived by Governor Chittenof the sheriffs in the eastern

Chittenden received a reply to his communication of the 14th of November, from General Washington, which was obviously dictated by his paternal solicitude

un, forming him that the government for the good of his country, and for a hap

of New


Hampshire, were about taking co-py termination of the troubles in relation measures to bring those citizens of to Vermont. This letter is dated January that state, who had joined Vermont, again 1st, 1782, and from it we extract the folunder their laws and authority. The gov-lowing paragraph:


ernor, on the 14th of December, directed "It is not my business, nor do I think General Paine, then lieutenant governor of the state, to call out the militia on the east side of the mountains, for the assistance of the sheriff's and the defence of the citizens; and, if armed force should be employed by New Hampshire, that he should repel it by the same. Mr. Paine forwarded a copy of this order to the council of New Hampshire, and informed them, that, if hostilities were commenced, he should execute his orders, and that New Hampshire must be accountable for the consequences. With these communications, commissioners were also sent to New Hampshire, to endeavor to accommodate matters, and prevent the effusion of blood.

it necessary, now to discuss the origin of the right of a number of inhabitants, to that tract of country, formerly distinguished by the name of the New Hampshire grants, and now by that of Vermont. I will take it for granted that their right was good, because Congress, by their resolve of the 7th of August, imply it; and by that of the 20th are willing fully to confirm it, provided the new state is confined to certain described bounds. It appears therefore to me, that the dispute of boundary, is the only one that exists; and, that being removed, all other difficulties would be removed also, and the matter terminate to the satisfaction of all parties. You have nothing to do, but to withdraw your jurisdiction to the confines of your own limits, and obtain an acknowledg. ment of independence and sovereignty under the resolve of the 20th of August, for so much territory as does not interfere with the ancient established bounds of New Hampshire, New York and Massachusetts. In my private opinion, while it behooves the delegates to do ample justice to a people, sufficiently respectable by their numbers, and entitled, by other claims, to be admitted into the confedera tion, it becomes them also, to attend to the interests of their constituents, and see, that under the appearance of justice to one, they do not materially injure the others. I am apt to think this is the prevailing opinion of Congress."*

On the other hand, the military force was called out in New York, to prevent Vermont from executing her laws over the inhabitants of her western union, and to aid the sheriff of New York in apprehending several persons in the territory who had rendered themselves particularly obnoxious to the government of that state. This force was commanded by General Gansevoort, who, being informed that Colonel Walbridge was advancing with a large body of troops from the Grants, wrote to him on the 18th of December, to be informed of the object of his movement. Walbridge replied that it was to protect the inhabitants, who, in consequence of the union, professed allegiance to the state of Vermont; that he wished conciliatory measures might be adopted, but, Being endeared to all the friends of libif those persons who professed to be citi-erty by his integrity and virtue, and by zens of Vermont should be imprisoned his disinterested exertions and sacrifices and their property destroyed, he would for the good of his country, such a comnot be accountable for the consequences. munication from General Washington Affairs seemed now to have reached an might reasonably be expected to exert a alarming crisis, and all parties trembled powerful influence upon the minds of the at the prospect of a civil war. Happy leading men in Vermont, and the event was it that hostilities were not commenc- showed that it did. At the next meeting ed before the parties had taken time to of the legislature, which was held at Benreflect upon the consequences of such a nington, this letter was laid before them. measure; for when they looked at the It served to open their eyes to the former momentous struggle in which their coun-errors of government, and, knowing it to try was engaged, every philanthropist have come from a man, who had only the was fully convinced that no differences interests of his whole country at heart, his between the states should, on any ac- advice was received with the greatest count, be permitted to endanger the cause of American liberty and independence. PT. II.


Williams' History, vol. II, page 225.



deference, and, after mature deliberation in Congress. These resolutions declared upon the subject, the assembly on the 22d of February, 1782, resolved to comply with the preliminary required by the resolution of Congress of the 20th of August, and relinquish all claims to jurisdiction beyond the bounds therein mentioned.*

that, if Vermont did not, within one month from the time these resolutions were communicated to Governor Chittenden, comply with the resolution of the 20th of August, and relinquish her juris diction beyond the bounds therein named, such neglect and refusal would be regardas an indication of hostility to the United States.

Thus was dissolved a union which had greatly increased the power and conse-ed quence of Vermont, and which, it was believed, had prevented the division of Vermont between New Hampshire and New York. But this union was not dissolved without a struggle and much dissatisfaction in those parts which were cut off from Vermont, by the prescribed boundaries. The inhabitants of those parts had eagerly sought the union with Vermont, and they were too well satisfied with it, willingly to return to their allegiance to those states from which they had withdrawn.

In that case Congress would regard the pretensions of Vermont for admission into the union as fallacious and delusive, and would, thereafter, consider the lands in Vermont to the eastward of the ridge of the Green Mountains, as granted to New Hampshire, and the lands to the westward of said line as granted to New York; and that the commander in chief of the American armies be directed to employ the military forces of the United States to carry these resolutions into full execution. After a long debate and sev

not be obtained to pass these resolutions, and a few days after, as the excitement was beginning to subside, the agents from Vermont arrived at Philadelphia

These agents were Jonas Fay, Moses Robinson, Paul Spooner, and Isaac Tichenor, and they were instructed "to negotiate and complete, on the part of Vermont, the admission thereof into the fed

Vermont, having complied with the requirements of Congress, now confident-eral trials, it was found that a vote could ly expected an immediate recognition of her independence, and an admission into the federal union; and with it a termination of the disagreeable controversy with New York. The legislature therefore proceeded to choose four agents to arrange the terms of admission, and then take their seats in Congress as representatives of Vermont. But, in their expectations, the people of Vermont were again doom-eral union, and to subscribe articles of ed to disappointment; a disappointment, the pain and mortification of which could only be exceeded by the impolicy and injustice of the neglect which occasioned it. Congress still refused to admit Vermont into the union, and again reverted to her policy of evasion and delay.


Proceedings of Congress-Disturbances in Vermont from the Dissolutions of the unions in Vermont, Feb. 22d, 1782, to the Treaty of Peace between the United States and Great Britain, January 20th, 1783.

perpetual confederation thereunto." On the 31st of March, 1762, they officially laid before Congress the proceedings of the legislature of Vermont on the 22d of February, by which they had fully complied with the requirement of the resolu tion of the 20th of August. Congress now again took up the subject and referred it to a committee of five members, who, on the 17th of April, reported,* 'That in the opinion of the committee, Vermont had fully complied with the resolution of the 20th of August as preliminary to the recognition of her sovereignty and independence, and admission into the federal union; and that he conditional promise of such recognition and admission by Congress, is thereby become absolute and necessary to be performed.'

The committee then proposed a resolu tion declaring "That the district, or teritted in the resolution of Congress of ritory called Vermont, as defined and lim

The refusal of Vermont on the 18th of October, 1781, to comply with the resolution of the 20th of August, had been communicated to Congress, and while the assembly of Vermont, in February; 1782, was reconsidering the subject and effecting a compliance with said resolu- the 20th of August, 1781, be, and it tion, Congress was engaged in warm de- hereby is, recognised and acknowledged, bate upon their preceding refusal. On by the name of the state of Vermont, as the first day of March, several spirited that a committee be appointed to treat free, sovereign and independent; and resolutions were proposed and discussed

Williams' H. Vol. II. p. 227, Slade's S. P. p.168.170.

For this Report, see Slade's State Papers, page



and from of the


federal read,


with the agents and delegates | the 14th of April, 1782, the Legislature of state, upon the terms and mode New York passed several acts in relation

admission of said state into the to this district.* By the first of these acts Union." When this report was full pardon and immunity was granted Consideration be assigned to the crimes and offences with which they stood


that its


were successively made to the inhabitants of the district, for all

day in June, and to Monday next, all of

which were decided in the negative.

son in adhering to the king of Great

Britain, and for murder. This was followed by another act confirming-first, all the grants made by New Hampshire within the district, which were prior to the grants of the same lands by New York; secondly, all the grants made by New York, of lands not previously granted by New Hampshire, and such as were made in confirmation of New Hampshire grants; thirdly, all Vermont grants of lands not previously granted, and lastly, the possessions of individuals not included in any of the above-mentioned grants, to the amount of 500 acres each, and no more; all these confirmations to be made without requiring any fee to the government.

By these votes it became evident that Congress did not intend to come to any decision upon the affairs of Vermont, and the agents of Vermont, disappointed at the result, addressed a letter to the president of Congress on the 19th of April, and immediately left Philadelphia.* In this communication they say, that in consequence of the plighted faith of Congress, and the advice of gentlemen of the first character in America, Vermont had been induced to comply, in the most ample manner, with the resolution of the 20th of August, and that they had officially communicated said compliance to Congress. They expressed their disappointment at the delay of Congress to execute, on their part, the spirit of said resolution, and pointed out the critical situation, to which Vermont was reduced by casting off a considerable portion of her strength,-by being exposed to the main force of the enemy in Canada, and by receiving no aid from the United States, in whose cause she had freely fought and suffered.

But the people of Vermont had now gone too far, and had established their government upon too firm a basis to be shaken from their purpose of independence by any, however specious, devices of New York. They even appeared to have adopted a fixed determination to listen to no propositions from any quarter by which their separate existence as a state should be endangered; and as the acts above-mentioned were not to take effect until Vermont, renounced her assumed powers of government, and the people returned to their allegiance to New York, they seem to have been treated by Vermont with very little attention.

When these proceedings of Congress became known in Vermont they produced universal dissatisfaction. It was the general opinion that the resolution of the 20th of August, had been designed to dupe the assembly to a compliance, for the purpose of weakening Vermont and rendering it less dangerous to contravene her designs and wishes. Faith in the virtue and integrity of congress was nearly destroyed; and by these measures of that body, the people, and the assembly of Vermont, were determined to adhere to the boundaries, to which they had agreed, and rely upon their own strength, resources, and management for defence and safety, and urge no further upon Congress their right to a confederation with the United States. Still, that it might appear to the world that Vermont was not in fault, the assembly, at their session in October, again appointed agents with full powers to complete arrangements for her admission into the union.

During these transactions, New York resolved to see what could be effected by adopting a more lenient policy towards the people of Vermont. Accordingly on

This letter may be seen in Slade's State Papers,

page 172.

Notwithstanding the unsettled and embarrassing state of her relations to Congress and the neighboring states, the internal tranquillity of Vermont had been, for some time, but little disturbed. Her political institutions had been gradually maturing, and the organization of her government had assumed a regularity and efficiency which commanded the obedience and respect of the great body of the citizens. New York had not relinquished her claim to jurisdiction over the territory, but she had not, of late, made any serious effort to exercise it; and had contented herself with opposing the admission of Vermont into the union, and by endeavoring, in the manner we have just related, to bring over the people to her own interest. But while a vast majority of the people of Vermont yielded a willing obedience to her authority, and were ready to make almost any sacrifice to sus

*For these Acts, see Slade's Vt. State Papers,

page, 173.



August, 1781, their proceedings were full of censure and threatening against Vermont, for having exercised authority over persons, who professed allegiance to the state of New York, in violation of the

tain her independence and government, made by the resolution of the 20th of there were some among her citizens whose submission was reluctant, and who were ready to embrace any favorable opportunity to renounce their allegiance and support the claims of New York. As the continental troops had been with-resolutions of Congress,* passed on the drawn from the northern frontier, and 24th of September, 1779, and on the 2d as Vermont was exposed to invasion by of June, 1780. Among other things they the enemy from Canada, she found it ne- resolved, that Vermont be required to cessary to order a draft of militia for the make full restitution to the persons conpurpose of defence. Those citizens of demned to banishment or confiscation of Vermont, who were disaffected toward property, and that they be not molested the government, resolved to take this op- on their return to said district. They portunity to resist its authority. They close by resolving, "that the United States were encouraged in this measure by the will take effectual measures to enforce a governor of New York, who gave com- compliance with the aforesaid resolutions, missions to sundry persons in the south-in case the same shall be disobeyed by eastern part of the county of Windham, the people of the said district." and had recommended the organization of a military force for the purpose of opposing Vermont, and enforcing the laws of New York. Vermont became alarmed at these proceedings, and, having employed lenient measures in vain, ordered out the militia to suppress them. The leaders in the rebellion were taken, five of the most obnoxious of whom were banished from the state, and others fined or otherwise punished.

Disappointed in their attempts to resist the authority of Vermont, the insurgents applied to the government of New York, under which they pretended to have acted, for support and remuneration for their sacrifices and losses in consequence of their rebellion. But the desired support New York was not able to afford. Vermont feared not her power, and therefore her promises and her threatenings were alike disregarded. A remonstrance was then forwarded to Congress setting forth that Vermont had proceeded to exercise jurisdiction over the persons and property of sundry persons, who professed themselves to be subject to the state of New York. This remonstrance was seconded by a letter from the governor of New York, and on the 14th day of November, 1782, the committee in Congress to whom the subject was referred, reported "That the measures complained of were probably occasioned by the state of New York having given commissions both civil and military to persons residing in Vermont." They also recommended, that said commissions be revoked, and that Vermont should make satisfaction to the persons, who had been banished, or who had sustained damages. But Congress refused to adopt the resolution recommended.

On the 5th of December, Congress again took up the matter, but instead of fulfilling their engagement to Vermont

The faith of the people of Vermont in the wisdom and integrity of Congress, weakened by several of their former acts, was by the foregoing nearly destroyed, and with it the reverence and respect of the people for that body. The governor and council of Vermont, on the 9th day of January, 1783, returned a spirited remonstrance t to the above resolutions, in which Congress was reminded of their solemn engagement to the state of Vermont, in the resolution of the 20th of August, and which, after the fullest compliance on the part of said state with the requirement of Congress, Congress had refused or neglected to fulfil. Congress were told, that, by their own articles of confederation, they had no right to intermeddle with the internal policy of any of the United States; and least of all with that of Vermont, from which she had received no delegated authority whatever. It asserted that Vermont had as much authority to prescribe measures to Congress, as Congress had to revoke the legal decisions of Vermont in the case of the criminals already mentioned.

The remonstrance went on to assert that Vermont had had an independent jurisdiction since the royal decision in 1764, and they did not intend to be resolved out of it by the influence, which their old adversary, New York, possessed in Congress;-that Vermont had no controversy with the United States, as a whole; but that she was at all times, ready and able, to vindicate her rights and liberties against the usurpations of New York. It declares that Congress has been so mutable in their resolutions respecting Vermont, that

These Resolutions may be found in Slade's State Papers, page 177.

This able document, which is alike distinguished for force of reasoning, and severity of rebuke, may be found in Slade's State Papers, page 178-185.


it is impossible to know on what grounds to find them. At one time they guarantee a part of her lands to New Hampshire and New York, still leaving a place for the existence of Vermont though much diminished in extent. At another time they are controlling the internal government of Vermont. And again, at another time prescribing terms of confederation, with the United States, and when these are complied with on the part of Vermont, Congress will not ratify the union. After giving a full reply to all the topics contained in the resolutions of Congress, the remonstrance concludes with a request to be immediately admitted into the union, and with an assurance that she will not recede from her compliance with the resolution of the 20th of August, 1780.

The assembly met at Windsor, on the 13th of February, 1783, and on the 26th, a remonstrance, like the preceding, spirited and decisive, was forwarded by that body to Congress. It announced in the plainest terms that Congress had no business to intermeddle in the internal affairs of Vermont, and that Vermont was fully determined to maintain her independence and jurisdiction within her own limits. She, therefore continued, unawed by the threatenings of Congress, to enforce the decisions of her courts of justice, and in the administration of the affairs of government, and Congress, as it appears, did not judge it prudent to attempt, by force, to carry into effect her resolutions of the 5th of December, 1783.


Disturbances in Vermont growing out of the controversy with New York, and the general embarrassments occasioned by the Revolution.


itants of this town were friendly to New York and were therefore denominated. "Yorkers;" and at their town meetings it was usually a part of their business to appoint "a committee to defend the town against the pretended state of Vermont." In several of the neighboring towns, particularly in Brattleborough, the disaffected towards the government of Vermont were considerably numerous, and there was in these towns an organized opposition to the government of the state, and conventions of delegates from them occasionally assembled for the purpose of adopting an uniform plan of resistance throughout the whole. The measures of the government, most vigorously opposed, were the collection of taxes and the drafting of men for the defence of the state; and it was a customary part of their business at their town meetings in Guilford, while the Yorkers were a majority, to appoint a special "committee to forbid the constable acting." And to secure a majority at their town meetings, the new state people were frequently excluded from the polls by an armed force, collected from the neighboring towns.

It appears that in Guilford and some of the other towns, the two parties had each a town organization of their own, and that, in some cases, there were two sets of town officers, one professing allegiance to Vermont, and the other to New York. Between these, and their partizans on each side, there were frequent skirmishes, some of which were not terminated without the shedding of blood. During the years 1783 and 1784, the enmity of the parties was carried to an alarming extent. Social order was at an end; physicians were not allowed to visit the sick without a pass from the several committees. Handbills from various quarters inflamed the minds of the people. Relatives and neighbors were arrayed against each other. The The disturbances in the county of Wind-laws of Vermont were disregarded by the ham, to which we alluded in the preceding section, perhaps deserve a more particular notice than was there given. At the first In this state of things, in the summer organization of the government of Ver- of 1783, General Ethan Allen was directmont in 1778, there were many people in ed to call out the militia for enforcing the the southeastern part of the state, who laws of Vermont, and for suppressing inwere in favor of New York, and of course surrection and disturbances in the county opposed to the independence of Vermont. of Windham. Allen proceeded from BenThese persons embraced every opportunington at the head of 100 Green Mounnity to embarrass the newly organized tain Boys, and on his arrival at Guilford, government, and at several times resisted the authority of Vermont by force. The centre of this opposition seems to have been at Guilford, at that time the most populous town in the state, numbering nearly 3000 souls. During most of the revolutionary war a majority of the inhab

partisans of New York, and her executive officers were openly resisted.

he issued the following proclamation, concluding it with an oath: "I, Ethan Allen, declare that unless the people of Guilford peaceably submit to the authority of Vermont, the town shall be made as desolate as were the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.” The Yorkers having fired upon Allen and

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