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sembled at Skenesborough. On the sixth of August, six hundred men arrived from New Hampshire, and re-enforcements were daily arriving from other quarters. The army was also all the time improving in health and discipline, and was active and vigorous in preparations for defence.

The American army in Canada was so much inferior to the British, that nothing remained for them but to make the best retreat in their power. On the 14th of June, they abandoned their post at Sorel, which a few hours afterwards was in possession of the British army. Gen. Burgoyne was immediately detached with one column in As it was of the greatest importance to pursuit of the Americans, but with orders the Americans to preserve the command not to hazard an engagement until he of the lake, by constructing upon it a nashould receive a re-enforcement. On the val force superior to that of the British, 15th of June, Arnold withdrew with his they engaged with their usual activity in troops from Montreal and marched to accomplishing this object. But in the Chamblee, where the American forces prosecution of it they had innumerable were assembled, and were engaged with difficulties to encounter. Their timber much spirit and resolution in dragging was to be cut in the woods and dragged their artillery and stores up the rapids. by hand to the place where it was wanted This service was attended with much for use; the materials for naval equipdifficulty and danger; but they succeed-ments were to be brought from a great ed in drawing up more than one hundred distance over roads almost impassable; batteaux, heavily laden, and having set and the ship-carpenters were so well emfire to the mills and the shipping which ployed in the sea ports that it was with they could not bring off, they left the vil-extreme difficulty that any could be prolage of Chamblee at the very time the British were entering it on the other side. On the 18th of June, Gen. Burgoyne reached St. Johns in the evening, but the Americans had taken away every thing of value and set fire to the fort and barracks. Major Bigelow, with about 40 men remained at St. Johns till the works were all destroyed, and left that place the same evening that Burgoyne arrived there, and joined the American army which had halted at the Isle-aux-Noix.

The British were unable to get any of their vessels over the rapids at Chamblee, and were, consequently, unable to continue the pursuit of the American army, which now proceeded in safety to Crown Point. This retreat was conducted by Sullivan, with such consummate skill and prudence, as to retrive his character from the imputations brought upon it by the rash and unsuccessful expedition against Three Rivers, and to merit the thanks of Congress, and of the whole army.

On the 12th of July, Gen. Sullivan was succeeded by Gen. Gates, in the command of the northern army. The first business of Gates was to restore to health and soundness the sick and wounded, and to increase his force by new recruits. He assembled a council of war, by which it was resolved to abandon Crown Point, and concentrate all their strength and make a vigorous stand at Ticonderoga, and on Mount Independence, which is situated on the opposite side of the lake. A general hospital was established at fort George, to which those who were sick with the small pox, were sent forward, and to avoid this contagious and loathsome disease, the new recruits were as

cured. Yet, notwithstanding these obstacles, by perseverance and industry, they had, on the 18th of August, completed and equipped three schooners and five gondolas, carrying in the whole 55 cannon, consisting of twelve, nine, six and four pounders, and seventy swivels. This armament was, manned by three hundred and ninety-five men, and was completely fitted for action.

In the mean time the British were employed in preparing a fleet at St. Johns. Six armed vessels had been built in England and sent over for the express purpose of being employed on lake Champlain ; but it was found impossible to get them over the falls at Chamblee without taking them in pieces, transporting them in that form, and then put them together again above the rapids. They succeeded in dragging up a large number of boats entire, and having re-built their vessels, they were ready by the first of October, to enter the lake with their fleet. This fleet consisted of the Inflexible, carrying eighteen twelve pounders, the Maria, of fourteen six pounders, the Carleton, of twelve six pounders, the Thunderer, a flat bottomed radeau, or raft, with six twenty pounders, six twelves and two howitzers, some gondolas, carrying seven nine pounders, twenty gun boats, carrying each one brass field piece from nine to twenty four pounders, and some with howitzers, and four long boats, with each a carriage gun, serving as tenders. These, amounting to thirty-one in number, were all designed and prepared for attack and battle; and were to be followed by a sufficient number of vessels and boats for the transportation of the royal army, with


its stores, artillery, baggage and provisions.


served, and to be entirely out of sight of the British the next morning. As soon as it was discovered that the Americans had fled, the British, anxious to obtain a decisive victory, commenced a pursuit, and during the day an American gondola was overtaken and captured. On the 13th of October, the wind being favorable to the British, they renewed the chase, and about noon overtook the American fleet a few leagues from Crown Point. A warm engagement ensued, which was supported with great resolution and gal

This fleet was navigated by seven hundred experienced seamen, commanded by Captain Pringle, and the guns were served by a detachment of men and officers from the corps of artillery, and far exceeded any thing the Americans were able to provide. On the 11th of October, the British fleet and army proceeded up the lake. The American armament, which amounted to 15 vessels of different sizes, was put under the command of General Arnold, who had taken a very advan-lantry on both sides for nearly four hours. tageous position between Valcour island The Washington galley, commanded by and the western main. There they form- Gen. Waterbury, had been so shattered ed a strong line of defence, and hoped to in the action of the 11th, as to be useless be able to check the progress of the ene-in this engagement, and was surrendered after receiving a few broadsides.


The British were sensible of their superior strength, and moved forward boldly to attack the Americans. A severe engagement ensued, which was maintained for several hours with much spirit and resolution. The wind being unfavorable, the British were unable to bring the Inflexible and some of their other vessels into action, which was principally sustained by the Carleton and the gun boats; and as the wind continued adverse, the British, notwithstanding the result had thus far been in their favor, judged it prudent to withdraw from the engage. ment; but as night approached, they again advanced and anchored in a line as near the Americans as possible, to prevent their escape.

This engagement was sustained on both sides with a courage and firmness which are seldom witnessed. Among the Americans, Gen. Waterbury, of the Washington galley, was in the severest part of the action. Excepting one lieutenant and a captain of marines, his officers were all either killed or wounded. He himself fought on the quarter deck during the whole action, and at the close brought off his vessel though shattered and almost torn in pieces. The result of this action was favorable to the British, but less so than they had anticipated, knowing their own force to be double that of the Americans. They had one of their gondolas sunk, and one blown up with 60 men. The Americans had one of their schooners burnt, a gondola sunk, and several of their vessels much injured.

Arnold was now convinced that he could not withstand the superior force of the enemy, and under cover of the night, which was dark and foggy, resolved to attempt a retreat to Ticonderoga. In this measure he so far succeeded as to pass directly through the enemy's line unob

Arnold was on board the Congress galley, which vessel was attacked by the Inflexible and two shooners, all within musket shot. After sustaining this unequal combat for nearly four hours, Arnold became satisfied that no exertion of courage or skill, could enable him much longer to withstand the superior force of the enemy. He was, however, determined that neither his vessels nor his men should become the trophies of their victory. Having by his obstinate resistance given several of his vessels an opportunity to escape to Ticonderoga, he now run the Congress galley and five other vessels on shore, in such manner as to land his men in safety and blow up the vessels in defiance of every effort which the British could make to prevent it. This action took place at no great distance from the mouth of Otter Creek, and the remains of Arnold's vessels were to be seen there upon the beach for many years.

The British, under Gen. Carlton, having now recovered the command of lake Champlain, it was supposed they would next attempt the reduction of Ticonderoga; and, had Carleton moved forward immediately, it was supposed that he might have possessed himself of that important fortress without much difficulty, as it was illy prepared for defence. But the wind blowing from the south, Carleton landed his army at Crown Point, the Americans having a few days before dismantled the fort and destroyed what they could not carry away, and joined the main army at Ticonderoga. The Americans applied themselves with vigor in strengthening their entrenchments at Ticonderoga, and by the daily arrival of reenforcements, and the recovery of the sick and wounded, Gates soon found himself at the head of 12,000 effective men. In this situation he was not unwilling



that Carleton should make an an attempt | New York. Here he was joined by four

to get possession of the place. But that or five hundred Indians, who were to asjudicious commander did not see fit to sist in the expedition. After making for hazard an assault; and, after spending the Indians a war feast according to their about a month in reconnoitering the custom, Burgoyne addressed a speech to American works, he re-embarked his ar- the chiefs and warriors, calculated to exmy at Crown Point, and returned to Can- cite their savage ardor in the British ada, and thus terminated the military en-cause, and to give such directions to their terprises on lake Champlain for the year 1776.


fierceness and cruelty as should best subserve his designs against the Americans.*

General Schuyler, being supposed most fully to possess the confidence of the inhabitants of this part of the country, had been appointed to the command of the northern department of the American ar

Events of 1777. Advance of Gen. Burgoyne-Ticonderoga abandoned by the my, but he arrived at Ticonderoga only Americans-Battle at Hubbardton-Re- with the Indians at the river Boquet. On four days previous to Burgoyne's council treat from fort Edward-Battle at Ben-inspecting the works, Schuyler found nington-At Stillwater--Surrender of Burgoyne.

them in many parts unfinished, and the whole in a very bad condition. He likewise found that very few of the recruits which had been ordered to that post, had

borhood could not be safely called in, lest the provisions of the garrison should be exhausted before the arrival of supplies. Leaving the command of this post to Gen. St. Clair, Schuyler returned to fort Edward, for the purpose of hastening forward re-enforcements and provisions.

Before the opening of the campaign of 1777, Sir Guy Carleton was superseded in the command of the British forces, de-arrived, and that the militia of the neighsigned to enter the United States from Canada, by Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne, who was a great favorite of the ministry, and an officer of some reputation. He was, however, unacquainted with the American character and service, and was by no means so well fitted to plan and execute the operations in this quarter as the General whom he supplanted. The regular force allotted to Burgoyne amounted to 7,173 men, exclusive of the corps of artillery. Of these, 3,217 were Germans and the remainder British troops. This force was expected to be increased on its arrival in America by a large number of Canadians and Indians, for whom arms and accoutrements were forwarded from England. Burgoyne was also provided with an excellent train of brass artillery, and was assisted in the command by Generals Philips, Fraser, Powel, Hamilton, Riedesel and Specht, all of them able and experienced officers.


Gen. Burgoyne arrived at Quebec on the 6th of May, and took the command of the army designed for the expedition. On the 12th, he proceeded to Montreal, using every possible exertion to collect and forward the troops and stores to Lake Champlain. Between the 17th and 20th of June, his whole army was assembled at Cumberland Head, at which place it embarked and proceeded up the Lake without opposition. June 21st, Burgoyne landed his army on the west side of the Lake at the mouth of the river Boquet, in the present township of Willsborough,

*See Lord Germain's Letter to Gen. Carleton, dated March 26, 1777, in Burgoyne's State of the Expedition, p. 7. Appendix.

On the 30th of June, the enemy advanced towards Ticonderoga upon both sides of the lake, and encamped for the night about four miles from the American lines. The next day their whole army and fleet proceeded forward and took their position just without the reach of the American cannon; the fleet anchoring in a line between the divisions on the east and west shore of the lake. On the 2d of July a party of 500 of the enemy under Capt. Fraser attacked a picket of 60 men, within 200 yards of the American batteries, and, forcing them to retire, advanced within 60 yards of the works, scattering themselves along the whole front of the American lines; the right wing of the British army moved up from their position on the lake at the same time, and took possession of Mount Hope.

St. Clair, supposing that an assault was intended, ordered his men to conceal themselves behind the parapets and reserve their fire. Fraser's party, probably deceived as to the real position of the American works, which were in a measure concealed by bushes, continued to advance till an American soldier discharged his musket, which seemed to be understood as a signal, and the whole line arose and fired a volley;-the artillery

For this Speech and the Reply, see Williams' History, Vol. II. p. 437.


following the example without orders. This fire was made at random, and the effect of it was to produce so much smoke that the enemy could not be seen till they were beyond the reach of the American guns; and consequently every individual except one escaped.

On the 4th of July, Gen. Burgoyne issued a proclamation designed to spread terror among the Americans, and persuade them to come and humble themselves before him, and through him, supplicate the mercy of their offended king. The number and ferocity of the Indians, their eagerness to be let loose upon the defenceless settlements, the greatness of the British power, and the utter inability of the rebellious colonies to resist it, were all set forth in bold relief. His gracious protection was promised to all those who should join his standard, or remain quietly at their homes; but utter destruction was denounced upon all such as should dare to oppose him. This proclamation was couched in terms the most pompous and bombastic; but upon the Americans it produced no other emotions than those of derision and contempt. Its threatenings and its promises were alike disregarded-none were terrified by the former, and none were won by the latter."

Although every possible exertion had been made by St. Clair and his men, the state of the American works and of the garrison was not such as to insure a long and vigorous defence. The old French fort had been strengthened by some additional works, several block houses had been erected, and some new batteries had been constructed on the side towards lake George. The Americans had also fortified a high circular hill on the east side of the lake opposite to Ticonderoga, to which they had given the name of Mount Independence. These two posts were connected by a floating bridge twelve feet wide and one thousand feet long, which was supported by twenty two sunken piers of large timber. This bridge was to have been defended by a boom strongly fastened together by bolts and chains; but this boom was not completed when Burgoyne advanced against

the works.

[blocks in formation]


to the American officers, and they had a consultation for the express purpose of considering the propriety of fortifying this mountain; but it was declined, because they believed the British would not think it practicable to plant cannon upon it, and because their works were already so extensive, that they could not be properly manned, the whole garrison consisting of only 2,546 continental troops, and 900 militia; the latter very badly armed and equipped.

St. Clair was sensible that he could not sustain a regular siege; still he hoped that the confidence of Burgoyne would induce him to attempt to carry the Amercan works by assault, against which he was resolved to defend himself to the last extremity. But to the surprise and consternation of the Americans, on the 5th of July, the enemy appeared upon Mount Defiance, and immediately commenced the construction of a battery. This battery, when completed, would effectually command all the American works on both sides of the lake, and the line of communication between them; and, as there was no prospect of being able to dislodge the enemy from this post, a council of war was called, by which it was unanimously agreed that a retreat should be attempted that very night, as the only means of saving the army.

Accordingly, about two o'clock in the morning of the 6th of July, Gen. St. Clair, with the garrison, left Ticonderoga, and at about three o'clock the troops on Mount Independence were put in motion. The baggage, provisions and stores were, as far as practicable, embarked on board 200 batteaux, and despatched, under convoy of five armed gallies, to Skenesborough, while the main body of the army proceeded by land on the route through Hubbardton and Castleton. These affairs were conducted with secrecy and silence, and unobserved by the enemy, till a French officer, imprudently and contrary to orders, set fire to his house. The flames immediately illuminated the whole of Mount Independence, and revealed to the enemy at once the movements and designs of the Americans. It at the same time impressed the Americans with such an idea of discovery and danger, as to throw them into the utmost disorder and confusion.

About four o'clock, the rear guard of the Americans left Mount Independence, and were brought off by Col. Francis in good order; and the regiments which had preceded him, were soon recovered from their confusion. When the troops arrived at Hubbardton, they were halted


for nearly two hours. Here the rear guard was put under the command of Col. Seth Warner, with orders to follow the army, as soon as those, who had been left behind, came up, and to halt about a mile and a half in the rear of the main body. St. Clair then proceeded to Castleton, about six miles further, leaving Warner, with the rear guard and stragglers, at Hubbardton.


Gen. Riedesel arrived, which was immediately led into action, and the fortune of the day was soon decided. The Americans, overpowered by numbers, and exhausted by fatigue, fled from the field in every direction.

The loss of the Americans in this encounter was very considerable. Hale was overtaken by a party of the British, and surrendered himself and a number of his men, prisoners of war. The whole American loss in killed, wounded and prisoners, was 324, of whom about 30 were killed. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded, was 183.*

The retreat of the Americans from Ticonderoga was no sooner perceived by the British than an eager pursuit was begun by Gen. Fraser with the light troops, who was soon followed by Gen. Riedesel with the greater part of the Brunswick Gen. St. Clair, with the main body of regiments. Fraser continued the pursuit the American army, was at Castleton, during the day, and having learned that only six miles distant, during this enthe rear of the American army was not gagement, but sent no assistance to Warfar off, ordered his men to lie that night ner. After the battle, Warner, with his upon their arms. Early on the morning usual perseverance and intrepidity, colof the 7th, he renewed the pursuit, and lected his scattered troops and conducted about 7 o'clock, commenced an attack them safely to Fort Edward, to which upon the Americans under Warner. Warner's force consisted of his own regdon, Williams and others. Ethan Allen in his *This number is given on the authority of Gorment, and the regiments of Cols. Francis Narrative, page 140, Walpole edition, says that, and Hale. Hale, fearful of the result, by the confession of their own officers to him while retired with his regiment, leaving War-a prisoner, the British lost 300 killed, and comner and Francis, with only seven or eight hundred men, to dispute the progress of the enemy.

The conflict was fierce and bloody. Francis fell at the head of his regiment, fighting with great resolution and bravery. Warner, well supported by his officers and men, charged the enemy with such impetuosity that they were thrown into disorder, and at first gave way. They, however, soon recovered, formed anew, and advanced upon the Americans, who, in their turn, fell back. At this critical moment, a re-enforcement under

*This statement is made upon the authority of Dr. Williams' History of Vt. volume 2, page 106, and of Ethan Allen's Narrative, page 139, Walpole edition, and may seem to imply a want of courage in that young officer. Reports were circulated unfavorable to the reputation of Col. Hale, immediately after his surrender, but whether they were well founded, or originated, as many have supposed, in the envy of some of his inferior officers, who wished him cashiered to make room for their own promotion, it is difficult now to decide. When Col. Hale heard these reports, ho addressed a letter to General Washington, requesting that he might be exchanged and have an opportunity to vindicate his character before a court martial, but before this

The Earl Balcarras acknowledges the loss of 150 plained that the Green Mountain Boys took sight. killed and wounded in Fraser's division. See State of the Expedition, page 27.

Ground is copied on a much smaller scale from the The following plan of the Hubbardton Battle one drawn by P. Gerlach, Deputy Quarter Master General in the British army and published in Burgoyne's State of the Expedition.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

could be effected he died, while a prisoner upon the parallel lines, unconnected at the end, the The parallelograms denote the Americans

Long Island, in September, 1780, aged 37 years.

As Col. Hale and many of his men are known to enemy-A, the point on the road from Ticondehave been in a feeble state of health and conse-roga to Castleton where Fraser's division formed quently unfit for military service, and as the his-and attacked the Americans at B-0, the position torians generally of that period attach no blame to his conduct, and especially, as his character is said to have been irreproachable in other respects, we should certainly be doing wrong in allowing an imputation so injurious to his reputation and so mortifying to his highly respectable descendants in this state, to rest upon his name without more conclusive proof of its having been deserved.

of the Americans, when Riedesel with the re-enforcement took the position E, who thereupon fell back to D, and the enemy advanced to C, where the battle was continued till the Americans fled across the brook into the woods--F, the position of the enemy after the action.

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