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Books of

account and transfer to be



Act may be

9. And be it enacted, That regular books of account shall be kept in the office of the said company, in the city of Trenton or the borough of South Trenton, to which books any stockholder may have free access at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspection; and that books of transfer of stock shall also be kept, and shall be evidence of the ownership of said stock, in all elections and other matters submitted to the decision of the stockholders of the said corporation.

10. And be it enacted, That the corporation hereby created shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the general restrictions and liabilities, set forth in "An act concerning corporations," approved on the fourteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and forty-six, so far as the same are applicable.

11. And be it enacted, That the legislature may at any time repealed. hereafter modify, alter, or repeal this act.

Approved February 16, 1847.



lay out road

AN ACT to authorize the making of a road or causeway in Eliza
bethtown Great meadows, leading from the Great island to
Oyster creek.


1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of sioners to the State of New Jersey, That Jonathan Townley, Joseph Cross, Jonn B. Meeker, Abraham A. Mulford, and James C. Baker be, and are hereby appointed commissioners, with full power to locate, lay out, and make, or cause to be made, from the east end of the Great island to Oyster creek, at the bend thereof, in the Elizabethtown Great meadows, in the county of Essex, a road or causeway, with such ditches and bridges as they may deem necessary.


assess ex

pense of road on owners of land.

2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, and a masioners to jority of them, shall have full power to assess and collect from the owners of the meadows adjacent to the said causeway, in proportion as they may be benefited by the said road or causeway, ditches, and bridges, such amount as will be sufficient to pay the expenses of making such road or causeway, ditches, and bridges, together with a reasonable compensation to the said commissioners for their services; and the owner and owners of meadow adjacent to said road or causeway and bridges, or who may use the same, are hereby enjoined and required to

give to the said commissioners a true and correct statement of the number of acres of meadow by them owned, respectively, under the same penalty as in case of a tax to be levied; and it shall be the duty of said commissioners, after apportioning to each owner of meadow, respectively, the amount of their assessment, to give them notice thereof; and the said commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to collect said assessments, and enforce the payment thereof, when refused, in the manner hereafter prescribed.

of refusal to

3. And be it enacted, That in case any owner or owners of Proceedsaid meadow shall neglect or refuse payment of the assess- ings in case ments levied upon the meadow by them respectively owned, pay assessfor the space of thirty days after they shall have been notified ment. of the amount, the said commissioners are hereby authorized and required to cite such owner or owners, so neglecting or refusing to pay, before any justice of the peace of the county of Essex (not interested in the said road or causeway, bridges, ditches, or meadow); and the said justice of the peace is hereby authorized and required to judge of the amount of assessment so assessed, and shall have discretionary power to rate the same lower; and for so much as he shall rate the same at, he shall forthwith issue execution, to be levied upon the goods and chattels of the delinquents, with costs of suit.

sioners to


4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall Commiskeep just and true accounts of the moneys by them received keep acand expended in pursuance of this act, which accounts shall count of be open to the inspection of all the persons interested; and the moneys efsaid commissioners shall be accountable to the persons assessed for any balance remaining in their hands, and shall cause the same to be laid out from time to time, if wanted, in repairs upon the said road, bridges, and ditches; and if the said commissioners should at any time neglect or refuse to exhibit their accounts to any of the persons who have been assessed, any three or more of the persons so assessed may apply to a justice of the peace of the said county, not interested as aforesaid, stating their complaint; and it is hereby made the duty of the said justice of the peace to summon said commissioners before him, with their accounts properly authenticated, and to decide on all matters in dispute between said parties, on the principles of equity and justice.

5. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a Commismajority of them, shall have as full and ample power to keep the sioners authorized to said road, bridges, and ditches in repair, as they have by this keep road act to make the same.

in order.

6. And be it enacted, That upon the death of either of the Vacancies, above named commissioners, the survivors or survivor of them how filled.


shall have full power to receive, and, if necessary, to sue for any moneys that may have been in the hands of the deceased commissioner at the time of his death, on account of the above trust, and for the use and purposes of the same; and, also, it shall be the duty of the said survivors or survivor, whenever any vacancy or vacancies shall have occurred, by advertisement three weeks in any newspaper having a general circulation in the townships of Union and Elizabeth, to require a meeting of those interested in said road or causeway, at a time and place in the township of Elizabeth, mentioned in the said advertisement, to choose, by a majority of votes of those interested who may attend, a commissioner or commissioners to fill the vacancy or vacancies which may have occurred; and the commissioner so chosen shall have the same powers, and be subject to the same regulations, as the commissioners named in this act have and are subject to.

Approved February 16, 1847.

$50 per an

paid to H.


AN ACT for the relief of Hannah Miller, of the county of Essex.

BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of num to be the State of New Jersey, That the treasurer of this state is hereby authorized and directed to pay to Hannah Miller, widow of Eleazer Miller, a soldier of the Revolutionary war, or her order, fifty dollars per annum, during her natural life, in semiannual payments of twenty-five dollars each, the first payment to be made on the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-seven.

Approved February 18, 1847.


AN ACT to set off from the townships of Shrewsbury, Freehold, and Middletown, in the county of Monmouth, a new township, to be called the township of Atlantic.

1. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the of township. State of New Jersey, That all that part of the townships of

Shrewsbury, Freehold, and Middletown, in the county of Monmouth, lying within the following boundaries, that is to say: beginning at the southwest corner of the township of Shrewsbury, where the Freehold, Shrewsbury, and Howell township lines meet; thence running northerly, until it comes to the mouth of the road that leads through Jacob Conover's farm; thence northerly, following the middle of said road, until it comes to the road near Hulse's house, which road leads to John J. Ely's mills; thence easterly, following the middle of said road, until it strikes Middle Hop brook; thence easterly, down said brook, its various courses, until it comes to Swimming river bridge; thence southerly, along the middle of the main road leading to Tinton Falls, until it comes to Haggerty's corner; thence southerly, until it strikes the Tinton Falls millpond brook; thence up the said brook, its various courses, until it comes to Pine brook; thence up the said Pine brook, until it strikes the Howell township line; thence westerly, along the line dividing the townships of Howell and Shrewsbury, to the Freehold line, the place of beginning, is hereby set off from the said townships of Shrewsbury, Freehold, and Middletown, and erected into a separate township, to be called and known by the name of "the township of Atlantic."


2. And be it enacted, That the inhabitants of the said Inhabitants township of Atlantic are hereby constituted a body politic and incorporatcorporate in law, and shall be styled and known by the name of the inhabitants of the township of Atlantic, in the county of Monmouth;" shall be vested with, and entitled to all the rights, powers, authority, privileges, and advantages, and subject to the same regulations, government, and liabilities, as the inhabitants of the other townships in the said county of Monmouth.

3. And be it enacted, That the inhabitants of the township First town of Atlantic shall hold their first annual town meeting at the meeting. public house now kept by Samuel Laird, in the village of Colt's Neck, on the day appointed by law for holding the annual town meetings in the other townships of the county of Monmouth, and afterwards at such places in the township of Atlantic as the said inhabitants shall determine, in the manner prescribed by law.

4. And be it enacted, That all paupers who may be charge- Settlement able to the said townships of Shrewsbury, Freehold, and Mid- of paupers. dletown, at the time when this act shall go into operation, shall hereafter be chargeable to and supported by that township within the bounds of which they have acquired their settlements, respectively, or in which the said paupers may have resided at the time of acquiring their respective settlements;



and all persons whose present settlements are in the said townships of Shrewsbury, Freehold, and Middletown, and whe shall hereafter become chargeable as paupers, shall be supported by that one of the said townships of Atlantic, Shrewsbury, Freehold, and Middletown, within the bounds of which they respectively resided at the time of acquiring their settle


Property of 5. And be it enacted, That all the real and personal prohow divid. perty now belonging to the said township of Shrewsbury, shall hereafter belong to the said townships of Atlantic and Shrewsbury, in proportion to the taxable property and ratables, as valued and assessed by the assessor within the respective limits of the said township at the last assessment, and shall be owned and held by them in common; all the real and personal property now belonging to the township of Freehold, shall hereafter belong to the townships of Atlantic and Freehold, in the same proportion and manner as above mentioned and described; and all the real and personal property now belonging to the township of Middletown, shall hereafter belong to the townships of Atlantic and Middletown, in the same proportion and manner as above mentioned and described.

Town com

allot and


6. And be it enacted, That the township committees of Atlanmittees to tic, Shrewsbury, Freehold, and Middletown shall meet on the divide pro- second Tuesday of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Samuel Laird, in the village of Colt's Neck, in the said township of Atlantic, and shall then and there proceed by writing, to be signed by a majority of those present, to allot and divide between the said townships all the property and money on hand, due, or to become due, in proportion to the taxable property and ratables, as valued and assessed by the assessors within the respective limits of the said townships at the last assessment; and shall also ascertain and determine which of the paupers now supported by the townships of Shrewsbury, Freehold, and Middletown shall have their residence in that part of said township hereby set off as the township of Atlantic, and may adjourn the said meeting from time to time, and to such time and place as a majority of those present may think proper; and the township of Atlantic shall be liable to pay her just proportion of the debts, if any there be, and to support and maintain the paupers so allotted to the said township of Atlantic; and if any of the members of the said township committees shall neglect or refuse to meet as aforesaid, those present may proceed to make such division, and their decision, or a decision of a majority of them, shall be final and conclusive.

7. And be it enacted, That the township committee of the

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