Gambar halaman

sary, and require such security, annex such duties and fees to the officers, and impose such fines for neglect of duty, or misconduct therein, as to them shall appear right and proper.

Treasurer to

Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer shall make an annual statement of all moneys raised or re- make annual ceived by tax, or otherwise, and of the expenditures of the statement. same, and shall publish the same, at least, one week before the annual election, in such manner as the City Council shall direct.

Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That the City shall be entitled School fund. to the same share of the School Fund as is now, or hereafter may be appropriated to the township, and the moneys received therefrom, shall be disposed of and applied to the support of common schools, or schooling poor children, as the common council shall direct.

mation of

Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That every constable of the city shall take and subscribe before the clerk, an oath or affirmation, in the form prescribed by law for constables of Oath or affirtownships, using the word "City" for "Township," and shall Constables. execute to "the inhabitants of the city of Perth Amboy," a bond with one or more sureties, to be approved by the common council, in the form, as nearly as may be, as set forth in the fifty-eighth section of the act for the trial of small causes, which oath or affirmation and bond shall be filed with the clerk, and all suits on such bond shall be conducted in like manner, and within the time prescribed by law for prosecuting suits on constable's bonds.

Duties and

Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That all the duties and liabilities heretofore imposed on the inhabitants of the several townships of this state, not inconsistent with this act, shall be sustained and performed by the inhabitants of the city of privileges of Perth Amboy, and all the rights and privileges heretofore corporation. conferred on the inhabitants of the several townships, so far as they are in conformity herewith, shall be held and possessed by the inhabitants of said city, in like manner as they were sustained and performed, and held, and possessed, by the inhabitants of the township of Perth Amboy, had this act not been passed.

Sec. 19.And be it enacted, That the Mayor, Recorder and Mayor, Re Aldermen, or any one of them, shall not hereafter be deemed corder and or taken to be a justice of the peace for any purpose whatev- Aldermen not er, but the Council and Assembly in joint meeting shall ap- Justices of point a justice of the peace, within the said city, who shall the Peace. be commissioned by the Governor as justices of the peace are now appointed and commissioned, and shall continue in office for the term of five years, and shall in all respects be

Act to be

deemed a public act.

Former act repealed.

considered a justice of the peace within the meaning of the act for the trial of small causes.

Sec. 20. And be it enacted, That this act shall go into effect on the second Monday of April next, and shall be considered a public act; but the joint meeting may at any time before that period, appoint the justice of the peace, as herein provided, who shall enter on the duties of his office on the second Monday of April next.

Sec. 21. And be it enacted, That the act incorporating the city of Perth Amboy, passed 21st December, 1784, except the ninth section thereot, and all other acts and parts of acts not consistent herewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed, from and after the second Monday of April next.

Passed February 27, 1844.




Writ of ha


A supplement to the act entitled, "An act for preventing the injury of illegal confinement and better securing the liberty of the people," passed the eleventh of March seventeen hundred and ninety-five.

Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority corpus of the may be apsame, That any person who may be arrested or implied for in prisoned, by virtue of any civil process issued out of any certain cases. court of law or equity in this state, in any action of debt or other action founded upon contract express or implied, shall be entitled to apply for the writ of habeas corpus, and shall have all the rights and privileges granted to persons confined in prison by the act entitled "An act for preventing the injury of illegal confinement and better securing the liberty of the people "passed the eleventh of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, any thing in the eighth section of said act notwithstanding.

Passed February 27, 1844..

A supplement to the act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Passaic Steamboat Company."

WHEREAS, the commissioners named in the act to which this is a supplement, opened books of subscripcion at the times. and places appointed therein, and received subscriptions to the capital stock of said company;-and whereas, the said subscribers or stockholders afterwards elected the following persons as directors of said company, that is to say, William Dow, John C. Lloyd, N. N. Jeroloman, Richard Morrell, Jonn A. Post, Daniel Holsman, (now deceased) Abra-ham Godwin, Russell Stebbins, and Jacob M. Ryerson;-and whereas, owing to various embarrassments, a large proportion of the stock subscribed for has not been paid up, and the company has been unable to commence operations under the charter; and the said directors having besought the legislature to extend their aid in the premises and authorize them to commence business with a capital of twenty-five thousand dollars, and in other respects to amend the said charter; now, therefore,


Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Council and General As‐ sembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the au- Names of corthority of the same, That the above mentioned William Dow, porators. John C. Lloyd, N. N. Jeroloman, Richard Morrell, John A. Post, Abraham Godwin, Russell Stebbins, and Jacob M. Ryerson, or a majority of them, be authorized to receive subscriptions for the capital stock of said company; and that a book to receive the same shall be opened at such time and place as the said directors, or a majority of them, shall appoint, they first giving ten days' notice of the time, place and purpose of opening said book, in the newspapers published in Paterson, and if a less number than one thousand shares of said capital stock should be subscribed on said day, the said directors, or a majority of them, may upon like notice, open the subscription book at such other time and place as they, or a majority of them, may deem proper; and that the said company shall be at liberty to commence operations as soon as the sum of twenty-five thusand dollars shall be subscribed and paid in.

Books of sub

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said directors shall, within two weeks after receiving said subscription, call a scription to general meeting of the stockholders, upon ten days' notice pub- be opened.

Time and

lished in the newspapers aforesaid, who shall then and there elect seven directors of said company, who shall have the mode of an. management of the concerns of the same, and remain in office nual election until the first Tuesday of January then next, at and after of directors. which time the like number of seven directors of said company shall be annually elected by the stockholders of said company; and in case of any failure or omission to elect on that day, the said charter shall not be forfeited, but the election shall be held on some other day to be afterwards appointed.


Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the above named Duties of di- directors, or a majority of them shall, on the election of a new board of directors, as is above provided, pay the amount of the subscription money by them received, to such new board of directors, or to their treasurer, and hand over to them or their President, the subscription book and any other books, papers and memorandums relating to the business of the said company.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in addition to the Part of capital objects specified in the fifth section of the act to which this stock to be is a supplement, the said company are hereby authorized to employed in employ a part of their capital stock in extending the navigaimproving tion of the Passaic river, in clearing out rocks, reefs or other Passaic river, obstructions in said river, and in otherwise improving the navigation thereof.

navigation of

Part of for. mer act re


Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That such parts of the original act as are contrary to the provisions of this supplement, be and the same are hereby repealed..

Passed February 26, 1844.

AN ACT to divorce Jeremiah Arose, of the county of
Middlesex, from his wife, Lydia Arose.

Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Council and General Assembly of this state, and it is hereby enacted by the au thority of the same, That the marriage contract heretofore existing between Jeremiah Arose, of the county of Middle sex, and Lydia, his wife, be, and the same is hereby dissolved, as fully to all intents and purposes, as if they had never been joined together in matrimony.

Passed, February 27, 1844.

A supplement to the act to incorporate the owners of certain fisheries in the Upper, Dennis, Middle, and Lower township, in the county of Cape May, passed February twentysix, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine..


Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the several inhabitants of the Upper township and township of Dennis, in the county of Cape May, and their heirs and assigns, who now are or may hereafter become Style of Inowners of the said fisheries, and rights of fishing and fowling, and privileges so granted and conveyed as aforesaid by the said Jacob Spicer, be, and they are hereby incorporated by the name of the "General Association of the Upper Precinct (now Upper township,) in the county of Cape May," and by the same name are hereby declared and constituted a body Limitation. politic and corporate, in law for and during the term of twenty years, and from thence to the end of the next session of the legislature, and no longer, and as such shall and may have succession, and be able and capable in law to sue and be sued, Powers. implead and be impleaded in all courts and places whatsoever, and may have and use a common seal, and the same alter, change, and renew at their pleasure, and shall and may hereafter during the term aforesaid, have and enjoy all the rights, powers and privileges incident to a body politic and corporate, for the use, enjoyment, management and preservation of their common property, and for no other interest or purpose whatever.

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the first and second sec- Part of fortion of the act to which this is a supplement, and all other mer aet parts of the said act as are inconsistent with and contrary to repealed. this supplement, be, and the same are hereby repealed.

Passed February 27, 1844.

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