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State of New York." On the reverse a rock in the ocean; legend, Frustra.'"


Copy of original records as found in Town Clerk's Office of Pompey, 1794.

At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Pompey, in the county of Onondaga, as lately ordained by a law of New York, passed the 5th of March, 1794.

That the first town meeting be held at the House of Ebenezer Butler, Jun., Esq., in said town. April 1st, 1794, was chosen by a plurality of voices :

Moses DeWitt, Supervisor.

Hezekiah Olcott, Clerk.

Ozias Burr, Allen Beach, William Haskin, George Catlin, Ebenezer Butler, Jun., Assessors.

Thomas Olcott, Jeremiah Gould, John Lamb, Commissioners of Highways.

John Lamb, William Haskin, Overseers of the Poor.

John Wilcox, Samuel Draper, Joseph H. Smith, Constables. Voted that the Constables shall be Collectors.

Joseph Atwell, Daniel Allen, Peter Messenger, Joseph Bartholomew, Samuel Sherman, William Rin, John Wilcox, Samuel Jerome, Trueworthy Cook, Overseers of Highways.

Timothy Sweet, Elisha Clark, Fence Viewers.

Elisha Clark, Pound Keeper.

Various by-laws were made, and among them one that there shall be a bounty of three pounds for every wolf killed within the bounds of this town. It was also

Voted, that the ensuing election be held at three different places, viz: At Moses DeWitt's on the fourth Tuesday in April.

At Ebenezer Butler Jun's., the Wednesday following.

At Daniel Allen's the Thursday following.

At an adjourned meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Pompey, legally assembled at the House of Ebenezer Butler, Jun., Esq., on the 20th September, 1794.

William Haskin was chosen Supervisor, in the room of Moses DeWitt, deceased.

Voted, that the sum of twelve pounds be raised for the purpose of purchasing books and paper, and other expenses of the town.


At the annual Town Meeting held at the House of Ebenezer Butler, Jun., Esq., in the town of Pompey and county of Onondaga, 7th April, 1795.

Voted that the mode of choosing Supervisor and Clerk be to speak and mark against his name, and the remainder of Town Officers by nomination.

The following persons were unanimously chosen to their respective offices:

Ebenezer Butler, Jun., Supervisor.

Hezekiah Olcott, Clerk.

Thomas Gastin, George Catlin, Jeremiah Gould, John Wilcox, Josiah Holbrook, Assessors.

William Haskin, Samuel Messenger, Jun., Hezekiah Olcott, Commissioners of Highways.

Josiah Holbrook, William Haskin, Overseers of the Poor. Daniel Allen, Ezra Hart, Jabez Hall, Constables.

Daniel Allen, Ezra Hart, Collectors.

James Olcott, Enos Peck, Adonijah Cowles, Williama Pease, Bariah Holbrook, Ebenezer Carr, Timothy Coleman, Hoar, John Jerome, Salmon Butler, John Vaughan,

Daniel Messenger, Timothy Sweet, Asa Barns, David Green Isaac Carpenter, Selah Cook, Overseers of Highways.

William Clark, Ozias Burr, Fence Viewers.

George Catlin, Pound Keeper.

Voted that a bounty of five dollars be given for the scalp of every full grown wolf killed within the limits of the town. Voted that the next annual town meeting be held at this place.


At the aunual town meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of the town of Pompey, legally assembled at the house of Ebenezer Butler, Jun., Esq., on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, 1796.

The following persons were chosen to their respective of fices:

Ebenezer Butler, Jr., Supervisor.

Hezekiah Olcott, Clerk.

Jeremiah Gould, Timothy Coleman, William Cook, Henry Clark, Timothy Jerome, Assessors.

Hezekiah Olcott, Samuel Hyatt, Josiah Moore, Commisers of Highways.

John Lamb, David Williams, Overseers of the Poor.
Daniel Allen, Chancy Jerome, Constables.

Daniel Allen, Collector.

David Tripp, Samuel Chaffee, Samuel Messenger, Samuel Sherwood, Joshua Owen, David Porter, Henry Clark, David Williams, Hezekiah Wilcox, David Hibbard, John Bowers, Jacobus Depuy, Louden Priest, John Jerome, Joseph Tubbs, William Haskin, Joseph Smith, Henry White, Abel Olcott, Ichabod Lathrop, Overseers of Highways.

David Green, James Griffes, Fence Viewers.

Jeremiah Catlin, Pound Keeper.

Jeremiah Gould, David Williams, Ozias Burr, Thomas Olcott, Timothy Jerome, Commissioners of Schools.

Voted, that the next annual town meeting be at this place.


At this meeting held April fourth, 1797, John Lamb, was chosen Supervisor, Walter Colton, Clerk, Five Assessors were chosen, Three Commissioners of Highways, Two Overseers of the Poor, Three Constables, Barriah Holbrook, Collector, Twenty-eight Overseers of Highways, Four Fence Viewers, George Catlin, Pound Keeper, and Five Commissioners of Schools.

It was also "Voted, that it is the wish of the town to have the township of Fabius and Tully incorporated into a town by the name of Fabius."

"Fifty dollars were also voted, to defray the expenses of

the town."

School Commissioners were voted six shillings per day, for services.

At a meeting held December 25, 1794, it was again "voted. that it is the wish of the town to have the townships of Fabius and Tully incorporated into a town by the name of Fabius, and that the first town meeting be held at the house of Joseph Tubbs.

Voted, that the Town Clerk be directed to forward the proceedings of this meeting to the Legislature, at their next meeting.

W. COLTON, Clerk.

At the next town meeting held at the house of Ebenezer Butler, Jr., April 3, 1798, the following votes were passed: Voted, that the mode of voting for Supervisor and Town Clerk be viva voce.

Voted, That John Lamb be Supervisor.

Voted, That first vote be reconsidered, and that the Town Clerk be chosen by uplifted hands.

Voted, That Walter Colton be Town Clerk.

Voted, That there be five Assessors.

Voted, That the last vote be reconsidered, and there be but four Assessors.

Three Commissioners of Highways were chosen, also three Constables, Jacobus DePuy, Collector, five Commissioners of Schools, two Overseers of the Poor, twenty-eight Overseers of Highways, three Fence Viewers, Jesse Butler, Pound Keeper: Deodatus Clark, Timothy Sweet, Levi Jerome, Commissioners of the Public Lots.

A bounty of five dollars was voted on wolves killed within the town. .

This last vote was reconsidered.

Voted, That the next Town Meeting he at the house of Manoah Pratt.

At a Special Town Meeting held at the house of Manoah Pratt, on Thursday, the 29th day of Nov., 1798, agreeable to previous notice.

Voted, That Levi Jerome be Town Clerk.

After taking into consideration the Public Lot 67, designated for Gospel and Schools.

Voted, That the same be leased.

Voted, That the Commissioners of said land, lease the same discretionary.

Voted, to petition the Legislature for division of the County.

Voted, That one tier of lots be taken off the county of Onondaga and annexed to county of Chenango, to-wit: Cicero, Manlius, Pompey, Fabius, Solon and Cincinnatus.

Voted, That a committee be chosen to petition the Legislature for division of said county.

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